I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover

Chapter 24: CH 24

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[Mud dog]

Although no one really sent that Weibo to Wan Qingyue himself, it still somehow made its way to Wan Qingyue, who reminisced on this painful experience.

[@Wan Qingyue: Although I maintain that I am very innocent, it really did end up like this. Just, teacher Ruan yyds, tears of disappointment.jpg]

The seven of them had climbed up the mountain on three different paths, but when going down the mountain, the director group wasn’t despicable to the point of no return, and directly pointed out the easiest route for them, and all seven of them were allowed to go down together.

Ruan Song was not only the only one out of all seven of them that didn’t have the habit of exercising regularly, but also, the night before, he was excessively overworked and had a severe hangover.

It was fine walking on even ground, but when facing the staircase afterwards, Ruan Song directly sat his butt down onto the ground, and was especially unresigned as he ran towards the director group to ask: “Is there no shortcut going up and down?”

The director group all said the same thing: “Nope.”

Ruan Song shook his head, and didn’t believe it at all: “If there was no cable car, how were you able to move all the food and drinks up, as well as the barbecue rack, the firewood, all the tents, and later move them down? How could it be possible.”

The labor cost was too generous.

Even if the program team could harden their hearts, and didn’t add a few thousand yuan to pay for the porters, it would be very difficult to order people around.

The director team gradually became used to Ruan Song’s daily manner of calling the ‘setting’ into question, and didn’t fall for it at all. They all looked at him with a simple and harmless smile: “Teacher Ruan you may not know, our cast may be lacking some things, but what we never lack is money.”

After saying this, several helicopters came out of nowhere, were filled up with all the items that were placed on the mountain, then with ‘whoosh’ lifted up over everyone’s heads.

The lush mountain grass and tree leaves were blown to and fro by the strong air flow from the helicopter wings, and it was so noisy Ruan Song’s skull hurt. In his heart, he scolded the evil capitalists while moving forward to wave at Ren Qinming.

Ren Qinming stood next to him and was prepared long ago. Once he received the signal, he moved his backpack to the front of his chest, lowered his body to squat on the steps next to Ruan Song’s legs.

In order to preserve his knees and waist, Ruan Song didn’t care about losing face, and slowly climbed onto the other’s back, while speechless and uncomprehending, he poked the abs of the person below him and asked: “Are you really not tired after doing all that……”

Just that kind of condition from last night, Ruan Song basically just laid down while allowing the other to do him, not using any strenuous posture at all, and the entire time, Ren Qinming was the one driving into him.

But as a result, he still died in battle in this way, yet Ren Qinming was still able to smoothly carry him down the mountain as before……

Jiang Qiqi was beside them and didn’t know the inside story, and just felt a burst of apprehension: “Qinming ge, don’t try to show off. Climbing up the mountain yesterday already choked us all out.”

Ren Qinming, who had picked up a big bargain, shook his head: “Going down the mountain is light work.”

If he didn’t have the complete confidence that he could carry Ruan Song down, he wouldn’t have been so impulsive last night in the first place, and it was even more unlikely that he would be so impulsive as to not stopping after one or two times.

In this tea production area, in addition to passing through trees of different heights, there were also many low level tea trees. It was just the time when the leaves on the branches were flourishing, and Ruan Song had discovered this previously while in the cabin.

They walked in the forest, and it was as if they were walking amidst a continuous, gentle, velvety, green sky.

The vigorous sunlight from above their heads was largely covered by the trees, causing the apparent temperature to immediately drop, and it was much more comfortable than when they climbed up the mountain.

The others expended great effort to hike on the mountain, only Ruan Song laid across Ren Qinming’s back, idling his time away. He gazed into the empty sky as he daydreamed, not polite towards Ren Qinming in the slightest.

For a period of time, Jiang Qiqi actually also couldn’t walk on any longer.

Liang Yi took the initiative to say he could carry her, but Jiang Qiqi didn’t agree, only handing over her backpack, then holding his hand while whispering: “If you’re tired, I’ll also feel bad.”

Liang Yi immediately pushed up his glasses, and couldn’t help himself from lowering his head to smile.

