I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover

Chapter 18: CH 18

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Meeting between rivals in love

[Hahahahaha, am I the only one hysterically laughing, after all that, turns out teacher Ruan didn’t recognize him at all]

[This is the confidence of the true palace, they pay no attention to outside matters, doge]

[What confession, what Shura field. He first has to make teacher Ruan pay attention to him, bares teeth.jpg]

[The problem is does he really not know? Wan Qingyue was so famous for chasing my ge, does teacher Ruan not know at all?]

[I also think it’s too ridiculous. He’s pretending, right? Wan Qingyue bitterly chased for half a year, and every few days he’d publicly call out Ren Qinming, how could Ruan Song not know]

Jiang Qiqi was immediately struck dumb: “You really don’t recognize him?”

Ruan Song stared at everyone’s questioning gaze, and he was also confused: “I’m not familiar with any of the celebrities in the entertainment industry, is Wan Qingyue very famous?”

He was a screenwriter, and taking everything into account, he could only be considered as part of the movies and television industry. He only recognized actors and actresses, which was different than the idol entertainment industry.

Everyone took turns to look at each other, and no one took the initiative to answer the question.

Finally, Liang Yi pushed up his glasses, directly searched up Wan Qingyue’s photo and then placed it in front of Ruan Song.

Ruan Song leaned over slightly, and felt that the young man in the photo was better looking than he imagined. His lips were red, his teeth were white, but he wasn’t the frail, delicate type. When he smiled he looked cheerful and cute, the left side of his face had a unilateral dimple, and his little canines looked sweet.

Ruan Song also politely praised him: “The youths in the industry nowadays are so high-quality, he’s quite delicate and pretty, is he an idol?”

One after another, the bullet screen filled with question marks.

[He really doesn’t recognize it hahahaha, fuck]

[Looks likes my ge doesn’t dare to show his guilty conscience, this program team is really too good, doge]

[The director of ‘19 Days of Cohabitation’: you never would’ve guessed right, you guessed the script, but you couldn’t guess the flying guest, kisses.jpg]

Ruan Song asked this question, and no one in the room was once again willing to answer it, and their gazes grew even more strange.

Qin Sijia found it hard to believe: “……Song, do you usually not go on Weibo to look at Ren Qinming’s hot searches?”

As long as you cared even a little bit about it and glanced at it, you would know!

Ruan Song thought that they had already broken up for a year, so why would he care: “I…… Maybe because I blocked his name? I usually also don’t really go on Weibo.”


“You blocked Qinming ge’s name on Weibo??” Jiang Qiqi once again began to doubt her ears.

She had only ever heard of couples blocking each other after breaking up, and had never heard of couple’s blocking each other while dating.

Ruan Song grew increasingly proficient at finding excuses for himself: “I see enough of his face ordinarily, isn’t it tiring also seeing it while scrolling on my phone?”

Ren Qinming: “……”

Everyone else, bullet screen: “?”

They were fed a mouthful of dog food1 without warning……

Other than you, there probably isn’t anyone out there who would feel tired of seeing Ren Qinming’s face?

Ruan Song ignorantly changed the subject: “So what’s so special about this Wan Qingyue that I have to have heard about him?”

Zheng Qing couldn’t wait any longer, and just planned to open his mouth, when Qin Sijia raised her hand and smacked his thigh.

There was a subtle atmosphere in the room.

Ruan Song’s line of sight was seven parts suspicious, and three parts scrutinizing, and he looked over each person. Everyone tacitly agreed upon the same actions, and a few lowered their heads, while a few looked away. Only Ren Qinming didn’t dare hide.

Under the gaze of so many pairs of eyes in the broadcast, Ren Qinming extremely unnaturally coughed lightly.

Ruan Song felt as if he understood: “He likes you?”


Ren Qinming clearly couldn’t hide anything from Ruan Song, and he honestly lowered his eyes and replied: “Seems like it.”

