I Became a Random Soldier in a Fantasy Novel

Chapter 4: 4. The Wood Baton Meets Calcium

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Inside the inn, the active harassment of the couple was still going on.

After Lionel left, people just chose to ignore the entire event in-general.

One adventurer forcefully grabbed Verya's hand and forcefully pulled her to his body, seeing everyone's nonchalant response.

"You like it, yeah?"

The adventurer surrounding Rudolf commented.

"Come on lads, let's bring her upstairs to our rooms. Heheh.."

Another adventurer commented.

Rudolf, seeing this outrageous act, grabbed his short-sword laid beneath the table.

Ready to slash, he strengthen his grip..


Until, Verya slapped the adventurer holding her with such force that it was almost as loud as a gunshot.


"Keep your hands off me."

The adventurer that was slapped, fell to the ground - knocked out cold.

The thing was, Verya herself was a very powerful human being - being the sole daughter of a Knight family serviced within Rudolf's Baron territory.

Probably stronger than all the adventurers combined.

"You bitch!"

The surrounding remaining adventurers attempted to catch hold of Verya and Rudolf with physical force in vengeance of their fallen comrade.

A short brawl occured.

Chairs flew, fingers chopped. Cups shattered.

With the obvious victor.

Rudolf and Verya came out on top, with the 4 adventurers knocked on the ground. 

As if observing their handiwork, the customers of the inn stared at the duo, surprised.

That was when a group of uniformed men armed with batons barged into the inn, smashing the door open.

"City Security! Get on the ground!"

They tackled Verya and Rudolf and restrained them with sturdy rope cuffs. They also restrained the knocked out adventurers just in case.

"We're innocent!" 

Rudolf shouted out, acting defiantly against the 2 City Watch personnel on top of him. (Without his actual full strength though)

However, one soldier responded.

"We'll investigate first."

Rudolf remained silent after understanding their intent.

With Rudolf and Verya's face plummeted to the ground, they couldn't see.

This also caused them to miss the fact that Lionel, with a proud grin, was looking from the doorway.


When I ran out the inn I just dined it, leaving people in trouble alone, it would have looked like I was a jackass to most people.

Not helping people in obvious danger, with the authority to do so?

I am a member of the City Watch, right? A professional soldier at that!

It must be my duty to help that endangered couple?

That's correct.

It is my duty.

But - the best way to help someone in trouble, is to call someone else.


Your neighbor's house is on fire?

Don't help him take out the fire with a bucket full of water.

Instead, call firefighters.


Someone's robbing a store?

Don't shoot him with your concealed carry firearm, call the police.


That's the best kind of help. Call the people that would deal with the respective situation.


In this case, that someone else I should call, is the City Watch.

You see an endangered couple being surrounded by a bunch of strong-looking adventurers?

Just run to the City Watch and notify them.

This isn't being negligent of my duties.


While I am a soldier within the City Watch, I am strictly a gate guard. Not a patrolman/constable.

I have no authority to police around anyone besides my designated gate area.

So, I just ran to the nearest City Security Checkpoint/Station, and notified the soldiers on-duty of what was happening.

My rank as an off-duty Sergeant Major also helped with my credibility.

Soon, I saw a group of 5 patrolmen run to the inn.

Following them, I observed their work detaining everyone.


I grinned. Knowing that I saved the fate of some poor couple.

I think. (For some reason the adventurers were all knocked out cold)



A day later, Rudolf and Verya were released from the City Detainment Center after their actions in the inn were determined to be self defence (?) with help from witnesses and accounts from Lionel himself.

Of course, they had no idea what Lionel did in the first place.

Everyone's identity is kept confidential in investigations/interviews.


Rudolf and Verya, taking a deep breath of the fresh air outside after an entire day stuck together in a detainment cell, checked the time through the clock located in the main plaza.

3 PM.

They were already served a quite lacking breakfast and dinner at the detainment cells, so they were full.

Verya suggested that they just take a walk around, to think and talk.

Rudolf agreed.

Verya and Rudolf headed to the Northeast streets of the City of Tristle.

Not knowing that Lionel was guarding the Northeast gate.



Today was the day I worked an afternoon shift with Chris instead of a midnight shift.

Met with the slightly cold and fresh breeze of an afternoon, I laid my back on the city walls while holding my spear with one hand.

Nothing changed.

Nobody visited the Northeast gate even during the afternoon.

Nobody visited the Northeast gate even after 3 hours of pointless standing with Chris.

Sometimes, I wonder.

Why do we even stand guard for the Northeast gate?

It's really a job that lowers your self confidence and questions your involvement in society.

At least back in Gate 4 on earth there was some air conditioning and shelter. With a superior checking every now and then.

Here, all we had was the strong winter sun, and a singular wooden booth.

