I Became Popular After Acting Like a Green Tea

Chapter 21: 18.3

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Zhao Luo was about to grit her teeth to dust.

Her eyes were fixed on Sheng Zhiyan’s hand, and there was nothing she can say or do!

She grinds her teeth angrily, and there is no other way. The cold wind is blowing, so she gets up and ran to get the blanket by herself.

When she came back, she was facing Xia An, and she can see that their hands are still held together.

Xia An smiled at her.

Her anger almost made Zhao Luo faint.

Her brain buzzed.

Seeing that Zhao Luo had taken the blanket and returned to her seat, Xia An quietly hid their entwined hands under the blanket and retracted her hand and patted the back of Sheng Zhiyan’s hand.

That means: good, good performance just now.

Zhao Luo returned to her seat, angry. She thought about it again and just got angrier.

The most annoying thing is that she can’t do anything!

Before long, the car stopped in front of the mall, and Xia An skillfully put her hand into Sheng Zhiyan’s palm and scratched him.

Sheng Zhiyan held her hand, took the thin blanket away, and led her to get up.

Xia An followed behind him with the appearance of being restrained by the boss.

After getting out of the car, the program team announced today’s mission rules.

The name of today’s task is: “Ideal type dress up”

Each CP group must dress up their CP from top to bottom. After the dress up is completed, the two of them must take a photo and post it on Weibo.

In the process of dressing up, every time you complete a task, you will get a corresponding card. The more card sets you have, the greater the chance of getting the extra heartbeat mission task.

For the single group, you must bring a humanoid plastic model to dress up as your imaginary partner. Finally, if you get the extra heartbeat mission task, you can let choose any guest of the opposite sex to wear the model’s clothes and take a photo with you. If you don’t get the heartbeat task, then you would have to pose with that plastic model for your photo.

After the rules were announced, the show team carried in three plastic models. The models were very light, but they were all the same height, and all the models were covered with cloth.

Director: “For the three single guests, please select which model you’ll take.”

The guests thought it was a bit strange.

Why do they still need to pick models? Aren’t they all the same?

Zhao Luo felt that it was embarrassing enough to run around the mall with a plastic model, and it was even more embarrassing to be picky, so she pointed directly at the middle one, “I want that.”

The director laughed, “Are you sure?”

Zhao Luo’s temples twitched. Her intuition was saying that something was wrong.

Sure enough, after the selection of the three guests, the program team lifted the cloths up, and the three single guests almost fainted.

The heads of these three models are all emoticons!

Especially Zhao Luo’s model! A “dog head“!

She wants to disappear. She’s female artist whose value lies on her beauty. As a female artist who cares most about her image, how can she hold a model with a dog’s head and dress it up and then say that it’s her ideal type?

She can’t!

And Jiang Quan’s model head is a very wretched smile emoticon. He just looked at it and wanted to blow its head.

What’s even more annoying is that these models are not like ordinary models at all.

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Zhao Luo’s model’s upper body had a big belly and his lower body is thin like a bamboo pole, which made her unable to even look at it straight.

Jiang Quan’s model has a thin waist that can be grasped with two hands, but her legs are thick and powerful, all muscles.

The single guests only had one idea in their hearts: they must take down the extra heartbeat mission! The photo with this plastic model have the potential to become their black history!

With this, Zhao Luo looked at Xia An even more resentful.

It’s all Xia An! Otherwise, she and Sheng Zhiyan would have teamed up, which is equivalent to having the best model to dress up!

And now, Xia An was held by Sheng Zhiyan, standing there, watching her embarassment.

She must take down the heartbeat mission and take Xia An’s CP!

The director was still there happily shouting, “Come on, come and receive your ideal type.”

Zhao Luo and Jiang Quan gritted their teeth, stepped forward reluctantly, hugged their plastic model, looked up, saw the dog’s head and that wretched smile, and they almost blacked out on the spot.

