I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover

Chapter 23: CH 23

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[Come in to learn the best method of dealing with your rival in love]

The hungover Ruan Song suddenly saw the light, it turns out he didn’t have pants on!

Wan Qingyue’s entire person was immediately stupefied.

To tell the truth, he completely didn’t pay attention to what Ruan Song was wearing. But once Ren Qinming mentioned this, he lowered his head to look at Ruan Song’s legs in return.

In the narrow tent, the light was ambiguous and dim.

Although Ren Qinming was quick to obstruct his view, Wan Qingyue was still able to glimpse at the traces of a springtime affair1 at the edges of the thin blanket.

And because it was half covered up and half concealed, he had an even greater sense of perception towards this than usual.

Ruan Song’s long legs were pale and slender, and the seam just happened to expose the lateral aspect of his thigh. The smooth lines of his muscle continued from his calf all the way to his thighs.

Further up, you could even vaguely see a round mark……

“Wan Qingyue.” Ren Qinming had already twisted his body around again, and looked down at Wan Qingyue from above.

Not too long ago, being called by Ren Qinming in such an ‘earnest’ way while being watched so attentively had always been Wan Qingyue’s wish.

That is to say, as long as you were a fan, you would probably have this kind of wish. But it was definitely not under this kind of circumstance!

Wan Qingyue’s face had turned red from being wrongly accused, and had even less of an idea where to start explaining himself than the first time he ‘threw Ruan Song’. He could only toss out a ‘I didn’t see anything!’ and ‘I’ll leave right now!’, and then quickly pushed aside the flap of the tent to run away.

Everyone and the bullet screen could only see him vigorously enter the tent, then saw as he left with a red face and neck. Everyone’s first reaction was to think that this child was about to start crying.

But as a result, the camera pointed at him and everyone examined him carefully.

[Oh boy, seems he saw something he shouldn’t have seen, which made this child’s ears turn completely red, doge]

[If Wan Qingyue has this kind of expression…… Then don’t doubt me for thinking too much!!!!]

[Ahhhhh, my ge just went in, could it be that they kissed or touched each other in front of didi!]

[Can’t say for sure, maybe they kissed and touched. I have money, I’ll pay to watch that video, pervert.jpg]

[Or, could it be that there’s that possibility, like why did everyone else get up, only teacher Ruan didn’t get up?]

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh stop talking, it’s definitely that, yesterday night! It’s definitely what we’re thinking about!!]

[Before when gege came out to draw water, I already felt that he looked particularly full of vitality, hehe]

[We’ll figure it out later when we see whether or not teacher Ruan walks nimbly while hiking on the mountain, little face is completely yellow.jpg]

The bullet screen’s brains were bold and imaginative, and their stream of consciousness didn’t even walk, instead directly moving towards driving at the fastest speed.

But Zheng Qing cried out towards Wan Qingyue: “Did you apologize?”

Wan Qingyue’s face was still scorching hot, and replied both aggrievedly and awkwardly: “I apologized! But Song ge blacked out and forgot it all, and also didn’t scold me……”

“If he didn’t scold you why do you look like this, Qinming yelled at you?”  Qin Sijia pondered for a while, and still felt that this was the most likely scenario.

After a moment, Jiang Qiqi who had been waiting for Liang Yi to comb her hair, had both turned around to look at him.

Now, the inside of the tent was quiet. Everyone had no hope that they could hear the ‘inside information’ from Ruan Song and Ren Qinming, and could only start with Wan Qingyue.

After only a few words, Wan Qingyue couldn’t figure out when he had become everyone’s focus, and he replied with even more embarrassment: “Qinming ge also didn’t scold me…… He was just a bit unhappy that I saw Song ge without pants on……”

Qin Sijia, Zheng Qing, Jiang Qiqi, Liang Yi: “?”


Jiang Qiqi probingly asked: “Doesn’t he remember that the person you like his him?”

Wan Qingyue was so vexed he nearly cried: “I also want to know, who was he being jealous of, how could it fall onto me……”

The bullet screen who had finally realized what had happened had already collapsed with laughter.

They had already considered countless ways as to how Wan Qingyue would be eliminated, but no one would have thought that Wan Qingyue would actually be eliminated after being transformed from an ‘admirer’ to a ‘rival in love’.

