I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover

Chapter 27: CH 27

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Fight on the bed

The bullet screen in the live broadcast that was originally a pool of stagnant water immediately exploded.

[What the fuck, what the fuck, was teacher Ruan having a nightmare?!]

[Me, who was just about to shut off the broadcast: sat up in my deathbed with shock, eyes wide open.jpg]

[I have no idea what he dreamt about, but I feel that teacher Ruan really was scared, distressed for my wife]

[? wait a minute, how come he’s suddenly your wife]

[My ge! Where’s Ren Qinming! Ren Qinming, hurry up and come over from the balcony! Stop sneakily hiding to smoke! Your wife had a nightmare, loudspeaker.jpg x3]

[SOS, could it be that I’m the only one who thinks you’re all exaggerating. It’s 3am right now, how good is your liver, do you not need to sleep, question mark.jpg]

[I was originally prepared to sleep, but Ren Qinming started a livestream at 1am at the bottom of the mountain, and I was directly shocked awake by the road up the mountain]

Usually, driving up from the foot of the mountain up to halfway up the mountain only took half an hour.

But a thick fog descended tonight, not only was there traffic on the highway, but even the road going up the mountain became extremely dangerous.

At that time, the driver saw the weather conditions and repeatedly confirmed with Ren Qinming and Xiao Lu if they really wanted to go up the mountain immediately.

“It’s already 1am, with the nighttime road conditions in addition to the thick fog, even if you wanted to drive up you can only drive very, very slowly, and the audience would have slept long ago. Why don’t you just wait until tomorrow morning to see if the fog will lighten up, and just return early in the morning.”

The driver was a local that the program team had specially invited. Knowing that they were celebrities filming a variety show and seeing that Ren Qinming was anxious to return, the driver even believed he was in a rush to return to give the viewers something to watch.

However, Ren Qinming only thought of Ruan Song in his heart: “As long as you can drive me back tonight, then it doesn’t matter how slowly the car has to drive.”

In the past, he couldn’t keep his promises, and was both tricked by others and was incompetent. Now that he has promised Ruan Song again, he will stick to it as long as there is a glimmer of hope to fulfill it.

Xiao Lu beside him saw his expression and knew he was determined, and hurried to pull out two packs of cigarettes from his pocket and stuffed it into the hand of the driver who still wanted to persuade them: “Ge, if you don’t send us, then the two of us will use our feet and walk up the mountain. As long as you can guarantee the safety of the car, then it doesn’t matter what time we get there. You’ve worked hard, you still have to pull an all-nighter with us.”

The driver originally still wanted to say something, but then saw the packaging on the pack of cigarettes that Xiao Lu had handed him, and his words immediately became stuck in his mouth. It wasn’t a price that he could reject, so he changed the words in his mouth: “Fine, anyway, I’ll just say the ugly truth first. The road on this mountain has no streetlights, and the road is also very precipitous. It’s not impossible for a half hour drive to turn into a one and a half hour drive.”

Xiao Lu immediately understandingly pulled out a loose cigarette and a lighter from his pocket and lit the cigarette for the driver: “Even two hours is fine, we’re really very grateful!”

The drop in temperature on the mountain at night was very severe, and the three wearing thin clothes nearly couldn’t stand outside the car any longer.

In order for the director group to one, leave the door open for Ren Qinming, and two, record materials as he walked in, they had been confirming the time they would arrive with Xiao Lu from beginning to end.

Filming him was secondary. The most important thing was that they wanted the bullet screen to see clearly how craggy and dangerous the mountainous road was.

Thus, the bullet screen in the live broadcast who was already planning to close up shop were completely awakened from their drowsiness.

They saw the fog outside the window fill the air, and the view outside the front windshield was just an expanse of white. The range of view was pitifully narrow, even though the high beams were turned on to its maximum strength, its usefulness was only finite.

The small road continued to wind upwards. A rocky cliffside greeted them to the right, while there wasn’t even a guardrail to protect them on their left side. If they were even just a little bit careless, then they would fall into a bottomless abyss.

