I Became Popular After Acting Like a Green Tea

Chapter 25: 21.2

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I think this goes without saying, but please don’t copy my work into other websites, especially aggregate websites. I won’t appreciate it.

This chapter is dedicated to @Laurent B.
Thank you for being my first supporter on ko-fi, and so I’m posting the three parts of chapter 21, chapter 22 plus bonus of chapter 23 this week as thank you! (and sorry for being late lmao)

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Zhao Luo pointed to her CP’s feet, “Do you see this, two pairs of shoes! Two stores, put them together, you get two cards!”

She spoke proudly, and she tried her best to lower the corner of her mouth.

She must steal Sheng Zhiyan over today to make Xia An ashamed!

Zhao Luo wanted to say more, but seeing Xia An’s appearance, she felt that she had to leave quickly.

She can’t stand next Xia An now. Xia An looks so good now, and she was a little embarrassed with what she’s wearing currently, and she will definitely be suppressed to death.

She can’t accept that happening!

Zhao Luo couldn’t help but glanced at Xia An triumphantly, and hurriedly ran away.

Xia An has completed the task of matching the whole body with her CP and gathered at the assembly point.

Before long, other guests came to the meeting point one after another.

When they arrived at the meeting point, they saw Xia An sitting on the resting sofa, holding a glass of ice drink, biting the straw, and drinking comfortably.

Sheng Zhiyan sat on one side and handed her a strawberry.

Xia An took it and took a bite.

Several guests felt that they were miserable in an instant.

Running around and doing the task desperately, Xia An can lie down on the sofa to rest! Someone even hand feeds her fruit!

After a while, Su Wan and Li Jingqing returned, and when they saw Xia An, both of them frowned at the same time.

Xia An looks like someone on vacation.

Su Wan looked at Xia An’s rosy cheeks. Her skin was white and tender enough that if you pinch it, it might drip water, and she couldn’t help feeling jealous.


Su Wan was holding fire in her heart, and when she looked at Li Jingqing beside her, she felt better.

In any case, Li Jingqing hates Xia An, and this is the person Xia An wants to get desperately, but even if she wants it so desperately, she still can’t get it.

Thinking of this, Su Wan’s lips twitched.

As long as Xia An likes Li Jingqing, she will always be under her(Su Wan)!

She walked to Xia An and smiled, “An An, you came back so early, Jing Qing and I went to do some more tasks.”

Most of the tasks were couple tasks, Su Wan knows Xia An will definitely be jealous once she finds out!

Xia An looked up.

Su Wan lowered her lips, “But don’t get me wrong, An An, the tasks we do are all required by the program team, very common tasks.”

She emphasized more. Xia An must be more curious about what they did and whether it was out of bounds.

Su Wan waited for Xia An to question her, it would be much better if she became hysterical.

Xia An looked straight at her.

Very good, Su Wan thought, hurry up and go crazy.

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Xia An groaned in her heart, raised her head, struggling for a moment in her eyes, and then pursed her lower lip again. After a long while, she said, “I believe you, Su Wan, you said you were not interested in Jingqing.”

As if to persuade herself.

Su Wan frowned and pinched her fingers.

It shouldn’t be like this! Xia An should rush up to push her away, scold her as a liar, scold her for scheming, that’s right!

Su Wan suddenly felt a panic in her heart. She always felt that her prediction of Xia An had gone wrong in recent times.

Although Xia An still loved Li Jingqing deeply, she was not as crazy as before.

Could it be that Li Jingqing hurt her too badly before, so she dare not?

How can that work! Before she and Li Jingqing could be together smoothly, Xia An must act like a lunatic!

Not only was Su Wan uncomfortable, Xia An’s appearance made Li Jingqing’s fans also very uncomfortable. They always felt that the more Xia An was like this, the more Li Jingqing and Su Wan had problems.

[To be honest, I have been really panicked recently. Why does Su Wan always emphasize the matter of ordinary friends? I didn’t pay attention to it before, but now I find it happening too many times! 】

[Brother can’t have anything with Su Wan, right? Didn’t you always refute the rumors and claim to be ordinary friends before? 】

[Ordinary friends, ordinary friends, this fucking makes people scared! 】

Before long, all the guests had come and gathered.

Several groups of guests stood in a row, first showing the results of them matching clothes.

The first group, Jiang Quan’s group.

As soon as the camera gave a close-up, the audience was shocked.

Is this fucking worn by humans?

Once they saw Jiang Quan’s CP model, the collection of clothing and accessories can only be described as terrible.

He wore a colorful silk scarf on his head, a big gold chain hung around his neck, a big red dress, and a bright yellow coat and white gloves on his upper body.

On the waist is a very dazzling green belt, and his feet was wearing piles of socks and red leather shoes.

With that wretched smile emoji next to him, people couldn’t help but want to slap it away, shouting: Go away!

As for Jiang Quan himself, people couldn’t help but want to laugh.

He was afraid that too many clothes would affect his handsomeness, so he gave himself a lot of jewelry.

