I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover

Chapter 19: CH 19

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Ren Qinming very anxiously pulled him off the ground, then inspected him from top to bottom.

Ruan Song patted the dust on his butt, and felt incredibly awkward: “I just accidentally sprained my ankle, it’s not a big deal.”

But Ren Qinming didn’t care, once he heard that Ruan Song sprained his ankle, he stooped low to his knees and then pulled the other into his arms on the spot, then right in front of Wan Qingyue’s face, he took large strides into the cabin from the entrance without even a sideways glance.

Whatever welcoming ceremony the program team planned, it was all forgotten.

Qin Sijia, who had been a few steps behind Ren Qinming, saw Ruan Song in such a position, also couldn’t manage to exchange pleasantries with their flying guest, and anxiously followed Ren Qinming into the living room.

“How is it? Is the injury serious?”

“Our doorstep was made a little too tall. Fortunately you didn’t fall all the way down to the open framework at the bottom few steps.”

“If you sprain your ankle, shouldn’t you rub some medicine on it?”

“Just spray some Yunnan Baiyao1, I’ll go bring the first aid kit. Yesterday after tidying up the luggage, I placed it in Qiqi’s suitcase.”

Ruan Song was suddenly surrounded by so many people while sitting on the sofa, and felt his entire world go dark, and stiffened up as if he had just fallen and broken his arm and fractured his leg. He hurriedly called out to Liang Yi, who was just about to return to the room and bring out the medicine: “I’m fine, I’m really fine, you don’t need to bother.”

But Ren Qinming sat next to him, carefully lifted up Ruan Song’s leg and placed it onto his own thigh and examined it, then finally rubbed the protruding ankle bone, and diagnosed: “It’s already red.”

Ruan Song was even more embarrassed: “Isn’t it because I just sprained it and it’s swollen now, I just knocked it against the stairs. Later on, the redness will fade.”

Meaning Ren Qinming was making a big fuss over nothing.

But Ren Qinming has long been a crazy devil wife protector that was beyond redemption, justly tried to understand the change in subject, and furrowed his eyebrows as he somewhat indicated towards Wan Qingyue, who stood outside the chaos: “There will be no next time.”

Wan Qingyue: “???”

He nicely came over to participate in this variety show. It was fine if he couldn’t attain Ren Qinming’s welcoming words, but instead, he was forced to carry a big pot2 on his back for no reason!

Ruan Song boasted as someone who sought the truth from facts, and really didn’t like those who accused others wrongly, and tried to help Wan Qingyue explain: “No, it’s just that I just woke up and didn’t stand steadily so I sprained my ankle on my own. It has nothing to do with him.”

But once he opened his mouth, Wan Qingyue’s face grew even more subtle.

The atmosphere was exactly like he had just done something bad, and had even pressured someone to shield him!

It was even more like he had attacked Ruan Song!!

[Hahahahaha, look at Wan Qingyue’s face, I reckon that teacher Ruan really did sprain it by himself, but teacher Ruan isn’t explaining it clearly right now]

[Wan Qingyue is inexcusable, teacher Ruan is also inexcusable, only my ge’s anger doubled, doge]

[Teacher Ruan: This is what it means to be forced to be a green tea, pitiful.jpg]

[Wan Qingyue didi is suffering, he just appeared on stage and he was already knocked out hhh]

Ruan Song watched as the scene became more and more unreasonable, and originally wanted to remedy the situation by adding on a few sentences.

But he had just opened his mouth, when Wan Qingyue’s complicated expression deepened, as if he was afraid the other would act as some kind of white lotus, anticipating what kind of tea-like words he was going to say next.

Ruan Song could only shut his mouth, raise the palm of his hand and slap Ren Qinming’s head: “Stop lifting my leg to look at it, I’m starving.”

Ren Qinming had no impatience at all upon being beaten, and only happily agreed, then got up from the sofa. The others tacitly cleared a path for him, and Wan Qingyue stood at the very ‘end’ of the path.

Ren Qinming, who wasn’t looking at Ruan Song, immediately became a different person. Whatever puppy eyes, puppy ears, all disappeared, and the only thing that could be seen was a layer of frost.

Allowing Wan Qingyue to face the other, he subconsciously swallowed, and his fair and clear face turned a little red after he held himself back after being treated unfairly. It was only after a great effort to control himself, that he was able to stop himself from stepping backwards as Ren Qinming drew closer.

