I Became Popular After Acting Like a Green Tea

Chapter 22: 19

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Zhao Luo’s slamming of the door successfully attracted everyone’s attention.

Xia An quickly looked over and found that Zhao Luo was dragging the model out.

Her face was still green, holding the model’s arm with one hand, and the other arm trying to drag it away.

The model was wearing its newly-changed shirt. This time the button was unbuttoned, and the unbuttoned vest and jacket were still being forced out of the model’s body.

There is a shopping bag hanging around its neck, containing the clothes that it has just torn.

Very embarrassing.

The original doghead model was just funny and comedic, but now, it is funny and miserable.

Especially now, while its being dragged by Zhao Luo, the dog’s head swayed up and down, the shopping bag around its neck swayed from side to side, like the devil was in a hurry.

Netizens are laughing to death.

[Don’t laugh, this model looks mediocre, but it’s worth hundreds of thousands now! 】

[Hahahaha That shopping bag is so funny, it’s so funny when it hangs around its neck! 】

[Hahahaha Zhao Luo still wanted to let Xia An suffer, but she couldn’t bear it and slammed the door and walked away. 】

[This is what it should be, hahahaha killed me with laughter. 】

Zhao Luo was really angry.

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She had lost more than 100,000 yuan, and she hadn’t even successfully grabbed what Xia An wanted. As soon as the Sheng Zhiyan came out just now, she was even more ashamed.

She can’t accept standing in front of other people with such a broken thing! Just like a fool!

The main thing that ticked her off was when Sheng Zhiyan walked up to Xia An, and bowed his head with such an affectionate appearance!

What! She was mad! Her money was spent, but it was not even spent successfully!

Inside the store, Sheng Zhiyan was standing in front of the mirror, and Xia An was standing beside him.

Others would have to say that the looks of the two are very good.

Through the camera, the director team had seen that the two were not holding hands. They were anxious, and hurriedly shouted in their headsets, “Mr. Sheng, Xia An! Hands! Hold hands! The time is not over yet.”

Xia An raised her head and met Sheng Zhiyan’s gaze in the mirror.

Through the mirror, Sheng Zhiyan lowered his body slightly, taking hold of her small hand with his big hand.

After choosing the clothes and trying it on, the shopping guide said behind them, “The two of you will be given the suit card since you’ve completed the task in this shop.”

Xia An took the suit card and went out with Sheng Zhiyan.

The two went out of the store, and the shopping guide sighed behind them.

“These two match well, they look so good.”

Another echoed, “Yeah, yeah.”

Another asked, “Hey? Did you give Zhao Luo’s suit card just now?”

“Ah! She ran too fast, I didn’t have time to give it!”

Netizen: Huh? ? ? So not only did Zhao Luo lose money and didn’t steal the clothes wanted by others, she even missed the suit card?

Netizens laughed again.

After picking out the men’s clothing, Xia An walked into the mall and ran into a cosmetics brand store. On the poster at the entrance was the lipstick that had just been released. She raised her head and looked at Sheng Zhiyan.

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That means: I want this!

Sheng Zhiyan glanced at her and opened the door to enter.

As soon as the door opened, they saw that there were other guests inside. It was Li Jingqing and Su Wan.

When the two came in hand in hand, both Li Jingqing and Su Wan’s faces were not pretty.

Li Jingqing didn’t know why, staring at the hands of the two of them always felt dazzling and it always draws his eyes.

And Su Wan didn’t want to see Xia An and Sheng Zhiyan being close.

What status does Sheng Zhiyan have? Does Xia An deserve that?

Sheng Zhiyan must be temporarily confused because of Xia An’s face, he shouldn’t really be interested in Xia An!

Xia An didn’t stop when she saw these two people. Since they had already entered, there was no reason to withdraw.

She walked up to Li Jingqing and greeted, “Brother Jingqing.”

Li Jingqing frowned, “Yeah.”

Su Wan inserted, “An’an, how long does your heartbeat mission last?”

In that sentence, it refocused everyone’s eyes on Xia An and Shen Zhiyan’s entwined hands.

