I Became A Capture Target In A Otome Game.

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

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I'm fully naked in the bedroom of my loft, the room is filled with the scent of sex and there is a beautiful girl with long platinum blonde hair, an elegant yet cute face, and golden lust-filled eyes looking in my direction. Next to her was a stunning strawberry redhead with short hair, a high round cheekbone face with freckles, and emerald green eyes staring at the ceiling in a blissful daze.

It was Celia De Rose, the Villainess from the game Welcome To Thornes Academy, half naked on my bed with a lustful and curious look staring at my erected cock, which was dripping with love juice from cumming inside my fiance, Julia Daystone, another love rival in the game. Julia was also laying on my bed naked, her lower region leaving a red stain on the bed sheets, still in a state of bliss from having received my seed inside her secret garden.

After a series of poor or great choices, I'm now in a relationship with both of them. A factor of hormones, future game knowledge, and to be honest drugs have gotten me into this situation.

'This could have gone better, but I can make this work. They both said they love me and I confess to both of them my desires.'

It was Cecila in her boldness who unexpectedly lick the head of my cock still dripping with love juice sending a jolt of pleasure through me. Cecila's warm breath on my cock aroused my attention to her, as I watch her stick her tongue out, she was looking at me to see my reaction, and she started to lick me down there again.

Lick, lick.

Cecila's tongue began to lick my love juice cover member gently, the taste seems to intrigue her this time as she was hesitant before. I move slightly closer to Cecila, wanting her to lick my cock more if she was this willing. It was a different sensation, as her warm small tongue was pressing itself along my cock head and shaft licking away the remaining love juices from my last ejaculation, my lust was starting to make my head go haywire again, as my sight turned to Cecila, who I wanted to be intimate with now. My hand place itself on Cecila's head and started stroking her pristine platinum hair, as she looked up at me with her golden eyes with love and affection.

'Cecila must have been really patiently waiting watching me and Julia have sex, she seems really eager today.'

Then Cecila gently put her mouth on the tip of my cock and started lightly sucking on it. It took every ounce of willpower from me to stay still and not move as Cecila was sucking on my cock as if it were a straw.

Sip, sip, lick.

Eye contact never broke between us, before I watch her swallow what was in her mouth, her face show a bitter expression as she did. I lean in and pressed my lips to Cecila's lips, who responded by kissing me back.

'That must have been hard for her.'

"So, how did I taste?" I said in a teasing manner.

Looking at Cecila I waited for a response.

"Not bad, but bitter," Cecila said, right before she got on all four of her limbs climbing on top of Julia, lifting her naked cute little butt up in my direction, and turning her head back to face me.

Cecila's long hair fell onto Julia's face and her small delicate hands grabbed onto Julia's breast, which was bigger than her own, and "lightly" started to massage them. Julia's blissful face distorted slightly into one of slight agony as her breast was being "massage" by Cecila.

'This girl, she really thinks I don't see what she is doing.'

I got into position behind Cecila and grabbed her platinum blonde hair, removing it out of Julia's face, pulling it taut in my hand, and causing her head to jerk back slightly.

"Be Nice," I whispered into Cecila's ear, a low growl for her to be nice to Julia, causing her to stop "massaging" Julia's breast and I started nibbling on her ear.

'Maybe I was too hopeful for these two to get along right away.'

I turn to Julia, who seems happy to see Cecila being punished by me, looking at me in a loving manner.

"I love you Jules," I said to Julia, as I lean down to press my lips to her lips, which she started to kiss me back.

'I really mean it, I love Julia, I was an Idiot for not noticing it before. It feels amazing to finally admit it.'

"Ahem," Came from Cecila, who was feeling neglected, as I position my cock with my other hand rubbing it gently along her wet vaginal cave entrance and teasing her clitoris. Soft illicit moans came from Cecila, whose breathing was starting to become rougher and her hip started to rock in motion, aiming for my erected cock teasing her.

Cecila's vaginal walls seem to open for me, as my cock was pushing into her, spreading her walls to make room for my thick vein member, a wave of pleasure ran into my head, and fresh energy into my body from kissing Julia. Moans seem to come from all three of us, as I try to make sense of my newfound powers because my body was definitely feeling different.

'Energy from Julia, and when I kissed Cecila, my head cleared up and became focused.'

My head turn to face Cecila and I kissed her passionately, as I started to thrust my hips into her. Cecila's moans of pleasure escaped into me, but when I kissed her my head was clear and I could focus more, clearing up the build-up of lust that was building in my head, putting me in full control. My actions became more distinct, as I began to alternate kissing between Cecila and Julia. My overwhelming lust was managed under control by Cecila's kiss, and Julia replenished my energy whenever I started to become a little tired.

It was when my cock started to kiss the entrance of Cecila's womb entrance, she was already in a disheveled state, her head laid down between Julia's breast as I was thrusting my hips back and forth into her at a moderate pace. I slow down rhythmically so Celia could feel every inch of my hard thick vein cock rubbing against her vaginal walls, whenever I felt the pleasure was becoming too much I gave her a kiss to relieve the ecstasy building in my head.

