I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover

Chapter 21: CH 21

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Yesterday night you dared to steal a kiss, but on the contrary, today you don’t dare to?

Once the class ended, the students swarmed around with a pen and notebook as they ran to the podium, wanting to find the man for a signature.

“Teacher Yuan, can I get your signature!”

“I also would like one! I’m your fan, teacher Yuan, I’ve watched all of your works!”

“Me too, me too! ‘The Last Sunflower’ from several years ago directly sealed you as a god! I’ve already watched it five times!”

“Teacher Yuan, me too! I also want your signature!”


The students in the class today were not students from A University, and were students from other universities who were invited to listen in on the class.

Yuan Yinhai was very used to facing everyone excitedly crowding around him.

The few who crowded around in the front continuously passed over papers for him to sign, and those in the back, who couldn’t cram themselves in, took pictures and small videos.

Yuan Yinhai didn’t refuse anyone, and from beginning to end, smiled and answered any questions.

Student A: “Teacher Yuan, what kind of books do you usually read?”

“I probably read more reference books, and I’m more interested in things like popular science.”

Student B: “Teacher Yuan, do you watch domestically produced films? If you watch foreign films, do you prefer watching English language films, or Asian, Japanese, or Korean films?”

“As long as the new films receive public praise, I’ll watch it all, I don’t distinguish by country.”

Student C: “You’re already at this level of status in the industry, yet you can still guarantee an output of at least two high quality films, and simultaneously teach at school, I really admire you. How exactly do you do it! Do you have enough energy?”

Yuan Yinhai hesitated for a moment, and maintained a slight smile as before: “I have a regular schedule for work and rest, persist in exercising, and have learned to manage my time well. Also, I am not the only one engaging in the fight, I still have an entire studio behind me to help out.”

An old fox speaks without leaking a single drop. He was able to reply quickly and fluently without a single false word, but when combined together, the meaning immediately changes.

As if all those scripts really were written solely by him, and everyone else was just an assistant.

Later, there were several questions asking him about the concrete experiences he had when writing the scripts, and Yuan Yinhai patiently answered each question.

It wasn’t until the second class nearly started that he returned the unsigned pages in his hand to the students.

Saying, it’s getting late today, there is another class that will use this room later, and he welcomes everyone to come listen to his class next time if they have a chance.

Of course, there were many more who felt envious of the students in A University’s script writing specialty major, who were able to receive guidance under teacher Yuan’s hands, how lucky was that……

But it was hard to imagine that those outside the wall wanted to come in, while those inside wanted to leave.

As the dean of the department, Yuan Yinhai had his own office.

After dismissing the class, he took his lecture materials and returned to the teaching block, then asked the student on the inside who had been bent over the desk: “Have you edited the fifth episode that I told you to edit yesterday?”

“I’ve edited it, you can review it again. If you aren’t satisfied, I can continue to edit it……”

The person in the office who responded to him was a girl with pigtails, her bare face looked up, her shirt was washed until it turned white with age, and the dark circles under her glasses were thick.

Yuan Yinhai had her send the document to his email as before, and replied without even looking up: “You can leave after I finish reading it, I have to find a certain document right now.”

The girl first cautiously nodded, then sat in the seat, and after a long moment, she gathered up her courage to ask: “Then, teacher Yuan, can I still receive the scholarship for this semester……”

Yuan Yinhai still had that harmless face, and pushed his glasses up: “The grades in your major classes are so good, and your comprehension is quite high, if the scholarship isn’t given to you, who else would receive it.”

At Fang Wei’s side, he and Gu Yuzhou had nearly finished eating a meal by the time he received the document that Yuan Yinhai sent over.

[Teacher: Why did you suddenly think of this matter, are you writing a similar script recently? [Document.pdf]]

That’s right, Yuan Yinhai was Fang Wei’s greatly respected teacher.

But in Yuan Yinhai’s mouth, Ruan Song was far ahead of him in both talent and work ethic. He has been repeating this ever since he was still studying in college.

As a result, Fang Wei has always been disinclined to mention Ruan Song in front of him, so he intentionally replied vaguely.