All the little hearts of those in the bullet screen were held in Ren Qinming’s hands.

[Although you can tell that this driver is experienced, it’s still a bit terrifying……]

[I don’t even dare to watch. If another car is coming the other way, you wouldn’t even be able to see it, covers head.jpg]

[I’m dead, I really can’t see anything, I’m really scared that there’ll be an accident……]

[Ahhhhhhh, the person above, hurry up and knock on a block of wood. There won’t be any accidents, our ge will definitely arrive up there safely QAQ]

[I don’t understand, why does he insist on going up at night? Anyway, he’s already ‘finished work’ after 12am, isn’t it fine as long as he rushes back before 9am tomorrow morning. The road is originally already unclear at night, when the time comes and an accident really happens then he also deserves it]

[……Is it because Ren Qinming promised teacher Ruan before he left? Although I also feel that there’s no need to be so inflexible, isn’t it also a bit excessive to say he deserves it? Question mark.jpg]

[That may be the case, I feel that teacher Ruan wasn’t in good condition today (whispers]

[That’s right, that’s right! I thought I was the only one who thought that! I just felt that he actually doesn’t want everyone to pay too much attention to his personal information]

[After all, he originally wasn’t a celebrity, it’s normal]

[Also Ren Qinming received a last minute schedule, and he really left, it was too sudden. As a lover, teacher Ruan may not express it, but he’s definitely also disappointed]

[Oh my god, I also just thought of that schedule where he spent 330 of 365 days filming with the cast and crew, my fist is already ready, my ge is a total piece of garbage, angry.jpg]

[Teacher Ruan, ditch my ge! Be with me! I can be with you everyday and massage you! Flips table.jpg]


Ren Qinming slowly traveled from the foot of the mountain to halfway up the mountain, and the time he spent dawdling his way up was the length of time that the bullet screen was active.

Xiao Lu sat in the passenger holding up the cell phone for the broadcast, fixating his gaze forward, as if he would rather the cold night wind penetrate the air than close the car window, afraid that if a car drove towards them they wouldn’t be able to catch it.

By the time Ren Qinming safely arrived at his destination, the program team arranged the ‘night shift’ photographer to stamp his feet and wait at the entrance to the cabin while carrying the equipment to film Ren Qinming as he made his way into the cabin.

There were still many empty rooms in the cabin so Xiao Lu and the driver both stayed the night.

At that time, it was already nearing three in the morning.

Ren Qinming carried exhaustion all over his body, and stood in front of the door to his and Ruan Song’s room, unexpectedly feeling a bit ‘homesick’.

Clearly, he knew the person inside was already sleeping, yet he still felt a burst of unease of unknown origin.

The bullet screen in the live stream were all waiting for him to push open the door and enter.

Ren Qinming’s hand was also placed on the doorknob, but finally when he was about to press down, he suddenly turned to face the cameraman next to him and quietly said: “I’ll go in alone, then I’ll take off the cover on the camera in the room. You don’t need to follow me, I’m afraid you’ll wake him up.”

The cameraman cheerfully agreed.

It was the middle of the night, and he was happy to get off work early and return to his covers.

Through the camera, Ren Qinming pushed open the door to the room extremely gently, and the dim light of night poured out in torrents.

He didn’t know why Ruan Song left half of the window curtains open, but the moonlight turned the entire room into a cold gray blue. On the bed, a little hill bulged outwards as a body curled up on its side. Other than a small head exposed outside, the rest of him was covered up securely.

This was the first time the bullet screen saw Ruan Song sleeping alone.

[I suddenly feel a bit distressed, how did that happen QAQ]

[He’s not even moving a little bit, I feel like he’s so obedient]

[Actually, teacher Ruan said he changed his pen name today, planning to start anew yet failing, that moment he really was a bit sad 15551]

[Ren Qinming, I command you to hurry up and help me hug my wife, kitty crying.jpg]

Everyone thought that Ren Qinming came back definitely so that he could get into bed and hug his wife to sleep.