Xia An immediately put the entwined hand behind her, and looked at Li Jingqing with a flustered look, “Brother Jingqing, this is a show game…”

She looked like she was afraid that Li Jingqing would mind.

Su Wan looked up at Sheng Zhiyan. She didn’t believe that anyone could accept that the person he liked loved others deeply.

And Sheng Zhiyan shook his head.

Xia An’s hand behind her was not behaved, moving it around, accidentally making Sheng Zhiyan’s hand rub her back waist.

Extremely soft.

On the other hand, Li Jingqing was extremely irritable. He knew that Xia An was unwilling, but he was still annoyed, but as he opened his mouth, he couldn’t say anything.

He can only give a cold, “um”.

Su Wan watched Li Jingqing frown, smiled, took a lipstick, and said in front of Xia An, “Jingqing, I choose this one, you can apply it for me.”

The words were a bit ambiguous and Su Wan glanced at Xia An.

Xia An should go crazy by now.

Xia An sucked her teeth and glanced at Li Jingqing in surprise. When she met his gaze, she shrank, opened her mouth, and closed it again.

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She looked like she wanted to say something but was afraid that Li Jingqing would be angry.

Li Jingqing felt unsettled.

Xia An has been very well-behaved recently.

If it had been before, she would have smashed all the lipstick with a loud yell, and would not allow him to apply the lipstick on Su Wan.

And the look in her eyes was obviously afraid of him being angry.

Was he too fierce to her before?

Netizens also noticed this detail.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, Xia An’s eyes, too much love will make her too humble. 】

[Xia An is really afraid of Li Jingqing’s anger, the grievance in her eyes. 】

[Su Wan is also just doing the task, Xia An doesn’t know that applying lipstick is a task. Xia An must be heartbroken. 】

Yes, the task of the store was for the male guest to apply the lipstick for the female guest, but Su Wan deliberately didn’t say it.

She knew that Xia An was always concerned about her relationship with Li Jingqing, and every time she acted ambiguously with him, Xia An would make a big fuss.

She handed the lipstick to Li Jingqing, not believing that Xia An could hold it back.

Xia An’s eyes had already exposed her thoughts.

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It’s time for her to push again.

Xia An hesitated, glanced at the lipstick, and did so many scenes to satisfy the both of them.

She wished that the two of them were locked up so that they won’t bother her.

Li Jingqing took the lipstick, opened it, pursing his lips, couldn’t help but look up at Xia An. Xia An stared at him for a moment, with tolerance in her eyes.

His hands trembled.

Isn’t it cruel to put lipstick on Su Wan in front of Xia An?

Li Jingqing felt even more irritable.

He frowned, raised his hand, and approached Su Wan’s lips, but his eyes couldn’t help but pay attention to Xia An’s eyes.

Xia An didn’t leave, just like actively begging for abuse, she stood in front of the two, staring at Li Jingqing.

Li Jingqing’s throat tightened, gritted his teeth, and began to apply the lipstick on Su Wan.

Apply faster, faster. Xia An should not be so uncomfortable for much longer.

He already didn’t know how to apply lipstick before, but since he was anxious now, the application is even more perfunctory.

Su Wan doesn’t want it to end so quickly. On the one hand, this action can stimulate Xia An, on the other hand, it is a good opportunity to attract CP fans.

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She said again, “Jingqing, be careful.”

There were smiles in her eyes, like a young couple flirting.

At that moment, Li Jingqing noticed that Xia An’s eyes were red.

His hands shook and the lipstick was drawn from the corner of Su Wan’s mouth to her chin, leaving a long red mark on her face.

Su Wan’s face turned white on the spot.

Without even thinking about it, you can already know how embarrassed she is right now.

She hurriedly covered her face, glanced at the mirror on the table, bent over, and found that her lips were painted red embarrassingly.

Li Jingqing’s eyes were still on Xia An, and the redness of Xia An’s eyes made him feel unsettled.

There is no time to care about Su Wan.

Su Wan was very embarrassed, she clenched her fingers tightly and pinched her own flesh fiercely.

Not only because the lipstick was not applied well, but also because of Li Jingqing’s attitude towards her.

More perfunctory than ever.

