I Advise You To Like Me As Soon As Possible

Chương 153: Chapter 66 (part 3)

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Chen Shuo was still pretty confident in his own charm. To his way of thinking, the reason why he had never managed to win over Ning Wan was because the two of them spent too little time together in private outside of work. Because of that, her impression of him was still that of a highschooler. She had never seen him as a grown man, so she had always thought of him as a little brother, and the idea of falling in love had never occurred to her.

During his days in the hospital, Chen Shuo had spent his time reading books such as "The Bible of Love", "One Hundred and Eight Ways to Flirt with Girls", "How to Get Out of the Sibling Zone", "Essential Skills of an Elegant and Mature Man", "Collection of Sweet Nothings", etc., studying and digesting every highly recommended love guide on the market as if he were studying for the bar. Upon encountering some particularly classic piece of advice, he would take notes it shakily with his still healthy left hand.

'Selling misery' was the plan Chen Shuo had come up with from those books, based on Ning Wan's character.

Now he felt like he possessed all the theoretical knowledge he needed, and it only remained to put it into practice.

However, although he could be discharged from the hospital, a fracture wouldn't recover in simply a day or two. Chen Shuo was still wearing a plaster cast, and his movements were still slow and clumsy. Fortunately, a young nurse who was interning in his ward had always been very fond of him, and she happened to be on duty today. Her helping him with the paperwork and the many things he had to do saved Chen Shuo a lot of worry.

Upon leaving the hospital, Chen Shuo didn't waste a minute. Ning Wan's favorite milk tea in hand, he went straight to the community office. Before rushing there, he even went to the barber to trim and style his hair coolly so that he was well-groomed before appearing at the community.

Having been discharged from the hospital a day early, Chen Shuo felt calmer and more at ease. First of all, he would be able to give Ning Wan a surprise. Secondly, if he had been discharged from the hospital tomorrow, when Ning Wan and the others came he would have looked as though he had been in the hospital for a long time, with too-long hair and a lethargic look, and clad in a hospital gown. That would have given her a bad image of himself.

On top of that, when Chen Shuo excitedly rushed to the community and opened the office door, that annoying Fu Zheng wasn't there, only Ning Wan. He was briefly pleased, and Ning Wan's reaction gave him even more joy - her gaze looking at him was full of a real surprise that couldn't be concealed.

"Chen Shuo! Why were you discharged from the hospital so early? You didn't even tell me! If I had known, I would have come to pick you up!"

"No worries, I didn't want to affect your work. There are a lot of things going on in the community, and I'm sure they would all pile up if you're gone with no one else here to help. Surely you didn't want to work overtime today?" Chen Shuo said in a very mindful and sensible manner. "Anyway, I'm young, not even thirty, so I recover fast. The doctor said that I could be discharged early, and I thought that first, I would free up a bed for other patients earlier, and second, I would be able to come back early to the community to help you.”

"As I am right now," he said, looking serious, "I can't go out on business trips and the like, but it's no problem at all for me to address on-site consultations in the community office with residents come in."

As he had expected, Ning Wan refused. "No, no, you should go home and lie down and have a good rest. The workload isn't so big that I wouldn't be able to bear it alone, and Fu Zheng's here too."

Fu Zheng, Fu Zheng, everywhere Fu Zheng! In his heart, Chen Shuo cursed Fu Zheng, but his face remained calm, and he successfully diverted the conversation to the topic he wanted to address--

"But about going home... there's something wrong with my rental, and now I have nowhere to go. My parents are on vacation overseas, and we're currently having an argument because I'm now grown up but refuse to go on blind dates yet have no girlfriend to bring home during Chinese New Year. They said that as long as I'm single, they didn't care what happened to me, and that they would rather go off together and enjoy themselves instead of coming back to China to take care of me."

Chen Shuo lowered his voice and was about to continue playing up his helplessness and misery even further when the door of the office was pushed open. Fu Zheng had come back.

Gnashing his teeth inwardly, Chen Shuo looked to the door. Why did this person have to choose this exact time to come back?

Fu Zheng was obviously stunned to see him, and looked at Chen Shuo's arm that was still in a cast. "Shouldn't you be going home to rest?"

"No, Senior Sister Ning Wan needs me here."

However, Fu Zheng smiled. "There's no need for you to tough it out when you're physically disabled. I'm here in the office. Go home and rest."

? ? ?

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This tone, this attitude, did you think you were the owner of this office or something?

Chen Shuo decided to teach Fu Zheng a little something about good conduct. He looked at Ning Wan piteously, and disregarding Fu Zheng's gaze, he once again expounded upon his current situation of having no one to look after him and nowhere to live, according to his original plan, and then finally put forth his main appeal--

"I was thinking about how you had wanted to split out your living room before and find someone to share the apartment with. As it happens, I'm looking for transitional housing right now, so could I stay with you temporarily until I recover from my injury? I'll pay half the rent, of course, I'm just wondering if you would mi--"

Before Chen Shuo could finish saying 'mind', Fu Zheng interrupted. "I mind."

Chen Shuo couldn't no longer help himself. He glared at Fu Zheng. "I'm asking Ning Wan! What does this have to do with you? It's not like I want to live in your house!"

Fu Zheng smiled. "It won't work, because if someone has to live in Ning Wan's living room, it'll be me."

Although Chen Shuo didn't speak, he immediately looked at Ning Wan accusingly, his eyes screaming out "why??".

But the scene where Ning Wan put Fu Zheng in his place was nowhere to be found. She just smiled awkwardly, and then she actually rejected him. "I'm no longer thinking about renting it out, my bad about telling you that before. It slipped my mind to let you know, but Fu Zheng and I are going out now."

Sometimes, when a person is too shocked, they aren't able to react immediately when they receive a huge blow and instead display great calmness. This was precisely the case for Chen Shuo at that moment. He even instinctively responded--

"Oh, is that so..."

Across from him, Fu Zheng smiled. "That's right, a lot of things happened while you were hospitalized, but long story short, Ning Wan and I are now together. So even if Ning Wan didn't mind, I would."


Fu Zheng checked his watch. "Oh my, it's almost time to get off work. Ning Wan and I have a movie date tonight, so we'll have to say goodbye to you for now, but do take care of yourself. You're still young and your body might recover quickly, but you should also pay some attention to your mental health. It's easy to get bored while recuperating and spiral into delusion. I'll recommend you some good analysis books on commercial law; since you happen to be single right now and you're still so young - not even thirty! - why not pay more attention to your career?"

Then he smiled, "After all, it's hard to say what fate has in store. Just look at me, I found Ning Wan at the age of thirty. Maybe if you work hard, you'll find the one for you when you're thirty, too."


Having said his piece, Fu Zheng ignored Chen Shuo's reaction, took Ning Wan's hand, waved goodbye and left hand in hand with her.

Chen Shuo had originally been quite fond of dogs, but at that moment, watching Ning Wan and Fu Zheng depart, he felt like killing every dog in the world. He had only been injured by a dog and hospitalized for a few days, yet the situation had swung a full 180 degrees and when he came back, everything had changed...

Dogs should all go extinct.


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