I Became A Capture Target In A Otome Game.

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

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I'm in the middle of hugging my fiance Julia, both of us are naked on my large bed with me on top of her. My cock is nestled inside Julia's tight warm vaginal walls, which are leaking blood from her ripped hymen, from losing her virginity to me.

'Why is Julia in my loft? I can't let her see my face, if she finds out I took her virginity because I thought she was a dream, I'll feel a bad-end game ending will be coming soon.'

I looked beside me, my love Cecila is sleeping peacefully, her body is sweating and disheveled like after when we have sex.

'Did I have sex with Cecilia? My dreams seem vague, but I remember finding two jars of never-ending honey and being very happy about it. If Cecila wakes up and sees me embracing Julia, I'm dead.'

Julia's vaginal walls started to constrict around my hard cock resting inside her, and an involuntary groan of pleasure escape from me.

'Sh**, this is bad, but Julia's insides feel really good, if I lose focus I'll end up cumming inside her early, no wait, I need to deescalate this situation, first by taking my cock out of her.'

"Ahh," Julia moans.

My cock started slowly sliding out of Julia's warm tight wet tunnel, which was collapsing in on my lower member trying to keep it trapped from leaving inside her.

Julia's moaning face was incredibly sexy, her biting lips and disheveled appearance were a real turn-on for me.

'Please stop Julia, your sexy moaning is really distracting.'

Julia's legs wrapped around my lower back, and her hands which were placed on my hips started to be guided back into her tight warm vaginal cave.

"Vincent, It still hurts," Julia said, pleading with me.

My cock stopped trying to pull out of Julia's tight vaginal tunnel, I took the time to study her slightly painful expression, her green emerald eyes were red from crying and her round cheekbone face with freckles glisten with sweat.

'I'm hurting Julia.'

Trying to move as little as possible I began to wipe away Julia's tears, strawberry hair, and sweat from her face. Looking into Julia's clear green emerald eyes, I felt longing from her toward me making me feel guilty.

'Julia is really a nice girl.'

Julia was looking right at me in my orange-reddish eyes.

"Vincent, please kiss me?" Julia shyly asked.

Julia was being vulnerable right now, I could see it in her face, she wasn't the girl from the game trying to catch me committing a crime, she was a girl baring her heart out to the one they love.

My head and heart were in conflict, my head is telling me this is wrong, this was a mistake, this will end badly, My heart is telling me to bond with her, to give her what she wants, to embrace her, and never let go.

'But what about Cecila?'

My head and eyes were drawn over to a peacefully sleeping Cecila, before Julia guided my head with her callous hands to look right back at her.

"Vincent, look at me," Julia said with a slightly stern expression.

I was looking at Julia, really looking at her, she was beautiful, and my carnal lust was lurking around in the background, waiting to take over if I give in.

'What do I want? I love Cecila I know that, and I like Julia, as a childhood friend, but do I love her? This was a mistake, but I can't take it back now if I did I be like the old Vincent not caring about others, and I do care for Julia, I've known her since I was 8.'

Leaning my head down my lips pressed and locked onto Julia's lips, I felt an electric sensation running through my body. A connection with Julia was established, as I started kissing her passionately.

'What are you doing!'

My heart and my head were sending me mixed messages, as I started to kiss Julia, but also looked at a sleeping Cecila in the corner of my eye.

'If Cecila wakes up I'm dead, but right now I want Julia.'

Julia seem to accept my kisses as loud sensual moans escape her lips, I became fearful Cecila might wake up. Julia's vaginal walls started to squeeze on my cock which was inside, sending a wave of pleasure to my head, as my lust was taking control.

'What is Julia doing? you're sexy moans are going to wake up Cecila'

My hands ran all over Julia caressing her well tone sweat naked body, her breasts were soft that I could fit in my hands, her butt was firm, making me want to squeeze them, and my cock gently started massaging the inside of her vaginal caves.

'Sh**, I'm a scumbag, but Julia's inner vaginal walls feel really good. They are squeezing me with more pressure than I'm used to.'

Julia's moans were getting louder and were definitely going to wake up Cecila, my kisses were becoming more forceful as I pressed them harder into Julia's. I felt more electric sensations enter my body from Julia, filling me with new energy.

'This is new, it feels nice. Now that I think about it, my body feels different.'

I felt a tap on my shoulder, causing me to flinch, stop kissing Julia for a moment and look to Cecila who was still sleeping.

'I'm so hard right now, the thought of Cecila waking up was a turn-on for me, my instincts were running on overdrive. I'm sorry, I never wanted to hurt either of you.'

"Hah, hah, ha, "

It was Julia desperately breathing for air.

'was I kissing her for too long?'

My cock was starting to slide out from Julia's wet tight vaginal cave, her inner walls gripped my member refusing to let go. Julia grabbed my hips push me further into her, as my cock plunged all the way to the end of her vaginal cave, my penis head meeting her womb entrance.