Although everyone always said that the King of Hell was formidable, in Wan Qingyue’s eyes, Ren Qinming was not only not frightening, but even had the charm of ‘remaining indifferent in the face of gains or losses’.

Because no matter how fancily or brazenly he expressed his love, Ren Qinming never looked at him with disgust or dullness in his eyes. Ren Qinming was unlike others who expressed any abnormality, and was even less likely to criticize or preach at him.

Wan Qingyue had always been full of joy and interpreted this as ‘hope’, it wasn’t until now when he saw the way Ren Qinming looked at Ruan Song that he realized.

Whatever ‘indifference in the face of gains or losses’, was actually because the other didn’t care about him at all.

Of course whatever irrelevant people did was of no concern.

Even if he wanted to be looked at by Ren Qinming with such an intensely cold gaze, it was also due to Ruan Song’s good fortune……

“It really wasn’t me……”

Wan Qingyue looked at the man who gazed at him with such an arrogantly fixated gaze, and felt his voice fade, as if he might get swallowed up into those dumbstruck pair of eyes at any moment.

But Ren Qinming clearly knew it wasn’t him, and also had no plans to swallow him. Ren Qinming just brushed by the other’s body with his shoulder, and looked at the other with an understated, passing glance: “You don’t have the guts.”

Wan Qingyue molars immediately tensed.

He had been pampered since he was a child, and had a straightforward temper that couldn’t be repressed. He unreasonably followed behind and asked: “Then haven’t you misunderstood why you’re still angry with me!”

Ren Qinming’s steps paused. The man who originally planned not to speak anymore slowly turned his head: “Can’t I be angry at myself for leaving Ruan Song alone at home?”


Wan Qingyue immediately scowled and couldn’t refute.

The live broadcast room watched the entire farce, and it could be said that they greatly pampered Wan Qingyue.

[Why is he so shocked, did he not watch the broadcast last night?]

[His fans said that he just came back from filming abroad, and he took an overnight flight back. He might not have had the time to experience firsthand the level of my ge’s wife-pampering, doge]

[Haaa, actually, this didi is pretty cute, he’s also tall and pale. Why does he insist on hanging off my ge’s tree, regretfully shaking my head.jpg]

Ruan Song also felt it was strange.

After he returned to his room to wash up and change clothes, he sat at the dining table while supporting his chin with his hand and muttering: “He looks like such a smart child, how could he like Ren Qinming……”

Jiang Qiqi sat next to him and heard his muttering, and nearly spat out a mouthful of water. After coughing, she turned to look towards the kitchen: “Song ge, you’re really not even a bit worried.”

In the kitchen, Ren Qinming was still the chef as usual.

The main dish today was fatty beef army hotpot3 with sour soup, and there was no need to fry anything. A few people helped to wash and cut the prepared vegetables.

It’s just that the space in the kitchen was limited, and only three people could fit in there at once. Ruan Song and Jiang Qiqi couldn’t move around there at all, as Liang Yi and Wan Qingyue first filled up the room.

It goes without saying, Liang Yi probably also knew that amongst the six guests, Jiang Qiqi had the most relaxed job, so no matter what situation arose in the cabin, he was the one who had the most enthusiasm, and always thought of ways to help Jiang Qiqi make up for any deficiencies.

As for Wan Qingyue……

Ruan Song stared blankly as he called out ‘Qinming ge’ all throughout, and persevered in swaying back and forth in front of Ren Qinming.

He had a pair of pale, young master hands, and with one glance you could see this was the first time he cut vegetables. He clumsily yet enthusiastically learned from the others, and his desire to express his intention was nearly written all over his face.

Ruan Song wholeheartedly complimented the other: “With this kind of enthusiasm, what kind of person can’t he catch.”

“He can’t catch Qinming.” Qin Sijia giddily brought out fruit juice and yogurt from the fridge.

After Ruan Song left the room last night, everyone thought and felt that what he said was right.

What was there to be scared about if they had no money, they’d just push the plot in the direction they should go. Anyway, the program team wouldn’t let them starve to death, and would think of ways to give them money. So everyone extremely casually squandered all 500 yuan, and ordered a bunch of drinks and snacks.

‘19 Days of Cohabitation’ was honored with the glorious title ‘the first ever sunshine guests’ for the first time in history.

Ruan Song got up to help lay out the tableware, and replied to Qin Sijia: “Chasing Ren Qinming doesn’t count, he has a problem with his brain. You can’t regard him as a normal person.”

Zheng Qing laughed upon hearing this: “If I didn’t know what kind of temperament you had, I definitely would have thought you were humble-bragging.”