[I’m really fucking done, Ren Qinming, you’re awesome, thumbs up.jpg]

[Hahahahaha, the most important point is that didi looks way more uncomfortable than when he was disliked by my ge, I’m laughing to death again]

[He’s proven himself to be Ren Qinming, I’ve really been convinced this time hhh]

[Didi: How am I supposed to explain this to the person I like. The person I like really is him, not his partner QAQ]

[Let me congratulate our ge for obtaining the identity of a ‘vinegar jar comedian’, sprinkle flowers.jpg x3]

[My ge is confident: Who cares which person you like, anyway you’re not allowed to look, shriveled mouth.jpg]

[Before I still felt that even though didi is young, he also can’t make irresponsible remarks. But looking at it now, forget it, this child is miserable enough, hahahahaha]

[That’s right 2333, there probably isn’t anyone with a more unlucky end of being rejected by Ren Qinming after being taken as a ‘love rival’]

[srds2 come explain why you didn’t put a camera inside the tent @director group, @director group]

Wan Qingyue also never would have thought that he would chase a celebrity, and then end up becoming a thorn in his ‘star’s’ eyes!

Finally, the bullet screen arrived at a conclusion:

[Ren Qinming has tumbled into the river of love, and is really seriously ill, doge]

Ruan Song in the tent was also baffled, and with abnormal concern, he touched Ren Qinming’s forehead: “May I ask how long you have had these symptoms? Am I the one who’s still hungover or is it you?”

Ren Qinming grasped the thin blanket wrapped around the other’s waist, and feigned innocence: “What symptoms do I have?”

“You tell me what symptoms you have.” As Ruan Song spoke, he couldn’t help but massage his waist, “A child has already drunk alcohol and even fought me for you, don’t you know it best in your heart?”

Ren Qinming also didn’t answer the question directly, and instead took over the ‘work’ in Ruan Song’s hands and his large hands grasped the other’s soft waist as be began to knead and press it. Then he began to recount all of the other’s mistakes: “So you didn’t black out.”

Thinking carefully about this, Ruan Song kicked Ren Qinming’s leg with his bare feet, he unhappily replied: “My bones are about to fall apart, it would be difficult not to remember.”

Ruan Song not only remembered that they did it, but even distinctly remembered every single word that that little ghost, Wan Qingyue said to him.

If he insisted on saying he didn’t remember anything, then it could only be exactly how many times they did it last night.

Once Ruan Song thought of it, he grew angry.

He already said he didn’t want it, but this starved dog had convinced him self-righteously, saying ‘Anyway, you’ll forget it by tomorrow morning, so there’s no difference if I do it three times or seven times.’

Ruan Song’s teeth itched as he raised his leg to kick Ren Qinming again: “Tonight you sleep on the sofa.”

Ren Qinming didn’t feel disheartened at all, and happily agreed: “’Kay.”

He knew Ruan Song too well. Not only did Ruan Song have a sharp mouth and a tofu heart, he was also especially loyal to his body3, and was the model representative for ‘getting started is the hardest part’.

If there was a first time, then there would be a second time, if there was a second time…… then they would directly be able to give birth!

Ren Qinming worked hard without complaint as he massaged Ruan Song’s waist, and had even planned what position he would use at night, then left the tent with a smile from ear to ear that heavily indicated a prior love affair. Even an idiot could see that he definitely received some kind of ‘sweet treat’ from Ruan Song.

But it wasn’t strange that he was like this after obtaining a sweet treat. After all, it wasn’t strange that Ren Qinming had long been a hopeless case for Ruan Song.

What’s strange is that the man was in such a good mood that when he inadvertently saw Wan Qingyue’s bitter face, he actually showed his ‘concern’ for Wan Qingyue, who had already been on the show for a day and a night, for the very first time.

Although it was only the brief four words of ‘What’s wrong with you’.

But it was enough that Wan Qingyue couldn’t help but open his eyes wide, itching to cry his eyes out for Ren Qinming on the spot!

Everyone else: “…………”

The bullet screen had already begun to fill the screen with question marks.

[Did he completely forget who caused didi to become like this? Question mark.jpg]

[So is there really no hospital that can cure his condition, question mark.jpg x3]

By the time Ruan Song ordered his arms and legs that had suddenly aged 100 years in one night to change his clothes and wash up, everyone had already finished eating their breakfast.

Fortunately, although Ren Qinming was crazy, he wasn’t crazy to the extent that he would make marks at visible places, and the red-purple disaster zones were very subtly controlled at Ruan Song’s chest and inner thigh.

