I Became A Capture Target In A Otome Game.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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I, Vincent De Nightingale just regain my memories of my past life as a game developer. From a slap from a commoner girl 15 years of age with long auburn hair, bright brown eyes and a modest face .
'This was the introduction scene for Vincent's character, who became interested in the heroine, from a R-15 Otome game called Welcome To Royal Thornes Academy. It was about a commoner girl name Amelia Bernard entering a school for nobles choosing her prince and eventually becoming queen of the Kingdom of Thornes. It was a fantasy rpg and dating simulator game where you had to go on different quests with the capture targets you wanted to be with. It was a Otome Game with 6 capture targets and Vincent De Nightingale was one of them. Vincent was a scumbag character and his nickname in the game was the prince of crime. I was part of a team making the DLC and had to play the game. The game had a solid RPG fighting system, a low barrier to entry with a high skill ceiling, but the only thing I didn't like about the game was the lack of lore and different type of endings for different characters. There was suppose to be a sequel to the game but was turn into DLC which introduce different fantasy races from other kingdom, but it was never finished.'
"I will never be with the like's of you." A female voice said in outrage before storming off into the academy's gates.
'You are right Amelia Bernard, you will never be with the likes of me. Vincent had several different character endings. If the heroine did choose Vincent, they would become the king and queen of the criminal under world ruling the kingdom from the shadows. If the heroine chose someone else, depending on who they choose, Vincent is executed for his many crimes and hanged. If the Heroine chooses the reverse harem route, Vincent became her secret lover who would do anything for her. The worst ending for Vincent was the friendship route, where Vincent is sold as a slave to a foreign kingdom. Nearly all 6 capture targets had endings like those, and the only good ones were if they end up with the heroine. I at the same time I'm not Vincent but I still have his memories. '
"Vincent!" It was a girl 15 years of age with short cut strawberry red hair, green color eyes, and a round cheek bone face with freckles, wearing knights armor who ran up to me in a hurry.
My heart sank in my chest, as I recognized who this was. It was my fiance Julia Daystone who I haven't seen in over 5 years.
'Julia Daystone was a foil to Vincent and love rival you could say to the main Heroine. For example If Vincent went left, Julia would go left to try and catch Vincent committing a crime. If the heroine chose to pursue Vincent, Julia was involve in trying to uncovering his many crimes and the main heroine would help in covering his crimes up, to show her love for Vincent. It was a very toxic codependent relationship, but for some reason Vincent was a very popular character among fans.'
"What did you do to that girl?"Julia said in a accusatory manner pointing a finger in a metal gantlet at me.
"Its good to see you too Jules." I gently glided her pointed accusatory finger to her waist.
'Julia was a knight of justice, Vincent was a mastermind of crime. Why were they engage?'
"Answer me, What did you do to that girl." Julia reach for the sword at her waist.
'This is bad, a lot of Vincent's bad endings did involve Julia finding out about his crimes then executing him. Depending with the level of affection for the main heroine Vincent would either sacrifice himself to save the main character from being caught, or throw her her under the bus to save himself. Vincent was really that much of a scumbag.'
"I asked if she wanted to have a fun time after school." Vincent did ask that, but the way he implied it he wanted to have more than just a "fun time."
Julia was speechless not expecting for Vincent to be so upfront about it. She was aware about the rumor surrounding Vincent and the criminal things Vincent was involve with, but had no proof. As a daughter of a knight family it was her job to catch criminals, even of its her own fiance.
It was then Vincent began to walk away from the academy and towards the nearby city, the academy was located in Rosen, The city of roses.
"Hey, where are you going, schools about to start." Julia shouted at Vincent's back.
"I'm skipping, you can join me if you want." Vincent responded in a Jovial manner.
'Today is the freshman orientation, if I remember correctly the heroine will meet the rest of the capture targets today, and be assign to Royal Class A, causing a huge uproar among the students and faculty to be the first ever commoner to join the class. She had a rare talent called 'boosting' it allowed her to boost a capture stats once per day. Vincent's talent I'm sure it was called 'tipped scales' which allowed him to change any odds into his favor once a day.
"Che." A familiar voice was following me from a distance.
'Julia seems to have decided to follow me, she's going to be really disappointed.'

Vincent walked into a rundown looking shop with a hanging pair of scissor signboard, and sat down in a chair in front of a mirror. Near the mirror were barber shop tools and a broom to sweep up hair.
'Vincent is a really good looking character. Vincent has shoulder length dark blue hair, orange reddish color eyes, and a young devilish handsome type of face. He looks familiar to me, but my memories has become jumble, since this morning.'
