I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover

Chapter 16: CH 16

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I just want to hug my wife for a bit

With no restraint at all, Song Yan grabbed a towel next to him and tossed it at the other’s head: “If the water drips onto the bed, then you don’t need to come up here to sleep tonight.”

Ren Qinming’s waist collapsed downwards, and his tone of voice dropped by at least eight levels: “Got it……”

In the broadcast, Ruan Song’s body was slender and he sat on the bed wearing loose-fitting checkered pajamas. One leg was crossed and his neck was slightly bent, and the lines of his side profile flowed smoothly.

On the contrary, Ren Qinming, who was dismissed with a single hand, clumsily rubbed his hair with the towel, and was controlled into obedience.

[If I recall correctly, that towel was the one that teacher Ruan just used, doge]

[Let me just say, Ren Qinming’s droopy puppy ears have appeared once again, it really is ‘The Queen and His Puppy’]

[It’s not a queen, isn’t this just like my mom and dad, they’re too much like an old husband and wife, doge]

The bullet screen watched the excitement with great delight.

Only mother Ruan looked at him, and scolded her son through the video: “Don’t bully him all the time. I feel that Qinming is pretty good looking.”


Ren Qinming immediately raised his head from under the towel, and looked like a child who finally found someone who would support him, and his puppy eyes glistened.

At first, the bullet screen still didn’t believe it.

[Before when aunty greeted him, I still thought it was purely out of courtesy]

[My ge really can have such a good relationship with his mother-in-law?? Why do I not believe it……]

[Mother-in-law relationship, I’m laughing to death]

Every object has its own weakness.

Ruan Song had a hard temper towards everyone, except for his own mother, and he unhappily replied: “Why do you always defend him.”

“Then who allowed you to always bully other people.” The woman in the video had kind eyes, and looked at Ren Qinming as if she were looking at her own son.

Before, in high school, Ren Qinming’s family suddenly faced an unforeseen tragedy. No one was there to take care of him, and mother Ruan allowed Ruan Song to bring the other home.

The two children ate and lived together, and stayed with each other for a long period of time.

Ren Qinming had a double standard, and at this time naturally knew to behave. He was not stingy with using his handsome face to smile, and brightly replied: “Later when we finish filming this show, we’ll visit you together.”

Mother Ruan: “Okay, okay, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you together, you guys always stagger your visits.”

Ruan Song was the first person implicated and didn’t say anything. These two people had already quickly decided on their own.

After a moment, Chen Yan who had disappeared for a long while, bent his head and suddenly appeared in the camera, then gestured at Ruan Song.

Ruan Song clearly understood, then got off the bed after taking Ren Qinming’s phone. He easily commanded: “Let me borrow this, I have to make a call. You accompany my mother to chat for a moment.”

Ren Qinming followed his order and obediently nodded his head, without a single questioning word.

Ruan Song shut the door to the balcony in order to avoid the cameras, then directly called Chen Yan: “What’s up?”

Chen Yan had also already left the hospital room: “Can I not just simply want to speak with you. Ayy, I just can’t wrap my head around it, how can you conceal it so well. Your mom as well, she actually never mentioned Ren Qinming to me, not even once. Really amazing.”

Outside the balcony of the cabin, there was an abrupt opening that connected to another mountain.

Ruan Song enjoyed the breeze, and leaned against the railing to admire the vast and spacious forested night scape in the distance: “Now I feel as if there had never been an issue with my mother’s brain.”

Chen Yan was dazed for a moment: “What do you mean?”

“Just that she’s always been very clear headed. Or perhaps in the past, she really was confused for a moment, but afterwards it improved, and now she’s just pretending with me.” Ruan Song lowered his eyes and huffed with laughter, “Probably didn’t want me to break up with Ren Qinming.”

Chen Yan was stunned after hearing this. He didn’t even know aunty could conceal her thoughts: “So why exactly did you guys break up? You still haven’t told me. I also don’t think he would have cheated, or treated you poorly.”

Just mentioning this made Ruan Song’s head hurt, and he rubbed his temples: “I wanted to break up, so we broke up, why do you need a reason to break up. Okay, stop interrupting me, what did you want to talk about after calling me out.”

If the other wanted to talk about this kind of nonsense, then sending a WeChat and texting him was enough.