But as a result, he lowered his voice and looked towards the camera to say: “There’s no hot water so I can’t shower. You guys should rest earlier, I’ll go out to stand for a bit.”

After speaking, he bent down to tidy up the ruffled hair at Ruan Song’s forehead, then directly opened the door to the balcony and left.

The bullet screen who was left behind in the room [?????]

[It’s the middle of the night, what do you mean you’re going outside to stand for a bit??]

[Let me say, I’m starting not to understand again…… Covers head.jpg]

[Does he mean he can’t shower so he feels he’s dirty, so he can’t get into bed?]

[I guess that gege probably wants to smoke, it seems he was photographed smoking once before while on set]

[Ayy, he’s actually quite tired after going back and forth from his schedule. Ren Qinming also fell asleep in the backseat of the car while coming up the mountain]

[srds I actually ship it again. Because of his promise, Ren Qinming still took a risk hurrying back up the mountain despite clearly knowing the water would be shut off after 12 and he would only be able to sleep on the sofa……]

[Right, wuwuwu. Actually, gege has already worked very hard. Everyone should stop scolding him, he’s busy because of the nature of his work, there’s nothing he can do about it]

[My boyfriend is a surgeon, and he’s also someone who you can’t see during the day. I’ve already gotten used to him leaving halfway through a date]

[11, my partner is also like this, they’re very busy with work. Once, we took a vacation with great difficulty, and we were excited to see each other after a long time and had even taken our clothes off, but as a result, he was called and he had to leave T.T]

[Ayy, every family has its own problems. I hope that they’ll be fine, if such a good pair like them breaks up, then in the future, I really won’t believe in love again 155551]

It was likely the late night emo mood.

Facing the empty room where Ruan Song slept alone, the bullet screen exchanged their own marriage and love woes.

It’s just that not two seconds later, they really couldn’t stay up any longer, and they each said good night to each other, preparing to sleep.

Outside on the balcony, Ren Qinming basked in the mountain wind and really was smoking.

The two boxes of cigarettes that Xiao Lu had given to the driver was actually prepared for him.

He recalled that in the beginning, he learned to smoke from Ruan Song.

It was just that after Ruan Song played around for a while, he then gave it up. Meanwhile Ren Qinming had always maintained his habit behind the other’s back until now.

Everyday he faced the camera and had to manage his mood, manage his micro-expressions, and whenever the pressure became too big, he would want to smoke.

In the past, when he had been dating Ruan Song, he didn’t want Ruan Song to be exposed to his second-hand smoke and had been quite worried about this.

But ever since they broke up a year ago, it was clear to the naked eye that Ren Qinming had developed into a heavy smoker.

From time to time, Wang Duan would order Xiao Lu to watch him to control the frequency at which he smoked.

So when Ruan Song awoke from his dream, and suddenly heard the doorway to the balcony open followed by the ‘Song ge’, he nearly thought that he hadn’t completely woken up from his fantasy yet.

Until he heard the man come closer, exuding a faint scent of smoke: “……Did you have a nightmare?”

His field of view was a field of dull gray darkness and Ruan Song’s temples were drenched in a cold sweat. While looking at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, it was clear that he was a little confused: “What time is it, is it almost morning?”

“No, it’s three in the morning.”

Ren Qinming felt his body wasn’t clean, so from beginning to end, he stood next to the bed obediently without touching the bed.

When Ruan Song heard the answer, he was first dazed for a moment, then realized that this man ultimately didn’t take his instructions into consideration, and hurried back all the way from the highway up to the mountain.

His anger burst up from his heart, and Ruan Song’s brows rose up high. In a flash, whatever fear that the nightmare brought disappeared: “Are you not scared you’ll fall to your death coming up the mountain in the middle of the night.”

Ren Qinming stared at him with determination: “But I promised you that I’ll return at night, that the next time you open your eyes, you’ll be able to see me.”

With a glance, Ruan Song saw that the other wasn’t listening, and his temper suddenly exploded. He didn’t care about whatever cameras were there, and with no restraint at all, he raised his head to face Ren Qinming and scolded: “How old are you this year? Can you be clear as to what’s important or not! Do you have to accompany me on this one night?”