[What kind of ambiguous answer is ‘seems like it’, lmao]

[He was dishonest and got caught. Someone confessed to him outside but he unexpectedly deceived the true state of affairs and didn’t report it back home, doge]

[Let me see who’s lying, turns out it’s my ge, Ren Qinming, hehehe]

[The program team is not bad this time. It didn’t even really start yet but it’s already amazing, pervert.jpg]

The other guests in the room heard Ruan Song ask this, felt their brows jump, and felt their palms begin to sweat for Ren Qinming.

But what awaited them after this was Ruan Song’s doubly bewildering reply: “That’s it?”


“So the celebrity that’s coming is Ren Qinming’s fan, is that what you mean?”

Ruan Song couldn’t understand what the others were avoiding at all: “It can’t be that you guys feel that I would even feel jealous of his fans, right? Ren Qinming has so many fans, I wouldn’t even need to do anything because I’d be busy enough being jealous of all those fans.”

Jiang Qiqi saw that Ruan Song completely didn’t take it to heart at all, and immediately clarified it anxiously: “Not that kind of fan! The kind that earnestly wants to date Ren Qinming!”

Ruan Song paused for a moment.

Then he turned his head to find the camera in their room, directly stared at it and said: “As far as I know, there’s probably no one amongst his fans who doesn’t want to date him?”

The bullet screen immediately exploded with laughter.

[It’s still teacher Ruan who understands us well, doge]

[That is to say, how can ordinary people think of wanting to date my ge, bares teeth.jpg]

Jiang Qiqi was even more anxious, and had just been thinking of saying something else to make him feel a sense of crisis.

Ruan Song had already laughed as he stood up from the chair, and while staring at the young girl, he smoothed out the edges of his clothes: “I know what you mean, but isn’t it just liking Ren Qinming, big deal. Seeing as we know the content of the tasks, then I’ll head back, I’m so exhausted.”

After Ruan Song finished saying this, he took the lead in walking out of the room as if nothing was wrong, and Ren Qinming unconditionally followed.

The situation changed too quickly, and Jiang Qiqi held up her phone and didn’t react at all: “But we still haven’t figured out what we’re going to buy tomorrow!”

Ruan Song didn’t even look back: “Then just buy what we discussed. Anyway, if we use up the money, the program team will think of a way to set up a task to give us money.”

The program team who was stabbed in the heart time after time: “…………”

[Hahahahaha, in all the other variety shows, the guests live frugally and are afraid they’ll run out of money, but in teacher Ruan’s variety show, he’s extravagantly indulging in life, pushing the program team into the opposite direction to quickly think of a new tasks to give them money, how wonderful, doge]

[I declare that in the first round between these rivals in love, teacher Ruan won a crushing victory, sprinkle flowers.jpg]

[‘Pattern’, I’m already tired of saying teacher Ruan is bursting with A. The persons involved aren’t even worried, while us melon eaters are more nervous than anyone else, making a fuss about nothing. Kneel.jpg]

After returning to the room, Ruan Song raised his hand and placed a cover on the camera at their entrance, and the broadcast image immediately turned into a black screen.

The cameras in the cabin were kept on for 24 hours, and the guests could only cover up the cameras at night before sleeping.

But they could only cover up the image. They weren’t able to pause the audio recording equipment.

So there was nothing to see, but one after another, the bullet screen began to strain their ears.

They laughed while guessing that Ruan Song may be open-minded but was just acting in front of others. In fact, once he returns to his room, he might punish Ren Qinming for his crime and force the other to kneel on a washboard2.

But the scene that everyone was expecting didn’t happen at all.

In the black screen of the broadcast, one could only hear the rustling of the bedding, Ruan Song commanding Ren Qinming to shut off the lights, and the sound of Ruan Song laying down on the bed to sleep.

Then, no matter how the bullet screen held their breaths with rapt attention, they could only hear the crisp ‘pa-ta’ of the light switch being pressed, and then the extremely quiet sounds of Ren Qinming gently climbing onto the bed.

Everyone found it hard to believe.

[They’re sleeping just like that???]

But Ruan Song and Ren Qinming really didn’t send messages.

