I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover

Chapter 28: CH 28

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The Mud Dog’s Blissful Life

Everyone grew stunned after Sun Kaizi knocked against the door.

The bullet screen had even begun to suspect his identity.

[? Is this person really Sun Kaizi]

[I thought the director of ‘Blue Lake’ would definitely be mature and steady, would have profound thinking, and be an elegant glasses-wearing scholar? But as a result, he seems a bit like a mud dog??]

[Hahahahaha, my god, it’s fine to be a mud dog]

[Our teacher Ruan should have some kind of special constitution that attracts dogs]

[For example me, doge]

[No, the most important point is that he has too big of a contrast with this movie, xs]

[Or how about you still check the peephole before deciding to open the door, kneel.jpg]

Jiang Zhi saw everyone’s complicated and subtle expressions, and knew clearly how unreliable his student looked, and laughed happily as he waved his hand: “It’s fine, open the door. He’s just like that, foolishly cheerful everyday.”

Ruan Song thought, well it was fine to be foolishly cheerful, it meant that their thoughts were pure. Anyway, a film like ‘Blue Lake’ could indeed only be written by someone who was pure and simple.

But as a result, once the door opened, Ruan Song hadn’t even seen what the person who stood outside looked like when he was pulled into a big hug.

Sun Kaizi hugged him while howling: “Idol! I’ve finally met you, idol! I’ve really passed over mountain ridges and blazed my way through hardships everyday while asking around everywhere, all in order to meet you!!”

Everyone: “……???”

Ruan Song’s voice was nearly choked in his throat by the other, and was just about to pull the other off his waist when he heard the ringing sound of a vegetable knife hitting the cutting board from behind him.

Everyone and the cameras all turned around.

They could only see Ren Qinming with a dark expression, wearing a pink-checkered apron, pull up the knife used to cut the steak from the cutting board, the blade still dripping with blood, then, with a low tone of voice, he pulled aside the glass door to the kitchen and walked towards Sun Kaizi as he asked.

“Who is your idol?”

Ren Qinming also never would have thought that while he was in the kitchen preparing steak, his wife would be hugged by someone else behind his back.

The mood in the room froze at once.

Everyone could see from the blood dripping down the blade in Ren Qinming’s hand, that he was on the edge of exploding out of the vinegar jar.

Only Sun Kaizi himself didn’t notice the abnormality.

After hearing Ren Qinming’s words, he raised his head while pushing up the glasses on his nose, muttering ‘Did I hug the wrong person’. Then he turned around to hug Xiao Lu, who was passing by outside the field of view of the camera, once again emotionally howling: “Idol! I’ve finally met you, idol! I’ve really passed over mountain ridges and blazed my way through hardships everyday while asking around everywhere, all in order to meet you!!”

Xiao Lu, who had just woken up and wasn’t even clearheaded, yet was innocently attacked: “?????”

Ruan Song: “……”

The bullet screen had already laughed themselves into a tizzy.

[Hahahaha, what kind of clown is this]

[What is up with this guy, he’s a fake fan right, I’m laughing to death]

[Looks like that closed training camp was really closed quite thoroughly, he doesn’t even know what his idol looks like, doge]

The man who was hugging Xiao Lu in the broadcast seemed to be only 1.6 meters tall.

He was small in height, wearing thick black frames, extremely thin, with short hair covering the back of his neck. Compared with the other people in the cabin, he appeared almost unkempt, wearing a wrinkled, dark blue shirt. If his skin wasn’t pale, one would think that he had just returned from the wilderness.

Compared to him, Xiao Lu’s unkempt chicken coop appeared delicate, and he really did look a bit like a celebrity.

He hurriedly shoved away the octopus on his body: “Director Sun, Director Sun, I’m not your……”

“What do you mean, Director Sun! Don’t call me Director Sun, I’m just a screenwriter!” Sun Kaizi interrupted him with a face full of grievances, “It was really because I couldn’t find any other director who was willing to direct my script, so it reluctantly fell on me. Or else I wouldn’t have been a director, it was so exhausting, I couldn’t even sleep well.”