“But I promised you.” Ren Qinming persisted.

“Don’t try that with me!”

Ruan Song suddenly raised his voice, shocking those in the bullet screen in the broadcast that hadn’t slept yet.

[What the fuck, teacher Ruan looks like he’s really angry this time……]

You are reading story I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover at novel35.com

[If it were me, I’d also be angry. Going up the mountain with this kind of weather is really dangerous]

[Being angry just means that you care]

[Also, teacher Ruan just had a nightmare, and his mood definitely was very poor already. I hope my ge will strive for improvement, hurry up and apologize and coax your wife, wuwuwu]

But Ren Qinming had entirely no intention to lower his head in apology, and even his tone of voice grew serious: “Then if I didn’t rush back tonight, and I missed you having a nightmare, then tomorrow morning, you also wouldn’t tell me.”

“Which exactly is more important, me having a nightmare, or your own life??” Ruan Song really felt he was about to explode. After accumulating a volatile mood throughout the entire afternoon in front of a camera, he finally exploded completely in this moment, “Ren Qinming, can you touch your consciousness and say that you really thought of me? If you really encountered some situation because you were rushing back in the middle of the night, are you afraid that I’ll forget about you in my next life!”

The bullet screen that didn’t know that these two people had already broken up in reality were nearly anxious to death.

[Ahhhhhhhhh ge, hurry up and apologize!!! The future is long, you don’t have to insist on coming back this night]

[I really want to pass through the screen and knock my ge’s addled dog brain awake, obviously your life is more important, can’t you see that teacher Ruan is nearly scared to death!!]

[Why are you being so stubborn at this time! It’ll be over if you just apologize!]

But Ren Qinming’s eyes darkened, and he stood by the bed without denying it, saying: “Yes, I’m just afraid that you’ll forget about me. I’m so afraid that I can’t sleep well every night, and I’m more afraid now than in the past when I auditioned poorly and couldn’t win any roles.”

“You can continue to be scared then!”

After Ruan Song finished speaking, he pulled the blanket up and covered himself up again, clearly exhibiting that he didn’t want to pay attention to the other.

If it were any other time, Ren Qinming would probably have lowered his head and admitted his wrongs long ago.

But tonight, he also didn’t know what was wrong with him, it had already gotten to this point and he still faced the person on the bed with their back facing him and emphasized: “I’m just scared.”

He was both aggrieved and willful.

Through the screen, the bullet screen was already nearly angered into vomiting blood.

[Looks like Jiang Qiqi is super clear headed, the real love brain is Ren Qinming!!]

[You’re really my dear ge, you guys are dating now! No matter how much you like him, why are you scared of this kind of unfounded thing as being forgotten!!]

[Help, even a six year old fan also wants to beat him up right now. Aunty really blamed teacher Ruan wrongly, teacher Ruan isn’t wrong for yelling at my ge, my blood pressure has already risen!!!]

As expected, after Ruan Song finished hearing this additional comment, the audience then saw Ruan Song maintain his posture of having his back facing Ren Qinming, then with his hand behind his back, picked up the other pillow on the bed and fiercely smashed it over.

Ren Qinming probably also knew that he was beyond saving tonight, caught the pillow and his obstinate face finally darkened, yet he still was unwilling to acknowledge his mistakes.

Just when the bullet screen set down their hearts, watching with wide eyes as he turned around, planning to walk towards the short and narrow sofa in the room, Ruan Song on the bed suddenly roared: “Who allowed you to go sleep on the sofa?”



Everyone thought Ren Qinming’s eyes would quickly brighten up.

But in reality, Ren Qinming hugged the pillow and was even more aggrieved: “This morning you said you wouldn’t allow me to sleep on the bed. Also, I haven’t showered, I’m very dirty.”

Ruan Song was really about to be angered into having his teeth itch. He once again suddenly sat up from the bed and said: “If I said you can’t, then you can’t? Now you know to listen to me. If you’re dirty, don’t tell me you don’t know to hug me to sleep through the blanket! I also have to teach you this! You’re filming movies all day long, but it seems you rarely film this kind of crappy plot line or something??”



