
Chapter 86: Volume 13 - CH 4

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An alien who did an emergency landing on Earth around 1 million years ago and woke up around 500,000 years ago.

Three months have passed since the battle with Serivia Notre Dame Paulo III, the Pope of Puritaria——the self-proclaimed God that developed and watched over the earthling to whom she gave wisdom and mysterious powers.

Serivia is the main perpetrator of the terrorism that occurred at Lunaltia Base that became known all over the world immediately after such incident.

Her backbone and objectives too.

It wasn’t easy to believe, but the complete truth was getting reinforced by the portraits that remained of the past Popes and the DNA appraisal of her hair and fingerprints that were saved.

Naturally the Holy Church is in chaos.

The representative papal seat became vacant and on top of that as the anti-social organization that caused terrorism and deceived the UN, it’s getting the cold view from all over the world.

In addition, the God they believed in was revealed that it was nothing but a made-up story of the Pope.

Some believers didn’t admit what Serivia recited, saying that people told lies and were taken over by the devil as if everything was some sort of plot, and even though there’s a minority of people that continue their faith in God, most of the believers quitted the church.

Among them, there are those who built a new organization where the God of the home-planet of Serivia who created the Holy Church based on a made-up story is the true God, besides those who followed her——some of them changed to another religious group but most seemed to have felt doubt about towards the existence of someone called God.

The religion——.

It’s said that most of those ended up abandoning faith in God.

That’s not limited to the believers of the Holy Church only.

Just as the Holy Church turned into pieces and dissolved, the withdrawers from every single religious group around the world appeared one after another, they were losing their power.

Charlotte Dimandius, the main technologist of Little Garden who was questioned by a TV station of Liberia as to what she thinks about this kind of social situation, answered like this, borrowing a part of the words of the late scientist LInis Harvey.

「Is this the beginning of a Godless world by the earthlings who triumphed on the fight with God?」

The beginning of a Godless world——.

While it may be true that, that doesn’t mean something particularly has changed a lot, if there’s any change.

For the past three months, nothing big has happened to the human beings and certainly to the fight with the Savages.

It has been a relatively peaceful time.

The time of reconstruction continued since the large-scale Savage attack in history.

That also goes for the moon.

Immediately after the incident, what was done first was the election of a new president.

An incident not related to the terrorist incident that Serivia caused.

It’s because Judal Harvey who became the founder president of Lunaltia Base Cooperative System and accelerated the Lunaltia Base Construction Plan with Serivia ended up being murdered by a woman, Elena Skalnicore, an ex-Slayer that belonged to the Federation of Rasiya——she feigned memory loss and came to the ceremony venue of mankind’s moon advancement by buttering up as a high official of Rasiya.

In the event that the president has died, it is written in the company statutes of Lunaltia Base Cooperative System that the role will be assigned to the vice president and that the new president will be elected in the parliament within a month.

However, because the vice president was Serivia, it ended up being a trouble.

Therefore, and as a special case, the parliament was held at once and the representative president was elected.

As a result, the one who was nominated was Claire Harvey, the sister of the former president Judal Harvey.

Naturally there were voices opposing her taking of the presidency as she’s a relative of Judal and also a representative of the same group company, so there’s no doubt she had to bear with a part of that, but what they couldn’t say is that she’s an accomplice, an accomplice who caused a major incident by joining hands with the traitor Serivia to forcibly advance the construction of Lunaltia Base.

Additionally, Claire has to reorganize not only Little Garden, but also Warslan Company that lost its president and company president one after another.

Even though the Harvey family has adopted Chris, Claire is the only blood relative of Bill Harvey, the founder.


There’s a child in the belly of Neveah who was the lover and bodyguard of Judal, but of course he can’t fulfill his obligation as a successor.

In other words, with the exception of Claire at this time, no one can be entrusted as the company president of Warslan.

The representative of Little Garden and the representative of Warslan——.

Just by being at the top position of two organizations is a big deal.

And it’s have been decided that she’s also the president of Lunaltia Base Cooperative System, then no matter how one looks at it, it’s impossible.

But it’s certain that the Slayers of Little Garden that Claire commands where the central figures that prevented the ambition of Serivia and also that for the reconstruction of Lunaltia Base, the capability of Charlotte Dimandius, the main technologist of Little Garden, and the strength of the Slayers of Little Garden were indispensable.

So, the final discussion of the parliament was that it’s best to flag Claire as the symbol of that.

Claire who heard that discussion tried to refuse immediately.

On top of having too much things to do for herself, she fought with Serivia then ended up standing in the way of the ones she loves.

Furthermore, she has been feeling sad all this time since Hayato and Liza were swallowed inside the space-time gate and their figures disappeared with that.

Although Erika and Chris supported her and with that they managed somehow, she thought that it would be difficult to do it because if the work increases more than what it is now then that would put more than just a burden to the two of them.

It was Chris who’s a supporter that persuaded Claire to appeal so.

