I Became Popular After Acting Like a Green Tea

Chapter 26: 21.3

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Today’s mission is over and everyone went to change back.

After all the clothes were changed, everyone got in the car when they came and went back to the Happiness Hut1.

For today’s dinner, they have to solve it by themselves, and go to the designated vegetable market to buy vegetables.

The car drove directly to the entrance of the vegetable market, but too many cars at the door make it difficult for the program group to enter.

When the guests got off the car, they felt the excitement of the vegetable market.

It’s so lively.

The program group seems to have chosen a large but too noisy vegetable market for the sake of the program’s effect.

As soon as they went out, the crowd recognized them and discussed them very loudly.

“Hey, isn’t that for the show?”

“You don’t know, they sent a notice, saying that a star is coming.”

“I know that! Xia An, my daughter hates her very much, saying that she has a love-brain, and her having a good face is just in vain.”

Xia An: …

Several guests walked into the vegetable market, but since Xia An could not cook, she decided to just trail behind.

Zhao Luo and Su Wan walked ahead, but Zhao Luo hadn’t recovered from the anger of losing the game.

She secretly scrolled through the internet when she was in the car, and the hot searches of her and Jiang Quan wouldn’t go down at all, and the attempts of the public relations were useless. Netizens came too fast and there was no way to reverse their image.

Zhao Luo is a girl group artist. Fashion resources are very important, and her image is also very important. This embarrassing appearance is not conducive to her original plan and development.

The company is going to be furious.

Zhao Luo hated Xia An to death.

Aside from her ugly photos, all of the hot searches are photos of Xia An. In contrast, she looks more and more like a fool! The worst part was, she was the one who chose those clothes herself!

She lifted a rock and smashed herself in the foot.

Thinking about this, Zhao Luo turned around and glared at Xia An, her teeth clenched.

Su Wan walked beside her, observing her emotions keenly.

Glancing along Zhao Luo’s line of sight, the corners of her lips twitched slightly.

She turned to look at Zhao Luo and deliberately said, “Xia An is so beautiful today, especially in that little dress.”

Zhao Luo was even more angry when she mentioned it.

Everyone is complimenting Xia An’s beauty! In the meanwhile she’s being called ugly!

Zhao Luo was so angry, her head was a little dazed.

When Su Wan saw at it, she had to add, “She also looks good in her private server today.” Then she turned and took a look at Xia An, “It looks good even when walking through vegetable market.”

Zhao Luo felt unhappy with this continuous praise.

Why is Xia An better-looking than her all the time?

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By the way, since they were in the vegetable market! If Xia An becomes embarrassed here, that would be interesting!

Zhao Luo looked around and saw some cabbage leaves and watermelon rinds thrown by people on the ground, all in a chaotic mess.

She laughed inwardly.

If Xia An fell to the ground with her face buried in these dirty vegetables, would anyone still praise her as a fairy?

Oh, I’m afraid it will hang on the hot search for three days and three nights.

When the time comes, she will go against her, pretend to help her, and then stay with her on the hot search, using Xia An’s ugliness to set off her beauty.

She’s already giddy just thinking about it!

Zhao Luo moved quickly, almost without using her brain. She walked in front of Xia An, threw some melon skins on the road in front of her, and then slowed down and moved to Xia An’s side.

Talking with her to interfere with Xia An’s sight.

“Xia An, what do you want to eat?” She looked concerned.

Xia An immediately became vigilant.

Zhao Luo caring about her? It’s very much impossible, and there must be fraud.

Thinking this way, Xia An walked carefully, and while talking to Zhao Luo perfunctorily, she observed her surroundings carefully.

She soon discovered that on the path she was walking on, several watermelon peels were waiting for her.

If Zhao Luo hadn’t deliberately interfered with her, she might not be able to pay attention to her feet.

Xia An didn’t speak, and continued to chat with Zhao Luo pretending to be ignorant. When she approached the watermelon peel, Zhao Luo deliberately leaned to Xia An’s side and pretended to bump her inadvertently.

Xia An reacted very quickly. As soon as Zhao Luo hit her, she immediately stepped on the corner of the watermelon peel, pretending to fall, and fell onto Sheng Zhiyan beside her.

Then she moved her feet and kicked the watermelon rind directly to Zhao Luo’s feet.