[Fang Wei: The recently popular serial murderer IP in the industry has fallen into my hands, and just wanted to review and reference the suggestions you made, to see if I can have any new revelations, grits teeth.jpg]

[Teacher: Turns out they found you. Then that’s not bad, work hard, and I’ll wait for your achievements. Teacher is happy for you.]

Gu Yuzhou ‘unintentionally’ glanced at these words, and chuckled: “Is this Yuan Yinhai, teacher Yuan? You’ve already graduated so long ago, but your relationship with your teacher is still so good.”

As soon as this was mentioned, Fang Wei became arrogant: “Teacher definitely can’t maintain a close relationship with every single student, but he probably feels that my professional style is in line with his tastes.”

Gu Yuzhou quietly watched as the other tooted his own horn: “So this document is evidence of Ruan Song’s stain of committing plagiarism?”

“Yes, this document has the times the suggested edits were given.”

Fang Wei was confident: “At that time, I didn’t know how Ruan Song stole a glance at the things that I wrote under teacher’s guidance. He wanted to take the similar things he wrote to participate in a film festival’s script evaluation. Fortunately, before registration was completed, he was caught by the teacher and he was forced to withdraw from the competition. The situation wasn’t made big, or else our A University’s reputation would have been completely ruined by him.”

Gu Yuzhou pretended to look pensive: “The year you graduated from your masters program…… was it the film that you won an award for, ‘First-Class Doctor’?”

Fang Wei didn’t show it on his face, but his eyes had already begun to reveal his pride: “That’s right, I also became famous because of that film, so I have always been very grateful to teacher Yuan.”

After hearing the story, Gu Yuzhou was willing to accept the other’s views: “This is a serious matter. Can I trouble you to send the document to me, and have the assistant verify the details? Once I verify the details, we will immediately remove Ruan Song’s qualification to participate in the project.”

Fang Wei fimly nodded his head, it just so happens that he also wanted to add Gu Yuzhou’s WeChat: “Then I’ll add you, and send the document to you!”

But Assistant Li had just happened to walk in from the door, and took Gu Yuzhou’s position: “No need to trouble you, I’ll add you and you can directly send it to me.”

After receiving the things he had wanted, Gu Yuzhou exchanged pleasantries and briefly nodded to everyone in the room, then raised his legs to leave.

Assistant Li received the document, then followed closely behind him.

From beginning to end, and from start to finish, Fang Wei had not realized that he had sold his greatly beloved’s underpants, and still had the grand delusion that Ruan Song would be discarded from the project.

Ruan Song’s athletic ability was poor, but also wasn’t as exaggerated as everyone believed it to be.

He was only just a little pale. His entire body was covered in sweat, and his skin was like a just-peeled egg, so stuffy that he was both tender and smooth, and he was so white that he glowed under the sunlight.

After resting for a while against Ren Qinming’s back, he had finished panting out the air in his chest, and he was able to climb up two flights of steps on his own.

Since they started climbing from the cabin that was half way up the mountains, up the steps to now, three hours had passed. The road could be considered to be easy to walk, it was just climbing up a normal mountain, and there was nothing they particularly had to pay attention to.

But just as the three of them put their guard down, the winding stairs at the foot of the mountain suddenly broke, the wide road suddenly narrowed after turning just one corner, and the small stones that they kicked up with their feet quickly fell down the slope into an endless abyss.

In the following route, they took each step as they closely stuck to the wall of the cliff.

Although the protective railing was entirely faultless in its protection, the glass under their feet was completely transparent, and an extremely thrilling precipice greeted them once they looked down.

The entire bullet screen was shocked, and it had no idea as to when this glass plank walkway was built.

[This most important thing is that with one glance, you know that no one has stepped there before, the glass is completely clear……]

[Right, I went to a different tourist destination and walked on their glass walkway before. Actually, due to wear and tear, the glass was already very mottled, and wasn’t shocking at all]

[Fuck, fuck, fuck, why did the cameraman suddenly go up to film the precipice! They didn’t even give a warning, my legs have already softened across the screen!]

[What kind of unluckiness is this, to choose this kind of route……]

Fortunately, Ruan Song didn’t have a fear of heights, although in his memory, Ren Qinming also……

“What are you two doing?”

Who would have thought that when the ‘patient’ Ruan Song turned around, he unexpectedly found the two robust people, had unknowingly strayed far behind him on the walkway.