Ruan Song regarded himself carefully, and after changing his clothes, he faced the mirror and examined himself several times. After guaranteeing there was no exposure, only then did he lift up the flap of the tent, and appear in front of the cameras and everyone else.

The first person who discovered him, as luck would have it, was once again Wan Qingyue.

The light at daybreak at the top of the mountain was slightly warm, and the clear and bright sunlight shone down past the thin clouds, landing on the group of tents that the program team had set up, forming bundles of magnificent light columns, lighting up the grass and the nameless wild flowers in the green plain, causing it to look full of life.

And at this time, the man who came out of the tent still wore that familiar outfit of a simple white T-shirt and washed denim jeans.

Just that the jeans today were changed into a pair of high-waisted jeans, and the slightly short T-shirt was tucked into the waist of his pants, increasing the line of his waist. The form-fitting cloth tightly wrapped around Ruan Song’s waist, creating the illusion of a pair of legs that looked to be nearly two meters long.

But when Ruan Song completely turned around, and directly faced them, Wan Qingyue discovered:

Turns out Ruan Song’s pair of wide-legged pants, not only had rips on the legs, but also one at his waist!

The left side of the high-waisted pants was hollowed out, and a small swath of a pale and flexible back, as well as his lower abdomen, was exposed, undoubtedly showcasing a slender and sexy figure.

This time, even Wan Qingyue was dazed.

Those in the bullet screen that had good eyes had already begun to cover up their nosebleeds.

[What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck!!]

[Can I ask, is there anyone in this world that doesn’t i4 big beauties? This fucking body proportion5! Exploded!]

[That waist…… Oh my god that waist, ahhhhhhhhhh]

You are reading story I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover at novel35.com

[SOS! Let me take advantage of the fact that Ren Qinming hasn’t reacted yet to quickly glue that pair of pants onto Ruan Song’s legs!!!]

[Sure enough, it was right to charge for VIP. In the future, please continue to prepare this level of content for the distinguished VIPs every day, starry eye.jpg]

[That waist is about as wide as the palm of my hand, right? Those legs are also at least two meters, right? 15551]

The first person who made noise that woke Wan Qingyue up, was Jiang Qiqi, who had just finished cleaning up the remnants of breakfast.

With a loud shout of ‘Wow!’, she unexpectedly subconsciously called out the word that the bullet screen was most obsessed with—— ‘Beautiful woman’!

In the past, Jiang Qiqi didn’t understand fandom culture, and really didn’t know why fans used ‘beautiful woman’ to describe boys, and still believed that it had the positive connotation of praising someone for being ‘feminine’.

But now seeing Ruan Song, she truly understood clearly, and achieved supreme enlightenment.

There was a category of boys, who really could be sexy and beautiful, yet completely not lacking the sturdiness and flamboyance of male hormones.

It seems that ‘beauty’ and ‘beautiful man’ are not close enough, and unifying it into ‘beautiful woman’ is more befitting of the meaning of ‘beautiful’.

Jiang Qiqi strives for beauty everyday, and was someone who could wake up at five or six in the morning to put makeup on.

Now when she looked at Ruan Song, her interest in beautiful woman DNA immediately activated, and she genuinely rushed forward to praise: “Song ge, you wearing these pants is truly too good looking! A big beauty! Really!”

Ruan Song laughed as he lowered his head to look at her: “No need to exaggerate, making it seem like my pants cost 19,000 yuan. I just bought it online for 199 yuan.”

Jiang Qiqi had already pulled her phone out of her pocket wanting to take a photo, and made a show of being earnest to correct him: “It’s not an issue with the price, it really suits you very well! In the past, I also saw other female celebrities wear this kind of high-waisted open framework pants, but none of them look as good as you do!”

Jiang Qiqi’s excitement quickly attracted everyone’s attention.

Zheng Qing and Liang Yi, the two straight men, were fine.

But when Qin Sijia turned her head to look at Ruan Song’s outfit, it was as if she had magnets under her feet. With a ‘Wow’, three steps were combined into two steps as both she and Jiang Qiqi, who were wearing brand name apparel that cost over 10,000 yuan, stared at Ruan Song’s casually purchased online 199 yuan pair of pants.

The bullet screen was filled with lemons.