【Dip—The bad luck value is subtracted by 10, leaving 917 remaining. 】

Eh? 10 off?

Xia An was immediately happy, and scratched the palm of Sheng Zhiyan with her hand.

Sheng Zhiyan pulled her over and took her to choose the color.

Xia An took a fancy to the matte retro lipstick on the billboard, and was just about to try the color, but the shopping guide came over and said, “Miss Xia, our shop’s task is to let your CP apply it for you.”

Xia An finally knew that Su Wan had been scamming her again just now, no wonder the bad luck value had been reduced.

She handed the lipstick to Sheng Zhiyan and gave him a look, which meant: apply it well! I want to look good!

Sheng Zhiyan curves his lips, holding her face with one hand, and picking up the lipstick with the other.

Li Jingqing looked at them with a calm face.

In front of him, Xia An asked others to put lipstick on her.

The throat was tight, and he walked over and stood in front of Xia An.

He faintly hoped that Xia An could push Sheng Zhiyan away willfully like before, act like a baby at him, and let him comfort her.

However, as soon as he passed, Xia An immediately looked obedient, as if he had trained her too much before and she developed a conditioned reflex.

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Li Jingqing frowned deeper.

Xia An quietly scratched Sheng Zhiyan’s palm.

Cat claws.

Sheng Zhiyan curled his lower lip, drawing the lipstick on Xia An’s lips little by little.

Xia An’s looks are very beautiful, and her lips are also beautiful. With this matte retro color, it gives her a retro type of beauty.

And Sheng Zhiyan’s style of clothes is pretty good.

Sheng Zhiyan applied the lipstick with utmost concentration, and Xia An also participated, watching his concentration. Li Jingqing on the side finally couldn’t help it, his voice became hoarse, “An An.”

Xia An’s eyes glanced to the side and looked at him with a questioning gaze, but her face did not dare to move.

Before Li Jingqing can continue to speak, Sheng Zhiyan spoke first, “Concentrate a little bit.”

There is a sense of indifference in his voice.

Xia An turned her eyes again and continued to look at him.

And use the image seen through his eyes to admire his beautiful work.

They were all crowded around Xia An, and even the shopping guide couldn’t help but comment.

“Oh, Miss Xia is so pretty with this color!”

“It’s so temperamental, it’s really good-looking!”

No one noticed Su Wan who was trying hard to fix her lipstick next to them.

She gritted her teeth, restrained herself, and took a breath.

Xia An over there was finally finished, and when she looked up to the camera, netizens were shocked.

【I go! These brands quickly make money! This is better than advertising! 】

[This color is too beautiful! 】

[Oh my God, the one who raised her eyes just now is absolutely amazing! This is the beauty that came out of the painting! 】

[I have to say, although Xia An loves to be a demon, this face is really amazing! 】

After putting on lipstick, the shopping guide said, “Now we still need two people to take a photo together.”

Xia An and Sheng Zhiyan stood at the place set up for the photo and saw the sample picture.

In the picture, the male protagonist lowers his head, the female protagonist raises her head, the male protagonist approaches the female protagonist and is about to kiss the female protagonist.

Gee, it’s hard to do.

Li Jingqing is still nearby.

It has to be changed a little.

Sheng Zhiyan was holding Xia An’s hand and was about to loosen it, and put his arms around her waist according to the photo. However, Xia An gripped it quickly with force and guided his hand around her waist, and whispered on tiptoes, “Hold me harder for a while. Hug in a way that I can’t resist!”

Sheng Zhiyan lowered his eyes to see her shining eyes.

The corners of his lips were bent, and he put his arms around her waist hard, pressed her into his arms, lowered his head and got close, Xia An looked caught off guard, clinged to his body, clenched tightly on his clothes, with a surprised expression.


A very tense photo was produced.

[Ahhhhh, the domineering president’s sweetheart little wife! 】

[Ahhhhh, give her a kiss! ! 】

Please support me by only reading this on seasalttranslate.wordpress.comTranslator’s NoteSeems like Li Jingqing is so annoying here right? Don’t worry he’ll become much more annoying that its so pathetic

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