– … I understand very well what Claire-sama wants to say. However, there is no one else who can do it other than Claire-sama.

– But…

– I’m sure that Liza-sama and Hayato-sama are thinking that they want to be like Claire-sama who works dignifiedly like always.

– ——!!

Getting the words of Chris, Claire was taken aback.

– … you are right desuwane. Certainly, I can’t be in low spirits forever masenwa.

Kisaragi Hayato said that he will definitely come back.

She wants to be proud of herself at that time.

For that reason, she’s doing what she ought to do to reconstruct Lunaltia Base and maintain Little Garden unchanged for when he returns to those places.

– That’s the spirit, Claire-sama. Erika-sama and I will help you as much as possible.

Thus, Claire accepted the position of the president of Lunaltia Base.

Thereafter, as the president of Lunaltia Base.

As the company president of Warslan.

As the representative of Little Garden.

It has been decided that she’s in charge of three roles at the same time.

Naturally, her workload is enormous.

Because of that, Claire continued encouraging herself to work without sparing time for sleep to the point that her surroundings care for her health because she doesn’t stop.

Both Chris and Erika.

Still, it was impossible to do all the work, they ended up understanding so in less than a week.

Therefore, and until the reconstruction of Lunaltia Base ends, it has been decided that assistance would be given by Charlotte in the management of Little Garden and the businesses of the company president of Warslan.

By the way, after the reconstruction was in sight, Chris returned to the Earth as the vice company president of Warslan——it was decided that he would succeed that role from Charlotte as a future company president candidate.

To succeed the task as the company president of Warslan to Chris Steinbelt.

Judal who knew that the demise of his own life was near by a disease that was beyond help even if he wasn’t murdered by Elena, he left behind that to him as his will.

Although he thought it’s beyond his position, Chris accepted the wish of Judal and decided to agree to it.

He thought of that as repayment to Judal who raised and sheltered him because he would end up losing the place where he belonged with the loss of Est Steinbelt, his older sister and the only blood relative he had.

Eventually it will be handed over to the son of Judal who is in the belly of Neveah to preserve the Warslan of today. It became the objective of the current Chris to make efforts for that sake.

(It’s almost time for the reconstruction of Lunaltia Base to complete the first stage desuwane)

The Holy Church section at the center of Lunaltia Base is now used as the headquarters of Lunaltia Base.

Claire is in the chairman’s office established within it and confirmed the status of Lunaltia Base Reconstruction Plan.

The reconstruction is just about to end.

(It sounds good to have Chris return to the Earth next week if possible desuwa)

When Claire tried to summon him to tell him that.

The clock suddenly came into view.

(Ah, it’s starting already desuwane)

Claire booted up the wall projector with a remote control.

What was reflected there is a satellite program sent from Earth.

Sakura and Karen appear on it; it’s the charity live concert.

At the gigantic hall in Angel City, the biggest city on the west coast of Liberia, a charity live concert to support people who have suffered from the terrorist incident at Lunaltia Base and the Fourth Attack of the Savages that brought with it was being held. Sakura and Carol planned, gathered people and realized it together.

This charity live concert is available all over the world and free through the internet——.

Naturally, Lunaltia Base too——.

And, it’s transmitted by sending radio waves even to the distant space.

That’s also due to the wishes of Sakura and Carol.

It’s from their desires to reach Hayato and Liza who are wandering in the universe.

The live concert that started about an hour and a half ago was already getting closer to the climax.

Sakura and Karen are waiting at the wing of the stage before their turn.

Naturally, they plan to perform a play on the stage using the Hundreds and the Variable Stones. Therefore, they were wearing their Variable Suits.

The one who’s currently singing on the stage now is Charming Angel Carol Caroline, who executed the Operation Live《Trinity》to assist the Slayers——and to attract the Savages to the moon with Sakura and Karen at Lunaltia Base.

Karen muttered while listening to the song of Carol that is heard from the stage.

– The songs of Carol-san are very good.

Those were the words from the bottom of her heart.

It’s reaching the point that it’s resounding in her heart even more than before.

– Yes, that’s true. Did she get a trick by singing with us, I wonder?

– Sakura-san, you’re saying such things again…

Sakura slipped out a smile and added to the troubled Karen.

– In the encore of the live concert of today, we will bring back the Operation Live《Trinity》, so we must make sure to not lose against Carol, okay?

– Yes!

The performance of Carol has ended.

Carol who retired to the wing of the stage in the middle of excited cheering and applause that filled the venue, looked at Karen who applauded as if she was a real spectator and started talking to her with a satisfied look although a bit surprised.

– My songs were great, right?

– Yes, they were very good!

Karen answers, making sure to jump up and down.

Next to her, Sakura said.

– ——but, we won’t lose.

– I’m eager to see that.

After she smiled back at her rival who smiled with a puff, Carol stood in front of the camera and greeted, then the performers went back to the aligned staff all together.