No one in the bullet screen was clear as to why Ruan Song’s thoughts suddenly changed.

[Weren’t they fighting? Is this fighting?? Covers head.jpg]

[I’m just like a dog sleeping on the side of the road who was sleeping peacefully and was suddenly kicked by a passing couple]

[……What the hell was I thinking, I was actually worried for them just now, question mark.jpg]

After Ren Qinming obediently wrapped Ruan Song in the blanket and hugged him into his arms.

Ruan Song still scolded him: “Stupid dog.”

The bullet screen immediately turned into large scale scene of good night greetings.

[Fortunately I don’t understand human language, goodbye.jpg]

[I’m sleeping, I’m sleeping, guys. I gained 10jin from eating dog food in the middle of the night, smile.jpg]

[After a period of anger getting to my head, the clown was actually me]

[‘No one survived after the evening show tonight’]

[This story tells us that we shouldn’t meddle in a couple’s fight, because you’ll never be able to tell whether they’re fighting for real, or if they’re just bantering flirtatiously, covers head.jpg]

Only the two people involved knew in their hearts that their fight was real, but their reconciliation was also real.

Because Ren Qinming told the truth. After breaking up, he was afraid that Ruan Song had forgotten him.

Ruan Song reckoned that even if the sky fell down tonight, this person would still harden his head and rush back.

Ren Qinming cautiously bent his body and nuzzled close to the other’s ear: “Then Song ge, let me tell you something else, don’t be angry.”

Ruan Song’s face shrank into the covers, and he unhappily nestled backwards into the other’s arms: “I’ve already been angered by you into this state, how much angrier can I get.”

Ren Qinming quietly whispered: “When I just got back, the program team had me turn on the camera in the room.”

The words had just been spoken when the room fell into a moment of silence.

So quiet that the bullet screen nearly thought that Ruan Song had already fallen asleep.

After a full five seconds, he pulled his already red face out of the blankets, grabbed the pillow below his head, turned his body around to straddle Ren Qinming’s waist, then firmly covered the other’s face while roaring: “Can you tell me this kind of thing first! Otherwise it really looks like I’m not smart when I scold you and then let you sleep on the bed!!”

Ren Qinming was smothered under the pillow and forced to ‘stall’: Even if I didn’t turn on the view, the audio recording is still on……”

As long as they fought, the broadcast would definitely be able to hear it.

Ruan Song was ashamed into anger: “Shut up, I still haven’t asked you when you’ve learned to smoke!”

Ren Qinming really couldn’t endure any longer, and with one hand, he caught Ruan Song’s wrist, then he loosened his waist with a strong force, causing them to drop from their positions on the bed, clearly showing that he was only allowing Ruan Song to press him down. He even had extra energy to lift one hand up to raise his collar and sniff it, then asked: “Is the smell strong? Didn’t I learn to smoke from you.”

Ruan Song watched as the other moved skillfully and easily, and his anger burst forward: “What do you mean you learned it from me, I don’t smoke at all!”

Ren Qinming then watched as the other grew angry with his eyes glistening while pinned under his body, and his heart suddenly moved. He incongruously bent down then kissed the corner of the other’s eye: “I saw the picture that you returned to me.”

Ruan Song frowned and turned his head to the side: “If you saw it then you saw it, you’re so heavy! Are you going to sleep or not!”

“Then should I cover the camera?”

“Cover my ass. Just now when I wanted to cover it I didn’t hear you say you wanted to get up and cover it!”

By the time the two once again returned to their sleeping postures, the room had stilled for a few seconds.

Ren Qinming had suddenly turned the conversation back: “Actually, I’ve always been smoking, but in the past, I was just afraid that you would scold me so I didn’t dare tell you.”

Ruan Song muttered while burying his head into the blankets again: “Looks like you’re really brave now, you’re not afraid of being scolded at all.”

Another few seconds of silence.

