I Became Popular After Acting Like a Green Tea

Chapter 24: 21.1

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Another long-ass chapter so drill’s the same! lmao

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Jiang Quan was going to die of anger, so he rushed up and wanted to hit the little robot, but was stopped by the shopping guide.

The netizens in the barrage are laughing like crazy.

[Hahahahaha, even the robots are laughing like crazy! 】

[Hahahaha this scene is too ghostly, more devilish than Zhao Luo’s dog head! 】

[Hahaha I feel that Zhao Luo can apply for the first battle. 】

[The robots are crazy hahaha too funny! 】

Jiang Quan’s face was dark, gritted his teeth, waiting for the robot to generate the score.

The little robot laughed for ten minutes, then calmed down, and continued to regain the emotionless mechanical sound.

“The original drama was successfully analyzed, and the main atmosphere: sweetness.”

“Jiangquan’s performance was successfully analyzed, and the main atmosphere: ghosts and animals.”

“Congratulations Jiang Quan, score: -10000!”

I’m going to f*ck your negative ten thousand points!

Jiang Quan rushed over and slapped the little robot on the head.

Is it sick? Is it sick? Also negative points, negative points!

The little robot was aggrieved and shouted as he ran, “Congratulations! Negative! Ten thousand points! Negative! Ten thousand points!”

Jiang Quan’s head was dizzy.

After tossing for a long time, Jiang Quan was tired, sitting on the chair, still not giving up, insisting that Xia An and the others finished the performance.

Xia An and Sheng Zhiyan went to the performance area to prepare.

Suddenly, Jiang Quan shouted, “Wait a minute!”

The shopping guides have a nervous breakdown, “What’s wrong?”

Jiang Quan gritted his teeth bitterly, “Unfair!”

Shopping guide: “What’s wrong?”

Jiang Quan shouted angrily, “They can’t just act like this, they have to be restricted! Otherwise it’s unfair!”

Shopping guide: “What restriction?”

Jiang Quan thought for a while, and said: “The female lead can’t say no, only yes!”

The shopping guide just wanted to say how, but the director spoke in the headset, “Agree to his request!”

The more exciting the better!

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The shopping guide replied, “Okay, then according to your request, Miss Xia An can only say yes, not no.”

Xia An and Sheng Zhiyan began to perform.

Xia An was inside and pushed the door open. Sheng Zhiyan was outside, leaning against the wall, upon hearing the sound, looked sideways.

【Ahhhhhhh! That’s so handsome! 】

[Especially this suit has the flavor of that era! 】

[Sheng Zhiyan is really amazing! 】

Seeing Xia An, he walked over and lowered his head, “Hi, I really wanted to see you.”

[Ah ah ah ah ah die die! Good voice! So overpowering! 】

[People with voice fetishes are celebrating! ah ah ah too overpowering! 】

[This voice is too appropriate to talk about love! 】

Sheng Zhiyan’s voice was too overpowering, and the netizens were all immersed in his voice. This scene was passed quickly.

In the next segment, Sheng Zhiyan went out, and Xia An went after him, “Shuhuan! Shuhuan!”

Sheng Zhiyan turned around, and Xia An hugged him directly.

Sheng Zhiyan tightened his arms and hugged Xia An tightly, and Xia An hooked his neck.

Sheng Zhiyan lowered his eyes, “Will you still fight with me and break up with me?”

It’s coming!

Jiang Quan stood up from his chair, he won’t believe that when Xia An said yes, it’s still going to be sweet!

That can directly lose them one million points!

Xia An lifted her eyes, pursed her lower lip, and suddenly buried her head in Sheng Zhiyan’s arms, seemingly shy and coquettish, “Yes!”

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah so sweet! It is too sweet! 】

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Xia An is so sweet! 】

[This pair locked me up! Impossible CP is making it easy for me to knock too well! 】

Jiang Quan was stunned, a thunderbolt suddenly sounded in his head.

Why! Why is a simple “yes” word said so sweet!


Sheng Zhiyan smiled and asked, “Will you still want to punish me and ignore me?”

Xia An raised her head again, looking at him with bright eyes, with a charming voice, “Yes!”

A look full of pampering and arrogance.

【Ahhhhhhhhh so sweet! Overbearing president’s little wife! 】

[Why is Xia An so sweet, I didn’t think about it before, who can stand it! 】

[I can’t eat such a wayward goblin too much! So sweet! 】

[Have you noticed it! Xia An played very well! Her acting skills have improved! 】

【Oh my god! Xia An might as well study acting! My wayward little wife is too good! 】

Netizens were so pleasantly surprised by Xia An and Sheng’s Zhiyan group. Xia An was still saying yes, bu with her sweet voice, she was acting like a baby!

What! Two-faced little fairy!

They all begged Xia An to hone her acting skills and must act as a wayward little wife!

Next is the kiss scene that netizens look forward to most!