He was wearing two watches, four bracelets on one arm and five on the other. His neck accessories are even more exaggerated, with pearl necklaces, large gold chains, etc., all around the neck.

The audience laughed to death.

[Hahahahaha Jiang Quan really did it, what’s all around this circle? 】

[I laughed to death, this is obviously a love variety show, how can these people take the funny route, no, the ghost and animal route! 】

[The key is that Jiang Quan’s expression is so proud (covering his face)]

The second and third groups are the Yan Zai group and the Wang Yuyao group. The two groups are dressed normally and performed tasks according to normal people.

The fourth group, Su Wan group.

Su Wan’s outfit is actually not suitable for her.

She is more suitable for a lighter dress, since she showed a gentle type, and the clothes that Li Jingqing chose for her are more the cute type.

The fifth group, Zhao Luo group.

Netizens are almost laughing to death.

Zhao Luo, like Jiang Quan, desperately piled clothes on her CP’s body, and even put three silk scarves on the CP directly on his head!

Once she sat on the ground with a model, she can immediately open a stall on the spot.

[Hahaha Zhao Luo, what are you doing! Is this really your ideal type! 】

[You said that they want to take heartbeat missions, if they do so, who wants to be selected by them! 】

[The combination of these two people, I think whoever wears it will have a grudge against them (cover my face), it’s amazing]

Zhao Luo and Jiang Quan were very proud.

They must have the most cards. If they have more cards, they will have more chances to extract heartbeat tasks.

They must embarass Xia An!

The sixth group, Xia An group.

After everything they wore went through the lens, netizens instantly changed their style of posting.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so beautiful to look at! These two are the best today! It’s all suitable! 】

[Impossible CP has full marks except not being able to be together! Full marks! 】

【overtake! it is good! Look! 】

Zhao Luo and Jiang Quan’s teeth were itchy.

They worked so hard to find cards, but Xia An being beautiful here, was making them sour.

It’s fine! Just grab the heartbeat task and win!

Zhao Luo glanced at the handsome Sheng Zhiyan, feeling proud.

When she snatches Sheng Zhiyan over, she will definitely tote Sheng Zhiyan around Xia An to show off! That would for sure annoy her!

Jiang Quan stared at Xia An, planning that when he got the heartbeat task, he’ll ask Xia An to put on this pile of clothes and put on a wretched smile!

Xia An would instantly become a joke!

The program group announced the rules for extracting heartbear tasks.

They pulled out a big round ball with small flying balls inside. Each group of guests can draw once for every card they have, and there is only one small ball with a heartbeat task.

The director shouted with a loud speaker, “All groups please place the cards you collected on the long table in front.”

At that moment, Zhao Luo and Jiang Quan seemed to be elated, stepping with heavy steps, walking to the table with their heads held high, taking out their bags, and the bunch of cards fell on the table.

Like a hill.

Shocking everyone.

Seeing everyone’s shocked appearance, the two smiled with satisfaction.

Just wait and see, you scumbags!

The two especially glanced at Xia An, and saw that there were only six or seven in front of Xia An.

It’s a win!

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The program team announced that it would start to extract heart beat tasks from the Xia An team.

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Xia An lifted the tip of her skirt and stepped onto the lottery table.

Zhao Luo and Jiang Quan were suddenly a little nervous.

Xia An presses the draw button, the big ball spins frantically, and a small ball falls out.

Xia An picked it up, opened a hole, and was stunned.

Others looked at her expression and breathed a sigh of relief, surely not!

Immediately, Xia An turned around and spoke softly, “That,” raising the ball in her hand, “The game is over.”

Jiang Quan and Zhao Luo went crazy immediately.

They swiftly rushed to the stage, grabbed the ball, and at first glance, it really was a heartbeat task!

Wow, cry out.

Impossible! They worked so hard to find dozens of cards! This was originally a part of cheating Xia An!

Thinking of this, they glanced at Xia An ferociously, and felt even more aggrieved.

And Xia An, led by Sheng Zhiyan, step by step, gracefully stepped down.

Not at all affected by the look in their eyes!

The heartbeat task extraction is over, and the program team announces the final task: take photos and post on Weibo.

Zhao Luo and Jiang Quan walked to the model, took off their excess clothes, and hung them directly on their CP heads.

It’s okay, just take pictures with the clothes rack, it’s not particularly embarrassing.

The director picked up the megaphone, “The rules for singles are different.”

Zhao Luo and Jiang Quan were full of spirits.

“Guests in the single group should wear the CP clothes of the other single group and take pictures.”

With a bang—

Zhao Luo and Jiang Quan’s sky fell.

Wear CP clothes?!!

Are you kidding me? ? ?

The director’s smile was spread all over his face.

He is too satisfied.

Zhao Luo and Jiang Quan bit their teeth to death, and when the director group secretly hinted that they already talked with their agents, they changed their clothes.

After Jiang Quan changed, he didn’t dare to go out at all.

What is he wearing!

He was afraid that from now on, this photo would be circulated forever.