Out of everyone, only Jiang Qiqi felt troubled by the fact that Ruan Song wasn’t taking this seriously. As she poured a drink into each glass, she said: “Song ge, you really don’t have the awareness of a crisis. You can’t be like this.”

The moment Ruan Song heard this, he was exactly like the bullet screen in the live broadcast, thinking that this little sister’s love brain was acting up again: “We’re just dating, an awareness of a crisis is too excessive.”

[Let me just say, Qiqi is really too good in every aspect, except for the fact that she is too genuine towards Liang Yi……]

[My anger is undeniable, meimei4 you’re also a big beauty, and your family conditions are good, you should learn from teacher Ruan. Must! Have! Self! Confidence!]

[Ay, if one day in the future, Ren Qinming gets dumped by Ruan Song, Ren Qinming would at best be unable to recover after a minor setback, but if Jiang Qiqi was dumped by Liang Yi……]

[The person above, take that back! Don’t say such ominous words, I’m terrified!]

Since this variety show began broadcasting, everyone could see the way these three guest pairs interacted with each other.

Jiang Qiqi was quite trusting and dependent upon Liang Yi. As long as you had eyes, you would know.

Up to now, it could be seen that Liang Yi treated everyone fairly, was a modest nobleman, gentle and easygoing, and both his EQ and IQ were up to par. If any situation arose, he would stand in front of Jiang Qiqi to protect her, and you practically couldn’t see any mistakes on his part.

But the entertainment industry was least lacking in the ‘perfect person character design’.

The more perfect the character design, the more scared everyone was of the dark side that would appear upon the collapse of such a character design.

The bullet screen was just in the midst of hating iron for not being steel5, and hoped that this younger sister could awaken somewhat from her love brain.

But Jiang Qiqi’s next sentence was unexpectedly: “Men are unreliable.”

Ruan Song, Zheng Qing, Qin Sijia: “?”

The bullet screen was also [?]

Jiang Qiqi on the screen still had that face of being unaware of the affairs of the world, her eyes drooping downwards to look at the glass cup that was slowly being filled with yogurt: “You shouldn’t hope that men can withstand enticement, moreso try to test them.”

Everyone stared blankly after her sudden change.

You are reading story I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover at novel35.com

Especially the bullet screen.

[……What happened? Why do I suddenly not understand]

[She suddenly started talking about real world gender topics, is it that meimei has experienced something before, shock.jpg]

[No, could it be that my dog eyes have been blinded and now I can’t recognize Mt. Tai6? Isn’t Jiang Qiqi a love brain?]

Jiang Qiqi finished pouring the drinks into all the glass cups, and serenely tossed the empty yogurt bottle into the trash can: “My birth father was just like that. If it wasn’t for my mother catching him and his secretary having an affair in person, no one would have thought that a family man like him would have an extramarital affair outside. Of course, my mother has already found a stepfather for me.”

One after another, the bullet screen began to say ‘My goodness’.

[The secrets of a wealthy family have been exposed, shock, flabbergasted.jpg]

[Jiang Qiqi is a standard rich family’s daughter. Her birth father and birth mother’s families both have money, and it should be classified as a powerful alliance. Although the stepfather her mother found has a more inferior family status, he’s still someone with good prospects. Not long after the second marriage, the company began to float7, thumbs up.jpg]

[Waaah, then I suddenly feel that meimei is pretty good like this? She acts coquettishly as much as she likes, but also isn’t scared when she runs into any situation]

“Anyway, I definitely can’t accept my rival in love swaying around in front of Liang Yi.” Jiang Qiqi sincerely raised a conclusion from her own perspective.

Zheng Qing and Qin Sijia suddenly treated her earnestly, and for a moment they didn’t quite know how to proceed.

Ultimately, it was still Ruan Song who picked up the conversation: “Let’s avoid dwelling on unpleasant things. If you’re just dating and you still need to have an awareness of a crisis, then you might as well dump the guy.”

The bullet screen immediately began to express lying down comfortably.

[Fine, teacher Ruan’s attitude is completely correct, puppy.jpg]

[Seconded. Just, although everyone’s point of view on love is different, I still hope my sisters can attach the greatest importance to themselves!]

[So have you guys discovered that other than being an anti-pretentious expert, he’s also an anti-push expert8. He’s really the world’s most clear headed person, applause.jpg x3]

[My ge: Or else how did you guys think I was trained into being the number one virtuous male, kisses.jpg]


After eating, the group of poor wretches finally obtained the task that the program team had Wan Qingyue give them —— to take a group photo with the flying guest at the top of the mountain.