Of course you can’t really kiss, it’s just acting, but it’s enough to make the netizens go crazy.

One factor is Sheng Zhiyan’s identity, and the other is Xia An’s love for Li Jingqing’s, a love that went straight to his bones.

Sheng Zhiyan bowed his head and Xia An looked up.

Sheng Zhiyan leaned over, with his arms pressed and her head tilted, the two leaned very close together, and kissed.


After the performance, the netizens went crazy.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i am dead i am dead! It is’s too early for Impossible CP to celebrate the New Year today! 】

[I unilaterally announced that this is Impossible CP’s marriage scene! 】

[These two people have a sexy sense! 】

At the end of the performance, the little robot came to score.

Jiang Quan stood directly in front of the little robot and stared at it, “You should be as fair as you were to me!”

The little robot began to analyze: “The analysis is complete, confirming the sweetness movie, and start to compare with the original drama.”

Loading… loading, the little robot got stuck again.

Jiang Quan is happy. It must not work. Where is the robot so accurate, when the lines are changed, it must be a low score! Negative one million points!

Suddenly, the little robot started to make a circle on the spot, and then ran around the entire shop.

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah so sweet so sweet, so sweet so sweet!”

The excited machine sound successfully amused netizens.

[Hahahahaha the robot also knocks on CP! 】

[Hahahahaha, what a cute robot! 】

Jiang Quan’s heart was cold and it was over.

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Sure enough, after the little robot had completed a round, it began to count points, “Congratulations! One million points!”

I can go f*ck your one million points!

Jiang Quan rushed forward and wanted to hit the robot. It didn’t detect what he was thinking!

I said negative one million, negative one million! Are you so arrogant that you made a positive one million!

The little robot evaded immediately and escaped into the staff passage.

Jiang Quan’s head was dumbfounded, and he turned his face to see his CP smiling awkwardly at him, almost killing him to death on the spot.

After the two pairs performed, the Xia An group won without a doubt.

The shopping guide went to give Xia An the new clothes of the season.

Jiang Quan held back his anger, choosing clothes for his CP outside.

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The more he thought about it, the more he got angry, the more he thought about it, the more angry he got, and suddenly he had a bold idea.

He wants to match the ugliest clothes, and then get the quota for the heart-beating mission and make Xia An wear it!

Thinking about this, he finally felt refreshed, holding his head up and picking a big red dress, a green ribbon, a green belt, and a bright yellow coat to put on his CP.

Very good, very good, very ugly!

That’s amazing!

Netizens also shouted: It’s amazing!

[Does Jiang Quan have a loose screw? Hahahahaha what is this outfit! 】

[Hahahaha I laughed so hard, with that wretched smile, I can only say that this set has given me 6 abs just by laughing! 】

[It’s over, now I see this ghost-like model in my mind whenever I think of Jiang Quan hahahahaha]

[Sister on top +1, I will no longer be able to watch Jiang Quan act in idol dramas hahahaha]

Jiang Quan knew that his move was a bit risky, and if he didn’t get the mission, it would be him who would be ashamed.

But! In order to make Xia An look ugly, he has to take a gamble!

Jiang Quan was unscrupulous, and while he was set out to dress up his CP, the shopping guide inside came out with a few clothes.

The retro style small dress specially designed by ****1 brand for this season, and it was the show model. It was just after the show, and no celebrity can get this dress.

Xia An’s eyes lit up as soon as the clothes came out, and she thought that it looked really good.

Xia An walked around the dress. It was a fancy small white dress, and the design is exquisite and generous, quite like a small dress of the Republic of China.

She raised her head and motioned towards Sheng Zhiyan’s eyes: I like this!

Sheng Zhiyan met her eyes, smiled, and raised his hand to signal the shopping guide to choose this one.

Xia An followed the shopping guide to the fitting room contentedly.

Sheng Zhiyan sat on the sofa outside, waiting for Xia An.

His eyes fell on the fitting room door, and he smiled suddenly.

Before long, the door of the fitting room was slowly pushed open, and a beautiful girl walked out slowly from the inside.

Sheng Zhiyan paused and shook his mind.

Xia An is indeed beautiful, and those eyes are especially beautiful.

She wears a long dress with a slightly low-cut design, and her white skin is so dazzling that people can’t move their eyes away from her.

Like an elegant and playful eldest lady2.

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Xia An is so nice! 】

[It’s the eldest lady herself! Elegant and sophisticated! 】

[I have to say that Xia An’s appearance is the best in the entertainment circle, no one can match. 】

【Oh my god! The figure is too good! Why is she so good-looking and in such a good figure! 】

[When god created people, was she a bit partial? 】

[This figure! Absolutely! 】

Xia An walked to Sheng Zhiyan and handed him a pearl necklace. According to regulations, Sheng Zhiyan would wear it for her.

Xia An stood in front of the mirror, and Sheng Zhiyan stood behind her. In the mirror, there was an exquisite one whom people couldn’t move their eyes from, and a handsome one who couldn’t help but be moved.

