I Became A Capture Target In A Otome Game.

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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'Cecila De Rose, consider to many fans to be the main villainess in "Welcome to Thornes Academy". Cecila is the second daughter of the Duke of Rose, ruler of the the city of Rosen, to which the city was name. In terms of character description Cecila is best describe as the queen of the social circles, she has a group of dedicated loyal followers that would do anything for her, who she used to bully the main heroine Amelia Bernard. If the Heroine did chooses the crown prince Christopher De Thorne as a capture target, she would have Cecila as a love rival. Cecila would use her followers to interfere with players attempts to meet with the crown prince, so players have develop strategy guides showing other player's the when, where, and how to meet him in secret. In term of the game mechanics Cecila would often appear at random times to harass the player in a series of forced mini games with increasing difficulty spikes. If the heroine did end up with the crown prince, they become the new king and queen of Thornes, while Cecila would lose all her followers and become a social outcast before killing herself. Vincent De Nightingale would have been banish from the kingdom of Thornes. Rumor has it Vincent was suppose to become an antagonist in the sequel game, but nothing ever came of it.'
It was when Chris wave over his hand to Cecila, I stood up from my seat and face to greet her.
'In terms of noble ranks Cecila has equal or less than standing of a duke. For one, she is the daughter of a duke, whose authority is second only to the king and the prime minister. If the Duke orders for my immediate execution their would be nothing I could do about it. I, Vincent would be considered three, no four ranks below the Duke because I'm the son of a Count and an adopted son no less. Second Cecila is the crown prince's fiance and will become the Queen of the kingdom of Thornes. Cecila herself could order for my immediate execution and their would be nothing I could seriously do about it.'
"Vincent De Nightingale greets your lady." I greeted Cecila in a manner amongst nobles, bowing to her in reverence and averting my gaze slightly.
'This is bad, if I had known or recognize Cecila from before, I would have never slept with her in the first place. But, why does my chest hurt knowing I can never be with someone like Cecila.'
"Its an honor Sir Nightingale." Cecila gave a polite Curtsy, then she held out her gloved hand in front of me.
'This gesture can be interpretive in one of many ways. One, its a way to remind someone of their station and standing. Two, its a slightly more intimate form of greeting amongst nobles to show they are on good terms with one another. Three, its a sign for the other to submit to pledge their loyalty and commitment to them.'
I was about to reach out and kiss her gloved hand but was interrupted.
"Ceci, don't put Vincent on the spot like this." The crown prince said in a helpful tone.
'Why did my heart sink deeper, when I heard Chris call her Ceci?'
"My prince, it is improper to address me as such while we are are in public, may I remind you others maybe uncomfortable with such familiarity." Cecila spoke with grace and elegance.
'Is this the same Cecila I know, she looks so graceful and poised, like a beautiful portrait come to life.'
We then both then sat down on either side next to Chris, who started complain about how stuffy the royal court is being and his life being as the crown prince. We both were listening and glancing to Chris's direction, but I was secretly looking at Cecila.
'My eyes can't be helped but to be drawn to her.'
It was then an irritable familiar voice interrupted my thoughts.
"Your in my seat." It was the commoner girl Amelia Bernard, whose long auburn hair seem to be more frizzy than usual today.
'This is a scene from the game. In Welcome to Thornes Academy capture targets events were some what randomize for variety of play through. Each capture targets had 4 randomize events per school year. That would increase or decrease affection levels for each capture targets and this was one of them. How did it go again?'
"Then, switch seats with me." The words just flowed naturally out of my mouth.
'I really did want to switch seats, it's not that I want to secretly keep looking at Cecila and use my friend Chris as cover.'
"I'll inform the teacher then." Amelia place her hands on her waist in what you best could describe is called a power pose.

I got up and return to my original seat in the back corner of the class next to the window that overlook the academy's training grounds.
'Damn, if I keep looking at Cecila I'm going to get caught.'
It was when I decide to keep looking out the window so I wouldn't be tempted to look at Cecila. Chris started to greet the heroine Amelia, who greeted back in a friendly manner. I could sense a growing aura of animosity coming from Cecila towards the heroine.
'So, you can't change fate after all.'
I felt dejected knowing I couldn't be with Cecila and wondered how can I escape Vincent's fate when home room began.