The turn of Sakura and Karen has come.

– All right, Karen-chan. Let’s go!

– Yes!

They started walking to the stage together.

What they are singing from now on is a song that have just started being broadcasted to the world a few days ago.

Two women keep wishing for the man that continues wandering in the space.

It’s a very sad song——.

Two women and one man.

The three of them were close friends since childhood.

the years passed by and became adults

the two women fall in love with the man

however, neither of them has conveyed those feelings yet.

The man is an excellent Slayer.

He was aware of the feelings of the two girls but,

he was having a favorable impression from both of them,

he wasn’t able to choose one.

He was thinking that he wanted to be with them forever.

But it was impossible for the three to be like that.

The man in a year——

It had been decided to be dispatched to the moon.

Before the man goes to the moon,

they decided to tell him their respective feelings.

I love you.

I want you to be my boyfriend——and.

Still, the man couldn’t choose a person.

It is certain that there was vacillation.

But more than that, he liked both girls approximately the same.

It’s just that he didn’t want to break the relationship the three of them have now.

That’s why he tried to keep the relationship as it is.

As a result, the man postponed the answer.

——He will come to an answer before returning from Lunaltia Base.

Meanwhile, he was considering the possibility that something might change.

He thought that his own feelings might become clear by separating from them.

However, three months after being dispatched to Lunaltia Base.

He lost consciousness by protecting an ally during a battle with the Savages.

The man ended up continuously wandering in outer space.

From there 1 month, 2 months have passed, but the man hasn’t been found yet.

Everyone seems to have given up his survival.

Still, the two girls haven’t given up.

Believing that the man is alive somewhere in the universe,

They continue calling for him towards the sky.

Didn’t you want us to be three people forever?

Appear before us, again.

And yet, the promise hasn’t been fulfilled.

Our conclusion isn’t settled.

That’s why, appear in front of us again.

And then, let’s settle it.

They keep calling him.

Putting those feelings on the song——.

Sakura who wrote the song lyrics indicated that they were modeled on fictional man and women and possibly from the near future, but they are just song lyrics.

However, it seems that the man is modeled after Hayato in some respects and the girls are Emilia and Claire——and it seems that the feelings of Sakura and Karen are singing.

With that much the chest of Claire resounds, a hot thing fills her heart.

(This song is)

(Their feelings)

(Our feelings)

(In order to reach Kisaragi Hayato)

Claire wished, folding her arms in front of her chest.

And right after that.

– Claire-sama! This is serious!

Seeing Chris who plunged into the room all of a sudden, Claire was so surprised that blinked incessantly in a big way.

– Chris? What’s wrong mashitano?

– We have confirmed an energy reaction in outer space!

– What!?

Raising a surprised voice, Claire opened her eyes very wide.

– Is it a space-time gate? Or are Savages desuno?

Did the Savages come here in response to the song of Sakura and Karen?

– Or——

That’s really a small hope.

A wish.

– That energy is being analyzed now… ah!

The Tablet PC that Chris was holding in his arm made a sound abruptly.

– Excuse me, Claire-sama.

Taking off his eyes from Claire, the flustered Chris confirms the screen.

– This is…!

– What is it, Chris mashitano?

Closing his face to the Tablet PC, Chris raised a voice of great joy.

– … the precision is of 99,999%. As I thought, there is no doubt that this is the energy reaction of the little sister-sama of Claire-sama——of Liza-sama!

. What did you say!?

That’s right——.

Their songs.

Their prayers.

And our feelings.

Our prayers.

They reached them.

A godless world.

Many people say so about the current world.

But. Claire thinks that there is a God somewhere.

God presents a lot of trials selfishly.

But if you are doing what you ought to do then God will take care of you and will answer your prayers.

Claire express her gratitude while having tears in her eyes.


Thank you very much.

The Academy-City Ship Little Garden continues the anchorage next to the Space Port of the Sunshine State district in the United States of Liberia since before the battle with Serivia.

While the night was already deepening, in the Student Council room of Little Garden, the second- generation Student Council President Liddy Steinberg is sitting on the office desk while doing administrative work.

Sakura and Carol hosted a charity live that was streamed on the monitor installed on the wall a while ago.

However, that also ended.

Her job is getting to a point where she can rest, and although she was about to return home since she has the right to do so, she can’t do that because there is a person who will come to this Student Council room now.

(It’s almost time, huh…)

When she thought so, *knock* *knock*, the door sounded in the room.

Next, the voice of a man is heard.

– It’s Fritz Grantz——second-year student of the Martial Arts Department.

– Come in.

From this point, Liddy promised to talk to him in this place.

It’s an interview proposed by Fritz.

– Excuse me.

Bowing at the entrance, Fritz who wore the uniform of Little Garden Martial Arts Department entered the room. The plaster cast that she saw before wasn’t attached to his right arm anymore.

– Sit there.

– Thank you.