Wan Qingyue pulled out a topographic map of the mountain from his bag: “There are three roads on the mountain, and we can separate ourselves into three groups. Each route is fitted with an envelope filled with the living expenses of 200 yuan. That is to say, if we successfully join forces at the top of the mountain tonight, we’ll be able to make 600 yuan in living expenses in one go. In addition, the director group will prepare crayfish and roasted lamb at the top of the mountain, as well as a bonfire and unlimited alcohol. As long as you climb up before it gets dark, they’ll consider it as us having completed the task.”

As soon as Jiang Qiqi heard there would also be a bonfire as well as other things to create an ambience, her young girl’s heart immediately exploded.

But Zheng Qing’s thinking was clear: “Then we probably have to spend the night at the top of the mountain. As soon as night starts on the mountain, there won’t even be street lamps on, and we definitely won’t be able to eat and play up there then take the same routes and come down.”

This morning, he and Qin Sijia climbed down the mountain to find the seller and fetch the ingredients, and they found that the mountain paths were not easy to walk at all, and there was no cable car. There was no shortcut to rapidly go up or down the mountain.

Wan Qingyue nodded in agreement: “So you should arrange a lightweight and small bag to carry with you. At night, you’ll pitch a tent to spend the night.”

Jiang Qiqi immediately deflated.

Because her, arranging a small bag……

If she could have the choice to carry a suitcase……

Jiang Qiqi looked bitter: “Or how about I don’t go up there tonight, don’t eat crayfish or roasted lamb in the name of losing weight, and just help you guys watch the house.”

Wan Qingyue directly told her she couldn’t, and realistically passed on the program team’s intention: “The water and electricity in this cabin will soon be shut off, and it’ll only resume when we come back tomorrow morning. If you can accept not showering, not turning on the light……”

“I can’t accept it!!”

Jiang Qiqi firmly surrendered, she could accept not showering for a single night, but it was impossible if she didn’t remove her makeup, didn’t wash her face, or didn’t brush her teeth!

Following this, everyone returned to their rooms to arrange a backpack, while changing into clothes that were more suitable for climbing a mountain, and planned to meet at the cabin entrance 15 minutes later.

Ruan Song never would have thought that as someone who hadn’t exercised in the past ten thousand years, would actually have to contribute to such a large sports activity after participating on a variety show, and was worried for his old arms and legs. He sat at the edge of bed and began to daydream as he faced his wide open suitcase.

[I found that as soon as work slows down, teacher Ruan will daydream, lmao]

[Same, same, I also found that out. He looks like he really doesn’t like tidying things up 2333]

[This attitude is exactly like me when I’m about to run 800m, nothing left to live for, collapse.jpg]

By contrast, Ren Qinming was extremely similar to a hardworking little bee, and he put together a backpack without any complaint: “I’ve already helped you take all your things, you don’t need to carry a backpack. Just change into a pair of shoes that are suitable for hiking.”

In the past, Ruan Song in high school didn’t like tidying things up.

His desk was always messy, his blankets were never folded, and even the pens he used to write were casually placed as he didn’t even have a pencil case. A tri-colored pen with red, black, and blue colors all in one was stuffed into the seams of a textbook and stuffed into his bag, and the remaining pencil and eraser was always borrowed from him.

As a member who had the ‘lazy’ tumor deeply embedded into his bones, Ruan Song who thought of the fact that he had to climb a mountain couldn’t muster up any energy at all: “No one told me I had to exercise, I only brought a few pairs of regular tennis shoes.”

Ren Qinming didn’t think it was a problem at all: “Just wear tennis shoes then. If you can’t walk anymore I’ll carry you.”

Ruan Song absentmindedly sat cross-legged on the bed: “Do you think we’re still students or something, can you even carry me right now?”

“Why can’t I carry you.” As Ren Qinming said this, he walked towards the bed, grabbed his hand, then suddenly pulled the other into his arms.

Ruan Song had no time to react, and was pulled off the bed by Ren Qinming on the spot. His crossed legs nearly knocked into each other, and he practically couldn’t control himself as he fell into the other’s arms.

The feeling of falling that came with the loss of his center of gravity made Ruan Song subconsciously tightly hug Ren Qinming’s neck.

One was on the bed while the other was below the bed, and the severity of altitude was unequal.