Chen Yan finally adopted a stern look: “Just that that filmmaker is always trying to find you, and that I’ve recently heard something about that serial murderer case that’s being adapted into an IP.”

This IP was quite famous in the industry. Not only because of its loud reputation, and that the production lineup was luxurious, but also because this was one of the few projects that had a public recruitment of screenwriters.

There were plenty of people like Ruan Song who had sent in their resumes, and it wasn’t strange that Chen Yan heard the tiniest bit of news about it.

Just that Ruan Song was clearly not that interested: “That’s all you wanted to tell me?”

“No, no, no. First, don’t rush to refuse, you’ll definitely change your mind after you finish listening to me.” Chen Yan made a show of being earnest, “Guess who I heard is the big screenwriter that they found and planned to sign.”

Ruan Song lazily replied: “Who?”

Chen Yan: “Fang Wei!”


Chen Yan waited two seconds, then found that the other had no reaction: “Your college classmate, the one who wrote ‘First-Class Doctor’ and won an award, that Fang Wei! Fang Wei!”

The person on the other end of the call was still as calm as before.

So calm that Chen Yan almost believed that there was a signal problem. He was just about to pull away his phone and re-dial the other when he heard Ruan Song extremely calmly ask on the other side of the line: “That’s it?”

Chen Yan couldn’t understand at all: “What kind of reaction is that, did you not hear who I said it was? Fang Wei, just that……”

“I’m not deaf.” Ruan Song interrupted, “Other than this, is there anything else you wanted to say. If not, I’m hanging up.”

Chen Yan: “???”

“You better not be trying to hold yourself back. If you’re uncomfortable, then just fuck with him, do you hear me. It’s been so many years, this child has already held back too much.” Although Chen Yan wasn’t in the same university as Ruan Song, he was well aware of the gossip.

Chen Yan really did know all about their secret ‘spicy history’.

From his point of view, that year, Ruan Song suffered because he was unknown and also had an extremely noble moral character. He was somewhat of a serious scholar, and was not as thick-skinned as a villain, and was unwilling to do such trivial and demoralizing things as quarreling and tearing apart others’ faces.

But facts have proven that in this day and age, the more vile a person you were, the more shameless and lacking in principle you were, the better you were able to mingle with others.

Chen Yan was afraid that he was still a noble student, and he sincerely said: “Song ah, we’re 26 this year. If you’re still unwilling to fight for something, we really won’t even be able to reach other people’s asses.”

You are reading story I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover at novel35.com

Ruan Song: “Who says I’m not fighting for something?”

Chen Yan: “What do you mean who……ah?”

“I said, who said I’m not fighting for something this time.” Ruan Song’s tranquil voice mixed with the night air, distinctly and coldly entering Chen Yan’s ears.

Chen Yan hadn’t yet reacted when Ruan Song had already followed up with: “This time, he’s dead for sure.”

Then the call disconnected.

Chen Yan was completely at a loss.

He had guessed that Ruan Song might burst into anger and refuse to let it go, and had also guessed that Ruan Song would respond with calm resolution and moral steadfastness.

But now, what was this situation where he was both calm yet also spoke ruthlessly?

He evolved into a ruthless person?

Cold wind blew through the forested veranda of the hospital, and Chen Yan immediately felt goosebumps throughout his body.

Ruan Song returned from the balcony without any change in his expression, as if he just had a very ordinary call.

It just so happens that it was quite late, and mother Ruan also wanted to sleep. She specially waited until he finished his call, then repeatedly nagged at the two children.

“Xiao Song, you can’t keep bullying Qinming, got it?”

Ruan Song found it both speechless and ridiculous: “Why don’t I change my surname to Ren and let him have your surname Ruan.”

Mother Ruan didn’t respond to this at all: “Also, don’t fight. If anything happens, just talk it out nicely.”

Ren Qinming agreed vigorously: “I know, aunty. I won’t fight with Song ge.”

But mother Ruan frowned, then emphatically called out her own son: “Was I talking about someone else? Ruan Song, don’t be reasonable all the time and bully others. Ren Qinming treats you so well, where are you going to find someone who can bear your temper.”

The video was live, and there were so many people in the bullet screen of the live broadcast that were still watching.

In front of the entire Internet, Ruan Song was ruthlessly showered with criticisms by his elders.

In his heart, he was nearly sure that his mother had been pretending.