He still has to act in idol dramas!

After a long time, he was caught by the director team, took a photo, and was thrown aside, as if abandoned after the beginning of chaos.

Look at Xia An again, he almost fainted!

Xia An seems to be making an idol drama over there!

Xia An and Sheng Zhiyan have a retro style, and the program team directly found a rickshaw from the Republic of China period.

Sheng Zhiyan and Xia An got in the car and looked like a newlyweds.

The photographer yelled, “You two get closer! It needs to feel like a couple!”

Where could Xia An approach actively? Li Jingqing was standing next to them.

Blinked and looked at Sheng Zhiyan.

Sheng Zhiyan bends his lips, lowers his eyes, and suddenly stretches out his hand to wrap her waist. As soon as he exerts force, Xia An looked like she was caught off guard and raised her head with surprise in her eyes.


The photographer is very satisfied.

Netizens are more satisfied!

Ah ah ah ah ah [like a domineering young master! 】

[Miss Xia, don’t run away. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i am so crazy I can fill up a million words1! 】

[My goodness, these two people are so exciting! 】

After shooting, they uploaded on Weibo.

With text: My ideal type.

Zhao Luo and Jiang Quan wanted to die.

As soon as the photo is released, it will immediately grab the hot search.

First hot search: Xia An’s ideal type is Sheng Zhiyan?

Second hot search: Jiang Quan Zhao Luo is crazy

Zhao Luo and Jiang Quan almost died of anger.

They are already like this, and they can’t even have a separate hot search?

It’s so miserable!

Netizens from all walks of life gathered to eat melon, and the discussion was in full swing.

[I’m going to laugh to death hahahahaha, what the hell is going on with Jiang Quan and Zhao Luo! Why do you have to put on so many sets of clothes! 】

[Hahahahaha these two people might as well be locked up! Perfect match! 】

[It’s too miserable, it’s miserable, two people want to grab a heartbeat task, but Xia An hits once and almost killed me with laughter. 】

[Xia An is too beautiful too! I announced that I am her face Fan! 】

[The domineering president is really awesome, this action is the boss! 】

[Ah ah ah ah two people’s tension is too strong, I could not begin to even comprehend ah ah ah ah ah ah. 】

Xia An, Zhao Luo and Jiang Quan directly attracted all the attention, one side is the top visual experience like an idol drama, blushing hearts beating pink bubbles.

On the other side, there are hilarious men and women who seem to have been wandering for many years, with mental problems.

Su Wan didn’t even get any attention.

On her Weibo, only her fans constantly control comments.

[It’s just a show, don’t get me wrong, just make a show. 】

[It’s just a temporary CP. I refuse them to be tied up. The program group is not a man, and I have to pull the CP. 】

[The two clarified that they are just ordinary friends, and fans and passers-by shouldn’t make up things, it will affect the friendship between the two. 】

[Wan Wan is so beautiful, a certain fan is really enough, if you don’t care about her, then get out of the Wan Wan’s Weibo! 】

It shouldn’t be like this!

Su Wan gritted her teeth.

Her Weibo should be the same as Xia An’s Weibo, all of them should be talking about CP!

Everyone knows that Xia An loves Li Jingqing so much that she is so in love, how can they knock her’s and Sheng Zhiyan’s CP!

You can knock Xia An and Jiang Quan, how can it be Sheng Zhiyan! This is the kind of characters they can’t reach at all!

Su Wan was really not reconciled.

Her mind is messed up, and her heart feels irritable and uncomfortable.

After taking a good photo, Xia An gave Sheng Zhiyan a slight glance.

Then suddenly, she was not ready!

Sheng Zhiyan lowered his eyes to look at her small expression, curled the corners of his lips, and let go of her waist.

Sheng Zhiyan got out of the car first, turned around, and waited for Xia An. Xia An had a long big skirt. He carried the skirt and lowered his head for fear of her stepping on air and tripping.

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While he was looking around for her foot, she raised his eyes and looked at Sheng Zhiyan holding her arms, smiling at her with a smile on his lips.

After finding her foot among her cloth of her skirt, she straightened up and looked at him confidently.

The look means: Come here, hold me and help me down!

Stop watching her movements from over there!

He really haven’t grasp the consciousness of being an NPC yet!

Sheng Zhiyan actually understood the meaning in her eyes, and looked down at her extremely thin waist.

He stepped forward, stretched out his hand, slightly gripped hard, and easily hugged her and placed her firmly on the ground.

Netizens screamed.

[Ah, ah, ah, ah, fucking, too domineering! 】

[That action just now! Absolutely! Why are you so overpowering! 】

[Boyfriend is overwhelming! He picked Xia An up without any effort! 】

Xia An fell to the ground, satisfied, scratched his back with a little hand, and patted him lightly to show affirmation.

The NPC’s performance was pretty good today, so he should be rewarded.

Please support me by only reading this on seasalttranslate.wordpress.comTranslator’s Note1. filling up a million words – basically writing a long fanfiction that would reach a million words

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