The two were like a pure and young couple that hadn’t yet graduated from university.

Ruan Song’s sharp chin jabbed into Ren Qinming’s shoulder, watching the entire thing with wide eyes. He tilted his head over to lean in to Ren Qinming’s ear: “They’re quite sweet.”

Ren Qinming followed his line of sight and turned his head to peek at the pair, and knew that Ruan Song definitely didn’t read everyone’s information carefully. He lowered his voice to respond: “They’ve been together for a long time, it seems to be about seven or eight years. They met each other while studying abroad.”

The two were busy eating the candy of other couples, not even realizing that the bullet screen was eating their candy.

[Let me just say that I once again want to crowdfund to buy the program team some audio recording equipment]

[What kind of junk quality is this. Their microphone is placed on the collar of their shirts, but you can’t hear anything at all]

[They’re just walking while one is being carried, so satisfying, I’ve once again turned obediently thirsty by them]

On the screen, Ruan Song folded his hands between his chin and Ren Qinming’s shoulder blades, and his eyes grew empty again, as if he seriously didn’t mean to sigh: “I haven’t even gone abroad yet……”

Ren Qinming’s gaze immediately drooped down to look at his feet, and after a moment of silence, he replied: “In the future, you’ll also make a lot of money. Once you make a lot of money, we can go abroad to study.”

“Hah, you’re better off not waiting for me, who knows if that day will ever come.” After speaking, Ruan Song turned so the side of his head was leaning against the other’s back, then shut his eyes.

Actually, he previously had a very good opportunity to study abroad. At that time, the half-filled ladle1 Ren Qinming had also offered to work hard in filming a movie, saying he would definitely be able to bear the burden of Ruan Song’s overseas tuition and living expenses……

Ruan Song shut his eyes, preparing to take a little nap against Ren Qinming’s back, but found that there was something in the pocket at the other’s butt that kept pressing against him and causing discomfort.

When he reached out to touch it, he found it was a leather card wallet; likely holding the other’s ID and other cards.

Ruan Song pulled it out and originally had no intention of opening it to examine it. But Ren Qinming was the first to expose a guilty conscience, and unexpectedly anxiously emptied one hand, wanting to grab at the card wallet.

At this point, Ruan Song grew spirited, and while riding against the other’s back, he raised his hand high to open the wallet to look.

With one look, Ruan Song found that something wasn’t right, and he shook his head while sighing: “Wow, you’re a pervert, you actually hid a picture of me inside your wallet?”

And it wasn’t even a normal photo, it was a photo of him when he was studying in university, with a young and tender face, the kind where he looked the most foolish.

Liang Yi heard this from beside them, and laughed: “How is it perverted to put a photo of your partner in your wallet?”

Jiang Qiqi: “That’s right, I also have a picture of my baby inside my wallet.”

But it was clear to the naked eye that Ren Qinming was panicking.

He knew that Ruan Song would definitely confiscate it, because in that photo, Ruan Song really did look foolish. Not only were his eyes not open as he laughed, but the photo also wasn’t in focus.

It was remarkably like a secretly taken photo wherein he had failed to get a good angle.

Ruan Song also acted in alignment with Ren Qinming’s expectations. He didn’t return the photo into Ren Qinming’s pocket, and instead tossed out a ‘Turns out this is the image I have in your heart’, then ignored Ren Qinming’s begging for forgiveness, and continued his plan to rest for a bit.

By the time he woke up, the clear and sunny sky had turned shady, and the phone in his pocket began to vibrate.

Because Ruan Song had to record a show for the past few days, the frequency of looking at his phone had sharply dropped. His messages would pile up and he would deal with them altogether.

But the messages basically weren’t a big deal.

Because ever since he graduated from his master’s program, his WeChat list was nearly entirely emptied out. He had no concern at all that he would become popular after participating on this variety show, wherein the people he once knew would send a greeting.

Ruan Song pulled out his phone, found that the person who was looking for him was Chen Yan, and with a glance, knew that this person was watching the broadcast for ‘19 Days of Cohabitation’.

