I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover

Chapter 29: CH 29.1

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17-21 minutes 23.07.2022

A miracle called ‘Ruan Song’

After ‘The Alliance of Those who Benefited From Ruan Song in the Forum’, [‘The Mud Dog’s Blissful Life’] also entered the hot search.

Ruan Song and Ren Qinming’s CP support group collated a second gif set in this hot search tag.

It was just that a 3×3 grid simply couldn’t contain it all, and it was immediately added on to the upper bound of the Weibo post.

‘The Mud Dog’s Blissful Life’ be like1:

1. Ruan Song reached out to grab Ren Qinming’s head saying ‘Why are you so stubborn’, Ren Qinming unwillingly furrowed his brows: ‘I just don’t want to cook for other people to eat.’

2. Ruan Song supported his head with his palm ‘If you want to be happy, just be happy. You can cook for me everyday, and I’ll have you serve me everyday’, Ren Qinming couldn’t help but smile: ‘You were the one who said ‘later’ and ‘everyday’. You can’t take it back.’

3. Ren Qinming was unhappy ‘……You’re saying that just for show’, while raising his eyebrows, Ruan Song had a smile that was also not like a smile: ‘Even if I’m just saying it for show, shouldn’t you take the bait?’

4. Jiang Qiqi ‘Song ge and Qinming ge can shower together!’, Ruan Song: “No way. Does no one think that if he showers with me, we’ll use even more time and water?’

5. Ren Qinming was aggrieved: “Do I not look good wearing a bathrobe?’, Ruan Song: ‘This is nothing.’

6. Wan Qingyue ‘If you haven’t misunderstood the situation, why are you still angry with me!’, Ren Qinming: ‘Can’t I be angry at myself for leaving Ruan Song alone at home?’

7. Ruan Song grabbed the other’s ear: ‘When you soften, hurry and get off me.’

8. Ruan Song had a nightmare and was startled awake, Ren Qinming opened the door to the balcony: ‘……Song ge?’

9. Ruan Song: ‘Stupid dog.’

10. Ruan Song replied to a message: ‘You’re really stupid, you don’t even know to ask me for another kiss.’


Amongst this was also screenshots of Ruan Song wearing the high-waisted open frame jeans, as well as a video of the pair’s fight on the bed. The entire internet feverishly read it and passed it on.

Everyone nearly went crazy shipping them.

[Truly too unreasonable. I’m a mother of two children but I actually watch them and ship them until 3 in the morning, cupping my fist.jpg]

[I confess, I have a store on XBao2, and I’ve completely sold out of the few pairs of open frame jeans in my store. In the future, teacher Ruan should not be afraid to change professions should he not make money as a screenwriter, the product promotions career welcomes you, applause.jpg]

[Ren Qinming in movies is a heavy attacker, but the Ren Qinming in front of Ruan Song is unsophisticated and foolish]

[I’m truly, deeply moved. There probably isn’t anything happier than falling into a confused bottleneck in life and suddenly encountering the guidance of a noble man]

[Actually, I’ve wanted to ask this long ago, recently the temperature has dropped but Ren Qinming insists on wearing a bathrobe to sleep. Isn’t it cold?]

In just a few days after the launch of ‘19 Days of Cohabitation’, Ruan Song has become a master in the hot search, and every move he made became a hot topic, completely debunking everyone’s previous speculation that he wanted to rely on Ren Qinming’s popularity to start his career.

His popularity is equal to that of Ren Qinming, and many people begged Ruan Song to quickly open a Weibo account.

He was so popular that whether intentionally or otherwise, Yuan Yinhai would hear the children in his class discuss him before and after his lessons.

After all, University A was Ruan Song’s alma mater, and script writing was Ruan Song’s original major.

After Sun Kaizi and Jiang Zhi exposed it all in detail in the last episode, recently, regardless if it was a colleague or a friend, many would find Yuan Yinhai to ask around.

So much so that a few courageous students would also take the initiative to crowd around in front of him after class to ask: “Dean Yuan, Dean Yuan! Is senior brother Ruan Song really your most favored pupil? How come I’ve never heard you mention him before!”

Yuan Yinhai would usually just laugh, impartially joking: “Aren’t you all my most favored students? I’ve mentored so many students, if I show off each and every one of you, wouldn’t I have to choose a time and make a schedule?”

The students asked again: “Then do you know his pen name?”

“Ever since he started writing in college, he’s never used his personal name to sign. After he wrote two scripts, he’d change to a new name. It’s estimated that no one but him knows.” With regards to these questions, Yuan Yinhai avoided the important details while dwelling on the trivial ones, and answered cleverly.

But a student asked once again: “Don’t we all have to be art students to be in this major? Senior brother Ruan Song’s recommendation for college and gaokao should have been as a literature or science student. How could he have run over to our major?”

Yuan Yinhai’s hand that had been tidying up his teaching materials, writing utensils, and laptop paused for a moment. He pushed the glasses up the bridge of his nose as his smile grew bigger. He reached a finger out to stroke the side of his lip as he vaguely replied: “Generally speaking, it really isn’t in compliance with the rules. But his grades were good, his ability in this major was excellent, and he was willing to transfer to our major. I just helped him out a little.”

