I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover

Chapter 22: CH 22

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Before Ren Qinming’s family had an accident and he moved into Ruan Song’s house, he often used the excuse of asking for help on his homework, to honorably carry his backpack to enter Ruan Song’s room right in front of mother Ruan’s eyes.

The door to the room would stay closed for several hours, for an entire afternoon.

Sometimes, mother Ruan would carry a bowl of fruits wanting to give the pair some fruits, and would knock on the door asking to come in, yet more often than not, would usually be rejected.

Ren Qinming would say from the inside: “No need aunty, Song ge hates that I’m stupid when he’s tutoring me, and is angry now so I can’t eat anything at all!”

Later on, mother Ruan became flexible, and everytime she would knock on the door first to ask if they wanted to eat it, then go to cut the fruit.

If you really looked into it, Ren Qinming also didn’t lie.

Ruan Song really didn’t have an appetite, really was angry, and really was tutoring Ren Qinming on his ‘homework’.

“I already told you to be gentle, gentle! You’re almost about to stab into my stomach!”

“Okay, okay, the main thing is that your voice sounds too good, Song ge, I really can’t help it……”

“If you can’t help it then don’t do it! What did you eat to grow that long, it’s too big.”

Every time during times like this, Ren Qinming would be beaten on the head, but his heart would swell up as if it were about to explode. He would obediently nuzzle under Ruan Song’s chin, then as if he were a small dog, would softly and stickily kiss Ruan Song. Then he would every so often begin to exert his strength on the other’s waist again: “Don’t you like that I’m big, it’s way better than the toy you bought that doesn’t even move……”

After the first time Ruan Song unexpectedly ate meat after a vegetarian diet, it was as if some kind of button had been pressed. In order to relieve himself, he had also attempted to secretly purchase one online, but it was clear that the results weren’t good at all.

If you were to ask why Ren Qinming would continuously be willing to treat Ruan Song well until the very end.

Then it was likely that he already had a realization in his heart at this time. Someone like Ruan Song, who should originally be hung high up in the sky, was willing to take his clothes off and be pressed down by Ren Qinming, which in and of itself was already an extremely auspicious matter.

Ruan Song recalled that at that time, the two were simply like two patients with an addiction to sex. They had nothing in their heads, just an impulse, and aside from studying, they just did it.

For the most part, Ren Qinming was the one to seduce him.

If he wanted it, then the other would rub against his legs from under the table, touch his waist, and if he really couldn’t send any signals, then the other would directly touch his fingers.

Every time, Ruan Song told himself that he couldn’t continue to indulge himself in the pleasures of life, but every time he turned around and met that pair of eyes that harbored stars, it was as if his heart was poked at, and he would involuntarily feel the desire to satisfy the other.

Of course, Ruan Song would also occasionally want it himself.

The fact that he could unexpectedly still retain an additional impulse under Ren Qinming’s high frequency offensive, always made him feel that it was quite inconceivable, mixed in with a small bit of shame.

He could only comfort himself, saying that it was probably due to his age. After all, he was an 18 year old male high school student.

And the only way Ruan Song would tell Ren Qinming he wanted it, was to stare at the other with twinkling eyes.

He didn’t do anything, just stared until Ren Qinming understood what he wanted.

The first time he did it, Ruan Song originally thought that Ren Qinming’s brain, one that couldn’t even understand math functions, would definitely require a long time to figure it out.

But in reality, once the fish bait was tossed into the river, it hadn’t even had time to sink in, when the fish had already scrambled forward to take the bait, like lightning provoking a fire.

Amongst this, the most profound memory that Ruan Song had, was when the two of them simply couldn’t help themselves, and pushed and shoved their way to a cubicle in a long abandoned men’s bathroom in their school’s laboratory building.

Ruan Song watched as he was casually able to pull out a small square package, and felt his face burn fervently: “Is there any time when you’re not thinking of these things in that head of yours?”

It was also the first time that Ren Qinming took the bait, and the hands that tore open that square package trembled, as he hoarsely replied: “As long as I see you, this is the only thing on my mind.”

It would be a lie to say Ruan Song has no vanity.

Every time Ren Qinming was so brazen, he felt both shy and invigorated. He pinched Ren Qining’s face as he said: “As long as you shift these intentions towards studying, then it’s guaranteed that compared to my scores…… Ah, I already said to slow down!”