The two feigned calm as they stuck near the left side of the cliff wall.

Ruan Song was immediately puzzled, then personally walked back in front of them, and with no sense of fear at all, turned his head to ask Ren Qinming: “Wan Qingyue is whatever, but Ren Qinming, what are you doing, aren’t you not afraid of heights?”

Ren Qinming was a magnificent, cold, King of Hell. Of course he didn’t have such a pretentious fear as a fear of heights, but……

“I feel that this level of height has nothing to do with a fear of heights.” Ren Qinming rarely found excuses for himself.

He had just stood in front and had carelessly glanced down. Below him were misty clouds, and the jagged walls were so deep he couldn’t see the bottom. All he could see was a vast expanse of white, and he immediately stopped his steps.

So much so that his brain didn’t even need to direct him, and by the time he reacted to what had happened, he had already moved back into a corner with Wan Qingyue.

Wan Qingyue was even more straightforward than he was, and he opened his mouth to lay his cards on the table. He really did have a fear of heights: “As long as it is taller than three floors, I’ll be scared……”

Ruan Song questioned again: “Then as it turns out, only I can cross?”

[Hahahahaha, the patient immediately became a superhero]

[This is what ‘to be reincarnated by heaven is to be spared by heaven1’ means, doge]

[Teacher Ruan: Fine, then I’ll do it again]

[Guys, didi’s face is already white, I feel like he really is scared. You can’t even see a bit of color on his lips at all]

[How good is my ge. If it weren’t for the fact that his face wouldn’t allow it, then he might sit his butt right on the ground, kisses.jpg]

“You guys go first. I’ll probably stay here for a bit, and prepare my heart for a bit.” Wan Qingyue did his utmost to maintain the last bit of calm.

But Ruan Song took one look at him and knew that any amount of preparation would be useless.

If he didn’t think of a way to help Wan Qingyue cross, then Wan Qingyue would definitely not be able to walk across.

If they don’t cross, then they wouldn’t fulfill their task; they wouldn’t be able to obtain their living expenses; they wouldn’t be able to eat the crayfish and the roasted lamb; and even if they went back the way they came to return to the cabin, they also wouldn’t have water or electricity.

It was self-evident that the program team gave a lot of thought into tricking them to come here, and there was already no escape route.

Ruan Song could only first single out Ren Qinming, and take the lead in pulling his dog one step at a time to shift towards the end of the glass walkway: “If you’re scared, just cover your eyes and don’t look. You know how to cover your own eyes, right?”

If it were some random person, Ren Qinming definitely wouldn’t know how, but if the other person was Ruan Song……even if he didn’t know, he had to know!

The transparency of the brand new glass under his feet was really too high, and Ren Qinming’s legs softened as he stood on top of it. He held onto Ruan Song’s hands with all his strength, and finally, he tremblingly glanced down into the endless abyss below his legs, felt his heart collapse into a jumble, then his five fingers tightly grasped onto Ruan Song’s wrist: “You have to lead me well.”

Ruan Song also wouldn’t have thought that this person’s reaction would be this strong.

Seeing that he was nearly 1.9 meters tall yet tightly closed his eyes with a frown, and revealed a rare moment of fear, the corner of Ruan Song’s mouth inexplicably carried a bit of a smile. He grabbed Ren Qinming’s other hand, and also placed it onto his own wrist: “It’s not that long, just follow behind me and it’ll be done in a flash.”

Ren Qinming obediently nodded.

Actually, as long as one closes their eyes and doesn’t look, the perception of their entire body would improve by leaps and bounds, and their rationality could be convinced into believing they wouldn’t fall.

But after Ruan Song smoothly brought over one, the second person wasn’t as easy.

Wan Qingyue had just had a fight with Ruan Song, and now, he had to wholeheartedly hand himself over to Ruan Song. It was no different than a fantasy, or a pipe dream.

Time passed by in minutes and seconds, and the sky gradually turned dark.

If they didn’t get to the top of the mountain before the sky completely turned dark, then they wouldn’t be able to see the road at night.

However, despite Ruan Song saying all types of good and evil words, Wan Qingyue still could not overcome the psychological barrier.

