I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover

Chapter 17: CH 17

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Bullet screen: ok, Ruan Song wins

At that time, Gu Yuzhou was actually so tired he couldn’t even open his eyes.

He usually slept before 11pm at night, even watching the broadcast of ‘19 Days of Cohabitation’, he could only stay up to see Ruan Song call Ren Qinming a ‘mud dog’.

But as soon as Ruan Song’s message came, Gu Yuzhou immediately didn’t feel exhausted anymore, and turned around on the bed several times while confirming the sender of the message multiple times.

It really was Ruan Song.

It was even the first reply that Ruan Song had sent in the chat window, and the other’s attitude had suddenly changed 180 degrees.

At that time, Gu Yuzhou was dazed for a long moment.

His first reaction was to get up from the bed and re-open the broadcast to see what condition Ruan Song was in to send him a message.

Because it was clear that Ruan Song’s change in attitude had nothing to do with the lobbying he had done in the past.

But in the broadcast, everyone did as they said and the six guests assembled in Jiang Qiqi and Liang Yi’s room, and they were discussing what ingredients and goods they needed tomorrow.

Ruan Song held his phone, and you couldn’t see any change in his expression.

Gu Yuzhou tried to send a reply.

[Gu: Is it that I have to wait until you finish the 19 days of filming for this variety show?]

Ruan Song slacked off on the job in clear view and typed a reply on the spot.

[Even if you have money I won’t marry you-Song: Mm, wait until I contact you]

[Gu: Okay]

Gu Yuzhou couldn’t find the reason why through the camera, but also couldn’t control his curiosity, so he could only find the omnipotent Assistant Li who had already finished work for the day.

[Gu: Just now, Ruan Song didn’t give any reason but he suddenly changed his decision and agreed to be the screenwriter, I want to find the reason]

After saying this, without waiting for Gu Yuzhou to send a second message telling Assistant Li to search for the information tomorrow, a new message appeared in the chat window.

[Assistant Li: I guess that it might be because Ruan Song heard which big screenwriter the producers recommended to sign.]

[Assistant Li: I just found out about this point after doing a background check, but I was worried you were sleeping and originally planned to collect the information and report it to you tomorrow. This IP signed a screenwriter named Fang Wei, who was a classmate in the same major as Ruan Song’s, the Drama, Movies and Literature major. Their graduate academic advisor was also the same person.]

Gu Yuzhou felt he seemed to have figured something out.

[Gu: The two have some kind of drama?]

[Assistant Li: Currently, it is still unclear and we should wait until the thorough report tomorrow. But there can only be two possibilities as to why Ruan Song suddenly agreed. Either he has a very good relationship with Fang Wei and the two want to collaborate, or he has a very poor relationship with Fang Wei and he doesn’t want this project to be given to Fang Wei.]

But if their relationship was very good, then they would’ve known from the very beginning, and this matter wouldn’t have dragged on until now.

Gu Yuzhou already had a rough guess in his heart.

[Gu: Trouble you to do a more thorough investigation tomorrow]

[Assistant Li: Understood]

It was the middle of the night, Qin Sijia and the others had finished showering past midnight, but the number of viewers in the live broadcasting room remained the same.

Xu Lan stood in front of the mirror in her bathroom while brushing her teeth as her tablet broadcast the variety show as it was placed on the marble countertop of the sink.

With one hand on her waist and a face mask covering her face, she straightened her waist and directed the electric toothbrush into her mouth. But all throughout, she felt something stuck in her chest, as if a cat had scratched at her heart.

Yet the guests on the screen remained clueless, and continued their activities in full swing with a pajama party as they all discussed what they would eat tomorrow.

As the least talkative person amongst the group, Ren Qinming suddenly became a ‘hot commodity’ in this segment.

After all, as a cook, not only do you need to know the ingredients for the main course, but also the scallions, ginger, garlic, and other accompanying ingredients and sauces.

The six guests reported the names of dishes one by one, and each dish had to be reviewed by Ren Qinming, the emerging cook of the cabin.