After Sun Kaizi said this, he hugged Xiao Lu again.

Xiao Lu was so shocked he hurriedly pulled the other towards Ruan Song: “This is your idol.”

Sun Kaizi was probably nearsighted and the lenses of the glasses he was wearing was probably not suitable, so if he wanted to see clearly, he had to widen his eyes with all his might: “Then I didn’t hug the wrong person in the beginning.”

Xiao Lu hurriedly tugged at the other, as if educating a small child in nursery school: “Then you did hug wrongly. Just that you can’t hug him, understand? Your idol’s partner is my big bro, and he’s standing right over there.”

Only then did Sun Kaizi finally see Ren Qinming holding a knife at the kitchen door.

One tall, one short, faced each other from across the living room.

Everyone sandwiched between them grew anxious.

[What’s happening, could it be rivals in love meeting again?]

[Rivals in love is out of the question, at best it’s a mud dog meeting another mud dog, who’s competing here, doge]

[srds I know I shouldn’t laugh, but I really can’t help it seeing my ge wearing a pink apron while holding a knife hhhhh]

Several people watched this positioning, and Zheng Qing and Liang Yi were even prepared to mediate a fight.

But as a result, Sun Kaizi opened his mouth to say two words: “Teacher’s wife!”


Ren Qinming, Ruan Song, everyone: “?????”

Sun Kaizi was as light as a feather, quickly rushing towards the kitchen: “Is teacher’s wife in charge of cooking? What are we eating for breakfast, I seem to have smelled steak, is it steak? Can you fry it with butter? I was confined for so long and I haven’t eaten meat in a while.”

This long series of questions smashed out, and everyone’s faces once again turned strange.

Ren Qinming endured, and endured: “……Who are you calling teacher’s wife?”

Sun Kaizi had already flew into the kitchen, saw the steak and was overjoyed: “You! That guy just said you’re my idol’s partner! My idol is my master, so doesn’t that make you my teacher’s wife!”

With this explanation, everyone completely collapsed.

The bullet screen was the first to begin laughing.

Then it was Jiang Qiqi and Qin Sijia, and finally even Ruan Song brought a fist up to the side of his mouth as he turned his face away.

Ren Qinming’s face had already turned as black as the bottom of a pot. He never would have thought there would be a day where he would ask someone if they recognized him or not: “……You don’t know who I am?”

After Sun Kaizi thoroughly inspected the kitchen with satisfaction, he once again raised his glasses to look at the other: “I think I know who you are. But because I borrowed these glasses from someone else before I ran out, and I still have to return these when I go back, now everyone looks the same.”

[Hahahahahahahahaha, fuck]

It was also probably because the degree of the glasses wasn’t right, Sun Kaizi was unable to read his cell phone clearly, and also didn’t know which carriage was listed on his train ticket. Anyway, he was fine as long as he followed the flow of people onto the train.

“Teacher’s wife, don’t forget my breakfast, it’s just a matter of adding another pair of chopsticks. Seeing as my Song ge fell for you, it means you’re definitely a great person, much thanks, much thanks.”

After Sun Kaizi finished speaking on his own, he once again flew away like a butterfly to find his own teacher, not giving Ren Qinming any chance to reject him.

From beginning to end, Ren Qinming held a vegetable knife: “…………”

[Our ge: Me, a film emperor, adding a pair of chopsticks, a great person? I’ve never been more speechless in my life]

[I feel that this time Ren Qinming really met a rival, doge]

Jiang Zhi was outside with his hands behind his back, sizing up the person who ran towards him from top to bottom, mocking the other: “At that time, I said there was no need and told you not to go, but you didn’t believe in this evil1.”