Ruan Song’s hug was tantamount to completely giving up all the authority in his hands, and Ren Qinming effortlessly supported his butt as he pulled the other off the bed.

The afternoon sun outside the window was blinding.

Ruan Song could only feel the sky spinning, and Ren Qinming became his only last hope in the world. Other than using his utmost effort to hug the other tightly, he couldn’t do anything else at all.

After Ren Qinming spun in almost a single circle, Ruan Song already began to feel dizzy.

He frantically slapped the shoulder of the person below him to make the other release him.

But Ren Qinming was still as high spirited as he was in high school, as if he would never get tired of this kind of childish game, and fully spun in five circles before he hugged the other to lay on the bed in a pair.

The bodies of the two people tightly clung to each other as they first bounced up on the soft mattress, then nearly fell to the ground.

Ruan Song was pressed down by Ren Qinming and his chest fluctuated violently. A pair of phoenix eyes hadn’t completely recovered his energy and the palm of his hand once again slapped Ren Qinming’s body as his thin lips began to complain: “You’re such a brat…… I already said we’re not students anymore, but you only feel resigned after you nearly made me vomit……”

Ruan Song’s center of balance had always been very poor.

Now he was older, and just bending down and standing up too suddenly would cause some hypoglycemia and vertigo, not to mention suddenly being lifted up and being spun around like crazy.

Ren Qinming had no issues with his constitution, but Ren Qinming’s breathing wasn’t steady, and a rarely seen exuberant smile could be seen on his handsome face, so much so that it made Ruan Song, who had just struggled to open his eyes, feel blinded for a moment, as if they really returned to high school.

In his memory, the first time Ren Qinming hugged him and spun around like this was after he finished hearing Ren Qinming’s confession, and allowed this shadow-like person to continue following behind him.

The second time was when they played around jokingly and got on the bed.

18 year olds didn’t have to think about anything, as if as long as the feeling they got when they looked each other face to face was right, then they could do anything.

That kind of body collision, the throbbing of the two bodies as they sank into the mattress, left a profoundly lasting impression that still remained in Ruan Song’s mind today.

He remembered that day was exactly like this afternoon, and he was also caught off guard as he was attacked by Ren Qinming, then they faced each other as they listened to the powerful and resonating heartbeats in each other’s chests.

They did it before confirming their relationship, and Ruan Song admits that he was too impulsive, but he wouldn’t find any excuse for himself, and calmly confronted it.

Just as they fell in love with each other later, they impulsively broke up as before.

Now, Ren Qinming pressed him down as he laughed, but soon his gaze turned gloomy, and he shut his eyes and pillowed it against Ruan Song’s chest as he hoarsely said: “If only I could do it again, it’d be better.”

Ruan Song extended his hand and rubbed the other’s head, but didn’t say anything, as the back of his other hand covered his eyes.

The two were so quiet it was almost like they fell asleep. The bright and warm sun outside the window frame suspended time, and the scene exuded the comfort and tranquility of an oil painting.

The fifteen minutes were up, and even Jiang Qiqi slowly walked out from inside the cabin, but Ruan Song’s and Ren Qinming’s presence was still missing.

Qin Sijia tied her shoelaces, and was just about to go back to the cabin and check the room, when she saw Wan Qingyue already walking over from the direction of their room, and lowered his voice to say to her: “Soon, they told us to wait for them outside.”

Qin Sijia couldn’t understand why Wan Qingyue spoke so quietly, but also seemed to vaguely infer something from the bitterness at the corner of his lips that he couldn’t hide.

In the room, approximately one or two minutes passed by.

With a dark face, Ruan Song grabbed the ears of a certain big puppy that lay on his body, and the slightest bit of tenderness from just before could no longer be seen: “When you soften, hurry and get off me.”

The bullet screen collectively: “???”

[Is that what we think it means!!!!!]

Ren Qinming won an inch and wanted a mile, and looked up at Ruan Song’s face, then kissed the other’s chin, and said: “The things you said at the dining table, I could hear it all from the kitchen. I definitely won’t let you throw me away.”

Ruan Song raised his hand, about to hit the other again.

What do you mean throw away or not, they were just acting but he still became addicted.

This time, Ren Qinming quickly carried the backpack and ran away, leaving Ruan Song alone on the bed who slowly turned around. With his back facing the camera, he buried his face into the bedding, his fragmented hair covered up his slightly red ears, and his toes were already stretched taut.

He thought in his heart.

A fucking narrow escape, the other nearly discovered that he also had a reaction.

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