An elderly man in his 50s dress more finely then the shop itself would suggest, enter from a back room and soon handed me a menu. This is one of many capture target spots the main heroine could take her target to customize their looks for a small micro transaction of course.
"What is this?" It was Julia who entered the barbershop, and walked up to me who was sitting in a chair looking through the menu.
"Are you ordering illegal items through the black market and this shop is a front." Julia said in a accusatory tone.
I could only sigh to that accusation.
'Today onward I'm a change person, and today I'm taking steps towards that.'
"Jules, pick one and find out." I handed the menu over to Julia.
'maybe Julia will have better taste than me. No, wait maybe not, Julia has always had more of a tomboy personality ever since we were little.'
"I will, and stop calling me Jules, I know your up to something." Julia said in a assured tone, snatching the menu from my hands.
Julia began looking through the menu trying to find out any strange thing she could find.
POV Julia.
Julia grab the menu from Vincent and begin flipping through the pages.
'You think you can out smart me Vincent, well two can play this game. What do we have here? It looks to be a catalog of different men's hair cuts, this has to be a secret code of some kind. So, you thought you could out smart me, Well not today Vincent, I've already figure out this secret code.'
POV end.
"I want this here, and a part from this one here, the back section of this one, I want the front to be long with singe edges, and a polish at the end." Julia said with confidence.
"Excellence choice miss, you have a fine eye for details." The barber said to Julia.
'I feel nervous, but I can't back out now or it will even look more suspicious, I'll just fix it later if its bad.'
With Julia watching me and the barber from the side. The barber started to work by snapping his finger and a flame appear between them.
'Welcome to Thornes Academy was a fantasy RPG world of sword and magic, where you were either a aura user who could strengthen their bodies or a mana user who can cast elemental spells. The main heroine was able to use both, hence she got into the royal class. Student choose what branch to start on the second day of school. To change Vincent's fate, I've decided to join the path of the aura user, instead of mana, because Vincent in the game was a dark mana user.'
"OK, all done." The Barber said to Julia and I.
I look in the mirror expecting to have a bad hair day, but to my surprise, I didn't look that half bad, in fact I was starting to lose myself in a trance looking into the mirror I had to look away.
'Woah, That was dangerous. I'll have to keep away from mirrors and reflective surfaces from now on.'
I look one more time in the mirror to make sure.
'Dammit, stop looking at yourself.'
I hurried up and paid the barber, making sure to tip him for excellent work and left the shop.
POV Julia.
Julia remained in the barber shop her mouth slightly open, looking at a mirror that Vincent was sitting in front of.
'What was that? was that Vincent, has he always look like that? his long hair was usually in the way and I have always really wanted to cut it. No this doesn't change anything, he's still a criminal and it is your job to catch him, where did he go?'
POV end.
'Damn, I knew this haircut was strange, it doesn't fit in a fantasy game setting. Its too modern, that so many people are stopping and staring at me probably thinking I'm strange. I need less attention, I'll change it as soon as I can.'
It was then I notice a girl stop in the middle of the street staring in my direction. She didn't seem to notice the on coming carriage heading straight for her.
"Look out!" I shouted to warn her.
I started to rush to save her, she became wide eyed seeing me come closer. I activated my talent.
'Tipped scales in game work like this. If Vincent had a 50 percent chance of hitting something and a 50 percent chance of missing, then tipped scales would have taken 25 percent of Vincent missing to Vincent hitting something to make 75 percent chance instead.'
I push her to the dirt road as the carriage pass safely over us, or so I thought as I felt pain in my lower back area, letting a pain "ahhh." escape my lips. one of the wheel axle must of clip my lower back.
"Are you OK?" I got to my feet and held out my hand to help the girl out.
The girl was 15 years of age, was beautiful, she wore a choker and bonnet, that held her platinum blond hair up, she had golden eyes and a elegant face.
Vincent was momentarily stuck by her beauty he nearly forgot to pull her up.
"ahh." A pain sound escape the girls lips.
As I pulled her up she started to balance on one leg one foot was off the ground.
'It seems she sprain her ankle.'
"It seems were both injured, I don't live that far away, if you like I can treat your injuries back at my place."
I offered her my arm.
"Yes?" The girl took my arm in hesitation and we both started limping to a nearby cafe.
"My name is Vincent by the way." I said trying to make small talk, trying to keep her mind off her sprain.
"Cecila." Cecila tried to force a smile.