Prompted by Liddy, Fritz sat on the sofa.

Liddy also sits on the sofa in front of him, with a low table between them.

The side who brought up the topic was from Liddy.

– Even though I’ve heard your situation from Latia often, it’s been a long time, don’t you agree?

– Yes, it’s been three months since I came to the academy. I was worried about whether the uniform would fit me or not.

Fritz laughed as if he joked about it.

Three months ago——.

Fritz returned to the Earth from Lunaltia Base together with other Slayers of Little Garden——and then returned to Little Garden where it had been decided that he will be hospitalized immediately.

The condition of his injured arm in the fight with Serivia was quite bad.

After three months of treatment and rehabilitation, he was finally able to leave the hospital yesterday.

– I appreciate your efforts during the long-term hospitalization. I’m really glad that you can come back to the academy in this way.

– I truly appreciate that you are saying so. But the hospitalization became a good opportunity to think and study various things rather than doing efforts. Since the hospital is in the academy ship, everyone came to visit me, so I didn’t have much time.

– I couldn’t go to visit you even once, I’m sorry for that.

– The position of the president is hectic so don’t be concerned about that.

– … so, what is the conversion about at such hour?

– Can I have a moment before that? President Liddy, how much have you heard about my arm?

– About that…

The expression of Liddy who received the question of Fritz slightly turns into a shadow*.

– I heard that there’s a possibility of recovery to the point that it’s not an impediment to your daily life, but——

– It’s difficult to go back to a perfect original state… yes? Even if I go back to that, I don’t know how much it will take for even the smallest of the nerves to recover.

– Yes, exactly.

He was an S-class in the past, but as a result of doing a practical test using a gun, now he couldn’t get a score beyond D-class. With the same shape as in the past, he can’t write characters yet.

– Because of that, how should I put it——

With a short pause, Fritz continued.

– I’m thinking of retiring as a Slayer.

– … are you serious…?

Liddy ended up being at a loss for words for a moment because she didn’t expect that such manifestation of his intention would come. Even if it was a temporary absence from school, she thought that it was something on the degree of retiring from Selections.

– After all, it’s not becoming of me if I can’t manipulate a gun properly, don’t you agree?

– I don’t get those feelings, but… what did Latia say?

– I haven’t talked with her yet. It was decided by myself, and the ones with whom I’ve talked about this so far are Dr. Charlotte and you, president Liddy. I intended to talk to Latia after the conversation is settled here.

– Latia looked forward more than anybody to return to the battlefield with you. I’m absolutely against it, so I should stop you. Even to me, you are——

– … if so, then can you transfer me to the intelligence department?

– … to the intelligence department, you say?

– I said it earlier, didn’t I? During my hospitalization I had time to think about all sorts of things and I had time to study. And the conclusion of that is to transfer to the intelligence department. The form won’t be the same but, I can return to the battlefield with that.

– Certainly, I understand what you say…

Even if he doesn’t fight directly, there’s no mistaking it that he will participate in the battle.

——the logistical support.

The backup is also an important position in battle.

– From the beginning, the Long Shooter-type Slayers are the rear guards on the battlefield. I’ve become experienced at looking out over the whole, so I think I’m cut out for it. What do you think, will you approve it?

– …

After a brief pause, Liddy replied.

– If you have thought that to that extent, then there is no reason to put resistance. … however, you are purely going to take classes of the Intelligence Department as you belong to the Martial Arts Department. And, continue rehabilitation. It’s reassuring to have you as a logistical support, but I would like to fight having you protecting our backs directly again someday. That is, my hope.

– Good grief…. president Liddy is kind and strict like president Claire, huh.

– However, don’t give up completely, alright?

– Of course I won’t. Thank you very much for sympathizing with my feelings, president Liddy.

– Even though things may appear this way, I am the president, after all. It’s not good to just fight like in the old days.

Both Fritz and Liddy smiled at the same time.

– There are no more topics to talk about, right?

– No, that’s all.

The two stand up from the sofa all together.

It’s there that Fritz noticed there was a pair of uniforms of the Student Council Vice Presidents hung on the wall.

One of them belongs to a man and the other to a woman——.

They are Hayato’s and Emilia’s uniforms.

– Come to think of it, Emilia is——

– … unfortunately, it doesn’t seem she’s going to come back yet. Only that we are continuing putting a burden on Latia as a vice president substitute. If you like, would you please help her with the work?

– If you are okay with me, then absolutely.


After she returned to Earth, Emilia Hermit didn’t return to Little Garden. She immediately accompanied Princess Luli, the imperial princess of the Empire of Yamato and went to Yamato. It’s to head towards Motomatsu district, to the orphanage where Hayato and Karen were raised, to help Ryōko who went to bed with an illness.

It’s to fulfill the promise with Hayato who entrusted Karen and the children to her.

– It would be great if Hayato is found.

– I was watching the live of Sakura and the others a while time ago. At that time, I thought the same thing.

