I Became Hidden Big Boss In My Own Novel

I Became Hidden Big Boss In My Own Novel

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I Became Hidden Big Boss In My Own Novel

Review: 7.8/10 from 13 ratings

GUARDIANS who are they you ask

They are the protector of the universe,

They fight against the beasts

Who wants to destroy this universe.

They are the sole reason you can sleep well in the night.

Then Who am I you ask, well good question.

I am the creator of those guardians

I am the creator of this universe

I am the author of the novel 'FOUR GUARDIAN'

And I am also the same author who got drag into his own novel because someone want to kill him.
There are two MCs in this story for now, and it will increase in future

1. The original MC of the novel.

2. The author that transmigrate in the novel.

In the beginning, the author will not get involved much and play the role of an extra and only focus on increasing his strength.

But later in the novel he will get dragged into the plot line regardless of how much he doesn’t want to.

There may be a bit of info-dumping at the beginning of the novel.

(This is my First Book and English is not my first language, I hope you all will enjoy my novel)

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