'In Royal class A there where a total of three capture targets. The crown prince Christopher De Thorne, the prince of crime Vincent De Nightingale, and the third one just entered the room.'
It was the professor and homeroom teacher of Royal class A.
'Alan Fields was 20 years of age, had short brown hair with a slight 5 o'clock shadow, brown color eyes, and his face made him look easy going. Alan was the 3rd son of a viscount who didn't inherent the lands and became one of the youngest professors to work at academy of Thornes. As a capture target Alan wasn't that popular amongst general fans, but he did have a dedicated fan base that the game company decided to make a series a spin of games from. Alan was the main character in a series of games called "Teach Me Professor Alan." A educational series of mini games involving math, English, and science. Alan fan base became so fanatical that the voice actor who was suppose to voice his character in the upcoming anime adaptation of the game was held hostage, because his fan base said, I quote "Alan wouldn't sound like this."'
It was after home room ended and next was a free period for some students, me included.
'In Welcome to Royal Thornes Academy, there are 6 classes through out the day with different electives to choose from. Depending what classes players chose would increase certain stats and that determine the build for your character with the user path you chose. In the game their was a total of 5 stats, strength, stamina, agility, intelligence, and luck. Each stat contributed to the over all combat level of your character and events when you went on different quest with a capture target. For example strength equated to damage and what items you can equip during combat. Stamina equated to how many actions you could do in a day and how many time you can hit in combat before tiring out. Agility equated to how fast you can move around and your attack speed. Intelligence equated to what elemental spells cast or Aura abilities you can use and it made it easier to get better grades in the Academy. Grades were a very important mechanic in Welcome to Royal Thornes Academy, because it did determine what capture targets you could meet with depending on your grades. For example if the player grades were straight A's the heroine could meet with who ever she wants, if the player grades were straight F's, their were only two capture targets the heroine could meet with and Vincent was one of them. Luck could determine your critical chance during combat, and trigger special events for capture target if players luck were high enough. For Vincent, I've already decided on the type of build for him and ideas to escape his fate, hence I've chosen the path of the Aura user.'
It was when I was the last one in the royal class A.
"Please go to the academy rooftop." It was a voice I recognize but it was coming from the inside if my head.
I got up from my desk and started heading to the rooftop of Thornes Academy. It was when I got to the stairways leading to the rooftop, in front of me stood 4 girls 15 years of age I somewhat recognize.
'They were the 4 loyal followers of Cecila, each had the same shoulder length hairstyle but of different color. Their hair style almost made their faces look the same, but Vincent knows they all come from different noble families of lower rank who were loyal to the Rose family. They were Anna, Brianna, Claire, and Daphne. Anna had black hair, Brianna had yellow blonde hair, Claire had light blue hair, and Daphne had pink hair. Anna, Brianna, Claire, and Daphne all had the exact same eye color of their own hair, wearing the academy uniform for girls.'
It was Anna who parted to the side leaving me enough room to pass them, she was looking at me with a face of indifference but I could sense hostility coming from her.
"Che." Sound came from Anna.
'She knows doesn't she?'
It was when I got to the roof top, I saw Cecila standing there at the center, her back facing in front of me and her waist length platinum blonde hair swaying in the wind. It was then Cecila turn to face me, my heart skipped a beat as I saw her coming closer at me. My eyes widen as I caught Cecila in a loving embrace holding her closer in my arms.
"Vincent." Cecila said, a sense of longing in her voice.
It was a few minutes after we started hugging.
"Cecila, I love you." I lean down slightly to whisper in to her ear.
It was then Cecila stood up a little bit onto her tiptoes, I felt a soft sensation pressing onto my lips. Cecila was kissing me and I reciprocated her kiss, with a kiss of my own, my tongue started tasting the inside of her lips licking the edges of her teeth, as soft passionate moans started to leak out from us.
'Stop this! Cecila is the crown prince's fiance, and you are his best friend.'
It was a few minutes after we started to kiss passionately with one another.
"Vincent." Cecila said in a passionate tone.
It was then I turn Cecila around and leaned her against the door leading to the rooftop, my hands supporting the back of her head against the door and my other hand cushioning her lower back. I reengaged our passionate kiss lightly tasting the inside of Cecila's mouth, occasionally taking breath when needed.