"Vincent, stay inside me," Julia said while out of breath, then she look over at a sleeping Cecila with a look of disdain.

'What is going on? Does Julia want us to get caught?'

Reason and sense returned to me as my lust was wrangled back into its cage. I stopped caressing Julia, as my torso rose up, my cock still connected to her.

"We should stop," I said with a clearer head and a firm tone.

I was looking down at Julia with a serious expression, she turn her face to me with a look of panic.

"Why! We've finally become one." Julia said pleading with me, her arm and legs were wrapped around my waist urging me to continue.

'I've messed up big time, and I accept whatever bad end game ending that is coming for me.'

"I love Cecila, this was a mistake," I said with a coldness in my voice I'd never felt before.

I was angry with Julia, but more, I was angry with myself for letting this situation happen in the first place.

'If only I didn't try to change Vincent's fate, if only I didn't want to change my relationship with Julia for a better outcome, and if only I didn't fall in love with Cecila De Rose, a love rival in the game Welcome to Royal Thornes Academy.'

It was then soft delicate hands wrapped around my chest and a familiar voice whispered loud enough for Julia and me to hear.

"I love you too, Vincent."

It was Cecila who had woken up and gotten behind me somehow, my head turn to face her. I felt the familiar sensation of Cecila soft kissable lips pressing against my own, and I reciprocated. A soothing feeling of energy enter my body different from when I kissed Julia.

'This is also new, and It feels nice.'

Cecila and I both were kissing one another for a really long time, completely forgetting about Julia, not until we heard the sob crying from down below causing us both to look over.

"Why Vincent? why did you pick her?" Julia said, her face filling up with new tears.

'Dammit, I really I'm a scumbag I forgot Julia was still here.'

I was about to answer when Cecila answered before me.

"It's because I'm better than you," Cecila said in a smug manner

Julia was hurt by those words, tears started streaming from her face and I felt sad. It was when Cecila said those words I had a revelation.

'Cecila was still Cecila from the game, the villainess, the Social Queen, and those were the words she often said to the heroine of the game Amelia Bernard whenever the player lost to her in mini-games.'

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'I'm not the only one who needs to change, Cecila was going down a bad end as well and I made a decision.'

I maneuvered and placed Cecila next to Julia, both of them were surprised by my actions, as I stable my arms over them next to their head's placing them close to one another.

'Cecila feels a lot lighter than I remember, she should eat more.'

"Ceci, apologize to Julia, Now," I said in a firm tone.

"But she-"


I stared sternly into Cecila's golden eyes who were showing a look of refusal to apologize.

'I want us to change, all of us, to escape the bad endings this shitty microtransaction game has in store for us, and I'm starting to care a little less if I have to become a scumbag to do so.'

It was a long minute of staring before Cecila gave in and mumbled incoherent words that could be heard from her.

"Ceci!" I said my voice sounding a little agitated.

'This is for Cecila's own good, I didn't picture for it to go down like this, but if I don't fix this now, the problem will only get worse.'

"Srry," Cecila said in reluctance.

'This girl! I know how stubborn she can be.'

"To who?" I said to Cecila, staring intensely into her eyes refusing to back down from this.

It was another intense moment between Cecila and me, but I refuse to let her go away from this matter.

"Sorry Julia," Cecila said in a meek submissive tone as she was the first to break eye contact with me.

"For?" I said starting to become angry at Cecila.

'I want Cecila to be sincere about her apology or at least acknowledge what she did wrong.'

"For stealing your fiance, and having sex with him in front of you," Cecila said a bit of shame and guilt in her voice.

'I did what now? it doesn't matter, now it's Julia's turn.'

I turned to Julia, who was no longer crying, but instead was looking away from me, I had to turn her face to look at me, a look of guilt written all over it.

'Did Julia do something as well? I've known Julia for long enough, she is an honest person. Julia since we were little, has always had a keen sense when it came to, whether I was lying to her or not, it was one of the reasons the old Vincent didn't really get along with her too well. As I could easily tell Julia's expressions apart, she was an easy-to-read girl to me.'

"Julia?" I said in a questioning tone.

Julia cave in almost immediately.

"I'm sorry Cecila, for feeling jealous and trying to take him away from you. But I love Vincent, please don't take him away from me," Julia said with tears in her voice and a pleading expression to Cecila, then to me.

'I want them both, Cecila because I want to be with her, and Julia because I don't want to make her sad, making me want to protect and care for her even from Cecila.'

I didn't give Cecila a chance to respond this time, as I leaned in and gave both of them a tight hug at the same time.

"I'm sorry to both of you, I didn't mean for any of this to happen, you both are very special to me, and I want you both."

'I was confused, on every moral, emotional, and ethical level with what I was doing, I didn't know what part of me was talking or who to listen to.'

