I Became a Random Soldier in a Fantasy Novel

Chapter 3: 3. The Anticipation

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My shift change takes place tomorrow, so I still had some free time for myself. 

I decided to go out for some nice dinner.

Of course, before I head outside, I had to hand in my equipment.

Taking off my uniform, helmet, paddings, and light metal armor, I headed to the quartermaster to hand in my weapons.

A short spear, a dark-brown wooden baton, and some rope restraints.

This was actually really good equipment for City Watch.

The provincial government of the city of Tristle spends a good amount of it's budget on safety and security - unlike other cities.

Heading outside the checkpoint of the designated City Watch compound, I saluted the guards guarding the City Watch checkpoint and headed to a inn that looked pretty nice.

By the way, only professional soldiers can visit the streets. Normal City Watch draftees needed to stay in their living quarters unless they were on-duty.

Arriving at the inn, made of pretty firm wood, I opened the entrance door.


The bell chimes located on top of the entrance door created a sound, alerting everyone dining here of my presence.

A few looked my way but went back to their own respective activities.

I quickly observed the people within the inn.

Mercenaries, normal citizens, adventurers, and sex workers(?).

A really mixed group of people.

I walked up to one of the single-seat tables and gestured to a waiter.

"Welcome. What would you like?"

There was no menu. Probably because every inn serves the same thing and not a lot of people knew how to read.

"Chicken soup and some bread."

"Got it."

The waiter then scurried off with my order.

With nothing to do besides waiting, I closed my eyes and listened to the conversations of those next to me.

One group was a group of mercenaries.

"I cut that dude's legs off and he didn't notice for like an entire minute!!"

Pretty standard mercenary conversation.

Another group was one of adventurers.

"Those damn slimes... I need to get a new pair of shoes man."

The adventurer seemed pretty new if he was having problems with slimes.

The difference between adventurers and mercenaries are, that mercenaries are hired by individuals to fight - whilst adventurers are hired by the local guildmaster/provincial government.

Also, being an adventurer is another way of serving the draft, so there's a lot of adventurers. Especially in city big as this one.

Adventurers are viewed as honorable, helpful individuals, while mercenaries are viewed as ruthless and brutal people.

However, they pretty much have the same personality. It's just that adventurers fight monsters/demonic beasts whilst mercenaries fight humans. So mercenaries can't help but have a bad rep.

(Mercenaries earn more money though)

"Sir, your order."

The waiter came back with a hefty bowl of chicken soup and some bread.


"No problem."

Leaving my food on the table, the aroma and warmth of the chicken soup surrounded my nose.

I began eating.

I was quite hungry.

However, a sex worker, came up my way.

"Hey handsome, want a good time?"

"No thanks."

Of course, I rejected the sex worker's offer.

Think of all the STD's in this world.

I don't want to wake up with some bumps on my genitals.

As if the Sex worker knew when to stop, she went to another table and said the same thing she said to me.

Until the waiter noticed she wasn't a customer and kicked her out.

Finishing my meal quickly, I raised my hand - gesturing at a waiter. To pay.


The bell chimes on the entrance door to this inn rang.

Unconsciously, I turned my eyes to the entrance door to view who came in this inn.

It was a quite peculiar duo.

One teenager, male, with a very handsome face. Around 16 years of age.

And another female, which I shit you not, who was the prettiest person I've ever seen. Though probably around 16 as well. 

Everyone in the inn went quiet.

Some stared at the group in amazement, whilst others stared with lust to a 16 year old.

The duo took a seat in the middle of the inn - gesturing for the waiter.

The waiter, despite the fact that I have been raising my hand for about a minute to pay, went to the group first.

"Hello! What would you like?"

The waiter, as if trying to break the tension and silence that took place after the duo came in, said in a enthusiastic tone.

The teenage boy hesitated.


But the girl was quick to order.

After some time though, the boy was able to order some chicken soup.

I was still raising my hand to pay. My arm was hurting.

The waiter, scurrying off with the duo's orders, went running into the kitchen.

Some liveliness resumed after some time, and people began talking again.

That was until, a group of adventurers, came up to the duo.


"Pretty Lady, what are you doing here? I know a good place to hang out."

One of the adventurers began talking. He looked like your average trash human.

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"Yeah. Leave this dude and come with us, we'll show you a fun time."

Another started talking as well. 

This was bound to happen.

A pretty girl, barging in a rough inn alone, with only one dude accompanying her.

That's really asking for attention. And not the good kind.

"I'm not interested."

The girl interjected faithfully, however. The boy next to her still remaining silent.

"Come on, don't be shy."

The group of adventurers however, were still persistent to bring this girl with them. Probably to their beds.

Due to this, the inn went quiet again. With the duo and the group of adventurers being the center of attention.

One of the adventurers began walking up to the girl, attempting to touch her.


"Stop. Before I do something to you."

The boy next to the girl suddenly muttered.

"Huh? What is this fucker saying?"

The adventurer attempting to touch the girl laughed.

"What are you going to do with those flimsy arms of yours?? Ha!"

Another adventurer started laughing as well.

This was bad.

The girl looked around the inn, as if asking anyone for help.


Of course nobody was helping. Nothing good was happening getting into a fight with some adventurers.


This was it.

I had enough.


I stood up.



The sound of the chair scraping against the wooden floor rung out.


Everyone looked at me. Everyone.


The girl, the boy, the adventurers, the mercenaries, the average citizen, and the waiter that just came out of the kitchen.


They looked in anticipation, as if I was going to do anything about this very unjust event.

Like a hero, helping a troubled couple surrounded by a gang of some trash humans.


I walked up..


To the waiter, and gave him 7 copper coins.

"Payment for the meal. I left an extra copper as a tip."

Everyone was speechless.

I walked out of the inn, with the bell chimes ringing. Notifying everyone of my exit.


The bell chimes rang a bit louder this time.

I began running away.

God bless the City Watch.

Rudolf, was a new adventurer.

He was the first son of a rural Baron, and always looked up to adventurers ever since he was young.

So once he turned 16, the legal draft age, he volunteered to be an adventurer - with his childhood friend, Verya.

They traveled through the secure road of the City of Tristle, the 3rd biggest city - earning it's wealth through its high abundance of adventurers and mercenaries.

Passing through the Northern gate of the City of Tristle, Rudolf was excited about his new journey. His entrance into the official city of adventurers.

He has begged his father for years for permission to travel the world, and this was his time to prove something.

Rudolf, with Verya, headed to a inn, to look for some food and shelter once they arrived.

They were looking to rest for a bit, with the hefty amount of money they each received from their parents. 

However, things didn't go out as planned.

Some adventurers, the same adventurers he looked up to, was picking on him and Verya.

He was scared.

While Rudolf was pretty strong, he was lacking in the mental aspect.

He has been careful to never even kill an ant, and if he did so, he would have cried for days from guilt.

He wanted someone to help him.

He wanted someone to get rid of the adventurers bothering him and Verya in the inn.

He was waiting eagerly for someone to help him. Eagerly.

That was when a man stood up.

As if acting defiantly against the unjust happening within the inn.

Looking at the man in anticipation, Rudolf stared at the man.

The man, with heavy, courageous steps,

paid for his meal and walked out of the inn.


The bell chimes rung once more.

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