– That was the same for me. And Latia as well.

– I see…

However, in these three months.

No traces of Kisaragi Hayato or Liza Harvey have been found.

– Well then, I will excuse myself.

– Are you going to talk with Latia now?

– As one would expect, it’s really late so I will do it tomorrow. Thank you very much for today. And, I look forward to working with you from now on, president Liddy——

– Likewise, I look forward to working with you. If there is something troubling you, please by all means consult it with me.

After he shook hands with Liddy.

And by bowing, Fritz left from the room.

(Now, I suppose I will go home soon as well…)


Just like Fritz did earlier, Liddy turned her eyes to the vice president uniforms that were prepared for Emilia Hermit and Kisaragi Hayato.

(It would be really great if they find Kisaragi Hayato and the little sister of Claire-sama soon)

At that time.

The laptop placed on the desk suddenly sounded.

It’s an emergency call.

For that reason, the line was opened automatically.

What came and heard is the voice of Charlotte.

『Do you hear me, Liddy? You’re still in the Student Council room, right?』

– Dr. Charlotte!? What happened?

Liddy rapidly moved to the front of the office desk and asked Charlotte.

『A space-time gate opened in outer space not long ago』

– … no way, the Savages? They reacted to the songs of Kirishima Sakura and Kisaragi Karen, ri——

『No, that’s not it——. But it may be related to the songs. Please watch this』

– This is——.

Liddy was lost for words looking at the image displayed on the screen.

What is displayed there is a so-called disk-shaped unidentified flying object——or generally called as UFO.

Liddy murmured without thinking.

– … doesn’t this mean that it’s a contact… from aliens?

『Hahaha. At first, I thought so too, but apparently it’s not. Is there a light being emitted from this UFO? When I investigated it, amazing results came out; I found out with a 99,999% certainty that it’s the energy of Liza Harvey.

. Wha…!!

Liddy became unexpectedly speechless.

– … does Claire-sama know?

『Of course Claire also knows. Or rather, this information came from the moon. Lunaltia Base is trying to get in touch with the spaceship now. If by any chance——no, there’s no need to guess. Let’s put our expectations that not only Liza but also he is in there as well』

You are reading story Hundred at

– By he, you mean…

Liddy turned her gaze to the uniform hung on the wall again.

『Uh huh——Kisaragi Hayato-kun』

After she finished the communication with Liddy.

Charlotte Dimandius who is in her laboratory in Little Garden and Mei Mei who is in the communication room in Lunaltia Base reported the situation.

– I informed Liddy for the time being. Depending on the situation, the possibility that Savages will make their appearance is also a situation we should think about. It’s not the best but I decided to let her rest at the nap room of the academy.

『We also issued instructions to the people of Lunaltia Base to enter a standby state.  As it is instructed, the information is limited to the possibility of the appearance of Savages』

Claire and Charlotte decided to stop talking about the mysterious spaceship and just shared the conversation with some people until they can understand more about the situation.

Naturally that’s almost coincident with the energy of Liza.

『It would be really nice if Hayato-sama and Liza-sama were on board of the discovered ship, isn’t it…』

– I also believe that, so let’s go with a receiving attitude. I’m sure the spaceship will land on the moon. It’s easier because it doesn’t have to go through the atmosphere that way. It should approach the moon in three days from that place.

『Understood. Then we will prepare for their reception and do it secretly!』

– One last thing… that’s right. When Hayato-kun returns to the Earth, you will return with him. I’d like to see you personally after a long time. I think that it will be better to do maintenance soon.

『Is that true? Then I’m very looking forward to it』

– That’s all for now. If there’s any progress in the situation, contact me again.

『Yes, of course!』

Simultaneously with the telephone call with Mei Mei that came to an end.

Holding the candy in her mouth, Charlotte spilt words as if murmuring.

– … coming back, it would be great if you stay here, no…?

During the past three months where it was included the objective of the reconstruction of Lunaltia Base, the skill of the technicians staying at Lunaltia Base increased.

As long as she gives instructions from the Earth, they can do any kind of experiments even if Mei Mei isn’t there.


– …

Charlotte turns her eyes to the monitor in front of her.

When she wants to talk about something.

When she wants to discuss something.

A companion with whom discuss when something has happened.

There are no companions who will come and start a conversation with her in this world anymore.

– It appears that all the fights have ended, hmm.

The battle with the Pope of Puritaria, Serivia Notre Dame Paulo III——.

And thus, the large-scale attack of the Savages is over.

Charlotte started talking to Vitaly who helped Krovahn, Nesat and Nakri to regain control of the entire Lunaltia Base by making full use of her brain connected to the computer network.

– Vitaly, please get up soon. I have something I want to request to you.

Naturally that is to search for the energies of Kisaragi Hayato and Liza Harvey.

In a sense, it is not an exaggeration to say that their battles are still there.

However, the response from Vitaly doesn’t come back.