Sun Kaizi still recognized his teacher’s distinctive style of dress and said with a headache, “I thought it was to train directors, what else was I supposed to expect. But as a result, I had homework arranged everyday, and I couldn’t sleep if I didn’t finish it. Who can stand that? Moreover, I think everything I make is quite good, and I don’t know why they don’t give me good grades. They just beat me, telling me to edit it.”

It was remarkably like the self-monologue of a student lagging behind.

[I got it, I got it, he went to go train. If I didn’t know I would have thought he entered a pyramid scheme 2333]

[Such a thing as being a director is quite a subjective type of work, how can you undergo collective training to become one? Laughing to death]

[Does he have no idea what his learning style is? Can the person who made ‘Blue Lake’ be taught by ordinary training teachers? Doge]

Once Sun Kaizi thought of this, he grew angry, and he waved his hand to console himself: “Forget it, forget it. It’s all an experience, I can just pull together a new script, called ‘Director’s Promotion Diary’.”

[‘Director’s Promotion Diary’ is not bad. Help, why is he so funny hahaha]

[Let me just say, Director Sun is very interesting, and is good to get along with]

[He already said he’s a screenwriter and not to call him a director. Everyone follow along with me, hello teacher Sun, doge]

[Why did he create such a solemn critical realist film but in actuality he’s so comical]

[Also, it was actually because he couldn’t find a director and had no choice but to do it himself. And he even tried to find a training class xswl]

[If I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I definitely would have thought the director of ‘Blue Lake’ would be super intellectual]

Later, when the steak was served onto the table, despite Ren Qinming’s bad mood, he still magnanimously fried an extra serving of steak.

The steak that was freshly made was served on a porcelain dish that was as spotlessly white as a mirror. The meat was crispy, tender, and fragrant. The outside was charred while the inside was tender, and it looked and smelled great. Just looking at it caused one’s mouth to water.

Those in the bullet screen began to fill the screen saying they were hungry.

Although Sun Kaizi was ‘blind’ and couldn’t see things clearly, his nose could smell that it wasn’t lacking.

Later, after asking, the director group heard his glasses were 900 degrees, and it was unknown as to where they were able to find a suitable pair of glasses.

Sun Kaizi sat at the dining room table, once again seeing the light. Once he saw Ren Qinming’s face clearly, he turned his head to Ruan Song while giving the other a thumbs up: “You’re worthy of being my ge. The wife you chose has to be one at the level of a film emperor.”

Ren Qinming: “……”


He really had a huge headache now, though he originally woke up in quite a good mood: “……Can you not call me teacher’s wife?”

Sun Kaizi nodded his head, readily accepting other’s opinions: “Then what should I call you? Brother’s husband? Sister-in-law?”

Ren Qinming: “…………”


Ren Qinming: “You can directly use my personal……”

Sun Kaizi already couldn’t hold back, without waiting for the program team to bring over a fork and knife, he first used chopsticks to pick up the steak and took a bite: “In any case, I can’t directly use your personal name, it doesn’t clearly present my respect for Ruan ge at all!”


[Our ge: Actually, it’s fine if you don’t respect me, 2333]

[Have you figured it out, Xiao Sun is really just saying whatever, he doesn’t even have a name for Ruan Song. Ruan ge, teacher Ruan, Song ge, he called him all of those]

Ultimately, it was still Ruan Song that gave him an idea: “Just call him Xiao Ren, you’re older than him.”

Ren Qinming: “?”

The two were high school classmates, and Ren Qining had always relied on the fact that he was younger than Ruan Song by a few months to stickily call Ruan Song ‘ge’, but this didn’t mean that he was willing to have others take advantage of this!

But as a result, Sun Kaizi praised him again and again: “Turns out it’s a younger brother-older brother love. Then my big brother Song’s didi is my didi. Didi, later on, if you need anything from ge in the future, just let me know.”

Ren Qinming: “………………”


[Our ge: Thank you]

With the addition of Sun Kaizi at the table, the atmosphere immediately changed.