It was several minutes of silence, and I was becoming nervous, before I felt a soft kissing sensation on the base of my neck, followed by another soft kissing sensation on the other side of my neck, and light biting.

I release Cecila and Julia from my hug and rose over them leaning on my arms to look at them below me. They were not looking at me they were glaring at each other, before giving each other a silent nod, then both their glares turn to me.

'Damn, I wonder what kind of bad end I'll get.'

It was when my eyes close and waited for my punishments, my head was running through all the worst-case scenarios.

"Vin, you better treat us both right," Cecila said making it a declaration.

"Vincent, you've said you change and I believe you, please take care of us from now on," Julia said with a shy and cute expression.

My impromptu confession worked, as my heart began jumping with joy.

"I promise to love you both from the bottom of my heart, and I know I messed up today, but I promise I'll work harder from now on to make us all happy."

'This kind of thing can't happen again, I may have messed up both Julia and Cecila's lives with them being involved with me, but I can feel fate being changed with my confession to them.'

I lean down to hold Cecila and Julia closer to me, I wanted to feel them and give them both my affection, they were both easy to carry bringing them closer to me, and their slender arms wrap around my naked body. I gave them my love, my warmth, and my commitment as I wanted us to enjoy the moment with one another.

It was Julia's sexy moans that broke that moment, as she began to gnaw and bite on my shoulders.

'That's right my cock was still hard buried deep into Julia's special cave. All this moving around must have been really stimulating for her, she must be close to a climax.'

My head lean over into Cecila's direction, who was pouting at me, looking at Julia's blissful face, and down at my groin area.

'It's clear to me that Cecila wants me to embrace her too, but I have to be fair and it seems Cecila already had a turn with me. I'll need to have a talk with her and Julia to fill me in on what I miss when I was unconscious.'

"Ceci, watch for now, I need to take care of Julia," I said to Cecila as I gently laid back Julia onto the bed.

My hips started moving to thrust a little in and out of Julia, who was moaning in pleasure, her vaginal walls kept squeezing my cock inside her trying to coax me into cumming. Cecila did watch, as I told her too, staring intensely as her golden eyes seem glued to the spot where my glisten love juice-covered cock was sliding in and out of Julia at an increasing pace.

'My brain is on fire, I'm not going to last very long with the stimulating sight before me.'

In front of me was Cecila nearly naked only wearing a white lace bra and her signature choker, her length waist platinum blonde hair covered her beautiful body making her look like a piece of art, staring attentively at my groin area watching me have sex with another girl. That sexy girl Julia who was completely naked moaning heavily on the verge of a big climax, with my cock moving inside her tight vaginal walls, her strawberry short hair seem to bob up and down with each thrust.

Lust was fully in control as my free hand slipped in and began to massage Cecila's already wet cave entrance, as my thumb gently started rubbing her clitoris. My other hand started to rub Julia's clitoris, causing her dripping cave walls to tighten around my cock, I felt a build-up of pressure from the base of my balls.

After a few minutes of intense build-up, I was ready to blow.

"Jules, Ceci, I'm cumming soon," I said in a hot and heavy manner.

I wanted us to cum together so I increase my pace for both of them. My hips gave Julia shorter and shorter thrusts, as she was incoherently calling out my name to finish inside her.

"Vincent, I want your seed inside me," Julia said begging me to finish inside of her.

Cecila was panting on the verge of a climax as well, her head was resting on Julia's abdomen rubbing herself as one of my free hands was fingering her to completion. As my other hand held tightly onto Julia's waist.

I groaned out loud as my cock sprays a burst of semen into Julia, who shuddered and arch her back a little as her vaginal walls were trying to milk my cock the entire time making my ejaculation into her stronger.

Panting and out of breath, I was in a euphoria of pleasure from cumming into Julia for the first time. Leaning down I kiss Cecila all over her, who spasmed slightly from her climax and kiss my way upward toward Julia whose head seemed to overload from pleasure still experiencing a shuddering orgasm. It was when I was kissing both of them I felt my body become revitalized and my head became clearer.

'This is new, a soothing or electric sensation, whenever I kiss Cecila or Julia, this might become addicting if I don't control myself. My body does feel different, like brand new and bursting with energy, is this a side-effect of the Aura core?'

For a few minutes, I enjoy finishing having sex with Julia for the first time, as Cecila looks at me with a blissful face with a wanting for it to be her turn already.

I look out the window of the loft and saw that the sun was going down in the city of Rosen, but my cock was standing up full of energy when I slid it out from Julia's lower half. I place my cock in front of Cecila who was looking at it with such a lustful gaze. It was going to be a very long and sensual night for the three of us.

A/N The next chapter will continue the threesome. As well as his power goes, I've decided when he kisses a different girl it will have a different effect, for example kissing Julia will recharge some of his stamina, or kissing Cecila calms his mind/ removes certain status ailments.

Thank you for reading.

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