Ren Qinming placed one hand around his waist while the other raised his slender and lanky leg, and with an apology on Ren Qinming’s lips, he instead buried himself deeper and deeper.

He knew that Ruan Song actually liked it like this, and only wanted some self-respect. Ruan Song’s words of rejection were more like flirtatious banter.

And it was the same this time.

Clearly Ruan Song was the one to express his desire, but Ren Qinming could immediately pull out a bulging black makeup bag, and upon opening it, whatever they wanted, it had.

Ruan Song only felt that he was about to be angered out of drunkenness: “I can understand bringing it when participating on the variety show, but you still brought it knowing we were going to climb a mountain and pitch a tent tonight?”

The others tried their utmost to lighten their own bags. Only Ren Qinming, already a grown adult, would still dim-wittedly say to him: “Just in case.”

Ruan Song’s nose felt a bit sore, and he tossed his pants then suddenly turned, changing their positions. It turned into him sitting on Ren Qinming’s waist, then he inhaled, and fiercely tore at the other’s belt, saying: “Do you still remember we already broke up?”

Both of Ren Qinming’s hands supported the other’s back, and he looked up as his voice choked up before he hoarsely replied: “……I remember.”

“If you remember then do it well! At the very least, you have to do it better than the new toy I bought!” Ruan Song relied on the fact that the alcohol had gotten into his head and that maybe he would forget everything by tomorrow. He might as well go all out.

With deep eyes, Ren Qinming watched as the other prepared to work for himself: “If it’s more useful than the toy, can you continue to use it?”

Ruan Song messed around for a long time before he was able to put it inside, and it hurt so much that his eyebrows furrowed up high. He hadn’t done it in a long time, and suddenly accepting Ren Qinming truly made him feel as if he would stop breathing: “……We’ll talk about it after you make me feel good!”

The next morning, Ruan Song opened his eyes after hearing someone outside brush against the tent and call out his name.

You are reading story I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover at novel35.com

The hangover gave him a splitting headache, and he reached out to touch the space next to him for a long while. It was empty, and it was unknown as to where Ren Qinming went.

A boy’s sharp and clear voice could be heard again from outside: “Song ge, are you awake? It’s 9am, the director group is urging us to wake up and prepare to go down the mountain.”

The back of Ruan Song’s hand rested against his eyes for several seconds as his brain cells slowly identified the voice of the boy outside: “……Wan Qingyue?”

Wan Qingyue heard this and felt a bit remorseful, and he quietly faced the small gap in the tent as he said: “It’s me, Song ge, I came to apologize, can I come in……”

Ruan Song’s entire body lay paralyzed as he numbly laid inside the sleeping bag. With difficulty, he first tried hard to remember why Wan Qingyue wanted to apologize to him, then used his voice that was almost about to erupt into flames: “……Come in, bring a cup of water for me.”

Immediately, Wan Qingyue: “Oh! Okay! Song ge, wait a minute, I’ll be quick!”

It was the same hangover, yet he really couldn’t compete with the quick recovery of youth.

Ruan Song sat up from his sleeping bag like a walking corpse and his brain was at a standstill for a long time. It was as if his entire body was beaten all over, not a single bone or joint escaped.

Wan Qingyue outside, who had followed orders and helped bring over a cup of water had already ran over quickly, and in less than two seconds, handed the still hot water over. When Ruan Song accepted it, curls of steam could be seen.

Wan Qingyue awkwardly sat on the little stool near the entrance of the tent, and lowly said: “This morning, I made up for the live broadcast that I didn’t watch yesterday. I saw Qinming ge specially prepare a thermos and kettle for you, so I figured you liked drinking hot water.”

Ruan Song who had just finished putting on his clothes, slowly sat up in his sleeping bag while blinking his eyes, then replied after clearing his throat: “Wasn’t it the program team that prepared the kettle?”

Wan Qingyue shook his head while frowning: “Qinming ge brought it! The other rooms didn’t have it……”

Ruan Song mildly ‘mm’ed in reply, as if he didn’t think it was strange, and with a head full of ruffled bed hair, he asked without a trace of shame: “Where’s Ren Qinming?”

Although Wan Qingyue sat on a stool and was taller than Ruan Song, Ruan Song’s calm temperament made Wan Qingyue feel especially as if he were a small kindergarten child.