Once the students in the class heard this, they immediately ‘oh!’ed one after another, their gazes as they looked at each other had ‘I understand, I understand’ written all over it.

Clearly, Yuan Yinhai didn’t say anything, but Ruan Song accepted the other’s affection and took the back door3 as a special case, but Yuan Yinhai was inexplicably honest about it.

Only one female student with pigtails who silently sat in a corner of the last row knew, Yuan Yinhai did it deliberately. But instead, she didn’t even dare lift her head, as if afraid that if she made eye contact with him, she would once again be called to his office.

But things always turn out contrary to one’s wishes.

Although they didn’t make eye contact this time, Yuan Yinhai still called her: “Xiaoxiao, come with me for a bit.”

The noise in the classroom immediately grew silent, and everyone raised their head to watch as Yuan Yinhai exited the classroom first, followed by Feng Xiao who buried her head and stuffed everything on and under her desk into a one shoulder, cloth backpack.

Without even waiting for her to completely leave, everyone began their discussion.

“How can Dean Yuan be so partial, he’s probably giving her preferential treatment again.”

“That’s because Xiaoxiao’s amazing in our major. If you were amazing, you would also be called to go.”

“Bullshit. If I were called to the office to take on some freelance work and be given preferential treatment, I’d also be amazing.”

“I just don’t understand why it has to be Feng Xiao. Originally, there was no big difference between us all, how could Feng Xiao suddenly enter the dean’s eyes and become a special case.”

“The most important thing is that she looks docile but she also doesn’t look like the type who would offer herself up to someone.”

“Fuck, hahahaha, that’s too excessive. Dean Yuan is already so old, even if she did offer herself, she probably wouldn’t be successful.”

“You guys are just speaking groundlessly. I just feel that Dean Yuan probably believes in the idea that a poor and humble family gives birth to noble children. Haven’t you discovered that the other senior brothers and sisters in his studio are all the same type as Feng Xiao?”

“What type? A welfare family?”

“They’re not entirely a welfare family, but their family conditions are more ordinary. ​​I can’t blame the dean even if I wanted to. He’s kind hearted and good, he probably just wants to help them.”

“He even solved senior brother Ruan Song’s unruly transfer to our major. What’s so big about giving someone preferential treatment? After all, when all is said and done, you still have to be liked by the dean.”

You are reading story I Became Popular After Participating on a Dating Show with my Ex-Lover at novel35.com


In the past two years since Feng Xiao entered the drama writing major at A University, ever since the first time Yuan Yinhai had called her out to come out to his office alone, she had always heard these kinds of words, and had long been numb to it.

The difference was only that in the past, everyone muttered this, and at the very least, would say this behind her back where she wouldn’t be able to hear it. But now, they slowly discovered that she had no reaction even if she heard it, and now became even more unrestrained.

When a student is not sociable or talkative, doesn’t fit in well with the larger group, and is treated differently by a powerful and resource-based teacher, emotional abuse and exclusion is almost inevitable, whether intentional or not by one’s classmates and peers.

Feng Xiao knew Yuan Yinhai chose her based upon this point.

She even guessed that his was the reason why no one came out to reveal Ruan Song’s information online. During Ruan Song’s study at A University, no one really knew him, so naturally, no one would come out to reveal it.

She arrived at the administrative floor.

Once the other teachers saw her following behind Yuan Yinhai, they each greeted her warmly, jokingly saying that the dean found a good assistant this time, who would come to write a script and work overtime every three or four days.

Feng Xiao also knew that the other teachers just wanted to flatter Yuan Yinhai. In actuality, they didn’t care about her, and instead, they avoided their gazes and simply gave up on her.

Yuan Yinhai brought her into the spacious dean’s office. With no additional instructions, Feng Xiao had already closed the door conscientiously.

Yuan Yinhai cut to the chase. With a ‘smack’, he threw down the thick textbooks onto the office desk, pushed aside the chair, sat down, then said: “I took the scripts of the most recent episodes for the TV drama to the production company, and they were all very dissatisfied. They said you haven’t captured the interesting aspects from the synopsis in your writing. Can you explain what’s been the matter with you recently? Are you in a bad mood, or have you encountered some kind of difficulty?”

Feng Xiao lowered her head and stood in front of Yuan Yinhai’s office desk, simply tightly grasping the strap of her backpack, not saying a word.

“Raise your head Xiaoxiao. Haven’t I said that when I’m speaking to you, it’s best that you look me in the eyes?” Yuan Yinhai leaned against the back of his chair, his tone of voice as gentle as before, as if he was still the amiable person he was in front of outsiders.

But Feng Xiao didn’t feel comforted at all. Instead, she tugged at the strap of her bag, her fingers digging in even tighter.

As expected, in the next second, Yuan Yinhai spoke in a violent whirlwind. He suddenly raised his voice, throwing a folder next to his hand onto the ground: “Can’t you hear me talking to you! I asked you why you dare not look me in the eyes! What’s wrong with you recently! The production company has been dissatisfied, and this has made me lose face! Don’t you know you wrote the script in my name!”