[Little Fatty Weighs Over 1000jin, and His Face Accounts for 800jin: Aren’t you acting like a salted fish2 too openly, you’re overly relaxed, brother]

[Even if you have money, I won’t marry you-Song: Don’t you have a script that you need to write, why are you watching my broadcast all day]

[Little Fatty Weighs Over 1000jin, and His Face Accounts for 800jin: If I want to watch, then I’ll watch it. I’m hosting a screenplay seminar, this is a collective fishing operation, and several of us small screenwriters are working together, cool.jpg]

[Little Fatty Weighs Over 1000jin, and His Face Accounts for 800jin: The most important thing is hearing them praise you. I even have to pretend that I don’t know you, and it can be considered as experiencing how it felt when you hid Ren Qinming inside the golden chamber. Let me just say that it really is a bit pleasurable, bares teeth.jpg]

You are reading story I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover at novel35.com

A bunch of nonsense garbage.

Ruan Song randomly found an emoticon to send over, and had just prepared to switch over to WeChat when another notification popped up in the chat window.

The name he gave this person was ‘Producer didi’.

[Producer didi: I’ve asked around. Your itinerary at night is more free. They’ll arrange for you guys to watch the movie ‘Blue Lake’ with the nearby villagers, and you’ve probably already seen it. At that time, would it be convenient for us to chat?]

‘Blue Lake’ is a classic award-winning film in recent years. Although it is relatively niche, it had great public praise, and as someone in the industry, it was natural that he had seen it before.

But Ruan Song was even more shocked that this didi woke up after being scolded, actually knew to come prepared, and had even learned to ask around for his itinerary.

[Even if you have money, I won’t marry you-Song: Didn’t I already agree to work with you, what else did you want to discuss with me?]

[Producer didi: Discuss why you agreed to work with me]

Ruan Song finished reading this sentence, and had just raised then lowered his eyebrows, and felt that this didi was still just a didi.

[Even if you have money, I won’t marry you-Song: ……When did our relationship become so deep? To say it simply, I’ll agree to doing whatever you want, if the matter is successfully completed, then isn’t that the end of that?]

Ruan Song actually didn’t have any interest in preaching to others, but he was truly at a loss as to the style of way that this didi did things. It was not at all similar to the way other producers in the industry did things.

After he sent this message, the WeChat chat window fell into silence.

Ruan Song also knew that his words were a bit impolite, and had just been wondering if he had hurt this didi’s self respect, when he discovered that the other party sent back a long message.

As if the other understood how ‘unreliable’ he was in Ruan Song’s eyes, his opening was very clear.

[Producer didi: Indeed, my style is not in alignment with what I have learned regarding the way projects are done in the domestic film and television industry, but this is my field of study, and I have my own professional way of doing things. The first clear purpose is that I must ensure that all my projects are guaranteed a success, including but not limited to, having no public opinion war, not tainting the actors participating in the project, having no obvious potential blunders, so on and so forth. But now I have a deeper understanding of you. First and foremost, I admire your talent, believe in my own foresight, and earnestly hope to cooperate with you. Secondly, I believe that there is some hidden risk to my project after you suddenly changed your mind, and I have an obligation to understand this clearly.]

Ruan Song glanced at this large paragraph, and stared at the chat window in a daze for several long moments.

Gu Yuzhou sat in his office, one hand holding up his phone while facing his computer screen, looking at Ruan Song in the broadcast, who was reading his message, and was so anxious his palms began to sweat.

This time, he truly pulled out 100% of his sincerity, but he wasn’t sure whether or not Ruan Song would acknowledge it.

There were many amazing story writers who had strange temperaments, and he really couldn’t quite grasp Ruan Song’s thoughts……

Gu Yuzhou’s eyes stared fixedly at the screen, and each second Ruan Song didn’t react was hard to bear.

But when he finally saw the person in the screen move his hands to type, the text in the bubble that popped up in his chat window unexpectedly was:

[Even if you have money, I won’t marry you-Song: What’s your name]

Gu Yuzhou had no way of controlling the smile that appeared on his face at that moment, and reservedly began typing on his phone.