– Are you sleeping again, Vitaly? Or——

If it’s now, then she can examine her properly.

However, that may derive to the worst result.

That’s why Charlotte with a marvelous look began to crawl her fingers on the floating keyboard in front of her.

She began to confirm the state of the brain of Vitaly.

– As I thought, it was no good, huh…

The strength came out in one go from the whole body of Charlotte who muttered so.

There is no response on the monitoring reading, so even if she sends a direct stimulus from here, there is no reaction either. No matter what else she does, she gets to the same conclusion.

The brain of Vitaly stopped its activity completely.

There is no hope of resurrecting her.

That means that this is the second 『death』for her.

(No, I should probably say this is actually her third time, right?)

The first time was when she was driven out of Warslan and then imprisoned.

——Thereupon, she died as a scientist.

The second time was when she terrorized Little Garden and was killed by Judal.

——Thereupon, she died as a terrorist.

And now, this means this is the third time.

From now on, as the hero who saved the world risking his life, the name of Kisaragi Hayato will be famous around the world.

Not just Little Garden but also the Slayers of each country.

However, and behind that, only a few people knew that there are two women who also fought staking their lives in the same way.

One is the little sister of Claire Harvey——.

Liza Harvey, the first artificial Variant in the world.

And the other is a terrorist who attacked Little Garden——.

She’s Vitaly Tynyanov, the woman who kept fighting for her loved one even when she became just a brain.

And now with the deceased Judal, only a handful of people, including Charlotte, knew about her success.

Her stigma as a “terrorist” remains but the fact that she is one of the heroes who saved the world betting her life can’t be left anywhere.

(Well, I can’t imagine she herself wishing for it though)

There’s only one thing she wants.

And that should had been nothing but the love from Judal.

… nonetheless, to those who knew her, she should report the facts properly.

She should mind doing something of that level since she thought she would like to do so as a friend and former colleague of hers.

(Before that, maybe I should mourn her first)

After deciding that and when she was about to stand up, Charlotte noticed that an email had arrived on the machine in front of her.

From who on earth is this? The moment she saw the name of the sender of the email.

The eyes of Charlotte were wide open.

The name of the sender is Vitaly Tynyanov.

It was because it’s the name of the woman whose interrupted activity was confirmed.

(What on frigging earth is the meaning of this?)

While wondering, Charlotte opens the file and start reading the contents.

To my 《sworn friend》rival

Charlotte Dimandius.

If you read this

it will be after I reached a perfect death.

Call this a will, so to speak.

There are many things that I want to say but,

I don’t think that death is a bad thing.

Rather it’s a pleasure for me because

I was able to follow Judal immediately.

A world or the like where Judal doesn’t exist

means nothing to me

it’s not worth it.

Lastly, oh right.

Since the terrorist incident you already knew

what I was living for and

what I’ve been doing.

And, I want you to not tell anyone

other than those who knew that

I was living in an unshapely condition

that I had a complete death.

And obviously not to those three.

I want to request one final thing.

Bury my brain in a different place from my body in Rasiya.

In a place where I can see the grave of Judal.

I leave it in your hands.


The time I spent with you was exciting.

It wasn’t bad at all.

(Good grief, please don’t rely on me only for troublesome matters to complacent your way of doing things)

Charlotte ends up complaining in her mind spontaneously.

However, a smile appeared on her face.

(Well, as for the grave, shall I respond to her request as much as I can?)

She’s one of the stars who saved this world.

It should be fine to do around that much for her.

However, she didn’t intend to keep the first half.

It was because she was thinking that she should tell properly about her to those three.

And those three are——.

It’s a distinction from her to Krovahn, Nakri and Nesat.

(Did you really desire that, I wonder?)

There’s no doubt that Vitaly knew that she’s going to inform the three people, so she deliberately wrote that in the email.

If it’s her brain, then she should have predicted around that much.

(You’re really a tsundere*, aren’t you?)

Charlotte decided to look for a place for her grave while involuntarily smiling wryly.

First is to mourn her.

It’s not an issue to report them after that.

She moved, thinking so.

The terrorist incident by the Pope of Puritaria Serivia Notre Dame Paulo II and the murder of Judal by Elena Skalnicore.

And then, the Fourth Attack of the Savages——.

Three days have passed since the day when the major incidents that occurred in succession were left in human history.

Charlotte who decided to leave Little Garden for a meeting due to reconstruction plans, buried Vitaly in the place in accordance with what she wished while using the little free time she had and ahead of Judal who hasn’t returned to the Earth yet. Then, at that night.

– Nesat, do you have a moment? There’s something I have to talk with you guys for a bit. Won’t you call Krovahn and Nakri, please?

Charlotte who returned to Little Garden sent a message to Nesat at Lunaltia Base estimating that the vitals of the three Olfred brothers have recovered.

『… yeah, sure』

A few minutes after replying.

A report saying that the three people are gathered in the room arrived from Nesat.