A wooden booth which Chris was standing in. I was just leaning on the city walls.

Not being able to stand the boredom, I talked to Chris.

"Hey Chris?"

"Yes, Sir."

Chris, with a well-spoken and faithful tone for some reason, asked articulately.

"I'm going to get some hot tea real quick. Want a cup?"

"Yes, Sir."

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I was so bored, I just wanted to walk around and get some tea.

"Alright. Watch for my spear. I'm leaving it here."

I rested my spear next to the booth Chris was standing in and began running inward of the City of Tristle, torwards the City Watch HQ.

It was fairly close.

I saluted the guards guarding the City Watch HQ Checkpoint and quickly ran in.

My metal armor, helmet, and baton collided against my body with every step. They made a clinking sound.

I went to the cafeteria, on the 2nd floor, and met the chef on-duty.

"2 cups of tea."


The chef, seeing my rank insignia, readied up 2 warm cups of tea quickly.

It took around 2 minutes.

"Here it is. Make sure to bring the cups back, Sir."

"Yeah. Thanks."

I began running with 2 cups of tea each in my left and right hand.

That journey took about 15 minutes.


As I was approaching the Northeastern gate, I heard a few people talking.

One voice was that of Chris.


"You need an entry permit to enter."


"Can't you understand? We're Knights. We don't need that fucking permit or permission. Now move, peasant."


In the silhouette, it was Chris, standing in between the gate, stopping what appears to be 2 people in shining armor from entering.


"I haven't been notified of anyone important coming. You still need an entry permit to enter, Sir."


Chris was being a good soldier and enforcing laws. Everyone needed an entry permit to enter a city, no matter who they were. Even the Emperor.

"You're a lowly guard, and you're telling me what I need to enter? Do you want to die?"

The 2 men didn't seem to know that though.

"That's why I'm telling you I'll ask my superior first."


"Your superior? Are you crazy? We don't have time for that. Move aside."


"I simply can't."


"Hah! You're defying us?"

As if fed up with Chris's soldierly and rightful attitude, one of the armored people shoved Chris onto the wall, causing his shoulder to collide with the solid stone wall.


Chris let out a small cough of pain.



Seeing this, I threw the cups of tea onto the ground in urgency, and began running even faster.

Until I reached the Northeastern gate.

"What's happening here?"

In an authoritative tone, I asked the armored people.

One of the armored men, taking off his helmet, revealed his young face.

His expression was that of looking at an ant.

"You're the superior of this soldier, right?"

"I am."

"This fucker wouldn't let us in the gate."


"Good. You can't enter without an entry permit."

"Are you retarded? Who do you think you are?"


"I'm the person that could arrest you for breaking the Uniformed Code of Military Justice Section 12 Amendment A3.4 for assaulting a gate guard."

I said with a grin.

Of course, I have no idea what the Uniformed Code of Military Justice Section 12 Amendment A3.4 is supposed to be.

Nobody actually memorizes that shit. I just made it up.

However, because of my crazed grin of confidence, the Knights got a bit nervous, but then came back some more confidence.

One Knight boastfully pointed at his right chest, where there was an insignia of the Knight Order.


Knights are part of the Empire's Armed Forces.

They are seen as a noble force, as only aristocrats harnessing the power of an supernatural force called "aura" could become a Knight.

They are also known for being extremely overconfident and highly discriminate towards the lower class. Most of them, at least.

However, it showed that the "Knight" in front of me was actually a Knight-in-Training, therefore ranking me above him, as a Sergeant Major.


"We're Knights. We're the holy and loyal Knights, and you lowly soldiers can't stop us from entering this gate!"

"No way.."

"That's right! We are the heroes you see in the stories, with ultimate authority!"

I could guess from this conversations, they were sons of aristocrats, new to the outside world.

I began talking.

"Ohh... Ohh!! You're Knights! My bad, Sir!!! We didn't notice!! Thank you for your service!! Please walk through the gate!!"

I gestured in a highly exaggerated motion.

Chris stared at me in confusion. 

As if asking me, "What the fuck are you doing?"

"It takes so long for commoners to understand basic information. Such goofs."

"30 years ago, you guys would've gotten your head cut off for disrespecting nobility. You're lucky we're letting it go because we're so forgiving."

At that moment, Chris's young 16 year old face went pale blue, as if scared of such consequences.

The 2 Knights began walking in high spirits, scoffing at me and Chris, as if they were above us.

They passed through the gate, causing their backs to be turned before us.

Who dares to insult the City Watch?


Not even mercs, adventurers, anyone.

I grabbed my wooden baton from my belt, and walked to the Knights who turned their backs on us.

I swung my baton upwards,

and striked the Knight who had his helmet off.


His skull probably cracked, but who cares?

Eat this, you motherfucker.

You deserve it for making my job harder.





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