They finally got used to walking with the model. When they looked up, they saw the other three groups standing in pairs, especially Xia An’s group, with their hands tightly clasped together, a handsome man and a beautiful woman, so pleasing to the eyes, with pink bubbles1 hovering all over their bodies.

The two gritted their teeth, raised their heads, looked at their “CP”, and slapped both the “dog’s head” and the “dirty smile” with a “pop”.

Everyone’s laughing at me!

Netizens laughed like crazy.

[Hahahahahahahaha this show team is so talented! These three emoticons are going to kill me with laughter hahahahahaha! 】

[It’s so funny, especially Zhao Luo and Jiang Quan, hahaha, they both have green faces! 】

This is the case for this show, whoever is alone will be unlucky hahaha! 】

Zhao Luo and Jiang Quan don’t need to see the comments about it, they all know how the netizens are laughing at them.

The key is that their careers doesn’t take the comedic route. For them, these are all black materials, which especially affect their image!

But there is no other way but to drag these two weird models to complete the task.

They looked at the other couples of CPs, became even more angry, and ran over, squeezing between them abruptly, trying to get the model to also touch them.

Xia An couldn’t hold back her smile anymore.

The dog’s head rubbed against her, dangling back and forth, it looks absolutely magical.

Xia An really couldn’t help it anymore. At the last moment she couldn’t hold the laughter back, so she quickly pulled Sheng Zhiyan and buried her head in his arms.

Shaking with laughter.

Hahahahaha, she really can’t take it anymore!

Sheng Zhiyan felt a slight tremor in Xia An’s body, and felt that she was holding his arm tightly, smiling, and lowering his head to the ear, “It’s funny?”

Xia An scratched him vigorously.

Nonsense! Whoever sees it won’t think it’s funny!

And Zhao Luo, who deliberately squeezed into Xia An’s side, never expected that she would push Xia An into Sheng Zhiyan’s arms! It shouldn’t be like this!

She hoped to rub the dog’s head next to Xia An’s face and stick it to Xia An’s face.

The audience even screamed.

[Ah, ah, ah, Xia An was squeezed into his arms! 】

[I just wanted to say that Zhao Luo seemed to be pushing Xia An too much, and Xia An was pushed into his arms! Ah ah ah, you can push again! 】

[Mr. Sheng bowed his head and said something, speak louder! 】

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhh so sweet so sweet 】

Zhao Luo looked angrily at Xia An and Sheng Zhiyan who interacted closely, gritted her teeth and dared not squeeze in anymore.

For fear of bad intentions and but good deeds.

Xia An laughed for several minutes, finally had enough, sorted out her expressions, and raised her head again.

When they arrived at the intersection, several groups of guests went to do their tasks separately according to the various signs.

Zhao Luo didn’t give up, holding the dog’s head and following Xia An.

The audience saw a sweet couple holding hands in front of the camera, and a woman holding a human-shaped dog head in the back.

Because the dog’s head is too devilish, it seems that the woman is a little sneaky.

Xia An was almost dying with trying to choke down her laughter.

The shadows of Zhao Luo and the model were cast right in front of them, looking very ghostly.

When she wanted to laugh, Xia An squeezed Sheng Zhiyan’s hand, squeezed, and squeezed again.

Sheng Zhiyan lowered his head and looked sideways, and when he saw the little kitten on his side struggling to suppress a smile, the corners of his lips curled.

Xia An’s first destination is the men’s clothing store to choose clothes for her CP.

She came to a high-end suit shop, and as soon as she opened the door, the shopping guide immediately greeted her, “Welcome…”

Before she finished speaking, she saw Zhao Luo who was holding a dog’s head behind Xia An.

Endure, endure, endure!


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She couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Zhao Luo’s face was green at the time.

The shopping guide quickly suffocated her smile, and greeted her, “Welcome to you.”

Zhao Luo gritted her teeth, looked at Xia An and Sheng Zhiyan, and went in.

