I Advise You To Like Me As Soon As Possible

Chương 143: Chapter 62 (part 2)

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If Fu Zheng had been too far above her, Ning Wan wouldn't have dared. But although he was especially good-looking, he was from a poor family and his career had just begun, so it wasn't like he was an untouchable flower on a high cliff.

Because she had still been stationed in the community back then, and not destined to enter the senior partner's team, Ning Wan had only dared timidly show a heart made of cherries. But now she was only a single step away from entering the senior partner's team, and once he had entered, she would have both money and more lucrative cases than she knew what to do with. She immediately felt taller. Her wallet swelled, her confidence alongside, and her evil intentions towards Fu Zheng strengthened.

But how was she going to tell him?

Ning Wan felt a little tangled. She looked over at Shao Lili, who was washing her hands, and asked, "You told me... last time you told me not to be too roundabout when being nice to Fu Zheng?"

"Of course!" Shao Lili jumped on Ning Wan's words, almost without thinking. "Listen to me, you can't possibly be over-expressive when it comes to Fu Zheng! Just be straightforward! Be frank! Just lay it all out, that you appreciate him and want to be nice to him! Let go and say these things boldly, don't hide!"

"You should know," Shao Lili lectured on, "That between people, you exchange sincerity for sincerity. So don't be be afraid, Ning Ning, I know the sort of person that you are. All you have to do is to bare your heart to Fu Zheng, and he will certainly understand!"

Shao Lili felt that she could only help Ning Wan this far. There were many things she couldn't say, but Ning Wan had always been caring toward newbies and subordinates, so what could go wrong with encouraging her to let Fu Zheng see the kindness of her heart? After all, one can never impress one's boss too much. Ning Wan was going to be on Fu Zheng's team soon, so if Fu Zheng thought well of her, wouldn't there be generous bonuses and fat red envelopes in her future?

It was just that when faced with Shao Lili's encouragement, Ning Wan seemed to hesitate. "But if I speak so openly, won't it be embarrassing...? You know, make the atmosphere too serious?"

Ning Wan thought that it wasn't impossible to profess her feelings in a very clear manner. After all, she was a woman who had been tempered by working in the community. She wasn't afraid of such things. But wasn't it a bit too formal to make such a solemn confession...?

Shao Lili thought about it and quickly proposed a solution. "Then why don't you pretend to be drunk? They say that people speak their true feelings when they're drunk, so it'll be more convincing! It'll lighten up the atmosphere, and saying it while you're tipsy will seem more natural and genuine!"

As far as Shao Lili was concerned, Ning Wan was still unaware of Fu Zheng's true identity. She was currently under the impression that he had "failed", and was trying to express comfort, encouragement and appreciation.

What a fantastic time to kiss up to the boss! Even not knowing that Fu Zheng was the boss, she still cared so much for him, putting herself in his shoes. Wouldn't it be a more touching, memorable impression of Ning Wan's good heart if you were faced with it when she was drunk?

The only problem was that Shao Lili had no idea that she and Ning Wan were currently talking about completely different things. What Ning Wan was thinking about at that very moment was not pretending to be drunk to express care and concern for Fu Zheng, but pretending to be drunk to get her hands on him.

Ning Wan's head was full of fierce analysis. Shao Lili was right. If she pretended to be drunk, then the atmosphere would be light-hearted and there would be plenty of room for maneuver. If Fu Zheng was receptive, then one could consider this her confessing her true feelings in a tipsy state; if he hesitated or refused, then she could pretend that she was just talking nonsense due to the alcohol, and it wouldn't be too embarrassing for them to get along afterward, leaving her a way out.

After all, Ning wan thought, I'm still Fu Zheng's leader. If her subordinate rejected her serious confession, wouldn't she lose face? Pretending to be drunk wasn't a bad idea!

Having come to such a realization, Ning Wan's admiration for Shao Lili was sincere. "Xiao Li! I didn't expect you to have so many tricks up your sleeve!"

Shao Lili looked as though she was indifferent to her hidden merit and fame, but there was a trace of some unexplainable worry on her face. "Oh, it's no big deal, just remember to put in a good word for me to Fu Zheng in the future..."

That was quite natural. Ning Wan had seen it before, when some girls threw aside their girlfriends after falling in love, and some girls' boyfriends didn't get along with their girlfriends. The girlfriends felt that the boyfriend had taken away their friend, and the boyfriend felt that the girlfriends took up too much of their partner's time. It wasn't uncommon for them to dislike each other.

