I became my automaton harpy role playing character.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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(You have been summoned)

Eh? Summoned? How and why? Looking around I find myself in someone living room. It's a small with nothing special about it except the magic looking circle I am standing in. While I'm looking down I notice that I am wearing some unusual clothes. From what I can see I am wearing some sort of black armour with feathers. Is there a mirror around here? I look around until I find a mirror hanging on the wall and I freeze. Why am I my DND character. What I see in the mirror is the exact copy of my DnD character from the helmet ti the wings to the metal Eagle like talons instead if feet.

Staring back at me is the robot vampire harpy I have been role-playing as for the last twenty five years. Did I die? Wait it said I was summoned.


Name - Swyfla

Race - vampiric harpy automata.

Level - 1000

Blood- 80%

Weapons - blood mini gun x2 - blood grenade launcher - blood blade - 50 cal sniper rifle - flame thrower x2


Guineas -

Pounds - 100,500,000

Shillings - 7

Pence - 18

I really am my DnD character. Question is how or why. Suddenly I am broken out if thought by a quiet nervous voice.

"Erm... excuse me."

I turn around to find a young girl standing before me.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Enna I summoned you."

"How? I did not believe summoning to be real. The chances of it being real is less than one percent."

Did I actually just do that calculation in my head that quickly? Like in less than a second?

"Well it's extremely rare. I'm the daughter of one of the few remaining wizards. Most of my magic is summoning based."

"Interesting. For what reason have you summoned me?"

"I- I don't want to sit back and let my life go by anymore. I want to explore And see new things. Go places no one has gone before and for that I need a powerful summon."

"Hmm but what makes you think I will go with you?"

"Well as you are my summon you are bound to me and have to follow my commands unless You truly oppose the order."

You are reading story I became my automaton harpy role playing character. at novel35.com

"How do I know your not lying?"

"I didn't want to do this. Walk forwards five steps."

As soon as she says that my body moves on its own forward exactly five steps.

"It seems your point has been proven. If I am going to be forced to go with you would you be kind enough to tell me about yourself?"

"Well I am Enna I live in Liechtenstein I am a witch and a beekeeper and go to university I... wait I'm your summoner, your mistress shouldn't this be the other way around?"

"Well my mistress I am Swyfla a vampiric automaton harpy. I am over seven thousand years old and I am your summon."

It seems I have gained the memories of her as well somehow. If it was just her back story it would make sense but it's full memories seven thousand years of them and it's like I lived them myself.

"What! Your over seven thousand! I would never have thought that looking at you."

"Well thank you my mistress but I must ask what we are to do now?"

"Well it's late so I should go to bed and then I have lessons in the morning. But where will you sleep?"

"I do not require sleep mistress. I will be fine here."


"No I assure you I will be fine here."


Without saying anything she leaves and goes into another room. A shirt while later she goes to bed and I wait for her to be soundly asleep before I open a window and jump out. I spread my wings and glide down to the street below. Using my night using I look for a clear area to land. Finding a street light with a ninety degree bend I land on it with my talons clamping onto holding me firmly on it. Looking around I seem to be in a normal modern city no different from the world I cam from.

I should find somewhere to test my abilities. Taking off again I fly away from the city to find a forest or a field.

After about an hour of flying I come across a field on the edge of a forest. Landing in the field I look around to see if anyone is about. Using every tyoe of vision I have I can't find anyone near by.

Raising my right arm I imagine a gun coming out. After a few attempts a small mini gun folds put of my arm. It actually worked. Now to fire it. As soon as I think about firing it spins up and obliterates a row of bushes in matter of seconds. Heh, this is quite good. Putting the mini gun away I pull put my two blood swords. They are simple red blades about half a metre long with wooden hills. I swing them about for a few minutes cutting through a few pieces of wood to get a feel for them.

Putting them away I hold my hand out. Blood starts coming out of me and spirals along my arm towards my hand. It them starts forming the shape of a gun and solidifying. Seconds later in my hand is a fifty calibre sniper anti material rifle.

Putting the stock against my shoulder and hold the front with my left hand. Chambering a round I pull the trigger. The first round tears straight through a tree. I then fire of the rest of the magazine in quick succession barely feeling the recoil that would likely badly harm a human.

I look up to sky and revert the gunnback to being blood that return to me. Its nearly morning I should be returning soon.

I spread my wings and jump taking off to fly back to my summoner.

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