'Vincent lives alone near the academy in a well furnished loft above a cafe. Vincent does allot of his crimes in plains sight and meets with a lot of clientele at the cafe. Vincent's back story was he is the adopted son to the Count of Nightingale, before that he was born as a street orphan until he was adopted when he was 8. Vincent has been stealing from his adoptive father ever since then to build his criminal empire, I'll have to put an end to it and pay back the count somehow.'
Cecila and I are currently in my loft, she is sitting on the couch with an ice rune cloth on her sprain ankle. I'm currently in the "backroom" in one of the rooms gathering crafting material.
'If Julia ever found this place and search, she would definitely find those illegal items'
I sat in front of Cecila and began crafting a numbing and recovery salve to wrapped around her ankle.
'In Welcome to Royal Thornes academy there was a simple crafting system were the main character could craft weapons, armors, or potions to aid them in with raising the affection level of different capture targets. To seduce Vincent you had to make "drugs" that raised your stamina stat for a while and be addictive, so I know Vincent has a "unique" vast collection of crafting materials in his loft.'
It was when I was grinding the ingredients together, I noticed Cecila looking at me.
'What is Cecila looking at me for, its probably my hair, its too different its stands out in this fantasy setting game.'
"I'm planning to change my hairstyle soon, I know it's strange, so don't worry about it." I said to reassure her.
"Don't!" Cecila almost reach out to stop me.
I tilted my head in confusion.
"I mean don't change your hairstyle it looks really good on you." Cecila said in a fluster.
I started blushing trying to continue making the salve.
"Thanks, I wanted a new look and thought it might look weird." I said with a smile on my face.
'I'm really weak to compliments.'
I finished the salve and was ready to apply it to her ankle.
"May I." I ask for permission to apply it to her ankle.
Cecila nodded in confirmation.
"Let me know if you feel any discomfort." I began to wrap Cecila's ankle with a delicate touch, not putting too much on the sprain, letting the salve's wrapping to do the work.
It was when I tried getting up to put away the crafting materials. The pain in my back made me let out a groan.
"Hey Vincent, Let me help you with your injury." Cecila said with concern.
I manage to nod, getting up and sitting right next to Cecila handing her the salve then turn my back to her and lifted up my shirt. There was a long pause as I felt nothing being applied to my lower back.
"Um, Cecila?"
"Oh, right!" Cecila said in a hurry, as Cecila's delicate hand started wrapping along my lower back and waist, her hands brushing along my exposed abs as she wrapped her arms around me to apply the salve wrapping.
'she is just returning the favor and nothing more.'
It was a sweet blissful moment before I return my shirt down.
"So what now?" Cecila asked.
"We wait a couple hours for the medicine to kick in, If your uncomfortable, I can leave and come back in a few hours if you like?" I offered to Cecila.
"No, Stay." Cecila said in an almost desperate manner.
"OK, I'll stay, but what would you like to eat, I'm cooking."
I manage to get up then made my way to the kitchen and started cooking

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'Vincent and i do have one major thing we share together, we love to cook. In fact one of the ending is the Heroine encouraging Vincent to open up a restaurant empire instead of a criminal one, but the flags to trigger the ending are extremely specific.'
"Umm, Surprise me." Cecila said in a teasing manner.
A cute smile formed on her face to challenge me.
'This girl, she's in for a big surprise.'
I activated the fire rune on the stove and in 30 minutes I made sweet onion soup, with hard soft sour dough bread sticks from the cafe down stairs, and homemade herb garlic butter.
We ate dinner sitting on the couch and enjoying each others company, occasionally looking over one another whether it was secretly or openly, much to the other's delight.
"So why were you stop in the middle of the road?" I asked up front
'I feel like I know the answer, but I want to hear it from Cecila's mouth.'
Cecila almost choked on the bread she was eating on, before drinking a glass of wine that was brought out at one point.
"Why did you want a new a look?" Cecila asked in response.
I smile on the inside, and look deep into Cecila's golden colored eyes.
'I think I really like this girl.'
"I'm trying to change my fate. So why did you suddenly stop in the middle of the road?" I answered her question and moved closer to her to hear the answer.
Cecila mumble something incoherently.
"what was that?" I heard what she said, but I wanted to hear it out loud.
"bcuse of you." She said with a blush starting to grow on her.
"One more time, I wasn't listening?" This time I sat closer on the couch next to Cecila and face her in a teasing manner.
It was then Cecila turn her head to face me and pressed her lips to my lips. I was momentarily stun before I pressed my lips more into her before slowly breaking the kiss exhaling as I went, my hands were already resting on her hips.
'Cecila is really beautiful, funny, and smart.'