The smile on Jiang Qiqi’s face nearly couldn’t be stopped: “I even thought you would be the kind of person that was super serious!”

Only then did Sun Kaizi have a sense of a literary youth: “It doesn’t exist, it’s all an illusion. Everyone always likes to judge others with their own ideas and standards. I don’t know who stipulates that people who engage in serious literature can’t be humorous, and that people who suffer from depression suffer all day long.”

[Hahahahahahaha, fuck, he even knows that humorous is ‘oily oats2’]

But Jiang Qiqi continued to ask: “Actually, yesterday I was already very curious, at that time, why didn’t you directly give your script to Master Jiang to read? He’s your teacher, you’re his student, isn’t it natural for him to help you read the script you wrote, why did you have to hesitate and go to a forum to write a post?”

Several people in the bullet screen were also curious about this question.

Sun Kaizi asked her: “Would you take the initiative to give the class director the novel you wrote to read? Definitely not, it’s so embarrassing. Also, I had a very ordinary relationship with teacher Jiang. In class, I was just a quiet, nameless little bandit, got it? There were plenty of people more amazing than me.”

But ultimately, he became an overnight celebrity, and won awards upon debuting.

Qin Sijia didn’t believe this at all and looked towards Jiang Zhi: “Is he lying?”

You are reading story I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover at novel35.com

Jiang Zhi smiled with ease: “During the years I mentored him, he just joked around with people all day long, and the homework he handed in was sloppy. There was nothing remarkable, so I didn’t pay too much attention to him. Who knew that this boy had such ideas behind his back and was saving such big tricks.”

Sun Kaizi boldly faced his teacher and raised a critique: “You have also made an empirical mistake.”

Jiang Zhi was an old rogue and was not serious at all as he admitted: “Yes, it was also an empirical mistake.”

So at that time, Ruan Song’s encouragement on the forum was extremely important.

Even Jiang Zhi officially accepting Sun Kaizi as an apprentice only occurred after Jiang Zhi finished reading the script Sun Kaizi sent him and they exchanged their creative ideas and original intentions.

“It means that if I hadn’t seen the four words that Song ge wrote in the forum, it’s  likely that I would be selling e-cigarettes as a WeChat merchant in my circle of friends like many of my classmates.” As Sun Kaizi said this, he was about to stand up and have a toast with Ruan Song. Suddenly, the laughter on his untidy face disappeared, and he methodically pushed up the glasses on his nose, “My big brother Ruan is my second born mother and father. Today, I finally met him, which can be considered a blessing from God.”

[Hahahaha, fuck, why is he so serious, I actually want to laugh]

[He changed again, he changed again, now it’s ‘big brother Ruan’, doge]

[As expected, those who engage in creative work, no matter what kind of genre, their souls are all very interesting, and everything they say is unique hhh]

[Fine, then I admit I also made an empirical mistake against teacher Ruan. Before seeing the video of him fighting with my brother in bed yesterday, who would have thought he would be that kind of teacher Ruan, a typical representative of someone who’s both cool and sweet, doge]

Ruan Song would never have thought that he would drink red wine while eating breakfast, and was both helpless and laughable: “You don’t have to exaggerate, it was just pure blind luck. Ultimately, it was still you who worked hard, and the things you’ve written were solid.”

Sun Kaizi didn’t insist on having the other toast this glass of wine, and pulled out his phone in a serious way: “Blind luck, huh? You just wait.”

Those sitting at the table each tilted their heads up towards the one standing, all curious as to what he was about to bring out.

Then, everyone heard a burst of ‘dudu’s, the sound of a video call, and with no trace of politeness, he rushed towards the director group while waving his hands: “Help me bring a tripod and have them chat on their own, I still have to get a good taste of the steak that our didi fried.”

Ren Qinming was once again shot by a gun: “……”

Less than two seconds later, the tripod arrived, and the person that Sun Kaizi had video-called also picked up.