It was a few minutes into our make out session, I felt Cecila's hands rubbing the outside of my pants where my cock should be resting.
"Cecila, do you want it?" I ask in a desperate manner.
As I was leaning my head against the cold metal door of the rooftop leading into the academy, my head started to cool down a little and started to seriously think.
'This is wrong, you know this is wrong, Cecila knows this is wrong. But, I can't help but feel attracted to her.'
It was then I heard three little words that made me question my sanity.
"I want it."
My conscious reasoning felt like it was hit with a hammer, slowly breaking a wall in me that contain my lust.
'Shake it off, you can fight this!'
"I want you, Vincent."
Those words enough coming out of Cecila's soft kissable lips whisper into my ear crumble the wall entirely.
"Cecila." I said in a lust fill tone.

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It was then I turn Cecila to face the metal door of the roof top, putting both her hands against the door leading into the academy. I had Cecila bend over slightly and started to roll up her long uniform skirt placing it over her bent back. Cecila was wearing white lace underwear with black thigh stockings that made her already thin legs look smaller then they actually were.
"Vincent." Cecila said, as if asking for something.
Cecila's words alone are enough to bring me back to reason.
"Yes, Cecila."
My hands were already feeling Cecila soft butt, gently massaging her while I was answering her.
"Call me Ceci, when where alone together." Cecila said in a meek and vulnerable tone.
'I really do like this girl.'
I stared passionately into Cecila's eyes who was looking back at me shyly and responded to her request.
"Ceci, then call me Vin when we are together." I said
'If Cecila is willing to be comfortable with me, then I should do the same.'
A huge uncontrollable smile came across Cecila's face.
"Vin." Cecila said in triumphs.
A smirking grin of victory flashed on Cecila's face before she turn back to face the door.
'This girl is teasing me again. That was a bad move.'
I went down to one knee and started removing Cecila's lace white panties leaving then dangling around her knees. I firmly grip Cecila's legs starting from her knees and began to knead my way up her smooth soft creamy legs with firm hands much to her delight, eliciting small moans of pleasure escaping her lips. It was then my hands got to there final destination, the entrance of Cecila's secret cave. My face was right in front of Cecila's close vaginal lips staring right at it, her cave was starting to glisten leaking love fluid that started leaking down her expose thighs. I could feel a warm heat coming from Cecila's crotch area, and the scent of lavender wafting from her entire body. Cecila's cave was shut tight, but you could see a wet pink color peeking out here and there. I began spreading Cecila's vaginal lips open with my thumbs and peer inside to look at her pink color labia.
'Beautiful, just like Cecila.'
"Vin, don't look." Cecila said while moaning in embarrassment.
I stopped "looking" like Cecila ask for, closing my eyes in the process, then leaned my head forward and started planting kisses at the entrance of her wet cave.
"Ahh." A startle moan escape from Cecila, as I started tracing the outer edges of her cave walls with my tongue, occasionally kissing her cave entrance while searching for her clitoris with my eyes closed like she said. It was when my bottom lips felt a small bump and heard a moan of pleasure from Cecila's mouth I found what I was looking for. Latching on to the bump with my bottom lip and opening my top lip as high as I could I began licking Cecila's labia to her clitoris. Vaginal fluids started flow out of Cecila's cave, giving a somewhat sour fruity taste to her, as I sometime suck and kiss her vaginal opening. Cecila's legs started shaking as I held her firmly up by her butt, Sticking my face deeper into her cave while moving rhythmically in concentration for a few minutes.
"Vin, I'm cumming" Cecila said her voice shaking in somewhat of a high hysterical pitch.
A gush of vaginal fluids rush into my mouth breaking my concentration, forcing me to break away from Cecila's lower half.
As I stood up in triumph supporting Cecila's shaking leg so she wouldn't fall down, I watch her resting panting against the door into the academy. It was when we both had a moment to catch our breath.
"Vin, inside me." Cecila said in a desperate manner.
I wasted no time, unbuckling my pants, pulling out my cock and guided it to the wet opening of Cecila's dripping cave. I push my cock in slowly inch by inch into Cecila, her narrow cave entrance deforming over the head of my penis. Cecila's tight vaginal walls were hugging and squeezing my cock the deeper I went.
'this feels so good.'
"I love you, Ceci." I said moaning in pleasure.