Ruan Song had never had any taboos with regards to foods, and so he didn’t participate in the discussion.

[Teacher Ruan is now going on a mental journey through outer space, he looks exactly like me when I’m in class, doge]

[I feel like teacher Ruan is tired 2333]

[It really is late, even I’m tired. Is everyone not planning on sleeping and trying to cultivate immortality towards the end?]

[I just want to say, Jiang Qiqi’s pajamas are so cute, but I searched up the price, and it isn’t something that I deserve to have, cups fist.jpg]

[All the other pairs have couple’s pajamas, only my ge foolishly and naively wore a bathrobe, but not only was he not able to charm the other party, he was even scolded xs]

[The most important point is that before in the room, Ren Qinming energetically opened up his collar, but now that he’s in front of others, he covered himself up tightly and his belt is tightly bound, doge]

[He’s a man of virtue with full marks, hahahahaha]

[I didn’t realize it before, but now looking through his pajamas, it feels as if Zheng Qing’s body seems pretty good?]

[Of course it’s good, or else will our goddess Sijia be with him? Hehe, little yellow face.jpg]

[The pajamas Qin Sijia and Zheng Qing are wearing also aren’t cheap. Looks like it’s still our teacher Ruan who’s not frivolous and is in touch with the people]

[Aiyah, it really smells like a deeply hidden big boss. I’m really looking forward to it, starry eyes.jpg]

The bullet screen hadn’t yet filled with a few topics when the discussion once again returned to Ruan Song.

Xu Lan brushed her teeth while staring at the flattery that filled the screen, and the more she read the more she found it awkward. Finally, she stopped her electric toothbrush, then sent Ruan Song a message with a mouth full of foam.

[Lan jie: Now everyone on Weibo is praising you a bit too exaggeratedly. You should restrain yourself a bit, I’m worried in the end some problem will arise and cause you to feel complacent]

Ruan Song saw the message, and humbly asked for advice.

[Even if you have money I won’t marry you-song: How should I restrain myself?]

Xu Lan pondered with a face mask on.

[Lan jie: Fit in with everyone?]

[Lan jie: Although right now, it looks like Ren Qinming is less talkative, in everyone’s point of view, you appear more independent than Ren Qinming. Try to look a bit more active when they’re discussing things? Just try to participate a bit more.]

Active, participate……

Ruan Song had just been staring at the key words while mulling over them, when Jiang Qiqi’s shocked voice could be heard from beside his ear: “We only have 500 yuan in total, if we only buy scallions, ginger, garlic and peppers it’s several yuan, a piece of chicken breast is 15 yuan, a seasoning packet for sour fatty beef soup is 85 yuan! Isn’t this too expensive!”

Actually, when Ruan Song heard them name dishes just before, he had anticipated that the cost would be too excessive.

He thought that shutting his mouth tightly and not bringing up any objections would be a more appropriate response, but now Xu Lan said that he looked more out of place by not uttering a single word.

Ruan Song could only open his mouth to say: “The quoted price is high. The program team said the prices were calculated according to the market price, but they increased the overall price by about five or six yuan. Generally a piece of chicken breast that’s 500g will only cost 10 yuan. The seasoning packet for sour fatty beef soup really isn’t cheap, but it certainly wouldn’t be 85 yuan.”

Once Ruan Song mentioned this, everyone grew dazed, and they each looked over with stunned eyes, as if his understanding for the price of ingredients was completely inconceivable.

Although Ren Qinming knew how to cook, he had debuted early and his private funds could be considered to have always been quite prosperous. When he bought these things, he didn’t look at the prices carefully.

He didn’t care about the quality or quantity of different brands, and it was even less likely for him to know that Ruan Song often switched between different stores to get coupons that would reduce the price in order to save a few cents.

In order to fulfill the command of ‘fitting in with others’, Ruan Song also couldn’t say that because he bought ingredients for Chen Yan all the time, he had a more abundant life experience than the five of them added together.