The program team directly connected his cell phone screen onto the screen of the live broadcast.

Turns out Sun Kaizi didn’t call just one person, it was actually an entire WeChat group chat!

Each person called out ‘hello teacher Ruan’, ‘hello Song ge’, and the profile pictures on the screen began to light up one after another. In total, there were twenty or thirty people, and nearly everyone in the group agreed to appear on camera.

At that time, Ruan Song held a fork and knife in his hands, and was stunned as he watched this scene unfurl in the video call.

To tell the truth, he didn’t recognize a single person, but it was clear that these people all recognized him, because the name of the group chat was called ‘The Alliance of Those who Benefited From Ruan Song in the Forum’.

The bullet screen had already crazily filled the screen with exclamation points.


[If I were teacher Ruan, i wouldn’t be able to help myself from crying on the spot]

Sun Kaizi had a fork and knife by his hands but still used chopsticks to eat the steak, and pointed to the screen while saying: “There are 27 people in this group, and they’re all people that you’ve DM’ed in the forum that year. There are probably way more brothers and sisters that are left out because I couldn’t find their contact information so I couldn’t add them.”

In the group of 27 people, there were both boys and girls, and regardless if they were younger or older than Ruan Song, they would all call Ruan Song ‘teacher’ or ‘ge’. One after another, they began to say which script he chose that year, in an attempt to ‘introduce themselves’.

The first person said: “I was ‘Little Bean’ that couldn’t graduate because my teacher wouldn’t give me a passing grade, ge, you probably already forgot about me.”

Ruan Song was still distracted and hadn’t collected his thoughts yet: “……Is it the script about armed forces.”

That person immediately grew excited: “That’s right, that’s right! Wow, it’s already been six years but you actually still remembered!”

Then the second person: “I was the person named ‘001 Look at Me’ on the forum, poverty alleviation, just……”

Ruan Song: “The male lead was a college student that was hesitant about whether or not he should return to his hometown in the western mountainous region to be a village official or remain in the big city to develop?”

“Yes!!! Oh my god, that was my crappy-ass classwork assignment from six years ago!”

What came next was a large-scale scene of recognizing one’s relatives, and the entire bullet screen was filled with ‘oh my god’.

[Not to mention five to six years ago, I might not even remember what I watched just last weekend……]

[Just, teacher Ruan is really very good, wuwuwu. He looks cold and doesn’t like talking, but actually he remembers everything]

[Please fill the screen w​​ith ‘Two-Way Love3’, wuli4 teacher Ruan is really worthy of being remembered by everyone]

[It was the same when he blamed my ge yesterday! He originally threw a tantrum because he was worried about my ge, but as a result, my ge didn’t admit his wrongs despite being beaten but Ruan Song still softened his heart and allowed my ge onto the bed 15551]

[Although I keep desperately telling myself not to put teacher Ruan on a pedestal, but really, even teacher Ruan’s shortcomings are very cute, is he real?]

[Could it be that only I fell in love with teacher Ruan because of his shortcomings? I even feel that he’s really authentic, a character design that’s too perfect is a bit unrealistic]

Actually, Ruan Song didn’t deliberately remember these things, and actually, because he was unhappy, he deliberately forgot it. Now it was only when they suddenly mentioned it that it automatically floated up from the depths of his memory.

As a result, Ruan Song remembered all 27 of them, and even had some idea as to the minor details and problems that each of them had.

The most remarkable aspect was that now, all 27 of them hadn’t changed their profession.

Not only did they not change their profession, but they had even mingled in quite well. Once each person announced the script that they’d written, the bullet screen all said they knew of it, and quite a few of them were well-known and quite famous. Just that in the past, everyone didn’t pay attention to the screenwriter, at most they only knew the director and the actors.

In the video, everyone introduced themselves as well as their achievements.