You are reading story I Became Popular After Acting Like a Green Tea at novel35.com

She must add some trouble to Xia An, otherwise she can’t swallow this humiliation!

Xia An walked into the store, and the shopping guide immediately introduced her several suits. Xia An squeezed the hand she was holding, “Which one do you like?”

Zhao Luo threw the model away and immediately leaned over to listen.

Sheng Zhiyan looked down at Xia An, “Isn’t it supposed to be you who would choose?”

Xia An thought for a while, yes, she’s supposed to dress him up as her ideal type.

Well, then she won’t be polite!

Xia An raised her hand and pointed in a direction. Before she can even speak, Zhao Luo hurriedly said, “I want that one!”

Refers to the direction Xia An is pointing. After speaking, looked at Xia An smiled triumphantly.

The shopping guide secretly marveled at Zhao Luo’s operation, but still took off the black suit and handed it to Zhao Luo.

After all, she spoke first.

Zhao Luo was even more proud.

She finally grabbed what Xia An liked!

Xia An smiled, put her hand down, and looked at Zhao Luo.

After selecting the clothes, according to the rules, you need to try it on the spot.

She didn’t believe that the clothes would fit Zhao Luo’s model.

Although, this dress is not the one she wants.

Zhao Luo was embarrassed. She felt that after so many days, she finally raised her eyebrows and deliberately opened her clothes in front of Xia An, pulled her model, and put a shirt on him first.

Pulled one arm and stuffed it in, it was a bit difficult, it was okay, squeezed again, pulled another arm, it was a bit squeezed, it was okay, just squeezed it hard and it went in.

Tucked his arm, Zhao Luo proudly showed it to Xia An, then pulled the collar and buttoned it.

The first one went well, and the second one was okay.

However, as she moved further down, she found that she couldn’t buckle at all!

The model’s belly is too big!

Zhao Luo was a little anxious.

She turned her back to Xia An, pulling the clothes vigorously, and she was determined not to let Xia An watch her embarassment.

This outfit was snatched from Xia An!

Zhao Luo worked hard, harder!

She even squeezed the plastic model’s belly with her hands, denting the belly abruptly.

Finally, she buttoned the button, although it looked bumpy because of the sunken belly, but somehow it closed.

Zhao Luo breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, looked at Xia An, proud, “This dress looks pretty, isn’t it?”

Especially if it was grabbed from you, it looks even better.

Xia An couldn’t help laughing.

Hahahaha what the hell! Why would she dent its belly? It’s even more funny, okay!

Xia An blushed with a suffocated smile. Zhao Luo took a look and felt that Xia An was irritated by her and stood with pride. She directly took pictures of the model and deliberately said, “The clothes are really good.”


There was deathly silence.

Zhao Luo’s face froze in an instant, then turned her head, and found that her model’s belly popped out, directly breaking the clothes!

Her face was green and red, red and white, and then finally settled on angry.

She stared bitterly at the guide buyer, “What kind of quality does your clothes have!”

The shopping guide was very aggrieved, “Miss Zhao, you can’t wear this outfit for your model…”

Zhao Luo’s face blushed. Before she could get angry again, the shopping guide said, “We also still need Miss Zhao to pay for the shirt.”

Zhao Luo’s head was black at the time.

She came to the show and still lost money? This is a high-end suit, everything is very expensive!

However, in front of the live camera, she couldn’t run away at all.

Gritting her teeth tightly, she was brushed hundreds of thousands by the shopping guide.

The shopping guide smiled and returned the card to her, “Thank you Miss Zhao for your cooperation.”

Zhao Luo was furious, but after another thought, she robbed Xia An’s clothes, Xia An must have been very angry too, especially aggrieved.

Even if she tears the shirt, she can get a new one or a similar shirt, and that vest jacket is unique.

Just comforting herself like this, she finally felt more comfortable, and put the suit jacket on the model more deliberately, “Xia An, do you think this set looks good?”