『We were thinking of going to bed soon, what do you want to talk at this hour?』

Simultaneously with the opening of the line, the one who urged on her was Krovahn as if saying go straight to the point fast.

The standard time of Lunaltia Base was set to be the same standard time of east Liberia.

Because they are living in the same time zone, it was understood well by Charlotte that they feel sleepy.

– I’m sorry for doing this so late. But, won’t you give me just a bit of your time, please? I want to talk of the time when you were fighting Johanne——one of the four apostles of Serivia.

『… hmm? Do you want to ask us what kind of battle was that? We already told Claire about tha——』

– No, that’s not it, I’d like to talk when you regained the network of Lunaltia Base that was hijacked by the Holy Church.

Charlotte continues, adding an explanation towards Nakri who presented the question.

– At that time, there was a woman who cooperated——or rather, did her best, risking her life to save Lunaltia Base and you, you know. I considered doing so, to talk of that woman now.

『…a woman?』

『And who’s that?』

Krovahn and Nesat cock their heads in puzzlement together.

– It’s a woman you also know very well.

A question mark was floating on the face of Krovahn, Nesat and Nakri who heard the reply that wasn’t the answer.

『doesn’t Nee-chan know who’s she?』

『I can’t get to a conclusion. A few people come to mind, but…』

『Enough of this hassle. Don’t put on airs and tell us!』

– Alright.

Following the interaction of Krovahn and Nesat, Charlotte gave a reply, smiling with a puff towards Nakri who shouted as if she grew impatient of that.

– It’s Vitaly.

『… eh?』

Nakri is amazed.

Krovahn and Nesat are also amazed.

– It means that Vitaly Tynyanov is a companion who joined up with us——before you guys enrolled in Little Garden.

『What do you mean…?』

Saying so and by only seeing the reaction of Nesat, it seems that the figure of Vitaly wasn’t among the few people who came to her mind.

『Yeah, what does that mean!? She’s supposed to be dead, isn’t s——』

『But doesn’t that mean that you were concealing her existence to us!?』

– First and foremost, calm down, okay?

Charlotte continued, remonstrating Nakri and Krovahn who enquired raising their voices and glaring at the camera.

– As for the results of that, then yeah, it was that sort of thing, but it was a thing that Judal and Vitaly decided, it wasn’t my intention, but allow me to explain it first. Besides what I will be explaining form this point is something that Vitaly also requested to me, she wanted to keep it a secret from you. But, I’ll be telling you this by my own accord. This is like my way of mourning her.

『… mourning? Does that——』

– Yeah——

Charlotte nodded to the question of Nesat.

– Until a few days ago, Vitaly was surviving in a brain-only state. But, after she saved you, she, in the true meaning of it, is no longer in this world.

Charlotte tells Krovahn and the others who had their breath taken away about what happened to the body of Vitaly on and after of the matter of the Gardens Festa.

That her heart ended up stopping when being shot by Judal, that resuscitation measures were done and only her brain was taken out.

Since then, she didn’t hate being used as the right arm of Judal and that her brain would be destroyed as she assisted to save Lunaltia Base and Krovahn, Nakri and Nesat.

『I can’t believe it, that it turned out like this…』

After she listened everything, Nakri murmured with a dumbfounded look.

Krovahn and Nesat are like her, with a dumbfounded look.

It’s just a natural reaction to an almost incredible story.

But Charlotte tells them that those are all facts.


Krovahn who spat out so clenched his fist tightly and hit his thigh.

Their encounter was in the cellar of a small village in the desert area in the Kingdom of Khmer.

He thought she was suspicious after he gave a glance at her, but since there was the treatment of the eye of Nesat and also the aim to get freedom.

They decided to listen to what she said——and be used by her.

What resulted of that is that they were roughly betrayed as they expected deep down within them, but there’s no doubt that it’s thanks to Vitaly that they are here now.

Because they were involved with Vitaly, they were able to get their freedom and became members of Little Garden.

Krovahn, Nakri and Nesat, the three of them think.

At that time, if she, if she didn’t pick us up, then we definitely wouldn’t be here——*.

Moreover, this time they were told that she saved them, putting her life on the line.

She wanted to thank them with at least a few words, even if that’s just her self-satisfaction or not.

In that case——.

『… and yet, she might have become an authentic comrade by forgiving and forgetting each other’s past』

Krovahn muttered, looking frustrated.

Continuing. Nesat said.

『Dr. Charlotte, we thank you for telling us all these things』

– There’s no need to say that.

Charlotte smiled very satisfied.

– Hmm? This is…

Immediately after she cut the transmission with the Olfred brothers.

Charlotte noticed something there.

An email arrived from Vitaly, again.

(As I thought, you saw through it all——this was just as you planned, isn’t it?)

While thinking such things, Charlotte opens the email and goes on reading its contents.

To my traitor 《sworn friend》rival.