If someone really raised the volume to its maximum at that moment, they could only hear Ren Qinming extremely quietly say a ‘good night’.

Ruan Song really was quite tired today.

For one, although he wasn’t scared of cameras, as an ordinary person who doesn’t usually appear in front of cameras, suddenly being faced by so many cameras at such a high intensity, it was inevitable for his mentality to become strained. Once he relaxes, his bones would soften.

Secondly, he would never admit that after a year of separation, sleeping on the same bed with Ren Qinming again and smelling that familiar scent on a certain someone’s body, his eyelids unconsciously grew heavy, and he slept throughout the night with no dreams.

The next morning at 9am, the bullet screen punctually arrived in the broadcast.

The guests were forced to wake up at nine o’clock, which has continued on from the first season of ‘19 Days of Cohabitation’ to the current season, but the way of ‘coercing’ the guests was different in each season.

They have honorably dispatched people to knock on their doors, they have directly used the key to break down the door in a sudden and violent attack, they have also broadcasted ‘Phoenix Legend3’ to disturb the guests at the aforementioned time……

Later on, the guests knew not to bring trouble onto themselves and sleep in, and most would wake up on time before 9am.

For example, in order to doll herself up, Jiang Qiqi directly set an alarm at 6am and woke up to apply a face mask, do her makeup and her hair.

Qin Sijia and Zheng Qing have always had the habit of having a morning run, so they also woke up early to breathe in the fresh air, and along the way, climbed down the mountain to pick up the items that the buyer helped them buy.

Liang Yi was more business oriented. Other than having the status of a music producer, he also concurrently managed his family’s business. Early in the morning, he brewed a cup of coffee, brought out a laptop and sat at the breakfast bar to skim over various financial news reports.

You are reading story I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover at novel35.com

At around 8:40, four of the six guests had already shown their faces.

As for the remaining two, the camera in their room was still covered and the two were most likely still sleeping, and no movements could be heard.

Following the countdown in the upper left corner of the broadcast, it grew closer and closer to 9am.

The bullet screen was not only not anxious, but they were even a bit looking forward to them sleeping in a bit longer, wanting to see what kind of punishment the program would adopt for those who slept in this season.

The reasoning behind why Ruan Song not setting an alarm the night before was simple, he felt that the punishment would be simple, and wouldn’t have any substantive destructive power at all.

But the reason why this variety show was incredibly popular, was inevitably because the director group would always have more cursed thinking than anyone else.

In the sixth season, there was no external worker, and there was no ground-shaking stereo sound system as expected, but……

[What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck!!!]

[SOS, did they hide another camera in the room?? Fuck, hahahaha]

[My ge was finally able to hug his wife, ahhhhhhh]

[Squatting here early in the morning was the most correct decision I’ve ever made in my life, pervert.jpg]

—— The broadcast countdown to zero, and the clock hand turned to 9am. The originally pitch-black image of Ruan Song and Ren Qinming’s room, quietly switched to a view of their room once again.

Just that the angle of the camera shot changed. Before, the camera filmed from the entrance of the room, but this time, it was hung against the wall of the TV stand as it filmed the bed!

The distance was even closer, and the view was even more exciting, and it filmed the pair tightly embracing as they laid on the bed in high definition!

Clearly, before the lights shut off, they slept on opposite sides of the bed, and were entirely separate from each other. But within a short night, Ruan Song had unknowingly rested his head on Ren Qinming’s arm.

The pair faced the same direction as they laid on their side. Ren Qinming’s arm cushioned the bottom of Ruan Song’s head, while the other arm encircled Ruan Song’s waist. His disheveled pajamas had been rubbed into a mess, and a huge swath of a perfectly sculpted chest was exposed.

Meanwhile, Ruan Song snuggled against the burning hot Ren Qinming, as if he was already covered by a blanket. The real blanket had been kicked down to his hips, and the collar of his checkered pajamas was also in disarray. The topmost button separated, and the lower edges of his shirt lifted up, faintly revealing a fair and even underbelly.

Lower down, the blanket completely covered up the way the pair’s long legs were intertwined together, nearly causing the bullet screen to feel anxious to death.