Things like not remembering they had already broken up, being unclear as to whether he or Ren Qinming had visited her, all of it had been pretend.

But just as before, he wasn’t angry at all. He faced the camera and had just wanted to strive hard to hold back two sentences, when he suddenly felt his face grow hot.

Ren Qinming unexpectedly grabbed his waist, then without any warning, kissed the left side of his face, then seriously promised: “Aunty, don’t worry. Before when Song ge got mad at me, it was all because I made him unhappy. I won’t do it anymore and we won’t fight anymore.

With a face of ‘I still don’t understand my son’, mother Ruan angrily laughed: “Anyway, you’ll indulge him.”

Ren Qinming’s arm was still overbearingly placed across Ruan Song’s waist, and he had no idea if it was because he was too used to saying actors’ lines, but the other wasn’t the least bit afraid of saying such heartbroken words to the camera: “As long as Song ge wants me, I can do anything.”

Ruan Song would never admit that in the moment when he looked at the other’s deep and lustrous eyes, it was as if something he had lost for a long time had finally been found. With this single, simple promise, he was unexpectedly somewhat moved.

He could see that Ren Qinming was eagerly awaiting his response.

But ultimately, Ruan Song only swallowed a few times without batting an eye, and said: “If you’re done speaking nonsense, then hurry up and rest, don’t talk about trivial matters all day long.”

After saying this, he ended the video call.

The bullet screen happily filled the screen with Ruan Song’s title of an ‘anti-pretentious expert1’ just as before, and didn’t seem to sense the pair’s change.

Jiang Qiqi probably waited until they finished their video call, then stood outside their door and knocked: “Song ge, Qinming ge, if it’s convenient for you now, come to my room for a bit. We should figure out what to purchase tomorrow, and contact the buyer to ask about the price.”


Ruan Song put away his phone, and planned to push aside the arm on his waist and get up.

But Ren Qinming didn’t follow his wishes, and gently pulled Ruan Song back into his arms with force, then leaned in towards Ruan Song’s ears and said: “I even hesitated whether or not to tell you my lock screen password.”

This was a bunch of rubbish.

So Ruan Song reasonably determined that this person probably could tell that after picking up the call, he wasn’t in a good mood.

So he also turned his head, then with the back of his head facing the camera, replied in the other’s ear: “Other than you, who would have such a childish habit as using the birthday of the person they like as their lock screen password, and retaining such a habit from high school to now?”

The bullet screen could see the pair intimately hugging, but couldn’t hear what they were saying, and were itching to begin crowdfunding on the spot to buy 8 or 10 boxes of the highest quality radio equipment for the program team.

“I just have this habit.” Ren Qinming thought that he was finally able to touch Ruan Song in a just and honorable way, and once his arm was able to be placed on the other’s waist, he was unwilling to let go.

Ruan Song was dragged against his will, and even directly pinching the other didn’t make the other let go. The other just shamelessly hugged him, and his two arms were so stubborn, as if they were iron. Ruan Song wanted to get up from the bed several times, but was pulled back by the other every single time.

After being dragged around, Ruan Song was finally at his wits’ end, and ultimately said something that the bullet screen could hear: “Everyone is still waiting in Jiang Qiqi’s room, are you going to let go or not.”

Ren Qinming was self-confident: “Not letting go. They can discuss first, I just want to hug my wife for a bit.”

Ruan Song was really disgusted by the other calling him ‘wife’ and angrily laughed. Goosebumps rose up on his skin, and the pent-up frustration in his heart subsequently seemed to have been reconciled, yet he unhappily bestowed the other with two words: “Mud dog2.”

That night.

Gu Yuzhou finished watching the broadcast and was prepared to sleep when a message popped up in WeChat.

It came from a chat window that he didn’t have a note set up for as of yet.

[Even if you have money I won’t marry you-Song: I’ll take up your project, I’ll notify you of the detailed conditions.]


The author has something to say:

Gu Yuzhou: wow3

Ren Qinming: My wife praised me as a mud dog! A bit happy! (???)

1. Author writes 反矫情达人, which is lit. anti-pretentious expert’. Essentially refers to someone who is really good at handling hypocritical, unreasonable people (aka pretentious people).

2. Author writes 土狗, lit. native dog/mud dog. This is meant to be a mocking term which is primarily focused on the word ‘土/mud’ which often means someone is unsophisticated/crude.

3. Originally written in English

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