He could only avoid the important points while admitting the more trivial matters, and used playing on his phone as an excuse: “I just searched it up, this delivery app has all the prices. The program team probably thinks we don’t understand, and wants to rip us off.”

You are reading story I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover at novel35.com

It would’ve been fine if he kept quiet, but as a result, once he spoke up, the bullet screen became even more crazy about him.

[I’ve already said this, but Ruan Song has been smart since he was a child, thumbs up.jpg]

[Wise people don’t say stupid things. I really didn’t know anything about these prices before I needed to cook by myself at work, corporate slave sheds tears.jpg]

[Really deserving to be a brain that was recommended into A University. If it were me, I wouldn’t even doubt it and just honestly get ripped off, collapse.jpg]

[Do you know A University’s school motto? “If you believe everything you read, might as well not read.” which is to say that you shouldn’t blindly believe in everything. Teacher Ruan can be classified as having learned it thoroughly well, doge]

Once the public wants to praise someone, every word and action they took was right.

Although he casually said something only because Ruan Song wanted to increase his participation, who would have thought it would have been interpreted into so many layers of meaning.

Jiang Qiqi grew very angry upon hearing they were being cheated, and took a screenshot of the real market prices on the delivery app and prepared to find the buyer to fight it out.

But Ruan Song once again said: “They probably raised the prices on purpose, to make us spend our 500 yuan faster.”

Jiang Qiqi was even more baffled: “What kind of profit would they gain if we have no money to eat?”

Ruan Song sat on a chair with his legs to the side, and maintained the same posture of supporting his head with a hand while going on a mental journey in outer space: “This variety show will only be interesting to watch when the guests have no money, or else if everything runs too smoothly, and there’s no conflict or drama, then the show definitely won’t be popular.”

After saying this, Ruan Song thought that since he had already said this, he might as well continue speaking: “According to the logic of the program team’s screenplay, they probably want us to quickly use up our money in a short period of time, which will cause the first predicament to arise. Then they’ll manufacture an incentive in which we have to think of a way to make money, then they’ll give us a more challenging task as a goal, then tell us that we’ll make money for our living expenses only if we reach a certain target, so they can promote the characters to move forward, something like that.”

Ruan Song blabbered on and spilled the beans, but his original intention was to achieve Xu Lan’s expectation of increasing his ‘participation’ and ‘fitting in’ more.

But as a result, when he finished speaking, he instead found that everyone was looking at him with a strange gaze.

Ruan Song was baffled, and completely didn’t understand everyone’s point, and even thought it was because his analysis was so wrong it was unreasonable: “I usually don’t really watch Chinese variety shows, and I just casually guessed. Is this not what usually happens?”

When everyone heard that he didn’t watch Chinese varishows, their expressions turned even stranger.

It was still Ren Qinming who first continued the discussion: “I also don’t watch them, but it really is common to see guests complete tasks in variety shows.”

Ruan Song also thought that since he was guessing, then he should just make another guess: “It’s hard to do any particularly difficult tasks while deep in the mountains or in the forest. I personally am inclined to believing it will have something to do with accepting a guest, perhaps they’ll invite a few flying guests1? That’s how it usually is in variety shows, right, to receive an interim celebrity to complete tasks.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the scene completely sank into deathly stillness.

Apart from Ren Qinming’s unconditional trust in Ruan Song, everyone else was dumbstruck. After all, it’s not uncommon to guess the direction of the plot, but it’s amazing to analyze it from a technical point of view with impressive sounding words!

“I remember the program team saying that if there are any problems, we can ask the Wechat account from the QR code. Qiqi, if you ask won’t we figure it out then.” Ruan Song used his hand to support his head, then leisurely extended his index finger to tap the phone in her hand.

When Jiang Qiqi heard her name being called out, she looked like a student who was facing their teacher, and after staring blankly, she quickly lowered her head to do as instructed.

The bullet screen of the broadcast was directly attacked by Ruan Song’s handsome looks.

[What the fuck…… I feel like his analysis is quite reasonable!!]