'Whew, now I can focus on giving Cecila as much pleasure as she wants, and also focus on connecting with Julia.'

It was several minutes of slow rhythmic movements, moving Cecila and my waist together, my long and thick vein cock scraping the inside of her vaginal cave walls, I really wanted Cecila to feel my love for her.

"Vin, please, cum in me," Cecila was pleading with me in a desperate manner.

I could see Julia turned on as well, seeing me push Cecila to this extent, and started rubbing her vaginal entrance unconsciously, but I was nowhere near cumming. I over-corrected from the kisses, I had too much energy and my head was in a clear state, as I continued thrusting into Cecila and making out with Julia who was masturbating herself.

'This was my bad, I overindulge myself in kisses.'

My hands grabbed Cecila's soft cute butt stabilizing her, as I started to thrust into her vaginal walls with more intensity with my thick vein cock. A loud moan reminiscent of our first time together came from Cecila, who looked like she was turning a red hue from pleasure, as I started to increase the piston motion into her sliding my cock in and out, as she seem to bury herself into Julia's soft breast, who masturbated herself looking on in anticipation and envy.

I could feel a cooling sensation of water, as Cecila was activating her mana core and sweat from our bodies started to evaporate leaving us cool and refresh, sending me into a state of pure pleasure.

'I'm close, I'm so close.'

I felt a big build-up of pressure, my head was overflowing with excitement and lust to plant my seed inside of Cecila, Julia's heavy panting in front of me was only edging me even more to do so.

It was several minutes before I felt the build-up of pressure at the base of my cock, making my entire member grow bigger inside of Cecila, who was now saying incoherent words.

"In m, Vin, I bg yo-, pls," Cecila said in a disheveled unladylike appearance, unlike her normal prim and proper look.

With one final thrust, I push my cock as deep into Cecila as I could get to fit in, even pressing onto her womb entrance, as a stream and spurt of pressure erupted from my hard vein member, making my head go blank and let out a loud groan, lasting as long as my ejaculation. Cecila passed out from the pleasure of the climax, but her vaginal walls continue to milk my cock, and her womb entrance pressed hard on it. As Cecila mana sensation went dim and the room cool down a few degrees in temperature. It was several minutes before the passed out Cecila's Vaginal wall decided to release my cock, as it desperately held on refusing to let it go. My head was in a state of bliss, but I was soon brought out of it as Julia who waited patiently long enough, pushed over a pass-out Cecila to the side of the bed and got on all fours of her limbs, raising her butt to me as well.

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'Julia, not you too, I love you both and I want you two to get along.'

Julia's sweat covered face, beautiful green eyes, and messy strawberry hair turn back to look at me, her firm butt was already facing my direction.

"Me too," Julia said, with a cute pouty expression.

I lean in closer to and kissed Julia's lips, as new energy started to enter my body, I slid my still-hard erected cock slowly into her feeling every inch of her tight vaginal cave folds squeezing me. This was still Julia's first time and after a rough start, I wanted to be gentle with her so she could enjoy it as well.

"Aahhh," Julia let out delight moans of pleasure that sounded inside the bedroom.

'I will go on all night if I have to.'

It was a few hours of sex, alternating between Cecila and Julia, who were competing sexually for my affection trying to outdo one another. Afterward, they both tried giving me a blow job but could only take a few inches of my cock into their mouths before they started struggling to take anymore. Celia managed to put a mouthful of my cock in her mouth before I had to put a stop to it before she started to cough. Julia had an easy-to-trigger gag reflex, which I assured her she didn't have to continue to try anymore, much to her dismay.

'I am happy I was receiving so much attention from them both, they made me feel really special inside.'

Celia really likes to be carried, I supported her riding my cock and carrying her by her hips in a standing position. Cecila felt light as I slid her petite body up and down my hard vein cock, she was kissing me passionately leaving visible hickeys on my neck.

Julia really enjoys face-to-face missionary so far, she constantly looks into my eyes, her moaning face was really sexy and she likes to bite my shoulder when the pleasure becomes too much for her to muffle her moans. Julia doesn't like when Cecila is rough with her, who often plays with her more developed body, especially her bigger size chest, so I had to intervene between them to get along with each other. Cecila, on the other hand, is starting to develop her villainess and sadistic personality, of always wanting to be on top, she roughly "massage" Julia whenever I'm not looking. I manage to convince Celia to support Julia instead, so this way we all can enjoy our time together.

'Plus, I find it incredibly attractive when Celia supports Julia,'

'You mean when Cecila constantly whispers into your ear to punish Julia harder when it's Julia's turn for sex, then spread Julia's legs open for you, so you can hold their hands and caress both of them.'

'Hey, I didn't say convincing Cecila to give up her bad habits was going to be easy.'