It was a moment when we stared into each other's eyes, and both our breathing became deep and shallow trying to match one another in rhythm.
"Do you want me to continue?" My body was becoming hot and heavy, but I still had enough reason with me to ask her.
Cecila responded with a kiss to my question, leaning forward in the process placing her hands on my face. I held her from the waist and brought her closer to me, my hand gently kneading her soft butt through her plaid skirt.
"gasp, hah, hasp." Cecila kiss me for a long time before she started gasping for air.
I lifted Cecila from the couch holding her firm from her soft butt.
"Were going to the bedroom now." I whispers into her ear softly, before gently caressing her neck with kisses, there was a small growl at the end of my whisper as my reason was starting to be replace with lust.
Cecila's legs wrapped around my waist and started to squeeze me so she wouldn't fall.
My warm breath along her neck seem to turn her more on. Cecila's arms reach out to my head to pull me closer. I kissed, lightly licked, and nibble on Cecila's neck being careful not to leave a hickey. It was when I became face to face with Cecila, her breathing was starting to become rough. I glided Cecila gently to the bed, but mess up the landing accidentally dropping her halfway.
Cecila giggled which made her look even more beautiful to me.
"Sorry." I apologize before climbing on to the bed getting on top of Cecila. One knee rested at Cecila waist between her legs, I could feel a warm heat emanating from her crotch. My forearm rested near Cecila's head as I look carnally into her eyes.
"Cecila your beautiful." I meant what I said Cecila look beautiful.
Cecila's face which was already blushing tried to look away, but I wouldn't let her look away. My hand gently caress Cecila's cheek, gliding her face back to look at me.
"Your beautiful, Cecila." I remove her bonnet and choker, letting her platinum blonde hair down covering half the bed.
"Vincent." Cecila said while looking at me.
"Your beautiful." I began removing her blouse, kissing her body downward with each button remove.
Her neck, kiss.
Her clavicle, kiss.
Her chest, kiss.
Her flat stomach, kiss.
Her bellybutton, lick.
"Vincent." Cecila said in a needing tone.
I started to unbutton and remove my academy uniform and was starting to unbuckle my pants.
"Wait, let me do it." Cecila sat up and took over taking off my pants.
I soon felt soft delicate fingers grabbing my already harden cock and started trying to tug it out of the confines of my pants. When my cock was finally freed, Cecila looked astonish, as she clumsily started to grip and stroke my cock with both her hands.
'If you had to describe Vincent in one word, he would be called a man whore, and his member would also match that description. Not only is it long reaching past most people's navels, Cecila could barely wrap one of her hands around the shaft. It also has thick veins running up and down the shaft, making it look somewhat grotesque.'
My cock twitched in anticipation as Cecila continued stroking me.
I lean down and whisper into Cecila's ear, making her ears turn red in the process.
Cecila stuck out her tongue and lick the head of my penis, causing my cock to twitch again tapping Cecila's nose making her flinch back a little.
I gently rub Cecila's head while my other hand held my erection.
"You don't have to force yourself." I said and I meant it.
'I want Cecila to feel safe and comfortable with this.'
I laid Cecila back onto the bed and started to remove her skirt. Her creamy smooth skin felt soft to the touch as I took off her skirt being careful not to trigger her leg injury.
Cecila was wearing simple 2 piece beige underwear that cover her modest size breast and small waist but she was beautiful none the less. My brain was starting to turn off, and my mouth started talking.
"Cecila, I want you." My feelings and lust for Cecila were barely being held back, as I started sliding down the last piece of fabric between Cecila's legs. My cock then rested along her moist cave and her perfect navel.
"I want you Cecila." I slowly started to grind my hips sliding my cock up and down Cecila's expose soft smooth silky skin rubbing against where her clitoris should be with the base of my cock.
After a few minutes of rubbing Cecila's clitoris.
"Vincent, Now, I want you!" Cecila said with exasperation.
My hand ran up and down Cecila smooth skin before positioning themselves on Cecila's waist and abdomen. As I lowered my cock downward to search for the entrance of her cave. The head of my penis being guided down by her smooth slit spreading apart her already moist cave lips until it felt an entrance groove.
I look into Cecila's face, who was biting her lips in anticipation.
'I'm not the old Vincent, I'm the new Vincent who is trying to do better.'
I started entering Cecila, her wet narrow cave entrance already starting to deform around the head of my cock. I captured every expression Cecila started making as moans started to escape her lips. The head of my cock reach a thin wall a few inches inside of Cecila.
I look deep into Cecila's eyes and saw tears starting to form. Leaning down I whisper one last thing to Cecila.