Zhao Luo was excited when she saw Xia An fell, but suddenly she slipped and fell to the ground unexpectedly, her face directly on the cabbage leaf pile.

Zhao Luo fell straight into a daze.

She was twisted, her face was on the ground, and the corners of her mouth that had been grinning because of Xia An’s fall had not had time to retract, and her entire face looked a bit hideous.

Zhao Luo was stunned for a few seconds, and then directly exploded. How could she be so unlucky! The one who should be lying here is Xia An. it was supposed to be Xia An!

She gritted her teeth, pushed herself up hard, and smiled even though the fall was painful. It doesn’t matter! She has to see what happened when Xia An’s fell!

Looking up, Xia An actually fell on Sheng Zhiyan!

Xia An! She fell in the arms of others! Intact!

And she! Falling into the rotten cabbage!

When Zhao Luo fell, Xia An rushed towards Sheng Zhiyan, pressing him on the vegetable stall.

Netizens laughed at Zhao Luo while also yelling ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

[Ah, ah, ah, President, President! 】

[Mr. Sheng is so happy! Xia An fell in his arms! 】

[Beauty is in my arms, Mr. Sheng, can you do it! 】

[I am the cabbage behind, I testify! Mr. Sheng is very happy! 】

[Ah ah ah ah this position, I love, with a good sense! 】

Xia An leaned her entire weight on Sheng Zhiyan, clutching his clothes tightly with both hands, and said very weakly, “I’m scared to death.”

Sheng Zhiyan was still leaning on the stall behind him, and his upper body was lying on the vegetable directly.

He lowered his head, smiling faintly, “Scared to death?”

Still wanting to act huh?

Xia An scratched his chest with a little finger, “Well, I almost fell to the ground.”

A numbness came from his chest. Sheng Zhiyan narrowed his eyes, held Xia An’s waist with his big hands, and helped her up.

While tidying up his clothes, he glanced at Xia An and chuckled lightly.

Really so courageous and dare to scratch him everywhere.

Xia An got up and turned around to see Zhao Luo. Zhao Luo was still lying on the ground, as if she hadn’t fully recovered.

Su Wan walked over and bent over to help Zhao Luo.

At the same time, she scolded Zhao Luo for being stupid.

Can’t do even a little thing!

Just now she watched Xia An stepped on the watermelon peel and fell. Who would have thought that she’ll be thrown on top of Sheng Zhiyan!

Zhao Luo is stupid! Xia An should be made to slip when she was alone.

Although Zhao Luo didn’t do things well, this person was very foolish. She could take the opportunity to show her kindness in front of the camera and continue to stimulate Zhao Luo.

Su Wan helped Zhao Luo up, Zhao Luo’s teeth were itchy, and her mind was full of Xia An.

Can’t wait to push Xia An directly down.

Su Wan said while helping Zhao Luo, “Why are you so careless? Fortunately, An An has Mr. Sheng. Nothing happened. Why did you fall to the ground? Does it hurt?”

Zhao Luo clattered head cleared and it sounded the alarm.

Su Wan’s caring words… she is very familiar with it!

Isn’t this what she planned to say after Xia An fell?

Zhao Luo immediately turned her attention to Su Wan and increased her vigilance.

Su Wan said again, “Look at you, your face is dirty.” As she approached her face, she reached out to wipe Zhao Luo’s face.

Zhao Luo took a step back.

Su Wan didn’t care too much, thinking that she could continue to stimulate, pointing to Xia An behind, and saying, “Just now An An fell down just like you.”

Su Wan knows that once Zhao Luo saw that when Xia An fell, nothing happened to her at all, and Xia An was a million times better than her, so she must be mad.

Zhao Luo twitched the corner of her mouth.

Ah! Fuck! You’re fucking pretending!

Don’t think that she doesn’t know that Su Wan deliberately ran to her when she fell, pretending to be caring. She was clearly waiting for Zhao Luo’s ugly photos to be spread out, and Su Wan would be next to her as a comparison.

Pooh! Is Su Wan’s face worthy?

Except for Xia An, when it comes with fighting with face, she has never been afraid of anyone!

Su Wan didn’t know Zhao Luo’s thoughts, and continued with a concerned look, “Look at how you fell on your face? It’s also on your legs. They are all watermelon juice and they are very dirty.”