Charlotte Dimandius




After you read my first email,

I set this mail to be sent automatically

in case someone got in touch with Krovahn, Nesat and Nakri.


At any rate, you’ll speak about me to those three, right?

Or, you already finished talking with them, yes?

Either way, it’s fine to do as you like, and I give you my thanks in advance.


… I’ve really gotten too mellow.


I committed a lot of crimes, but I was able to do good deeds as well.


I don’t believe in a world after death,

But if I can go to heaven then that would be fortuitous.


If we could meet there in the future

Then I would like to meet face-to-face with you

And talk calmly with you.


Naturally Judal will join us too.


Nonetheless, please enjoy the rest of your life, it’s not your time yet.


Even if some mysteries of the world can be solved

There are tons of mysteries remaining in this world


That world is still suited for you.

I’m sure it should be like that for Linis who is here as well.




I forgot, what if you give love a try at least once any time now?

I think that it’s a loss for this world that the genes of

a genius like you can’t be left for the future life.


– As I thought, you completely saw through my mind, didn’t you? Also, you’re saying too much…

After she read the message of Vitaly.

Charlotte laughed like laughing at herself.

– … because I think it’s a loss for this world that couldn’t make the best use of a talent like you…

Love drives people crazy.

Like Vitaly.

Like Judal.

Like Serivia.

Whether it’s a good meaning or a bad meaning.

Love is also the main culprit of it all, it was the motive power of him and the women.

In the first place, it wouldn’t be an overstatement to say that human beings have evolved by making efforts to be liked by someone.

And by becoming one with that someone, they raise their descendants.

– … but, I want to continue being the me of now.

However, love and the like are indifferent to her, that’s the way it is——.

To wish for someone——.

And to do an effort for that cause.

It doesn’t mean that she doesn’t feel like longing for someone.

… however, Charlotte couldn’t imagine herself falling in love like that.

That may be because she’s still like a child, her appearance that is.

(If I fall in love, then in what why would that be, I wonder?)

Will she aim even more higher as a researcher?

Or will she be able to do more important things than her research and end up coming to ruin?

She doesn’t know.

Is there happiness above all those things?

– … happiness, huh…

Charlotte showed a smile with a puff.

– What on earth is happiness, I wonder…?

That seems to be different from person to person like the Hundreds.

Like the happiness of Judal.

Like the happiness of Vitaly.

Like the happiness of Serivia.

All their forms are different.

(Then, what kind of form does my happiness have?)

She has had a lot of success so far.

She obtained a place where she is able to do whatever she wants.

She was able to leave behind a lot of deliverables in this world.

There’s not even the need to worry about money.

(Of course it doesn’t mean that I’m not satisfied even now, but I honestly still don’t know whether I can be happy at my last moment or not)

That’s right——.

Charlotte hasn’t been able to find the form of her happiness yet.

Two hours have passed since a mysterious spaceship was detected.

The energy is being perceived and analysis is making progress.

But they weren’t able to make contact yet.

Chris is desperately trying to communicate.

– Can you hear me? This is Little Garden section of Lunaltia Base. If you can hear this, please reply in any form. Can you hear me? This is Little Garden——*cough*, *cough*!

It seems he ended up hurting his throat while repeating the same words over and over.

Suddenly, Chris coughs violently.

– … are you okay, Chris desuno?

– I’m fine.  This much is nothing.

Saying so and drinking a PET bottle water that he had at hand, Chris continued.

– Do you hear me? This is Little Garden——

But, Chris ends up coughing violently again.

– Take a rest for a bit.

After she said so, Claire raised her voice, turning the microphone to herself.

– Liza——and Kisaragi Hayato——it’s you guys, right!? If you hear this, please re——

Then, *bzz*… a noise is heard.

『Pre… pre… si… d…』

What she heard next is an intermittent voice.

Without thinking, Claire and Chris looked at each other’s face.

– Claire-sama…! That voice is…!

– Yes!

Replying with a bright voice, Claire keeps calling with a loud voice.

– It’s Kisaragi Hayato! It’s Kisaragi Hayato desunone! Do you hear me, Kisaragi Hayato!?

『… I, I hear… you… pre, sident… I hear you, preside…』

– … Kisaragi… Hayato..

There’s no doubt.

It’s the voice of Kisaragi Hayato.

Tears rise to the surface of the outer corners of the eyes of Claire who was convinced of that.

– … it’s really, really, Kisaragi Hayato desunone… Kisaragi, Hayato…

Because her emotions ended up being too strong, the next words didn’t come out.

Chris who sensed so asked instead of her.

– Hayato-san, please tell us your current situation. Also, Is Liza-san——

『… it’s you… Chris…?』

– Yes, that’s right. It’s Chris Steinbelt! Hayato-san, please continue your words!

『Err, Liza is… safe, but… there are a lot of things that we have to talk about, including that matter… but before that… well…』

– what… is the matter?

『There are people who are saying that they want to speak with you』

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