The perfect soundproofing completely isolated Yuan Yinhai’s thunderous roar to his office.

Feng Xiao required all her self-control to ensure that her own voice didn’t tremble: “Sorry……”

Yuan Yinhai was still furious: “Is it useful to just be sorry! Can’t you write something worthy of my signature?”

But after he bellowed with rage, Yuan Yinhai quickly returned to calm in a complete contrast to his previous bout of hysteria. He considerately stood up from the office chair and walked towards Feng Xiao, placing a hand onto her shoulder: “I wasn’t holding you accountable just now, but hoping to find a solution to the problem. You have to tell me what’s been on your mind to have made you lose your focus. That way I can help you solve it, hm?”

Feng Xiao could only lower her head further.

Yuan Yinhai’s completely different tone of voice and switching back and forth in attitude had haunted her in nightmares for countless nights: “I will rewrite it. I haven’t had any problems, just that I’ve been sleeping late recently. I will edit it until you are satisfied……”

But it was as if Yuan Yinhai hadn’t heard her. His eyes fixedly staring at her through a pair of glasses: “It’s enough that I have already been unhappy because of Ruan Song recently. Xiaoxiao, you can’t learn from him. Haven’t we cooperated well together in the past? Regardless of how much your mother owed, or what kind of trouble your father has caused, haven’t I helped you with it all? Also your department scholarship, major scholarship, school scholarship, and even your future recommendation for postgraduate studies.”

“You ought to know what kind of family background your classmates have. More than one or two of them want to stuff money into my hands to obtain this recommendation, but I gave my quota to you. It can’t be that you don’t know how partial and rewarding this is, hm?”

Yuan Yinhai was just like a prejudiced lunatic. He stared at Feng Xiao and questioned her one after another as if brainwashing her, nearly tormenting her into crying.

It was already evident that Feng Xiao wouldn’t be able to explain herself today. Despite his determined attitude that she wouldn’t be allowed to leave the office, after Feng Xiao simply nodded her head and cried, he immediately good-naturedly let her go, then returned to his office chair, sat down, and comforted her: “Okay, it’s normal to have pressure, after all, it’s the most capable who do the most work4. I also won’t have you stay in the office to write today. You go back first and rest well, clear your head, then you can come back tomorrow to me and we can write it together.”

At that moment, Feng Xiao already couldn’t say a single coherent sentence, simply covering her head as she walked out of the office.

This time, she finally didn’t continue to hesitate. She avoided all her classmates and teachers, immediately heading towards the small road that led to the back entrance to the school.

Then, almost out of habit, she tightly gripped her backpack and turned her head. Sure enough, she met the eyes of Yuan Yinhai, who stood at the window of his office with his hands behind his back, looking down at her.

​Although this scene occurred countless times in the past, Feng Xiao still crumbled apart and her tears immediately poured out of her eyes. Once she exited campus, she ensured that no one followed behind her, then immediately pulled out her phone to call someone.

Several minutes later, Ruan Song, who felt embarrassed as he participated in a group building activity of making sushi, received a WeChat message from Gu Yuzhou.

[Gu: Feng Xiao called me and said she wants to meet you immediately]

[Gu: Also, she was crying terribly]

[Even if you have money, I won’t marry you-Song: Did she say where to meet?]

Gu Yuzhou sent Ruan Song the address.

[Gu: I think she’s in a poor state of mind. I’ll directly drive over to pick her up and bring her to my home. You should check to see if it’s convenient for you to request a leave of absence from the program team]

Ruan Song raised his eyebrow slightly.

[Even if you have money, I won’t marry you-Song: You’re just directly taking her to your house? I know you’re enthusiastic, but I really never would have expected you to be this enthusiastic]

Gu Yuzhou sent him a period, then began to urge him.

[Gu: She keeps crying, my assistant and I can’t console her, you should hurry]

In fact, Gu Yuzhou didn’t plan to fight such a big battle.

He first told assistant Li to pick her up, but the other simply couldn’t ‘pick her up’ at all. The little girl was unwilling to enter assistant Li’s car, saying that she wouldn’t enter the car unless Gu Yuzhou or Ruan Song were there. Her panic and treatment of everyone as an enemy was written all over her face.

Gu Yuzhou had no choice but to personally drive over.

He originally planned to casually open a private room as a meeting place, but watching the young lady in the back seat of his car crying and nearly gasping for air, it was evident that he would receive extra looks no matter where he went. Ultimately, after much deliberation, he could only bring her back to his home.

As soon as the car stopped in the parking lot, an elevator that led directly to the residence building was right in front of them.

Along the way, aside from him and assistant Li, no other person had a chance to know about her whereabouts.


TN: the face slap is coming! this is just the first half of c29, thought I’d break it up in an attempt to speed up releases

1. ‘be like’ originally written in English

2. Taobao

3. Taking the back door is an expression meaning to secure advantages through pull or influence, aka nepotism.

4. Something interesting about this idiom is it is often intended as consolation for the overworked, or flattery when making a request.

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