Sun Kaizi also finished an entire piece of steak as well as half a serving of spaghetti that Jiang Qiqi gave him, and finally felt alive again. He comfortably lay paralyzed against the chair as he rubbed his tummy while looking at Ruan Song: “How about it, you still think it was all ‘blind luck’?”

Ruan Song lived for so long, and rarely ever felt as speechless as he was now.

“Me, in addition to them, add up to 27 people, and I believe there are others that I can’t get in contact with. There are so many of us, and for so many years, we’ve all remembered that a stranger helped us in our time of need on a forum, guiding us on our way. Ge, tell me, are you going to drink this cup of wine or not.” Sun Kaizi urged the other to drink, as if he was reasonable and justified.

Ruan Song willingly accepted this on the spot and allowed Ren Qinming to pour him some wine.

It was bright and early in the morning, in addition to Ruan Song and Sun Kaizi, a total of 28 people, were all simply crazy, clinking glasses with each other from across the screen.

Ruan Song stared at the living person in each of the little squares on the phone screen, and it was as if his heart were like a sponge. It was unknown as to what it absorbed, but it felt as if it was about to explode. It swelled up with a sense of soreness and he wanted to say something but also couldn’t seem to open his mouth.

It seems that ever since he graduated from his master’s program, he never directly faced the existence he had as ‘Ruan Song’. He had always hidden behind a multitude of pen names, and if it was necessary to show his face to work, he had always given the job to Chen Yan.

This was also one of the many reasons why Chen Yan had always liked to take care of him in life, after all he has always gained work in this way.

Finally, Ren Qinming had unknowingly poured him a glass of wine, taking the initiative to embrace Ruan Song’s shoulders, forcing his way into the camera: “I’ll first drink three glasses to salute you. One, is to thank you for still remembering my ge, the second, is to thank you for insisting on finding my ge, and third, is to thank you for finally really being able to find him.”

After Ren Qinming said this, he poured a cup into his stomach, straightforwardly and nimbly.

Although he didn’t know what happened to Ruan Song in the past for now, he only felt that this was the time that Ruan Song needed these 27 people to appear.

He was wholeheartedly expressing his gratitude.

Ruan Song, whose shoulders were kneaded, lowered his head to massage his temples for a long while, ultimately didn’t say anything else, just lifted the wine glass his hand as he faced the video call and replied with a brief: “If you’re free let’s meet up, I’ll treat you.”

After everyone all found something to tap their glasses against, the crisp ‘ding-ding’ sound of glasses clinking against an object reverberated through the video.

The bullet screen completely collapsed in tears, as if they had just finished watching a bitter, year-end drama.

[I also don’t know why I’m crying, but I really am crying, wuwuwuwuwu]

The camera shifted, and Ruan Song directly showed his QR code in the video call, and all 27 of them scanned the code one after another.

Until the end of the video call, everyone was still talking about this story, and it even went onto the trending search.

Only Ruan Song silently pulled out his phone to send Gu Yuzhou a message.

[Even if you have money, I won’t marry you-Song: Has Fang Wei made any moves?]

Yesterday night, before Ren Qinming sent a message ‘requesting a leave of absence’, he had already revealed everything and made things clear to Gu Yuzhou on the balcony in his room.

Now, Gu Yuzhou replied very quickly.

[Gu: Yeah, but he didn’t make the first move, it was Yuan Yinhai]

Ruan Song’s fingers paused.

[Even if you have money, I won’t marry you-Song: The person with the ID ‘Anonymous’ that posted on Weibo was also Yuan Yinhai, not Fang Wei?]

[Gu: Yes, I verified the IP address. I’ve already found a lawyer to sort out the evidence that you didn’t plagiarize, as well as the evidence of Yuan Yinhai’s academic plagiarism. Also, because Sun Kaizi went to film the variety show this morning to look for you, I was just able to contact a crucial witness that was previously unwilling to testify]

Ruan Song was somewhat moved.

[Even if you have money, I won’t marry you-Song: A student that Yuan Yinhai is controlling now?]