You are reading story I Became Popular After Acting Like a Green Tea at novel35.com

Zhao Luo pushed Su Wan away and said loudly, “What do you mean?”

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Su Wan: “Huh?”

Zhao Luo was furious, “Why did you deliberately mention the appearance of my fall? For fear that others would not be able to see it clearly?”

When Zhao Luo said this, her fans immediately understood.

Zhao Luo was saying that Su Wan deliberately satirized her! A straight road, how could it be so easy for her to fall! She must have been tripped!

Zhao Luo was probably suggesting that it was Su Wan’s game!

Zhao Luo had a bad temper, and her fans were even more powerful, and they quickly swept their screens.

[Su Wan is wrong, absolutely wrong, Zhao Luo fell and she reacted so quickly! There is definitely a problem! 】

[Luoluo’s fall was the design of Su Wan right? Are you jealous that Luoluo looks better than her? 】

[Oh, Su Wan doesn’t look in the mirror either. Even if she falls, Zhao Luo still looks better than her. 】

[Su Wan’s design is really hammering, look at her eyes, is it a bit fluttering? That’s a guilty conscience! 】

[Su Wan had a problem with speaking, and deliberately explained in detail where she fell. This is a live broadcast. If it is really good for her, she should help cover it. She definitely did it on purpose! 】

The fans of Zhao Luo were all ripped out, and soon they directly placed the hammer on Su Wan’s hands. It was Su Wan who designed Zhao Luo to fall.

Su Wan fans are not happy now.

Bullying Su Wan’s kindness and gentleness?

Su Wan fans immediately retaliated.

[A certain fan is too much, Wanwan was also kindly concerned, how can it be part of conspiracy theories. 】

[I’m so angry, don’t care about this kind of people, Wanwan, fans are like crazy dogs. 】

[Wanwan has a good temper and is easily bullied, Zhao Luo fans are shameless, how can they frame Wanwan! 】

After all, Su Wan’s fans are not as good as the idol fans, and they are quickly defeated. Zhao Luo fans won and scolded others.

There is no way, and some fans became anxious.

[Should a certain fan group also come out to help? After all, it is also a CP. 】

It doesn’t matter if you don’t say this sentence, once you say it, it caused a big trouble.

Li Jingqing’s fans were angry.

[Does a certain fan feel a little conscious? CP, when was your Su Wan worthy of Li Jingqing? 】

[I said that Su Wan’s house should definitely be tied up. Su Wan has no idea how to say it, but in fact she still wants to touch brother’s heat in my heart. 】

[If Su Wan is really hyped, then her character will collapse, and I will scold her eight hundred times a day! 】

[The fan on top of me, since Su Wan was scolded by myself, don’t expect there to be fans of people who are just ordinary friends! Look at your identity! 】

The barrage is noisy.

And Xia An, smiled and watched the excitement.

【Drips—The bad luck value minus 20, leaving 897. 】

It really had something to do with Su Wan, and the relationship between what happened and her is not small, since it directly reduced 20 points.

Xia An happily watched the excitement.

Zhao Luo is now casting all her anger on Su Wan. With that anger all in her head, even if the manager in the headset madly yells for her to stop, she still keeps making trouble.

All the anger received during the day was spread on Su Wan.

For example, when Su Wan introduced the ingredients, she coldly snorted, “Who are you introducing it to? If you know, you know, but I don’t want to listen to someone who might not really know. Are you one of the vendors here?”

Su Wan was really just setting herself up as a good cook.

But being so stunned by Zhao Luo, she couldn’t continue to play at all.

Su Wan’s teeth was itchy.

What madness Zhao Luo is trying to pull! Why is she attacking her!

Looking at Su Wan’s expression become a little darker, Zhao Luo felt more comfortable. She followed Su Wan to death, and if Su Wan dared to show off her cooking skills, she wanted to satirize it.

This directly led to Su Wan’s entire grocery shopping session not only being unsuccessful in attracting fans, but it also offended several fans.

She was frustrated, but she was helpless.

Can’t stop Zhao Luo’s mouth!

The grocery shopping session ended in a hurry, and a group of people returned to the Happiness Hut.

Today’s dinner is not for everyone to eat together, but for each grouping making their own.