Sheng Zhiyan wrapped the string of pearls around Xia An’s neck, put them on her, and put his hands around Xia An’s hair and tidied them.

His hand touches the skin inadvertently, feeling the soft and smooth surface.

He narrowed his gaze slightly, and said lightly, “Okay.”

The pearl necklace is the finishing touch.

Netizens were once again shocked by Xia An’s beauty.

On the other side, Jiang Quan hadn’t recovered for a long time.

He knew Xia An was good-looking, but after changing to this attire, the whole person became elegant and charming.

He was about to say something mocking, and opened his mouth, but his throat tightened, and swallowed it back.

After more than ten minutes, he finally gritted his teeth and warned himself not to be soft-hearted because of Xia An’s appearance!

She is the one who has troubled Sister Su Wan again and again! He is still very embarrassed!

No matter how good it looks, he can’t forgive it!

Thinking of this, he finally calmed his mind and let out a cold breath.

Grabbing his CP model, Jiang Quan curled his lips, walked to Xia An, and patted the model on the shoulder, “Xia An, do you think it looks good?”

Xia An’s mouth twitched.

She almost died of fright.

What the hell is this!

Red, green, bright yellow, all kinds of weird decorations are piled up, is this the woman who wears too many items?

She replied very tactfully, “It’s okay, it has quite a personality.”

Jiang Quan was very proud of seeing Xia An’s expression.

Very good, he is very satisfied, this is the look he wanted on her eyes!

In the end, Xia An would be very surprised when she finds out that she was going to wear this outfit, and then couldn’t accept it, she would break down and cry.

However, she had to wear it even if she didn’t accept it! When he was dressed very handsome and stood next to her, with her as a foil, his image as the hero of the idol drama would immediately be restored.

And Xia An, will become the object of ridicule on the whole network, and will definitely be hung on the hot search for three days without coming down!

Since then this image would be deeply imprinted in everyone’s minds, and Xia An will never receive any good fashion resources!

And he, through Xia An’s hot search, would be washed away from his previous embarrassed image.

Thinking of this, Jiang Quan sneered again, and said to Xia An, “Yes, I think it’s pretty good, too. I don’t know who is so lucky who would be able to wear this attire.”

After getting the women’s clothing card, Xia An and Sheng Zhiyan went out to find the next store.

Jiang Quan also rushed out immediately, desperately looking for another card.

He must get the extra heartbeat mission!

Xia An and Sheng Zhiyan matched clothes, accessories, and even hairstyles.

The style of the two is very good, they chose to both feature a retro style of the Republic of China, a graceful young master, and a delicate young lady.

They wore this attire and wandered around in the mall, and the netizens were simply overwhelmed.

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[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, they seem to have come across from me! So beautiful! 】

[These two looks are really a perfect match! 】

[Both people are in good shape, ah, ah, ah, I’m sour! 】

The two walked in a hurry, turned a corner, and faced Zhao Luo who was looking for cards everywhere.

Zhao Luo looked at Xia An and almost fainted.

Why is Xia An so beautiful at this moment!

Where did that dress come from! Why didn’t she see it!

Xia An has such a good figure? impossible! She’s definitely wearing a pad!

The more Zhao Luo looked, the more angry she became, and she always wants to find something to press Xia An.

With that thought, she thought of the cards she had collected, and smiled.

No one has more cards than her.

Thinking of this, she was full of confidence and sneered, “Xia An, so slow when shopping?”

Xia An looked straight at her and nodded, “Ah, yes.”

Zhao Luo almost suffocated to death!

Every time Xia An is stimulated by her, she doesn’t follow the normal routine!

It’s as if you hit a fist with all your strength, and the other party caught you easily with one finger.

Zhao Luo feels aggrieved!

Zhao Luo didn’t give up, and she was strangely angry, “Look at you taking such a small amount of stuff. I advise you to do more tasks and get more cards. You won’t have CP for a while…”

Suddenly, Zhao Luo got stuck and asked, “Do you have more cards?”

Xia An shook her head, “Not too much.”

The corners of Zhao Luo’s mouth rose immediately.

She has no need to worry anymore! She was just afraid of being slapped in the face by Xia An, now she is no longer afraid.

Her gaze became more and more arrogant.

Xia An looked at Zhao Luo and her CP, a little surprised.

Zhao Luo now looks like a clothes seller.

Not only did she put a lot of clothes on her model, she also put a lot of clothes on herself, wearing a skirt on top of her pants and three coats on the outside. She was really competing for the cards.

As Zhao Luo thought about it, she became more proud, and began to show off her methods.

Please support me by only reading this on seasalttranslate.wordpress.comTranslator’s Note:1. **** brand – lmao its really like that from the raws2. eldest lady – it usually means the eldest young lady. Usually embodies the concept of an asian eldest daughter: responsible, mature, gentle, motherly etc.

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