"Kiss me." I said with all the love I could give her.
As my cock ripped through her hymen, Cecila and I kiss. Cecila moaned in pain as I rested my cock halfway in her, her wet vaginal walls started to squeeze around my member.
After a few minutes of resting my cock in Cecila's wet cave and for her pain of losing her virginity to subside. I pushed more of my cock into Cecila inch by inch, spending my time enjoying the feel of her vaginal walls against my penis.
Through our passionate kiss, Cecila moan more in pleasure and I started thrusting deeper and deeper into Cecila, her wet cave squeezing me tight with each thrust, until more than half my cock was inside her reaching the entrance of her womb. Cecila started to wrap her legs around my waist and she start to grind her waist against my cock.
After around 15 minutes of non stop grinding.
I felt a build up of pressure at the base of my cock as I started to piston my hips, my penis poking against the entrance of her womb.
"Cecila, I'm coming soon." Through a passionate kiss together, I said in a heavy breath.
Cecila squeeze my hips with her legs, and her wet vaginal cave walls tighten so much it was harder to pull out, so I continued to thrust deeper into Cecila pushing onto her womb.
My hips sway back and forth taking shorter and shorter thrust, but entering deeper into Cecila before pressing hard on the entrance of her womb. Cecila womb seem to wrap itself on the tip of my cock, as her wet cave kept squeezing me. A rush of pleasure ran out of me, as I started a long ejaculation into Cecila. Cecila's moans escape her lips echoing inside the bedroom.
"Vincent, I'm coming, Don't let go, hold me tighter." Cecila moaned out in pleasure.
My ejaculation went on for a few minutes, Cecila shivering in pleasure threw the entire time as I held her tighter in a loving embrace.
My head became clearer, but I continued hold Cecila in a tight embrace, caressing her back, giving her soft pats up and down her body.
I held Cecila tighter wrapping my arm around her petite body. My cock was still rock hard inside of Cecila, even thou my ejaculation stop, her wet vaginal cave kept squeezing my and her womb entrance kept pressing on my penis's head.
It was a moment after we were enjoying our first orgasm together.
"Vincent, I think I love you." Cecila said in a soft voice.
I lifted her chin to look up at me, her glistening sweat covered face made me only want her more even thou we just met today.
"I love you, Cecila." I began to kiss Cecila and whisper praise into her ear between each kiss.
"I love your laughter." kiss.
"I love how caring you are" kiss.
My hips started to move on their own.
"I love your moan." kiss. thrust
"Vincent, I love you." Cecila kept moaning my name as we continued to make love throughout the night saying "I love you" to one another. Only stopping when Cecila was too tire to continue. I caress her body and kiss her head telling she did a good job until she drifted to sleep. I held Cecila in my arm falling asleep soon after.
The next morning I got up and made breakfast and crafted a morning after drug for Cecila. Cecila was still peacefully asleep, the morning after drug is so she wouldn't need to worry about becoming pregnant at a young age.
'Even thou we just met yesterday, I felt a deep connection with Cecila, that I wouldn't mind marrying her if she was pregnant.'
I left a note saying "I had to go to school early today and will be back in the afternoon".
'I needed to change my classes to become an aura user.'
With that I head to Royal Thornes academy with a pep in my step and a slightly sore back now that I think about it.
'is it from the sex, or nearly being run over by a carriage?'
I finished changing all my classes for mana user for the aura user classes and walk into Royal Class A where Vincent is assign too.
"Vincent is that you?" A wavy blonde hair, blue color eyes, youth with a cheerful disposition greeted me.
"Your royal highness." I gave him an overly exaggerated flourish and bow to greet the blonde youth.
'This is Christopher De Thorne, 1st crown prince of the Thorne kingdom and Vincent's best friend, since they were kids. One of the kindest people you will ever meet.'
"You seem different, did something good happen?" Chris said while grinning.
"Yes, something good did happen." I said with a smile on my face.
'I am not that type of guy who brags about sex, I miss Cecila already, I want to meet her again.'

It was then a girl with long platinum blonde hair that went down to her waist, with golden color eyes, and a elegant demeanor wearing the Academy of Thornes girls uniform walked into the Royal classroom A.

"Cecila!" Chris wave her to sit with us.

'It was Cecila, as in Cecila De Rose, as in the fiance to the capture target the crown princes fiance Christopher De Thorne, a love rival to the heroine. I forgot Vincent is a scumbag, and I I'm Vincent.'

A/N This is a new series I'm trying out. Questions/suggestions, edits are always welcome in the comments.

Thank you for reading.

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