[Gu: Yes]

[Gu: But her condition for testifying is that she first wants to meet with you one on one, the faster, the better, and is a very cautious young girl]

If you weren’t completely sure, you couldn’t rashly tear your face with Yuan Yinhai.

Ruan Song completely understood this young girl’s thoughts, so much so that her relenting to testify was already an enormous and unexpected joy.

They came from the dregs of society, and everything they were able to bring together was extremely precious.

Ruan Song was too aware of this kind of path with no way out, a situation where one had nothing else to lose, just like when he was first controlled by Yuan Yinhai and unable to say anything.

[Even if you have money, I won’t marry you-Song: She can decide the time and place. I can ask the program team for leave to cooperate with her at any time. Ease all her psychological burdens and agree to all her requests]

[Gu: Okay, I’ll notify you when she comes to a decision. I’ll also use Fang Wei as much as possible to hold Yuan Yinhai off]

At this point, Ruan Song hesitated as he stared at the screen, and ultimately typed out two words.

[Even if you have money, I won’t marry you-Song: Thank you]

Gu Yuzhou was just in the midst of a large meeting at work, and while listening to the financial situation of a worker from a lower department, he suddenly laughed.

Shocking that worker, who believed they had misspoken.

Ruan Song received a message.

[Gu: It’s fine if you also treat me to a meal]

Ruan Song was just about to move his hands to reply.

When a certain dog’s nose that was extremely agile had carelessly cast a glance at the content on the screen, and resentfully asked: “Who is it, they’re even asking you to treat them to a meal.”

At that time, several cameras were still looking at them.

After Ruan Song faced him for two seconds, he suddenly turned around to kiss the other on the left side of his face.

Ren Qinming, who mounted a sneak attack several times, but received Ruan Song’s attack for the very first time, was immediately stunned. His face had ‘dumbfounded’ written all over it, and looked exactly like a male high school student who just had their first awakening in love.

In front of the eyes of thousands of people in the live broadcast, he picked up his phone while raising his eyebrows then asked: “Can I treat others to a meal now?”

His posture was as if he would only reply to others if Ren Qinming agreed.

Ren Qinming looked as if his soul had flown away, and it was likely that at this time, he would obediently listen to whatever Ruan Song asked of him: “……Go ahead.”

So Ruan Song moved a step closer, placing his phone under the other’s eyes, typing one word at a time, ‘My partner says it’s fine’, then asked again: “Then I’ll text them back?”

The bullet screen was all shouting to have Ren Qinming make the most of it and type in a few extra words.

But Ren Qinming’s brain still didn’t move, letting go of an advantageous opportunity and immediately giving the other the green light: “……Go ahead.”

Ruan Song couldn’t help laughing at his dazed appearance, and calmly pressed the ‘send’ button while saying: “You’re really stupid, you don’t even know to ask me for another kiss.”

The bullet screen no longer followed any order, immediately filling the screen with ‘Ahhhhh’.

[Teacher Ruan, I’m not stupid!! If my ge can’t, then let me do it!!!]

[This show should just directly change their name to ‘The Mud Dog’s Blissful Life’, goodbye.jpg]


The author has something to say:

Bullet screen: No one has any issues if I say Ren Qinming is a useless person, right? (hands on my waist


TN: apologies for the absurdly long wait ( ・ᴗ・̥̥̥ ), the chapters for this novel just keep getting longer and longer lol

1. A more correct translation of ‘evil’ would be ‘unhealthy influence that causes disease’. JZ is talking about the closed training camp that SKZ went to.

2. This is the lit. translation of the slang SKZ used when he described himself as ‘humorous’. For those who are curious, the slang term is 油麦

3. A phrase meant to describe a relationship in which two people in love adore each other and try to get close to each other.

4. Originally written in English. Meant to be a romanization of the Korean word ‘우리’ which means ‘our’, hence in this context, it means ‘our teacher Ruan’

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