Su Wan smiled, and it was finally time for her to act.

Not to mention, in cooking, she can crush Xia An to death!

There are two kitchens, and several guests are going to be divided into two batches.

Su Wan first shouted to Xia An, “An An, you and me should partner up since you are not good at cooking. I can help watch if you have any problems.”

A look of thoughtful and caring.

Xia An hesitated in his heart and said, “Okay, but in our group, it’s mainly Brother Zhiyan who does it.”

She raised her head and glanced at Sheng Zhiyan.

Sheng Zhiyan glanced down at her, nodded, “I do.”

Su Wan gritted her teeth.

If Sheng Zhiyan did it, where would she dare to comment!

She is ready to demonstrate her cooking skills in comparison with Xia An, and also show Li Jingqing her advantages!

Why is Sheng Zhiyan so good to Xia An!

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The Su Wan group and Xia An group entered the kitchen and prepared dinner.

The program group brought four aprons and asked each pair of CPs to put them on for the other person.

Xia An took it over and laid it out. It was still a couple apron.

Hers is a little rabbit, and Sheng Zhiyan’s is a big bad wolf.

Male guests should give it to the female guests first.

Over there, Li Jingqing looked at Xia An and then at the rabbit apron in Sheng Zhiyan’s hand, frowning.

Sheng Zhiyan also stretched out his hand to pinch the velvet tail of the rabbit.

Li Jingqing squeezed his fingers tightly, and the green veins bulged.

Xia An didn’t look at him.

It has been several minutes since they entered the kitchen, but Xia An didn’t even look at him once.

I don’t know why, he had never noticed Xia An before or didn’t look at her, because when he glanced at her by chance, she was always looking at him.

As soon as he met her eyes, she would smile and call out to him “Brother Jingqing”.

But now, when he started paying attention to it, he realized that Xia An didn’t look at him all the time.

No, Xia An should watch him all the time!

Li Jingqing’s thinking suddenly stopped.

Then his brows became tighter.

How could he think like that? He doesn’t like Xia An, and if Xia An doesn’t look at him, he should be happy.

He still couldn’t help but look over until Su Wan called him, “Jing Qing?”

Li Jingqing returned to his senses, “Huh?”

Su Wan squeezed her fingers, pretending not to see him distracted, and handed him the apron in her hand, “I want to trouble you to put it on for me.”

Li Jingqing then took the apron.

Su Wan turned around, turned her back to him, waiting for the intimate interaction like a couple.

But at the moment when she turned around, Li Jingqing suddenly thought of Sheng Zhiyan holding the rabbit’s tail just now, and immediately raised his head to look at them.

Absent-minded, he put his apron on Su Wan’s head indiscriminately.

Su Wan was almost restrained.

She adjusted herself in embarrassment, pretending that it didn’t happen, and still waiting shyly for the next step.

When tying an apron, Li Jingqing would touch her waist.

If the program group gave a close-up, this section will definitely attract CP fans!

But Li Jingqing’s eyes kept drifting towards Xia An.

Xia An has turned around, waiting for Sheng Zhiyan to tie her apron.

Sheng Zhiyan opened the apron and gently put it over her head, lifted her hair with one hand, and lifted it to the release them from the confines of the apron, and inadvertently touched Xia An’s neck.

Li Jingqing was extremely upset.

Immediately afterwards, Sheng Zhiyan pulled the thin belt around her waist, slowly rounded Xia An’s waist, and slowly tied it.

The thin strap was tightened little by little, and matched with his extremely beautiful hands, it seemed that he used this strap to measure Xia An’s waist.

Obviously they were just tying some cloth, but those hands, coupled with Xia An’s very thin waist, made people want to scream.

However, Li Jingqing shook his mind and violently pulled the strap tightly, and tied a very tight knot.

Almost bringing out Su Wan’s lunch.

Please support me by only reading this on seasalttranslate.wordpress.comTranslator’s Note:1. Happiness Hut – literal translation of what they call the house where they stay in as the program is filming. I don’t remember what the prev translator calls it

tbh the part about them tying the aprons made me giddy for the main couple but also made me laugh for Su Wan and Li Jingqing

Finally finished this 9k of a monster chapter but this is late *hides* it’s still Friday for some right?

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