[I’m sour to death, sour to death. I also want to get closer to look, let me see 15551]

[Facts have proven, beautiful women just like sticking close to other beautiful women, doge]

[Guys, hahahaha, guys, hurry up and look at Wan Qingyue! Didi’s eyes have already straightened, and I’m dying of laughter]

[I feel that Sijia-goddess is already dissatisfied with just using her eyes to look, and really wants to use her hands to touch teacher Ruan’s waist, hahahaha]

[So out of all the male guests, teacher Ruan is the only one who doesn’t have abs, irrefutable proof that he doesn’t like exercising, bares teeth.jpg]

[Teacher Ruan is genuinely skinny, he doesn’t have any excess fat at all. If they exercise again, would Ren Qinming even let him go? Doge]

[This is the large-scale scene of beautiful women praising each other, you can tell teacher Ruan thinks everyone is exaggerating]

Wan Qingyue was still dazed.

Perhaps because he and Ren Qinming filmed movies, they were unlike those idols that relied on filters and ordinary site traffic or even other actors that filmed TV series.

Because as soon as the close-up shots for each set comes around, even the skin texture of the actors can be seen clearly. Not only do they have higher requirements for acting skill than TV drama actors, but the quality of their skin also has high requirements, as there is no leeway for enhancing or covering up their skin at all.

So Wan Qingyue had always personally believed that his own attractiveness was quite capable of fighting against others, until today when he suddenly saw Ruan Song’s bare face in such a way.

Perhaps it was because of his outfit, or perhaps it was because of the lighting, yesterday when he met Ruan Song for the first time at the cabin, he didn’t feel that Ruan Song’s skin was breathtaking.

After all, in order to have a perfect ‘bare face’, celebrities would develop their makeup skills, or use high quality skincare products, and it was not at all excessive to say there were 10,000 ways to look good.

It also wasn’t the first time Wan Qingyue participated on a variety show, and he subconsciously lumped Ruan Song’s ‘just woke up’ appearance into the screenplay.

But after interacting with the other for a day and a night, he knew firmly that Ruan Song didn’t do anything at all this morning.

Before in the tent, the twilight sky obscured his vision, but now that the person came out and was bathed in the sunlight, when he came closer, you could even see the light and soft velvet on his face.

The cameraman was not stingy in the slightest, and held up the camera as he followed everyone else to move closer to Ruan Song.

[Fuck me, I’m begging teacher Ruan to drop his skincare routine]

[Ah, and I still thought you guys saw it before, I was just saying how can you guys be so calm. Teacher Ruan uses the most ordinary cleansing milk and infant moisturizer, added together it doesn’t exceed 400 yuan…… just a lemon.jpg]

[Teacher Ruan and our ge both seem to have neutral6 skin, just a lemon.jpg x3]

[Damn, then later the baby they’ll give birth to will definitely also have neutral skin (????)]

[Hahahaha, the person in front can get up and go to the hospital with our ge, you’ve shipped it so hard you’ve started to speak nonsense]

[Now that you mention it, I feel that didi can also be sent to the hospital. He’s already stared for a few minutes and he’s still staring. Hehehe, doge]

[His lower body, his lower body. Hurry and take advantage of the fact that my ge hasn’t discovered it yet, and let the camera take a comprehensive shot with no blind spots and zoom in a bit closer!]

It was probably that Ren Qinming was too immersed in the character of a vinegar jar.

In the bullet screen of the live broadcast, including Wan Qingyue, all believed that later when Ren Qinming saw Ruan Song wearing this kind of pants that exposed the other’s waist, he would definitely be unhappy.

In order to avoid another misunderstanding, this time, Wan Qingyue specially paid attention to when Ren Qinming finished tidying up the ingredients—— in order to prevent waste, the program team boxed up the ingredients and condiments that they didn’t finish eating from last night, and let Ren Qinming choose from it.

Wan Qingyue planned and waited until Ren Qinming finished his business and returned to the scene, then immediately turned his gaze away to look at the flowers, the grass, and the sky.

The bullet screen also frantically took screenshots, and wanted the cameraman to take advantage of the time and provide support, just in case the little vinegar jar puppy overturned, and didn’t allow Ruan Song to wear it anymore.

Five minutes later, Ren Qinming did return, and upon seeing Ruan Song’s pants that exposed half his waist, his gaze really did darken. But he exceeded everyone’s expectations and only pursed his lips. He unexpectedly didn’t say anything at all, and only handed Ruan Song the vegetable sandwich that he had saved earlier.

Ruan Song himself originally didn’t think anything of these pants, in the past when he was still a student, he had always been wearing clothing in this style. The only difference was exposing a bit more of his skin or a bit less.