My cock was always occupied inside Julia or Cecila. If my cock was inside one of them, my hand's caressed and massaged the other one to reassure them, I was still here. It was a new sensation not losing myself to pleasure and I really focused on connecting with Cecila and Julia. We explored our naked bodies watching each other's expressions and learning about what turns each other on. It wasn't just about sex between the three of us, it was cooperation, a battle for dominance, and finding acceptance with each other for who we were. Cecila wore a mask all the time and wanted someone to accept her for herself, not the facade she portrayed. Julia's strong sense of justice made her unable to express her feelings well and she wanted to be vulnerable with someone, connecting with that person on a deeper level.

'These girls, I'll be that someone they can rely on, to connect with, to accept their affection for, and to love them for who they are.'

We had sex the entire time until the sun started to rise, I had them both sandwich together Julia on top of Cecila and my cock shared equally between them pressed against their wet delicate flowers, that were soaked in my love juice for them.

Sliding my cock gently along the entrances of their vaginal openings, I could feel Celia and Julia pressing their crotches along my long shaft, a small bump on either side of it giving me a pleasant massage. We were all moaning in a cacophony of pleasure and lust as I started to alternate from kissing Celia and Julia, whispering into their ears how much I love them, they said they love me in return.

'I love them, now and forever.'

I was still full of energy, but I could tell that Julia and Cecila, were already tired, but pushing themselves to compete with one another and to keep up with me. The pressure my cock was receiving felt perfect, as Cecila and Julia moaned with pleasure while hugging one another, it was reaching a fever pitch.

"I'm cumming." I moan in a loud voice.

Cecila and Julia were both panting in pleasure, moaning, and pressing their crotches harder on my cock, as it started to ejaculate onto their sweat-covered bodies, each spurt painting a streak of white pearls along their soft smooth skin before they collapse from tiredness.

'This felt nice.'

Cecila and Julia fell asleep peacefully together embracing one another in a hug, a blissful smile on their faces. I felt satisfied and did my best to wipe down their sweat-covered bodies, before tucking them into my bed. I kissed them one last time on their foreheads and wish them sweet dreams.

'I was full of energy and clear-headed, kissing is going to become a habit I need to control from now on. And I really like kissing too.'

I went to take a quick bath, the warm water felt nice. As I look at myself in the mirror of my bathroom, nearly catching myself in another trance, I was surprised to see how much I've changed after receiving an aura core. I became taller, my scrawny physique became slightly buffer, and I looked like I matured a little. The biggest change was my dark blue hair and orange-reddish eyes, which now have a reddish purple tint, streak, or shine to them. Overall I look the same, but also look like I was hit with puberty hard, starting to turn into a handsome devil-type character, instead of a smart mastermind kind like in the game.

'I look evil, the red-purple gleam in my eyes really yells male villain from an otome game.'

It was several minutes before I snapped out of looking at myself in the mirror before I headed downstairs to the cafe to make breakfast for the 3 of us.

'It's OK, a lot of people like to look at themselves in the mirrors or reflection.'

'Yeah, but aren't those people really narcissistic and really unpleasant to hang around with.'

It was when I started by squeezing fresh juice from oranges and mixing batters for waffles and pancakes, I'd decide to double my efforts to avoid reflective surfaces. I turn on the fire rune stove, starting to cook bacon and eggs. The lovely smell and aroma filled the cafe traveling into the loft upstairs.

'I wanted to surprise them with breakfast in bed together and to discuss about our situation, I'm in too deep now. I told Julia and Cecila I love them, and I want them to be with me. I've been having unprotected sex this entire time, really amazing sex, my loins wants to impregnate them with my seed, but my stupid brain said it's not wise to start a family this soon. If I liquidate all my stolen assets that I have it will at least cover the cost of travel to other continents and the down payment for a nice place for us to live to settle down. Wait, Julia doesn't know about the elopement, what should I do if she doesn't agree to come with us.'

Brewing a couple of morning after potions for Celia and Julia, I was preparing my finishing touches on breakfast to take upstairs. It was then I heard a knock on the door and my head went into criminal mastermind mode.

'Who could it be at this early hour, is it one of Vincent's associates, a knight patrol, or did Duke Rose find out about Cecila and me? Vincent has contingency plans in place if he ever needed to make a quick getaway, a go bag with several disguises hidden in the floor boards and a few safe houses throughout the city.'

I was wearing a comfortable light blue silk robe and grab a meat tenderizer from the counter as a potential weapon. I went to the front door of the cafe and open the door slightly ajar to see who it was. To my surprise, it was someone I knew and who recently became friends with, who was looking back at me as well.

"Hi, Vincent, ready to bake."

It was the priest in training Marcus, one of the capture targets from the game and someone I promise to help, learn to bake over the weekend.

'How many days was I unconscious?'

A/N It is scary when you type in the character descriptions into an AI art program.

Thank you for reading.

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