I Advise You To Like Me As Soon As Possible

Chương 148: Chapter 64 (part 2)

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In the end, the two had a great breakfast. Humming a song, Ning Wan trimmed the roses and placed them into a vase, and then got ready to follow Fu Zheng to the amusement park.

Not wanting his abrupt confession to frighten Ning Wan, Fu Zheng had not brought out the Pagani, deciding to continue maintaining his poor man persona until they were at the secret exchange, so Ning Wan eventually led him onto the subway. But that crowded subway that was once unbearable to him made him glad, because Ning Wan was there.

Even the close contact with strangers crowded into the compartment that he had found the most disgusting wasn't so hard to put up with, because due to their pushing and shoving, he had been unconsciously forced to stand up close to Ning Wan, as the people on the other side pushed her further and further into his arms. What had been embarrassing to do due to the newness of their relationship was not so embarrassing thanks to this passive approach.

Ning Wan was trying to pretend to be calm, but her slightly red cheeks and ears exposed her shyness.

It was really so cute.

Although jostled and shoved by people on all sides, Fu Zheng's heart was as gentle as a light breeze, as soft as rain. With one hand he held Ning Wan's waist, and with the other he made a little open space for her, imprisoning her in his arms. Thanks to the swaying carriage and the people getting on and off every time they arrived at a station, the two people were constantly gently colliding. Sometimes Ning Wan's forehead gently touched Fu Zheng's lips, sometimes her hair brushed lightly against his face, and every once in awhile, the two would inadvertently glance at each other. Every such touch lasted only for a very brief time, and voices of all kinds filled the surrounding air, yet despite that, the world around them seemed to slow. Fu Zheng felt as though the air between them seemed to have become unclear, a little dangerous, as though somewhere there was a tiny keg with gunpowder that would gladly explode, only for the want of a little open flame, and the crowded space was magnifying this feeling.

If Fu Zheng was unsettled, then Ning Wan was no less so.

She lifted her head just a little to look up at Fu Zheng. He had been staring seriously at her this whole time, his eyes focused and warm, his beautiful thick eyelashes like a little brush, feathering up and down casually against Ning Wan's heart. She felt like it was so warm in here that she could hardly breathe. She was hooked on Fu Zheng's eyes. Even if she turned her head, she could not help but feel that ardent gaze on her, so present that it felt as though she was being gently caressed.

At that moment, the subway was coming to a stop, and an uncle with some luggage was careless as he disembarked in a hurry. His suitcase collided with Fu Zheng's leg, and in an attempt to dodge Fu Zheng leaned slightly over Ning Wan. They hadn't been far apart before, and now they were even closer, so close that Ning Wan was certain he could hear the hitch in her breathing. Her palms were slightly sweaty with embarrassment. But instead of backing off, that dreadful man Fu Zheng edged a little closer, took advantage of the chaos of disembarking, and leaned down to give her a lightning-quick little peck on the lips.

Ambushed, by the time Ning Wan was able to react to it, all she could do was stare at Fu Zheng crossly, feigning sternness色厉内荏: Fierce of mien, but timid of heart.

Fu Zheng leaned down close and whispered in her ear, "If you keep staring at me like that, I'm going to kiss you again."

Horrified, Ning Wan hastily squeezed her eyes shut.

She wouldn't stare, she didn't dare to stare anymore. Was this Fu Zheng really the silly sweet fellow she used to know? Not even an ounce of propriety or restraint! Even if he had moved too fast to attract attention and no one had seen, they were still on the subway!

Thankfully, Fu Zheng left it at that. Ning Wan's hand in his, they finally got off at their stop.

The amusement park that Fu Zheng had been looking for was easy to find. They soon arrived at the gate by following the road signs, and while they were buying tickets, Ning Wan discovered the reason why Fu Zheng had chosen this amusement park - the inside was like a fairyland.

There were no rides for young children, but there were many fairytale scenes straight out of a young girl's heart. The whole theme park looked as though it was couple-oriented, full of couples activities, and everywhere in the park were young couples very much in love. There was an obvious air of scattering dog food and showing affection.

Ning Wan dragged Fu Zheng onto a warm-up ride on the merry-go-round, then one on the Ferris wheel, and got in line for several other popular rides. But though she wasn't sure if she was imagining it, she felt that even though Fu Zheng was smiled gently the whole time, it seemed as though he was rather absent-minded.

It was not until the two came to a "Hollow Tree Secret Exchange" sideshow that Fu Zheng's absent-mindedness was finally swept away. He looked Ning Wan in the eye and said, "I want to play this."

It must have been a pretty popular sideshow, because there was currently a long queue outside. Ning Wan hesitated. "Are you sure?"

Fu Zheng nodded. "Because there is something I need to tell you."

Ning Wan looked at the rules of the game and couldn't stop herself from laughing. "Is that why we have to exchange secrets?"

Really, Fu Zheng, how like an elementary school student. Still exchanging secrets!

But even though it sounded awkward and childish, Fu Zheng still seemed to want to go.

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Fortunately, though the queue seemed long, the whole activity was just two people separating into their respective hollow tree confession rooms to write down their secret, exchanging their tree hollow numbers, and finally going to the tree hollow lockers to collect each other's secrets. The process wasn't complicated. People came and went, and there were a good number of staff, so they didn't wait in line for long. Soon it would be Ning Wan and Fu Zheng's turn.

This activity was the one Fu Zheng had chosen, but as they approached the front, though his expression was still calm, his hand tightening around Ning Wan's betrayed his emotions - was he a little nervous?

"Dear guests, we invite the ladies to step to the left and the gentlemen to proceed to the right."

Their turn had arrived. Ning Wan prepared to make her way to the left, but Fu Zheng caught her hand. He bit his lip. Though he was a grown man of 30 years old, at the moment, he looked a little like an uneasy child. But in the end, Fu Zheng didn't say anything. He just kissed Ning Wan on the cheek, and looked into her eyes and said very solemnly--

"No matter what secrets I might have, it's true that I like you."

Having said so, he let go of her hand and walked to the right as the staff member had instructed.

Ning Wan hesitated. She turned and made her way to the left, but Fu Zheng's appearance just now had flustered her a little bit.

What was Fu Zheng hiding from her?

Ning Wan was quite broad-minded, and in her journey of a few minutes' journey, she had brainstormed all sorts of possible "secrets" for Fu Zheng...

What sort of secret could he have?

Caught performing prostitution? Sucked into Internet loans? Maybe having submitted to a rich woman? Or even... something even crazier?

Could he not get it up?

Ning Wan felt like she couldn't think any more. The more she thought, the more outrageous her thoughts became.

Biting her lip, she wrote her secret on pink paper and gave it to the staff member.

Although this was a popular activity and staffed accordingly, the site was too well-trafficked. This amusement park had just opened quite recently, and it seemed as though the administration and process had not yet been streamlined. Ning Wan watched the staff member who had taken her pink-papered secret note struggling to tutor another staff member who seemed newly hired, and finally simply take the girl's pink and blue secret notes from her.

Ning Wan didn't know what secrets other people might have, but her own was actually quite simple, though a little embarrassing to say out loud--

Fu Zheng was her first boyfriend.

It wasn't always an advantage for someone who had already been working for several years to have no relationship experience. It would even draw odd looks when admitted to.

The pace of modern society was so fast that plenty of people had no patience for slowly getting closer, slowly learning how to get along, and slowly growing up together. Oftentimes, boys preferred their girlfriends to be mature and sensible girls with some emotional experience.

Only after Ning Wan wrote down her secret did she become uneasy again. What did Fu Zheng have? What was his secret, to make him so serious?


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