I Can Upgrade Everything

Chapter 695: 678: return

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Chapter 678

Those who had been watching the other forces on the battlefield were so scared that their hearts were about to split, and when they saw that Xiuyu had left his men and fled, they also dispersed.

Qin Yi's eyes slanted, and his whole body burst into a desperate and terrifying aura.

The terrible murderous opportunity swept everyone away.

In the void, the icy killing intent made everyone tremble and panicked.

At this moment, they all seemed to be completely awakened by a basin of cold water.


Run away!

Everyone rushed forward desperately, using the strength of the milk, but felt that the **** of death was approaching them step by step, but they had nowhere to escape!

The cold murderous intent lingers in their hearts!



Qin Yi walked around the courtyard, stepped out of the space, and came to a middle-aged man who was panicking and cut it off.

Head fractured.

Blood spurted out.

Putting the corpse away, Qin Yi didn't change his face, and proceeded to the next person.

He wandered through the universe, killing one person in one step, calmly and unhurriedly, and the sound of a clear sword from the killing of gods resounded through the universe.

He didn't go after Xiuyu.

A bereaved dog had already been scared and guilty, so he could only run away with his tail clipped, no need to worry about it.

When he pulls out his hand, he will definitely find him!

Going to Qiongbi and dropping to Huangquan, he can't live!

When you find him, it's when someone else's head falls to the ground!

Qin Yi's speed is extremely fast, at least one person, as many as dozens of hundreds of people, under his sword, no one can live!

He never let go of those skeletons!

As for those dwarf monsters, they had wings on their backs, and they ran fast. He only killed a few of them, and most of them were slipped away.

There are too many people to kill him!

Behind Qin Yi, the people in the Crimson God Realm had already collapsed, all sweating like a stream of water, and their bodies were limp.

When there was no crisis, they also breathed a sigh of relief, and the string that had been tense in their minds loosened, and the people also loosened.

Many people hadn't felt that this slackness caused the whole person to hurt everywhere, and they didn't even notice that they were injured. At this moment, they were busy taking pills to heal their injuries.

Qin Yi has been chasing for two hours!

With a million miles around the Crimson God Realm, he came and went freely, and at this moment, there was no living thing besides his own!

His storage ring was also filled with corpses and other loot.

Two hours ago, the place was still full of smoke, shouting and killing, but at the moment it was empty and silent.

Only a huge overturned giant ship, and a dark and ferocious planet, showed that the previous fierce battle was not vain.

"it's over!"

Qin Yi shook the blade of the sword and drank blood, and a strange red light appeared in the killing of God, and he sighed, looking lonely.

In this battle, he killed at least five or six thousand people.

Those skeletons don't count!

If you count the skeletons, there are at least tens of thousands!

"I hope that after this battle, the Crimson God Realm can usher in peace!"

He has bright eyes, looking at the crimson planet ahead.

Those people are standing quietly in front of the crack, waiting for themselves.

He smiled.

"never mind!"

"it is good!"

"we won!"

"The Terran triumphed!"

"Human race will win!"

"Qin Yi will win!"

People were excited and drank one after another to vent their excitement.

"Let's go back!"

Qin Yi said softly.

"They won't... come back again?" Someone suddenly thought of something and asked in a low voice.

Qin Yi smiled and shook his head.

"Don't be afraid of coming back, I am here!"


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Cheng Wang slammed his fist toward the sky, laughing wildly and shouting.

Others followed his example, stretched out their fists, and shouted, "Invincible!"


Qin Yi smiled brightly, glanced at everyone, nothing was wrong, even the most injured, the one with a broken arm and a broken leg, was gradually recovering under his pill.

The group turned and headed back towards the crack.

However, Qin Yi did not move.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Yuan was right next to Qin Yi. Seeing that Qin Yi had no intention of leaving, he couldn't help asking.

When the others heard the sound, they immediately turned to look at Qin Yi.

"You go first. There is nothing left waiting for me to clean up! This is my spoils. It's not safe to put it here. Don't let others take it away!"

Qin Yi answered with a smile.


Qin Yuan was shocked, then nodded.

The others were persuaded by Qin Yi to leave. Mu Xiaoning wanted to come over and talk to him with tears in her eyes. Qin Yi spoke to her, and she burst into laughter, pulling Jin Mingyue whose expression had changed slightly and left.

When everyone left, Qin Yi softened and sat down, lying horizontally in the void.

He is too tired.

I have been fighting for so long, and they are all thrilling and abnormal. I don't know how much blood has flowed, but I get up again and again to continue fighting.

He doesn't think he is great.

He is very selfish.

He just wants to protect what he cares about, the people he cares about.

Someone wants to destroy his simple wish, he naturally does not allow it, and must rise up to resist!

Qin Yi's head rested on the galaxy, looking at the universe.

The slowly moving starry sky was quiet and mysterious in his eyes, unchanging forever.

What has changed is always human.

He seems to have forgotten the time, just lying here quietly, thinking of nothing, doing nothing, just lying down, lying relaxed.

Time, in his eyes, is the manifestation of the passing of the nebula.

I don't know when or what year.

No matter how beautiful the starry sky is, he still feels a little bored after watching it for a long time.

"I am just a mortal after all!"

He laughed mockingly and stood up.

Between steps, he came to the dark planet that was quietly hanging not far away.

This is the planet of golden bones.

He also snatched it as his lair.

Stepping onto the ground of this planet, Qin Yi stomped his feet vigorously, the ground cracked and the mountain collapsed.

He bent over and stretched out his hand to touch the surface of the planet, and then slowly straightened his waist~www.novel35.com~ Time seemed to accelerate on the planet, decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The rocks became powder, peeled off the planet, fell off, and then disappeared into the dark universe.

An irregular pitted elliptical gray sphere underneath was exposed.

This ball is very similar to a rock.

Qin Yi knew that this thing was a star core.

He picked it up, took a few glances, and put it into his body.

His world beads and the small universe sacrifices are together, and the small universe merges with his own body sacrifices, so he is now a universe!

There are thousands of stars in the body, circulate!

And he can continue to increase the number of stars and enhance his strength!

The more stars there are, the higher his strength will increase!

There seems to be no end!

In this battle, he harvested tens of thousands of Chaos Realm World Beads!

Glancing at the Crimson God Realm on his back, Qin Yi pondered for a moment, came to the front of the huge ship, reached out his hand to support the bottom of the ship, and exerted a little force.

This huge ship was easily pulled back to normal, and after shaking it twice, it hung firmly in the air.

Qin Yi grasped the ship's side and lifted the ship to the crack in the Crimson God Realm, as if pulling a feather, as light as nothing.

After placing the ship in the crack and setting up a formation, he sat cross-legged on the side of the ship and closed his eyes.


A ray of light erupted from his body, spreading from his skin through countless hairs.

The light slowly enveloped him like water, forming a faint cocoon of light, and the whole person was in this dim cocoon, motionless.

Time flies like a white horse.

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