Seeing the two stand harmoniously together, Wan Qingyue was already so shocked he began to stutter: “Ge, I still thought that you would think that Song ge’s pants……”

“What’s wrong with his pants?”

Once Ren Qinming looked at him, his gaze immediately grew cold: “Song ge can wear whatever he likes, and only when it’s necessary I should help cover him up, and have you guys look at him less.”


[Hahahahahaha, I’m laughing to death, fuck, didi’s entire head is filled with question marks]

To the extent that later, on the road to hiking down the mountain, Wan Qingyue shut his mouth and didn’t dare say anything more, and also controlled his eyes, no longer looking everywhere.

According to reason, the person he should avoid most was Ren Qinming.

But in reality compared to Ren Qinming, he was most afraid of being misunderstood and dared not to look at Ruan Song only because Ruan Song stood shoulder to shoulder with Ren Qinming.

Because he didn’t look in that direction, he directly didn’t see either of them.

Ultimately, with his heart in a jumble, he rushed forward to the frontmost group, and hung around Zheng Qing and Qin Sijia— even if he wanted to look at them, he couldn’t.

Then, it seems as if the bullet screen in the live broadcast suddenly figured something out.

[I understand, I really understand now. Do you guys think that because teacher Ruan is the actual palace, he doesn’t care? Big! Mistake! Huge! Mistake! He adopted the greatest defense method called ‘Turning my love rival into my partner’s love rival’!]

[??? That actually makes sense]

[Damn, hahahahahaha]

So in the span of an afternoon, Ruan Song once again appeared on the hot search.

Just that this time, the hot search didn’t contain his name. Instead it was [Come in to learn the best method of dealing with your rival in love].

If you clicked into it, you would see: the first time Wan Qingyue arrived at the cabin and accidentally ‘flung’ Ruan Song onto the ground; the trio crossing the glass plank way while climbing the mountain;  then the next morning when Ruan Song wore the wide-legged pants that exposed his waist; and finally, when climbing down the mountain as Wan Qingyue frantically tried to avoid arousing suspicion. There was no marketing account in sight, and it was all monotonously filled with netizens sharing the posts and screenshots on their own.

The comments were filled with all kinds of reactions.

[Ahhhhhhhhh, who’s sour to death, it’s me! Actually, I also have these pair of pants, but my boyfriend won’t let me wear it out unless it’s over his dead body, 15551]

[Although I can’t really muster up any fondness for Wan Qingyue, his final appearance before leaving the stage is really too miserable 2333]

[True, true. Instead he was regarded as a love rival by his love interest, and I suffocated on the spot. He’s better off directly not being successful in chasing Ren Qinming hahaha]

[Ren Qinming is really a simp, I’ve already caught my boyfriend to come learn how to be a virtuous male, bares teeth.jpg]

[For a moment, I actually couldn’t tell if it was because teacher Ruan taught him well, of it is because my ge is naturally boyfriend material, doge]

[This variety show has been broadcasting for a period of time, and I’ve been watching it up to now. I only have one thought, which is that Ren Qinming deserved to have successfully chased Ruan Song! They deserve to be together!!! Prayer hands.jpg]

Amidst this, the most relevant, and the hottest comment that was pinned to the top of the Weibo post, was a 3×3 photo set of Ruan Song edited with a queen filter, together with accompanying comments.

[Did you get it? The best way to get a partner is to upgrade yourself. As long as you hold yourself high enough, then you can even handle your partner’s suitor, and manually wrangle Qingyue didi, doge x3]

Below that, the most popular comment.

[In this wave, teacher Ruan was most impressive. Thumbs up.jpg]


The author has something to say:

‘The Treasury of the Queen Training her Dog’ +1

TN: sorry for the delay!! had some personal things to take care of, will resume normal updates

1. Figurative, used to describe a sexy or erotic scene.

2. srds = 虽然但是; but then

3. This is a direct translation, but it seems like it is meant to describe someone who follows their instincts and obeys their desires (in this case, lust for RS).

4. i sounds like the character for love (ai = 爱)

5. ‘Body proportion’ is a direct translation of the raws (身寸), but in actuality the commenter likely means ‘to come/climax/ejaculate’, because the character ‘to come(cum)’ combines the above characters (= 射)

6. Neutral skin, according to Baidu, regards to the ideal healthy skin pH, which is around 5.6-7

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