Just when the bullet screen all thought they would be stuck here without any movement, Ruan Song squatted on the ground, supported his chin as he suddenly glanced right at Wan Qingyue for a moment, then said: “If Ren Qinming takes you across, are you willing to go?”


[How can my ge take him across???]

You are reading story I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover at novel35.com

Wan Qingyue was also dazed: “It isn’t even easy for Qinming ge to cross alone, how could he help bring me across.”

“If I say he can, then he can.”

Ruan Song could already see the other’s attitude from his eyes, then patted the nonexistent dust on his butt, then stood up from the entrance of the walkway: “Wait here, I’ll go bring him back for you.”

The bullet screen once again [?????]

In just two seconds, everyone saw as Ruan Song held Ren Qinming’s hand, and once again brought back the ‘blind’ man with his eyes closed.

Ruan Song walked in front, and strolled across the walkway as if he were taking a walk. Every so often, he would even look down to appreciate the limitless scenery.

And Ren Qinming in the back, who was being led along, unconditionally followed. With each step he took, he went wherever Ruan Song brought him. Clearly, after his first experience, he no longer had that unfamiliar timidity.

It’s no wonder that the bullet screen didn’t get tired of shipping them.

[Once again, it’s another famous scene of ‘The Queen and his Puppy’]

[Ren Qinming can be classified as being entirely incurable. It’s estimated that as long as his partner is Ruan Song, he can probably do anything asked of him, shakes head.jpg]

[But isn’t it useless to lead him back here, my ge can’t open his eyes and can’t watch the road. How can they bring didi over?]

Wan Qingyue also thought this in his heart at that time.

But Ruan Song personally handed Ren Qinming’s hand over into Wan Qingyue’s hand without any care at all: “I’ll lead Ren Qinming, and Ren Qinming will lead you. You just need to believe in Ren Qinming, and you don’t need to believe in me, ok?”

Wan Qingyue directly grew dazed by the other’s plan: “I have no problem with this, but I don’t know if Qinming ge……”

“He also has no problem with this.” Ruan Song didn’t need to ask for Ren Qinming’s opinion at all, then forcefully shoved the other’s hand into Wan Qingyue’s, “You guys close your eyes. I’m a bit hungry right now, and I want to hurry up and eat.”

When Qin Sijia, Liang Yi, and the others from the two other paths finally saw those from the third route appear at the top of the mountain, they only saw Wan Qingyue first.

It was unknown as to what happened to the child, but he seemed to be fuming.

Zheng Qing understood it clearly after he took the initiative to ask. Turns out that after Wan Qingyue crossed the glass walkway, he only felt grateful towards Ruan Song for just a moment, when he began to get angry again.

The reason was because midway through, they finally reached the resting pavilion where the 200 yuan living expenses were placed.

As if he were presenting a treasure, Ren Qinming pulled out all the things he meticulously and painstakingly prepared for Ruan Song one by one out of his bag.

But as a result, Ruan Song not only wasn’t pleasantly surprised, he even picked out three or four things, and said that it was useless to prepare all these things, and was just weighing himself down for no reason at all.

Wan Qingyue was already dissatisfied with the fact that Ruan Song didn’t carry his own things, but had tossed it all to Ren Qinming.

Upon hearing Ruan Song’s scolding words, his anger immediately bubbled up again.

As expected, whatever thought that Ruan Song was a good person was all a misconception.

This was a person who could casually ‘contribute’ his own boyfriend’s body to another person merely for a single dinner!

If he put himself in Ruan Song’s shoes, if he was the one that could cross the glass walkway, then even if he starved to death, he wouldn’t put Ren Qinming’s hand into anyone else’s hand!!

But what was even more clear to see was that Ruan Song also had no hope that this child would like him.

As long as the task was completed, and it didn’t affect the entire process of the variety show, then Ruan Song’s bad attitude of doing whatever he wanted was clear, and there was no sign at all that he wanted to repair the relationship.

When all seven of them arrived at the top of the mountain, they not only took a group photo, but they had even been able to catch the sunset.

The pale yellow evening glow scattered throughout the earth, scalding the golden edge of the nameless flowers that bloomed abundantly in the surrounding field.