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Xia An almost laughed, no matter how good-looking the clothes are, if they are worn like this, they can’t look good!

Zhao Luo was trying to stimulate Xia An, and couldn’t help but say, “You didn’t like this one too, did you? I just noticed that you just raised your hand just now after I finished talking. You didn’t just refer to this one, right? Go ahead and pick another one, there is only one set of this one.”

She wants to hear Xia An say that she likes it too! It’s best to ask her if she can let it go, and she refuses it fiercely!

Xia An smiled and shook her head slowly.

Zhao Luo frowned.

Xia An raised her hand again, pointed in the same direction just now, and said, “I just wanted to ask if there is still that suit that that model wears.”

Zhao Luo looked in the direction of Xia An’s fingers, and saw that she was pointing to a position on top of where this black suit was. A picture of a model hung, and he was wearing a gray checkered suit with a bit of the Republic of China style.

Zhao Luo frowned.

The shopping guide immediately said, “Miss Xia really has a vision. This is the latest model of the season, and it is a global limited edition. This is the only one in our entire district.”

In fact, even if the show crew wanted this level of clothes in advance, they would not dare to take it out, but if Sheng Zhiyan was the one who’s trying them on, it would be different.

The shopping guide went to get the clothes immediately.

Zhao Luo’s face went from proud to doubt, then angry and aggrieved.

She lost hundreds of thousands in vain? Hundreds of thousands!

It took her a long time to dent the model’s belly!

Like a fool!

Under her glare, the shopping guide took out the clothes.

The clothes are obviously different in quality.

Xia An took the clothes, temporarily loosened the hands held together, and passed the clothes to Sheng Zhiyan, who went to the fitting room to change clothes.

Zhao Luo was angry, holding the fire in his heart, staring at him, not knowing where to breathe.

Her current expression, put together with the dog’s head, is really funny.

[Hahahahaha to be honest, I think for Zhao Luo, the dog head is the right choice, a perfect match! 】

[Zhao Luo just wanted to grab Xia An’s clothes, right? The result was that she was rushing to grab, not only did not grab what Xia An wanted, but also lost hundreds of thousands? 】

[It’s definitely robbed, knowing that the button can’t be buttoned, she has to buckle it, and she deliberately showed it to Xia An. 】

[Zhao Luo deserve it, she like to grab it, right? Hundreds of thousands have flown. 】

[Zhao Luo’s face turned blue when Xia An saw that what she wanted was not the one she took at all. 】

[Hahahaha, this dog head, I feel like its laughing at Zhao Luo, hahahaha lock me up! 】

After a while, Sheng Zhiyan changed his clothes and opened the door of the fitting room.

For an instant, the audience, including the barrage, was quiet.

Sheng Zhiyan is absolutely amazing!

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i am dead i am dead! Why are you so awesome! 】

[This suit is so pretty! There is a bit of extravagance like the Republic of China! 】

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, Mr. Sheng is comparable to top models! 】

[Too terribly terrible, I have to say, Xia An has a really good vision! 】

Xia An is also very satisfied. Sheng Zhiyan is very tall, with a little cold and noble feeling, coupled with the shoulder width and long legs, the clothes are perfect for his body.

Sheng Zhiyan walked to Xia An’s side and looked down at her, “Satisfied?”

Xia An nodded.

From the audience’s point of view, if two people with superb looks stand side by side, there will be pink bubbles automatically.

Sheng Zhiyan lowered his eyes, his tone was light, with an imperceptible smile, “As long as you’re satisfied.”


Zhao Luo slammed the door and left.

Please support me by only reading this on seasalttranslate.wordpress.comTranslator’s Note1. pink bubbles – the pink filter you sometimes put when there’s a romantic atmospherefreaking long ass chapter is finally done.…Hello! So my upgrade of my wordpress site is going to end tomorrow, and I honestly have no funds to pay for it for another month, if you can help me, it would be greatly appreciated by buying me a ko-fi! 八(^□^*)

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