I started to lean more into Cecila, pushing more of my weight onto her and started to piston her with more thrust building intensity as time went on.
It was about 20 minutes of us just moaning in pleasure with the sex we were having I felt a building pressure at the base of my cock and Cecila could feel it too.
"In me, I want it in me, Vin." Cecila said while gritting her teeth.
Cecila face look flushed and cover in sweat, I kept thrusting my hips in and out of her, but I lean down against her back. My face was right next to Cecila's face, I kissed her sticking my tongue into her mouth and she responded by gently sucking on my tongue with her mouth.
It was a few minutes after I felt the pressure continuing to build at the base of my cock.
"I'm cumming, Ceci." I moaned deeply into Cecila's ear, lightly nibbling it with my mouth before returning to cover her lips with my own. The sounds of our pleasured moans were muffled by each other, but still escape from us and went into each other's bodies.
I came deep inside Cecila, my ejaculation went for a few minutes as we kept kissing one another, my hand massaging her modest breast over her Academy uniform.
"I love you, Vin." Cecila whispered into my ear a few times while I finished ejaculating into her. Cecila's warm wet vaginal walls squeeze out the remaining semen from my cock, as I pull out my penis from her.
After we were finish we spent the remaining free period tidying ourselves up. I was surprise to learn that Cecila was a mana user, when she used a simple water spell to wipe the sweat from us and freshen our clothe. We talk, we seriously talked about our situation, I held Cecila in my arms resting against the roof top door into the academy. We agreed to keep this a secret from everybody for now until our situation changes. We both understand our situation and Cecila especially. If anyone found out and decided to leak this, Cecila's reputation would be ruin and I would be executed at the very least.
'Cecila was the one who sent me that message from before, her talent "Secret Message", it allows her once per day to send a 5 word message to one person of her choosing and only to them. Its an extremely broken talent, because all Cecila has to do is think of the person she wants and the message is sent no matter the distance, or unless that person doesn't exist.'
With one long final kissed between Cecila and I, that lasted a few minutes and almost became another "secret meeting", we barely manage to stop each other. We agreed to meet again after school back at my place, to have a deeper discussion about us. Cecila left first back into the Academy. I waited long enough and headed back into the academy to get ready for my next class.
It was when I was on my way back to the royal classroom A, to grab my things for the next class, I had a startling revelation.
'Did Cecila ever use the cleaning water magic, to clean out herself.'
It was when I was thinking perverted thoughts I notice a blank envelope on my desk. I open the letter and read the content inside.
"Vincent De Nightingale I saw what you and Cecila De Rose were doing on the Academy's rooftop. If you don't want your relationship with lady Rose to be expose come to the Academy's temple confessions after school and make sure to come alone."
The letter had no sender.
'Think Vincent your smart, who could have sent this letter, use your criminal mastermind brain and figure this out.'
The letter was hand written in elegant cursive hand writing, which mean they've been educated from a very young age, that rules out nearly all the commoners. 'It's probably someone from the nobility, but from which, the high or low nobility. Lower nobility most likely giving that they sent the letter and they didn't just straight out asked directly.'
'If there rank is higher I'll listen to what they want before making a decision, if their lower rank then me I can just make them disappear or make it look like an accident. The odds their rank is low is quite high given I'm the one they chose to send this letter too.'
'I will deal with this myself.'
The meeting location is the academy's temple. The temple is isolated away from most of the academy building and practically empty during the weekdays.
'Meaning they also don't want others to know about this and chose to meet in private.'
'Hmm, a murder would be easy but disposing of the body might become trouble some.'
A loud audible sniff could be heard in the royal class A.
The letter has a noticeable floral scent indicating the sender to be female.
'So the sender is probably a female noble of low rank, who saw Cecila and I's secret meeting on the academy's rooftop.'
The hair color and face of one of Cecila's followers guarding the academy stairs to the rooftop flash across my mind.
'Anna, but why. Isn't she suppose to be loyal to Cecila. This is troublesome, Cecila would be sad if I kill one of her loyal followers. Hmm. OK, I'll meet with Anna first before doing anything.'
I stuff the letter into my academy's uniform pocket and headed out the royal class A to my next class.

A/N This is a new series I'm trying out. Questions/suggestions, edits are always welcome in the comments.
Thank you for reading.

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