Ren Qinming only dared to take advantage of the moment the camera flashed, to intimately reach his hand out to place it on Ruan Song’s waist. After the photos were taken, he immediately ran away, as if his feet were not touching the ground.

This also included eating.

Ren Qinming could only take advantage when Ruan Song hadn’t yet reacted, to fortunately help serve the other a few pieces of grilled lamb.

If Ruan Song did react, it was easy to return the item. It was very likely that the other would directly place his bowl on the table, and wouldn’t eat it if he said he didn’t want to, as he was spoiled into having quite a capricious temper.

All of this was seen by Wan Qingyue, who suffered from pent up frustrations.

Who would be willing to see the person they liked offer up their true feelings, yet have themselves be trampled upon and not taken seriously?

Probably because he had some hidden feelings, after eating dinner, Wan Qingyue not only drank with everyone, but was also the only one who drank in a depressed state.

After dinner, his face was already flushed, and he was the first to suggest a chat by the bonfire.

At that time, the sky had just turned completely black.

A circle of people sat around the campfire, more or less showcasing an emerging drunkenness. The fire made the firewood crackle, and the warm orange light jumped on all the faces of the handsome men and women.

After suffering in front of the camera for an entire day, they finally returned to the fundamentals of an idol drama.

As the youngest member out of everyone, Wan Qingyue was also the most familiar with the rules of these games: “Let’s draw lots, truth or dare. Whoever draws the King can arbitrarily assign anyone to do anything, or answer anything, then the next round will be carried out by the person who was just chosen.”

It was nearly tantamount to directly announcing them to start something. If anyone had any hatred, then they could take revenge, and if they had any complaints, they could pay back the score.

Wan Qingyue got off to a good start as soon as he turned over the cards, and he was the first to draw the King card.

Everyone knew who he wanted to find, and when he extended his hand, he really did live up to expectations as he pointed at Ruan Song.

The first, opening question silently ignited smoke at the scene, and the other’s eyes burned as he spoke: “If I said I wanted to dig out Qinming ge’s corner2, Song ge, what would you do?”

As soon as he said this, the entire scene grew quiet.

No one would have thought that as soon as this child came out, he would ask such a bare and inappropriate question.

[Shock, I even thought that didi had already given up……]

[Me too, what provoked him this time??]

[But speak of the devil and it shall appear, I also want to know teacher Ruan’s response. I still feel that he treats our ge too casually, little puppy hugging a thigh.jpg]

Wan Qingyue asked his question, and the pressure fell onto Ruan Song.

Under the gaze of countless people at the scene, the flames of the bonfire were reflected against Ruan Song’s white face. They couldn’t see his expression clearly, let alone his emotions.

Ren Qinming held whiskey in his hand, and sat closest to Ruan Song.

He had to admit, at this moment, Wan Qingyue and everyone else weren’t the only ones anxiously awaiting Ruan Song’s answer, he was also anxious.

He was still unable to convince himself to stop harboring fantasies about Ruan Song……

However, facts have seemingly proven that Ruan Song has completely reverted back into an insensate stone, and he is the only one that always keeps Ruan Song in mind.

“What else can I do. There are so many men, if you want this one then I’ll concede to you.” When he said this, Ruan Song’s entire person looked fairly relaxed, his tone of voice that had a smile that wasn’t a smile made even Ren Qinming unable to differentiate between what was real or not, and only felt a burst of empty disappointment in his heart.

He clearly knew what the result would be, but he still couldn’t help himself from continuing to harbor expectations time after time.

Even the bullet screen felt it was a bit excessive this time.

[Ah, this, don’t be like this teacher Ruan 15551]

[Gege already did everything that he could to the best of his abilities, teacher Ruan also shouldn’t be so insensitive every time. Be romantic once in awhile, sadly wiping my tears.jpg]

Driven by alcohol, Wan Qingyue’s stubborn eyes reappeared after an entire day of emotional ups and downs: “I’m serious, I really will fight.”

But it was as if Ruan Song was drunk. He could understand what the other was saying, yet also couldn’t understand what the other was saying. So as before, he pressed on his eyelids, and absentmindedly rotated his wine glass: “Didi, what exactly are you expecting me to say. This is already the second question, I can ignore you, and now it’s my turn to ask you.”