The teacher asked a question, and he honestly replied: “Qinming ge and Zheng ge went to draw water. This morning, there was no water pressure, and the water pump had no water.”

After Ruan Song drank a belly full of warm water, he felt much better, and he furrowed his brows while rubbing his temples: “Why do you want to apologize, I blacked out and I don’t remember anything that happened last night.”

It was clear that Wan Qingyue was stunned, but he quickly adjusted his mood, and he solemnly and earnestly said to Ruan Song: “Even if you forgot, I have to apologize, because I believe I said a lot of things I shouldn’t have. This morning, Zheng ge and Liang ge spoke to me, and said as an outsider, no matter how uncomfortable I felt, I still can’t butt in when the two of you are still a couple, and honest and upright people shouldn’t judge another person’s household matters. What’s more, I’m also Qinming ge’s fan. Just, I also don’t want to excuse myself, saying I made irresponsible remarks because I drank alcohol, and the geges were right in their education……”

Ruan Song paused, them ‘mm’ed, and asked: “So what are you saying?”

Wan Qingyue came early this morning, and was even prepared for Ruan Song to have a big temper and be unwilling to forgive him. But he didn’t expect that Ruan Song would forget so completely.

For a moment, he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but in any case, he couldn’t really repeat it to Ruan Song, so he arranged his clothes then sat up straight on the stool: “If you forgot it then you forgot it! Anyway, it was also something you shouldn’t have heard in the first place, so ge, don’t be mad at me.”

Ruan Song: “I already forgot how I got angry.”

Wan Qingyue had already been knocked out by Ruan Song who didn’t follow set routines. While at a loss, he opened the flap of the tent to exit: “It’s fine if you’re not mad, then I……then I’ll go first! Ge, hurry up and get ready, they’ll be back from getting water soon. We’ll prepare to head down the mountain after you wash up.”


After Ruan Song agreed, he had just prepared to get out of the sleeping bag when he felt his legs soften, and his already dizzy head once again felt a familiar burst of room spinning dizziness, and he subconsciously cried out in alarm.

If it weren’t for Wan Qingyue’s quick reflexes who quickly grabbed his waist, it was estimated that Ruan Song’s ehad would directly fall head first onto the stool.

Ruan Song’s face was as if he just saw a ghost, and forcefully clutched Wan Qingyue’s arms as he puzzled over why his waist had absolutely no strength at all!

Wan Qingyue stood in the narrow entrance of the tent to stably support him, and in a panicked state he doubtfully asked: “……Ge, are you like this every time you wake up?”

Ruan Song’s entire head was filled with thoughts of ‘his waist hurt, his legs hurt, his butt also hurts’, and he hadn’t had time to respond when the entrance to the tent was opened by Ren Qinming from the outside.

The three men looked at each other for a while.

Ruan Song quickly absorbed the lesson from last time, and grabbed the hand of the shocked child that was about to let go: “If you let me go, I’ll really fall down again!”

Wan Qingyue tightly restrained his conditioned reflex.

But Ren Qinming who heard this explanation was still as unsightly as before, and the first thing he did upon entering was to seize Ruan Song from Wan Qingyue’s hands, then used his body to securely hide Ruan Song behind him.

Wan Qingyue originally didn’t want to lose face, which was why he came when Ren Qinming wasn’t there. Who would have thought he’d make a fool of himself again and get caught in such a scene again.

He could only stare at Ren Qinming’s back with a pale face as he dully tried to explain: “I, I really didn’t do…… It was Song ge himself……”

Ren Qinming interrupted him: “Why did you let him in like this?”

Ruan Song was suddenly interrogated: “……Ah?”

Ren Qinming used a thin blanket to wrap his bottom half, and with a dark face, repeated: “I asked you why did you let Wan Qingyue in without wearing pants?”

Wan Qingyue, Ruan Song: “?”


The author has something to say:

Hungover Ruan Song suddenly saw the light: rwkk1 who’s the one not wearing pants, turns out it’s me……The bullet screen shook their heads: He even ate vinegar off of didi’s body2, he’s completely hopeless……

TN:  hehe, also not me struggling to translate vague sex scenes lol

1. rwkk = 让我看看 (first letter of the pinyin of each word), meaning ‘let me see’

2. Eating vinegar is the literal translation of 吃醋 which also refers to being jealous. Hence RQM eating vinegar off of WQY’s body means RQM is being jealous of WQY

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