The regret from last night of not being able to see the pair sleeping on the same bed, sharing the same pillow, was immediately rectified at that moment.

[My God, first thing in the morning……]

You get what you wish for.

Ren Qinming usually rushes to make his itineraries for work and usually doesn’t have a set schedule. Being able to luxuriously sleep from midnight to 9am the next day and get a full 8 hours of a smooth rest, was a blessing that was entirely thanks to participating in a love variety show.

Now, he was clearly not awake at all, and he dazedly discovered that Ruan Song was gathered up in his arms, and he almost believed that he was dreaming again.

Only this time, the tactile sensation against his lower belly was particularly real, and his large hand followed along the sleek and soft skin, planning to stroke the skin under the edge of the shirt.

Ruan Song was still in the midst of sleep, and only furrowed his brows with a quiet groan when he detected the abnormality against his body. As opposed to a rejection, the ‘ying’ing sound was more akin to acting coquettishly.

And in his subconscious mind, the way to ‘avoid’ this, was to switch from having his back facing the other, to having his front facing the other. So he twisted his body and faced Ren Qinming as he lay on the bed, his head tightly nestling into the hollow of the other’s shoulder, and he quickly found a comfortable angle to rest his head.

Ren Qinming’s hand automatically slid across the other’s back and raised the corner of the other’s clothes, exposing a swath of a frail waist and back with a smooth and seductive curvature, and the scene was overflowing with an amorous atmosphere.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, is this something I can watch for free!!!]

The comments that passed by in the bullet screen were all screeches, they couldn’t stop their nosebleeds, and they couldn’t keep up with the nourishment.

The door to the room was suddenly opened by Liang Yi from the outside, and the first thing he did was to cover the pair with a blanket.

The bullet screen grew angry, and they all began to protest.

[Liang Yi, this young man, looks quite spiritual, how could you smash other’s granaries!!!]

[That’s what I mean! If you like waking up early that’s on you, let the rest of them sleep! Let them continue sleeping!]

[I already took off my pants, how could you cover them up with blanket, ahhhhhh, angry.jpg]

Ren Qinming just regained consciousness, and he saw Liang Yi standing next to their bed with an extremely innocent expression as he raised a hand to indicate towards the camera and the persons involved: “I wasn’t the one that wanted to come in. The director group sent a message to Qiqi, telling us to come in. They said if we didn’t wake you guys up, then the live broadcast of the variety show would end up being blocked.”


[Hahahahaha, okay]

But Ruan Song didn’t care at all whether or not the broadcast would be blocked, and just wanted them to get out of his room and stop bothering him so he could continue to sleep.

10 minutes later, Ren Qinming walked out into the living room in proper attire, preparing to use the ingredients that Qin Sijia and Zheng Qing brought home to make a simple breakfast for everyone.

Zheng Qing asked if he should go wake Ruan Song up, or else later on, the breakfast would already be cold.

But Ren Qinming shook his head, saying that Ruan Song would naturally wake up on his own when hungry, and he would make breakfast for the other when the time comes.

The word ‘cold’ wasn’t in his dictionary.

“You’re also not afraid of being annoyed.” Jiang Qiqi often feels inferior to him now.

But as a result, Ren Qinming spoke with no modesty at all: “I originally was just going to cook for him, cooking for you guys is the annoying part.”

Everyone and the bullet screen: “…………”

[Ok, I really can’t blame teacher Ruan for being so confident all day long, not being confident in my ge is really hard]

[Just, I suddenly sympathize with Wan Qingyue. Actually, other than the fact that he hung himself off the tree of my ge, he’s actually quite good. He’s handsome, quite professional, and his family conditions are also pretty good]

But who would have thought, Ruan Song didn’t get out of bed until that afternoon when the program team notified them to go out and pick Wan Qingyue up.

Now, everyone could see exactly how outrageous mother Ruan’s statement of ‘you’re just indulging him’ was.

Because as long as Ren Qinming was here, no matter how many secret signals the program team gave to tell them to wake Ruan Song up, no one would dare to do it.

