I Advise You To Like Me As Soon As Possible

Chương 152: Chapter 66 (part 2)

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Thinking that he had already confessed his identity, Fu Zheng did not specifically explain to Ning Wan why he was going to Zhengyuan Law during lunch break. He did not realize that in Ning Wan's mind, there was a completely different interpretation--

Ning Wan was actually feeling a little sad that Fu Zheng had used his lunch break to go to HQ. He hadn't gotten into the senior partner's team, but after all, he had a man's ego too and probably wanted to gain a foothold in the industry, so all he could do now was spend his free time outside of community work visiting HQ as often as possible and proactively helping the other partners. This would increase his sense of presence, and if any partner recognized his attitude and effort, then maybe even if he couldn't get into a senior partner's team, he could still make it into a junior partner's.

Therefore, Ning Wan sensibly did not pry into Fu Zheng's recent frequent visits to Zhengyuan HQ. It was enough for her just to know this sort of thing in the quietness of her heart. Asking too many questions meant that Fu Zheng might be embarrassed and hurt.

In fact, Ning Wan's life had undergone many great changes recently. Although she hadn't yet been interviewed for the position, it was merely a formality at this point. The moment she had passed the written test, she had been qualified to join the senior partner's team, and at the exact same time, she had stepped out of singlehood.

Because she was about to join the senior partner's team, her work at the community naturally needed to be handed over. HQ had already issued a rotation list specifying the two lawyers who would be taking over from her, as well as the subsequent rotations and clarifying the rules for community work. No longer would there be any squeezed-out, forgotten exiles here on 'temporary' placement - the performance of all lawyers on community rotation would also be included in the year-end assessments, and those who did poorly would see it reflected in their year-end bonuses.

When she had first been 'exiled' to the community, Ning Wan had come here begrudgingly. In the two years that followed, struggling under the heavy burden of community work, she had prayed to leave as soon as possible. But now that things were coming to a close, she felt a little reluctant to give it up. In the handover log, she wrote meticulously of the many things to pay attention to while working here, the details of her work, the pitfalls that she had accidentally stepped into, reviewing and summarizing the cases that she had handled these past two years - although they had all been minor, trivial cases, they had changed people's lives.

In particular, Shu Ning's first divorce and custody trial had just concluded a couple of days ago, and the results had made Ning Wan both joyous and relieved.

After Shu Ning had moved out with her daughter, Yu Feiyuan had returned to his old ways; kneeling to beg forgiveness, crying, slapping himself. Fortunately, this time Shu Ning had really made up her mind and was determined not to forgive him. Realizing that Shu Ning was determined to be tough this time, Yu Feiyuan changed his face as well. Since being soft wasn't working, then he was hard. He began to threaten Shu Ning verbally, making harassing phone calls in the middle of the night. He even managed to find her new address and had someone splash paint on the door. At Ning Wan and Fu Zheng's suggestion, Shu Ning installed a camera at the door, recorded phone calls and took screenshots of text messages, giving her solid evidence of his behavior. In the end, Yu Feiyuan threatened and intimidated but got nothing for it, instead giving Shu Ning an advantage and further proving how he had oppressed her during their marriage.

Thus in the end the first battle was won, and a divorce was granted in the first verdict. Because Shu Ning had found a decent, stable job, and had been the primary caretaker of Yu Shiyin prior, for the child's sake she had received full custody of Yu Shiyin, with Yu Feiyuan required to pay child support on time every month until the child was eighteen.

"It doesn't matter whether or not he pays up. I earn enough on my own, and no matter how frugal I myself have to be, I won't treat my daughter badly. I used to feel that I was a useless women who couldn't make it on my own without him, that divorced women with a child would be discriminated against and have it very hard, yet now I find that this isn't the case at all. Yes, it's true that my life is harder compared to other people, but so long as I persevere, it can only go up from here."

When Shu Ning came by this time, her complexion was clear, her eyes bright. She was no longer that fearful woman who had once had to lock the door before speaking. "After we separated, I found out that actually, it didn't matter whether Yu Feiyuan was there or not. I can make my own money, and it's not at all as hard to do as he said it was. It was only then that I realized that it didn’t matter whether he was there or not. In fact, it's even better when he's not there, because my daughter no longer looks somber and sad, but her schoolwork has actually improved!”