[Gu: Gu Yuzhou]

[Even if you have money, I won’t marry you-Song: Fine, Gu Yuzhou, wait for me to find you later tonight. I still have to face the cameras in the afternoon and I don’t want to talk about such unlucky matters]

Little Director Gu who usually could no longer open his eyes at 11pm, typed out a guarantee in a flash.

[Gu: Okay, I’m free all night, anytime is fine for me. You can find me according to your schedule]

After the seven of them climbed down the mountain and had an afternoon meal as their farewell dinner party, Wan Qingyue had to fly out again to continue filming.

Everyone was actually a bit worried that his mood was ruined after running here, and it would affect his state of mind while filming.

But it seems that the child had quickly adjusted his mood. He laughed quite happily as he sat at the dining table before parting, and joked about himself: “Before I didn’t know that Qinming ge had a partner, but I couldn’t successfully chase him. So the worst outcome is that I couldn’t successfully catch him, there’s nothing wrong with that. At least I was able to eat a meal that he cooked, and I can happily return home to spend the rest of the year. What else could I want?”

It could be considered to be a satisfactory outcome.

The only thing is that Ren Qinming’s attitude towards him didn’t seem to change after his parting speech.

For example, Wan Qingyue dragged his suitcase and stood by the entrance, hugging Qin Sijia and the others one by one.

When it was Ren Qinming’s turn, he very conscientiously skipped the other, and only wanted to hug Ruan Song.

But as a result, Ren Qinming directly stood in front of him: “You can hug me, but you can’t hug my wife.”

Wan Qingyue, bullet screen: “…………”

The child was about to cry again, and he dragged his suitcase as he turned to leave, the scene so comedic it caused everyone to laugh.

Ren Qinming originally believed that after sending Wan Qingyue off, he would be able to rest.

But two seconds had just passed when Xu Lan gave him a call, saying there was a last minute announcement that afternoon, and the timing was difficult to arrange. She had already notified the program team, and could only trouble him to leave filming midway and have him go down the mountain for a bit.

Ren Qinming at that time had been standing in the room, and had just finished saying he would give Ruan Song a nice massage.

Ruan Song had also agreed.

Then the phone call suddenly came, and was exactly the same as the ‘bad luck’ they have had countless times in the past.

Xu Lan was still urging him to respond on the other end of the phone, but Ren Qinming could only hold his phone up, staring at Ruan Song at a complete loss.

He had warned himself countless times that he could no longer leave Ruan Song alone on the basis of being busy.

But reality always seemed to slap him in the face.

Xu Lan: “You can just come out right now, Xiao Lu already drove the car up to the entrance of the cabin. If you move quickly, you can come back by night, and it won’t delay your courtship for long!”

On the bed, Ruan Song, who had originally been waiting for a massage, was still as heartless as usual, and he indifferently reminded the other: “Go, since you’ve decided to work in this field, you should do things properly.”

Ren Qinming knew what Ruan Song meant.

He made his decision quickly, and raised his feet to walk out in order to make the most use of his time: “Wait for me to come back, I will definitely massage you at night.”

Ruan Song only raised his hand to pull out the other’s card wallet from within his pocket, tossing it over: “Take your IDs.”

Ren Qinming accepted it with a heavy heart. The entire time he sat in the car, his eyebrows were tightly furrowed, his expression considerably cloudy.

Xiao Lu had just watched the broadcast, and knew that Ren Qinming’s mood was definitely very bad, so he also didn’t start a conversation.

Until they arrived at the hotel of the filming location, and the front desk asked for Ren Qinming’s ID.

Ren Qinming opened his card wallet, and was surprised to find that the photo that had been confiscated before had been unknowingly returned by Ruan Song. It fell out amongst the many cards in his wallet, and the yellow photo had a line of words on the back:

[Mud dog, if you want to hide a photo, you should at least hide a better looking one]


The author has something to say:

The little puppy that was once again placated: May I ask where the oxygen is, I feel like I need some oxygen

1. Half-filled ladle is meant to describe someone who didn’t study well and has no skills, but likes to flaunt/show off all the time — essential RQM has no skills to gain money but still says he will make money for RS to study abroad

2. Salted fish originally from Cantonese = corpse; turned into a meme to describe someone who has no dreams, or people who don’t want to move

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