They waited until Ruan Song finally couldn’t help but open his eyes, and it was clear that it was just as Ren Qinming had predicted, that Ruan Song woke up because he was hungry.

Relying on the fact that his face was good looking, he didn’t even wash his face or brush his teeth, and directly appeared in front of the cameras with his pajamas as he plodded along towards the kitchen.

But the entire wood cabin was empty, and the other five guests had already left to go pick up the new guest.

Just as Ruan Song stood in the middle of the empty living room, hugging his belly as he stared vacantly into space, the doorbell to the main door rang.

He didn’t think twice, just thought Ren Qinming and the others had returned, so without even looking through the peephole, he opened the door with a full head of messy bed hair.

As a result, a young man carrying a suitcase stood outside the door.

The real person looked exactly the same as the photo, and even looked a bit better, so Ruan Song recognized the other at a glance. With sleepy eyes, he looked up slightly and the first sentence he said was: “Kids these days mature so well, turns out you’re quite tall.”

Wan Qingyue stood at the door and gazed at him with burning eyes: “I know you, Ruan Song.”

It was a curious coincidence. There were only two roads from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. Wan Qingyue just happened to use a different road than the one that the other guests used to go pick him up, and it just so happened that he had to spend some alone time with Ruan Song as his first appearance.

The two rivals in love met, and the broadcast nearly boiled over.

It wasn’t difficult for the bullet screen to see the excessive vigor in Wan Qingyue’s eyes, and everyone waited to see what Ruan Song would say to deflate the child’s energy.

But Ruan Song always kept in mind Xu Lan’s instructions of ‘fitting in with others’, and ‘participating’, and only politely echoed with a similar greeting.

He had just gotten out of bed and his brain was still offline, and he just spoke when he was blocked by a cough: “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I also know you, Wan…… cough …… I apologize, didi, what was your name again, I forgot.”

When he said this, Ruan Song’s foot accidentally slipped down from the steps.

Wan Qingyue reached out to support the other with conditioned reflexes, and this happened to be seen by Ren Qinming who had just returned from far away.

Ren Qinming’s entire person immediately filled with fire, and his furious voice was extremely cold: “Wan Qingyue, what are you doing!”

At this point, Wan Qingyue realized he had been misunderstood, and immediately wanted to let Ruan Song go and express his innocence.

But as a result, when he let go of the other, Ruan Song fell down, and it looked as if Wan Qingyue had purposely tossed him towards the ground.

Wan Qingyue was dazed, Ruan Song was dazed, and the bullet screen was also dazed.

Only Ren Qinming was so angry that he rushed over as if he was about to break Wan Qingyue into eight pieces.

Wan Qingyue couldn’t argue, and could only incredulously turn to look at the ‘originator of all evil’. He didn’t dare believe that the person Ren Qinming liked was actually this kind of person, someone who pretended to be weak, and was a green tea5 that would falsely accuse others.

The drowsy Ruan Song who had just woken up, sat on the ground and slowly expressed a question mark: “?”

The bullet screen suddenly saw the light.

[Fuck, teacher Ruan is too good, without using an army or soldiers, he killed without a single drop of blood, thumbs up.jpg]


The author has something to say:

Song was completely embarrassed: Ah this, no, it’s not like that, let me explain……

1. Dog food is meant to describe public displays of affection. Because single people in China are called ‘single dogs’, dog food has become a joke to represent PDA that is being ‘fed’ to single people.

2. In China, a common punishment between lovers is to kneel on something hard/textured (ie: a washboard/keyboard/durian skin, etc.)

3. Phoenix Legend is a Chinese music duo consisting of Yangwei Linghua and Zeng Yi who blend folk music with rap/hip-hop.

4. Li is an ancient Chinese length of measurement, approx. 500m. Also, ‘driving’ is a metaphor for sex, the fan saying to drive to all different places/for a long distance is to have sex in all positions/for a long time lol

5. Green tea is used to describe someone who is seemingly innocent and charming but is actually calculating and manipulative

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