Although Yu Feiyuan had been dissatisfied with the first verdict and said that he would appeal, both Shu Ning and Ning Wan were very confident that he would never be able to overturn the verdict. With his controlling personality, he might even produce a new wave of evidence before the second trial to prove that his marriage to Shu Ning could not be saved.

In regards to Ning Wan leaving the community soon, Shu Ning seemed very reluctant to part and also a little worried. "Then about the second trial..."

"Set your mind at rest. I'll be with you from beginning to end, just leave the second trial to me. Don't worry."

Having obtained a positive response, Shu Ning left with great gratitude.

With her case having come to an end, the only remaining task at hand was this awareness-raising fun sports meet.

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While Ning Wan and Fu Zheng were busy with their own affairs, life moving forward in an orderly way, Chen Shuo was also undergoing an earthshaking change in his emotional life--

Although his confession had been interrupted thanks to his bad luck being crushed by a dog, it was time to reconsider how he should express his feelings!

According to the original plan, he should have been discharged from the hospital tomorrow, and Ning Wan had agreed to pick him up early tomorrow morning to celebrate him leaving the hospital. Unexpectedly, however, Chen Shuo had recovered very quickly, and the doctor had given him permission to be discharged today instead of tomorrow.

Because his hand had been fractured during the accident, he couldn't have worked even if he wanted to. Chen Shuo's boss had given him a holiday and a sympathy red envelope. So Chen Shuo lay in bed every day, doing almost nothing, but thanks to this, he had plenty of time to spend pondering the matter of Ning Wan.

There was no need to think too hard about it. If he was discharged from the hospital on time tomorrow, not only would Ning Wan come, but Fu Zheng definitely would too, and maybe even a few of his close coworkers. With such a ragtag bunch all around him, he was afraid that he might not even be able to say a private word to Ning Wan during such an excellent opportunity like getting discharged from hospital...

Having made such an analysis, Chen Shuo immediately arrived at a decision and without telling anyone, checked out from hospital today! He would give Ning Wan a surprise!

However, although he had been discharged from the hospital, 'it takes a hundred days to mend muscle and bone'. His broken arm was still in a cast, and it was quite inconvenient to walk. He had wanted to express his love through lights, but what a pity - trouble had come unexpectedly, and Chen Shuo hadn't even had time to speak with all the corresponding residents. Now that he was like this, it would be a bit too difficult to climb the stairs, not to mention that he had some residual trauma from those two buildings and didn't want to set foot in there again.

After some careful thought, Chen Shuo felt that he might express his confession in a different way.

He got almost no sleep last night and finally figured out a new way to express his feelings - Ning Wan was a very kind person, and right now he happened to be injured, so why not take advantage of it?

If he "accidentally" revealed to Ning Wan that his parents had no time to take care of him, and at the same time, made up some tragic story, like his lease running out and the landlord kicking him out; with a broken hand and fractured ribs, he needed someone to help him out with daily tasks, but there was no one reliable he could trust; on top of that, he hoped that he would not fall behind on work and hoped that there would be someone to update him on what was going on every day...

Chen Shuo was almost certain that as soon as he opened his mouth and sold this miserable story to Ning Wan, she would 'save him from fire and water' without any hesitation. He had already inquired; Ning Wan had purchased a small apartment, and someone could sleep in the living room. She had been short of money before and had even thought about remodeling the living room and finding someone to share the apartment with to let off some of the pressure. So long as he appeared miserable enough and was willing to pay some rent, with he and Ning Wan having been friends for so many years, she would surely agree to let him stay temporarily.

And what did staying at her place mean? It meant that seeing each other was only a head turn away. It meant that love would come in time; that 'those on the waterfront would be the first to see the rising moon'enjoying the advantages of an advantageous position; that in every direction his strengths might be displayed; that Ning Wan might be captured in the subtlest of ways!

If he took a step back and conjectured that he might not be able to stay over, Chen Shuo vaguely remembered that the apartment next to Ning Wan was vacant. It wasn't that he might not be able to contact the landlord and rent out the place. In short, if one couldn't be a roommate, being a neighbour wasn't bad either.

Full recovery of his injury would take at least three months. Once his injury was healed, the intensity of his relationship with Ning Wan would be at its peak. At that time, he would confess his love, set out candles, present a rose bouquet. Wouldn't she be putty in his hands?

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