But Ning Wan would never have thought before that Shao Lili, ordinarily so careless and carefree, might actually be so sensitive when it mattered. Even before she and Fu Zheng had gotten off the ground, she had already made sure that her relationship with them would be taken care of.

"Are you that confident in me?" she asked, unable to help but feel a little smug.

Shao Lili slapped her own chest. "Of course!"

Having obtained Shao Lili's encouragement, Ning Wan's confidence doubled. "Then tonight! Let's just do it! Later, remember to cooperate with my 'drunkenness'!"

"No worries!"


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Having reached an agreement with Shao Lili, they returned to the private room together. Fu Zheng had ordered several dishes, and Ning Wan and Shao Lili added a few more as the waiter brought them out. While Fu Zheng wasn't looking, Ning Wan secretly added cocktails to the drink list. Of course, she couldn't really get drunk, so she told the waiter to serve Shao Lili and Fu Zheng normal cocktails along with a mocktail for herself, but not to mention that hers was non-alcoholic when the drinks were brought out.

It was probably because she had ulterior motives that in the first half of the dinner, Ning Wan was a little absent-minded. When the cocktails finally arrived, she boldly raised the cup that the waiter handed her.

Shao Lili also took a sip from her own cup. Surprise and panic immediately covered her face. "Ning Ning, your cup... you can't..."

Good sister was a good sister for a reason. Unexpectedly, her acting was so good when it really mattered!

Before she could finish, Ning Wan gulped her cocktail down.

Shao Lili's second sentence came out only after she had swallowed, her expression a masterful display of anxiety. "You can't hold your liquor... This cocktail i-i-is alcoholic!"

What a perfect appeal! Such lifelike acting! Even stuttering, and so naturally at that!

Ning Wan cooperated with the deception, pretending a regretful epiphany. "Ugh, it's my fault! I was so happy to be admitted into the senior partner's team that I forgot all about that! If something comes up later, please take care of me." She secretly glanced at Fu Zheng, cleared her throat, and suggested unnaturally, "Who knows what I'll do after drinking..."

Because she never usually touched alcohol, it was actually the first time that Ning Wan had ever ordered a virgin cocktail. It was unexpectedly quite good.

She had eaten at vegetarian restaurants before, where none of the dishes contained meat. There were lots of dishes there that had so-called 'imitation meat' using soybean products as a substitute, and after having been cooked, they had been pretty tasty. This mocktail must be similar. She didn't know what they had used as a substitute, but when Ning Wan drank it, she could faintly taste the distinct flavour of liquor.

Once she had drank the 'alcohol', Ning Wan's mind began racing. She waited a little until it felt as though it was about the correct time for the drink to be going to her head, and then scooched her chair over to Fu Zheng--

"Fu Zheng, are you single?"

Although she was fairly certain that he was based on her observations, a pleasantry before the real topic came up was alwas good to have, and it was safer to have it confirmed. Ning Wan gazed at him very naturally, but then realized that her cheeks are started to heat up. Obviously she hadn't actually been drinking, so why did she feel as if she had been...?

Fu Zheng obviously hadn't expected this topic to come up. He looked at Ning Wan, hesitated, and replied, "Yes, I'm single."

"Is that so? I'm single, too."

She didn't know what was going on. She had long ago carefully considered what to say when Fu Zheng told her that he was single. First, she would convince him that he was just about old enough to looking for love, and then she would bring up how actually, it was pretty nice dating a colleague since you already had experience working together and all, and then finally she would bring herself up and hint at the logical conclusion...

But at the very last moment, Ning Wan felt like something strange was going on. She felt her face getting hotter and hotter, her breathing getting faster, her palms sweating slightly, and her heart racing.

Was she nervous?

She had never been so nervous before. She was so nervous it almost felt as though she was getting drunk.

Obviously she had never had stage fright, but after saying that, Ning Wan seemed to be stuck, not knowing what to say. She felt like she didn't know where her hands and feet should go, and her mouth seemed to be sealed shut, and that all she could do was stare at Fu Zheng, her eyes huge. 

But as she was goggling at him, Ning Wan felt like something was wrong...

Her mind seemed to be getting increasingly light-headed, and her reason is drifting away. It felt... this familiar feeling--

Had she been drinking?!?

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