Ruan Song’s capacity for alcohol was originally not that good.

This time, the program team had specially prepared imported wine. He carelessly drank a lot of wine into his stomach and his eyelids were constantly red. His phoenix eyes were immersed in drunkenness, and he fixedly gazed at the other from across the bonfire: “Why do you think that you are worthy of forcing me into taking you to heart?”

“Just because I feel that you don’t like Qinming ge at all.”

Wan Qingyue replied extremely quickly, but his next question wasn’t directed towards Ruan Song as everyone expected, and he turned his head to turn over Ren Qinming’s card then asked: “Qinming ge, do you dare to immediately ask Song ge to say he loves you right now in front of everyone?”

If the question before only had the scent of a tiny bit of gunpowder in order to create a good show for the screen, then now, it was as if someone tossed ice cubes into ice water.

The atmosphere immediately became frozen.

Everyone completely hadn’t reacted to the fact that Wan Qingyue would unexpectedly make such a big move, and be so serious about it.

And the answer to this question was nearly self evident……

Ren Qinming cupped his wine glass and looked as if he was frozen as he sat next to Ruan Song. It was unclear as to what he was thinking in his heart.

Actually, he could harden his scalp and say he dared to ask, and out of Ruan Song’s consciousness towards his occupation, he would also cooperate.

But in that moment, Ren Qinming just didn’t want to. His eyes as he stared at the bonfire drooped downwards from beginning to end, as if accepting the lingering death of this silence.

Wan Qingyue felt he had won.

The bullet screen also felt he had won, and even wondered whether or not Ren Qinming was disillusioned.

Because in the second half of the discussion, he didn’t say much, and just deliberately drank cup after cup, and ultimately even left midway to return to the tent.

On the other hand, Ruan Song heartlessly played happily with everyone else, and at the end of the show, he even had his arms around Qin Sijia’s shoulder as he stumbled while walking.

Although Zheng Qing said he drank quite a bit, in any case, he was still able to bring Qin Sijia back.

Wan Qingyue and Jiang Qiqi, one on the left and the other on the right, had long fallen asleep on either side of Liang Yi’s shoulders.

As the only person at the scene who could be considered sober, Liang Yi acted as both the mother and father, and arranged Wan Qingyue and Jiang Qiqi, and finally sent Ruan Song back to the tent to Ren Qinming, as he warned: “Everyone drank a little too much, watch over him at night.”

Ren Qinming accepted Ruan Song from the other’s hand, and gently placed him on top of the sleeping bag, originally thinking that Ruan Song had already fallen asleep.

Who would have thought that after he dipped a face towel into water, and was just about to turn the other over to help wipe his face, he unexpectedly found Ruan Song’s glistening phoenix eyes open, staring at him as they twinkled, and said.

“What do you mean by not speaking after Wan Qingyue questioned you?”

“And what do you mean when yesterday night you dared to steal a kiss, but on the contrary, today you don’t dare to?”

Two questions in a row.

If Ren Qinming couldn’t hear Ruan Song’s unhappiness in the first one, then it was impossible for him not to understand what the second one meant.

Inside the narrow, confined tent.

Ren Qinming lowered his body as he moved closer towards Ruan Song bit by bit, his voice tense as if he were a young brat that was just about to eat meat after a vegetarian diet3: “……Can I really?”

Ruan Song hated him for dawdling, and grabbed the other’s collar then took his shirt off. He raised his eyes as he said: “You just pray that I drank too much just now, and that I’ll forget about it tomorrow morning.”

As for what they do before he blacks out, all of it doesn’t count.


The author has something to say:

Bullet screen: We are the ones that don’t match, we indeed don’t know teacher Ruan’s good points 15551

TN: lol i forgot the face slap actually takes awhile, but it’ll all be worth it in the end!

1. An idiom to mean that those who have been reincarnated have been forgiven (hence they have been spared)

2. Digging at a corner originally refers to poaching personnel/technology from competitors so as to maximize one’s benefits. In regards to love/dating, it means to chase someone who already has an SO. This is usually a derogatory term, as it is seen as immoral.

3. The phrase used here is to mean ‘doing something new/novel’ but in this context, also meant to be a euphemism that RQM about to have sex for the first time in awhile lmao

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