Ren Qinming kissed the other’s exposed ear: “Song ge, good night.”

Ruan Song ignored him.

Ren Qinming embraced the other, and after winning an inch, he wanted a mile, and kissed the other again: “Wife, good night.”

With a blanket separating them, Ruan Song gave him a kick.

Ren Qinming finally settled down.

The next morning, the pair’s late night fight entered the hot search as expected.

Ruan Song rarely awoke as early as 9 in the morning, and as soon as he walked out, he saw four people outside who were unexpectedly holding up their phones watching the video of him ‘throwing a tantrum’, mutually sharing interesting comments that they saw, so happy that they were swaying in their seats.

[I’m also despicable, I actually finished watching the entire thing, pitiful.jpg]

[Coquettish Queen and his stubborn puppy, I’m not jealous, I’m not jealous. Fuck]

[Fortunately I was deaf before I clicked in]

[Too amazing, is it really that meaningful watching this kind of fight on the bed? My mouth nearly split open]

[The thing about love is it’s still better watching others date, crying.jpg]

[The director group is really good, they can broadcast out anything, doge]

[Because they broadcast this kind of sensationalist video with this kind of falsified story, so many young girls who don’t know anything have a longing for love, and it’s all just for increased site traffic? Where is your bottom line? Where’s the address? Where’s the contact information? Can you share it with me]

“The most outstanding thing is the responses to this comment: ‘the truth is revealed’, ‘the knife was almost not put away2’, ‘drew a sword then looked around at a loss3’, hahahahaha.” Jiang Qiqi nearly laughed to death on the dining room table.

Even Zheng Qing was engrossed as he rushed to Ruan Song to ask: “So what exactly did you dream about last night to be shocked like that.”

Ruan Song raised his leg to kick Ren Qinming’s leg: “No matter what dream I had, I forgot it long ago out of anger.”

After Ren Qinming inherited the name ‘mud dog’, he once again happily received the name ‘stupid dog’, and was just in the period of having had two simultaneous joyous events in the family. Even if he were kicked in the face, he would still smile. Without any fear of inconvenience, he suggested: “How about I fry steak for breakfast.”

Everyone’s smile grew even happier.

It is said that this is the first time Ren Qinming has been so proactive since the variety show started. Looks like he really was happy to have been scolded by his boss.

Ruan Song directly turned the direction of his feet, avoiding the dinner table to sit on the sofa in the living room. He decided to distance himself from these people who didn’t look too smart for a period of time to avoid lowering his IQ.

Just when everyone was in the midst of cheers and laughter, the doorbell rang.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing who was outside. The program team also hadn’t sent out any instructions or notifications.

As the person who was closest to the door, Ruan Song conscientiously got up to open the door.

He had just walked to the door when Jiang Zhi, who had arrived late from within his room, beamed while saying: “I woke up and didn’t have time to tell you guys, but I also thought he would have arrived in the afternoon, who would have known he would be this anxious. It’s Xiao Song’s old acquaintance.”

When Ruan Song heard ‘old acquaintance’, his eyebrow suddenly jumped, nearly announcing Yuan Yinhai’s name out of a conditioned reflex.

Fortunately, the person outside already impatiently knocked on the door while shouting: “Teacher Ruan? Song ge are you there, Song ge? I’m Sun Kaizi! Once teacher Jiang notified me, I immediately bought an overnight train ticket and escaped from the director’s closed training camp in the neighboring province! I haven’t eaten breakfast yet and I’m starving to death, hurry and let me in!”

Ruan Song: “……?”

1. 1 = to agree

2. This is in reference to the previous idiom ‘the truth is revealed’. In CN the idiom is 图穷匕见 (lit. the dagger is thoroughly revealed). The following comment ‘the knife was almost not put away’ thus is meant to say that the truth was almost not revealed, aka the video published about RS and RQM’s argument was almost not published.

3. This is a meme to ridicule someone for being a scapegoat (has origins in a poem by Li Bai, an ancient Chinese poet). In this context, I’m assuming it means the director group was scapegoated about having no bottom line when publishing the video

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