[Forreal, when teacher Ruan just said a whole slew of words like incentive, predicament, target, pushing characters to move forward, I got goosebumps on my skin, what kind of immortal is this……]

[Who understands and is willing to come out and explain, what kind of field would use these terms, kneeling.jpg]

[He has the effortlessness of a school tyrant, as if he didn’t use his brain and just casually completed the last big question in the math exam, wuwuwu]

After Jiang Qiqi asked, she quickly received the program team’s response.

She excitedly lit up her screen: “Doesn’t replying with a series of ellipses mean we guessed right!”

Ruan Song wasn’t surprised at all: “In compliance with general production rules, it will usually be like this. After the situation between the six guests becomes stable, it will be difficult to create conflicts. The only way to increase conflict is to increase the number of locations and increase the number of people.”

They were all restricted to this cabin and had nowhere to run, if they rule this out, then they could only add people in.

Jiang Qiqi once again sent over this question.

This time, the program team candidly replied with twenty periods, two rows of ellipses.

The bullet screen collectively collapsed with laughter.

[Director: I’ve never been this speechless in my life. We didn’t even start yet when the entire script has been worked out, doge]

[So could it be that teacher Ruan is a teacher? Like some kind of college professor, I feel that when he’s lecturing he really looks too handsome, oh my god!!]

[He’s really too handsome I can’t handle it, I just feel that it was a very amazing theory, and you can see he’s a cultured person at a glance 15551]

But Ruan Song really never watched variety shows, and had no idea that he inadvertently accelerated the program team’s work schedule. He told Jiang Qiqi: “Or we can directly ask who the program team plans to invite as the first flying guest, then see who amongst you guys has their contact information, then call to ask what he likes to eat and buy it all together. We’d even save some money.”

Program team: “………………”

[Hahahahahahahaha, save some fucking money]

[What the, teacher Ruan is really too funny, an expert analysis was simply to save a few yuan]

[This time, I really am firmly on teacher Ruan’s side and can’t be moved! He’s really too A!!]

The more ridiculous thing was, Jiang Qiqi really was able to ask about the guest’s name.

But Jiang Qiqi was obviously stunned when she saw the reply given. As she gazed at the eyes of everyone who was waiting for the answer, she didn’t dare to speak for the first time.

Qin Sijia was curious: “Is it some ultra big boss?”

Or else why would she have such a reaction.

But Jiang Qiqi looked at Ren Qinming, then looked at Ruan Song sitting on the chair, then with extreme subtlety, she spat out three words: “Wan Qingyue.”


The bullet screen immediately exploded.

This person had previously directly published a confession to Ren Qinming before!!!

[Fuck, fuck, this program team is creating drama! Isn’t this a dating variety show? They would even unexpectedly invite a rival in love!]

[Shock, I got goosebumps again. A show with three men, am I about to see a three-man crematorium! Rubbing my hands together.jpg]

[Ahhhhhh, also I remember Wan Qingyue didn’t just confess once! It seems he has evil intentions even now! Oh my god, oh my god, there’s something wrong with me. I unexpectedly am a bit excited???]

They didn’t know if it was because Ruan Song’s expression was too at ease before, but everyone was looking forward to a new reaction from him.

After hearing the name, the guests in the room were all silent.

In fact, Wan Qingyue’s “heroic” deeds of openly expressing his love to the King of Hell was too sensational and famous, and no one in the industry was unaware of it.

The program team clearly arranged this to single out and attack Ruan Song.

For a moment, everyone carefully cast their glances over, and felt that according to Ruan Song’s temper, he definitely wouldn’t stand for it, and would begin scolding the program team.

But in actuality, Ruan Song’s eyes stared blankly. He had basically never heard this name before, and asked: “Who is it? You guys all know him?”



The author has something to say:

Ren Qinming coughed guiltily.

Bullet screen: ……ok, I proclaim that Ruan Song wins

1. A flying guest is a temporary guest; one that is invited only for a few episodes.

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