I Can Upgrade Everything

Chapter 696: 679: Tonight, not drunk or return! end

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There is a dead silence in the extraterritorial space.

Outside the Crimson God Realm, it was empty, within millions of miles, barren and desolate.

Starlight shines eternally on the dark void,

I don't know how long it took, the figure shrouded in the light cocoon moved a bit, and then countless cracks appeared in the entire huge light cocoon.


Light Cocoon trembled, and soon fragments fell, revealing Qin Yi inside.

He opened his eyes, as if the entire galaxy was hidden.

"As time speeds up, it takes me nearly 30 years. The breakthrough is too slow!"

Qin Yi shook his head, his face sighed.

In the time array, it is 30 years, and in the outside world, it is almost a month and a half.

After spending so much time, it is natural to gain something.

His cultivation has successfully broken through to the peak of Chaos Realm!

Just one step away, it's transcendence!

Since then, it will be above the entire universe!

Even now, he dare not say that he is invincible, but at least he can easily deal with two or three transcendence!

Like Xiuyu and Golden Bone, one shot may not kill, then two, three!

He felt the majestic to infinite vitality in his body, and the surging power made him full of confidence.

With the sun and the moon, live with the universe!

"The strength has been broken, and the weapons have to keep up, so as not to be broken again!"

Qin Yi suddenly remembered something and took out God Killing.

Speaking of it, when killing the gods and the golden bone monuments, although they were not inferior, he could clearly feel that it was light!

Too light!

The inability to fully display his strength has limited his output!

With Killing God in his hand, he could feel the vibration of the blade.

"Don't worry, I'll upgrade and transform you, good thing!"

He smiled, and then took out what he had gotten from the dark planet.

Star core.

This thing is extremely heavy, but it feels very handy when he holds it. If it merges with God Killing, it should be very good!

"I don't know what material the sky stele is made of. It's very hard. After cutting it so many times, there is nothing wrong with it. It can be melted!"

Qin Yi took out the golden weapon again and put the three things together.

"The refining furnace is almost!"

Taking out his refining furnace, he was a little dissatisfied.

This thing can't keep up with my own needs.

His gaze was placed on the giant ship below him.

"Although I have absorbed the dark energy points contained in it, the material has not been reduced in the slightest, and it is more than enough to make a refining furnace!"

Qin Yi nodded.

He packed up his things and looked far away.

A small dead planet appeared in his eyes.

That planet is almost five million miles away from the Crimson God Realm.

He flashed and took the giant ship directly through the void. It was millions of miles. Once again, he stepped on the dead planet full of rocks and dust with extremely low temperature.

This is a lifeless planet.

He is going to use this planet as part of the refining furnace.

Some artifacts often require countless smelting of their materials, repeated folding and forging, in order to be called the embryo of a weapon in the best state.

And a heavy planet can take on such an important task well.

Be the hammer!

Qin Yi stomped his feet vigorously, and the planet shook abruptly. The rocks rolled down and the ground cracked, but there were no large-scale cracks.

He was quite satisfied.

With a wave of his arm, countless talismans appeared in the sky, covering the entire planet.


With a soft drink, as he said, the countless talismans on the planet ignited spontaneously, and the violent flame enveloped the entire gray-black planet!


As his voice fell, everything on this planet burned violently, gradually turning into a mass of fiery high-temperature liquid, boiling hot and boiling.

Gradually, the planet was gradually shrinking, slowly turning into a cylindrical object, still constantly changing, from a cylindrical shape to an octagonal prism, and a long round handle appeared in the middle.

Qin Yi's huge spiritual power spread, enveloping the entire planet, and with his ubiquitous power, on this planet that has gradually transformed into a hammer, he portrayed the most advanced formations.

His Three Thousand Avenue is also imprinted on it.

Mountains, rivers, birds, beasts, insects and fish, trees and flowers, earth and sky, sea and land were all engraved by Qin Yi in a special way on the eight slightly rough surfaces of the hammer.


He pierced the belly of his thumb with the tip of the Divine Killing Sword, forced out the blood in his body with his vitality, and suddenly spewed a line of bright red blood, which fell on the huge hammer.


The blood was evaporated by the high temperature, but a strange red thread was left behind, slowly sinking into the hammer, entwining it heavily, and finally disappearing on the hammer head.

Waiting for the flame on the talisman to gradually diminish, and the process of refining the hammer is at the end.

Before he waited for the temperature on the hammer to decrease, he grabbed the handle of the hammer that he had reduced to the size of an ordinary hammer.



He felt the change of the hammer.

The dull sound was like a heartbeat.


He felt that he could kill anyone with this hammer!

But unfortunately, he still prefers to use a knife.

It's too cruel to hit someone with a hammer!

With the hammer, the progress of the refining furnace behind him has also been much faster.

He used the same method to smelt the huge ship that was as big as a planet, and then folded and forged tens of thousands of times with a hammer that grew to the size of a planet, and finally cast a circle as large as half a moon. stove.

He didn't have time to sculpt this kind of behemoth carefully. He could only keep everything simple and knock out a stove that was barely round. Anyway, there was no lack of functionality, which was not beautiful enough.

With the refining furnace and the hammer, God-killing is naturally inevitably thrown into the furnace that has just been formed.

The star core was also thrown in by Qin Yi, and the sky stele followed closely behind.

Afraid of delaying too much time, Qin Yi simply arranged a huge time formation.

Three months later!

He just came out of the formation.

In the formation, he stayed for 50 years!

The one held in the hand has doubled its thickness, increased its length by more than a foot, and increased its width by a finger.

The whole body has become fatter.

But the same slender, with the ultimate beauty.

The most violent weapons are often equally the most attractive.

Such as Dongfeng.

After such a long period of uninterrupted refining and ironing, Qin Yi was also perfectly familiar with his own power.

"I don't know, that little dwarf, Lin Yu, is still alive now!"

The corners of his mouth curled up and a small smile appeared.

"It's time to collect it!"

He said softly, there was a sudden ripple in the universe.

Qin Yi looked at Crimson God Realm.

His figure flashed, he placed countless talismans and formation flags around the Crimson God Realm, and a burst of light flashed, and the Crimson God Realm seemed to be illusory in his eyes.

As soon as his body moved, he disappeared here, leaving only the space cracks that slowly closed.


As early as a few months ago, as the news of the Crimson God Realm spread throughout the universe, and there were detached trips like Jin Bone and Xiong Yu, people have been paying attention to the news here.

They were waiting for how much news about the treasures they got after they were raided.

Every time such a new world is discovered, this kind of news is always the most popular.

Many people themselves have no chance to cross the universe to grab the treasures of the new world, so they are keen to get their distorted pleasure from the news.

However, what shocked them was that this time, the two great transcendence shots were defeated!

Among them, the lord of the dark legion, Golden Bone Supreme, died tragically there and was beheaded!

Xingyu Supreme abandons his subordinates and flees in a hurry!

Countless people from other forces or lone rangers were killed by others, and those who were lucky enough to survive, not one out of ten!

It can be called a mortar!

According to those who fled back, in this battle, the corpses were everywhere, blood flowed into rivers, and the entire starry sky was dyed red!

Someone asked, who did it, who was able to win the two great transcendences and kill one of them!

Those who fled back did not change their color, their faces panicked, and they could not stop fear and panic.

In this battle, many people's hearts have been beaten, and they have since become useless!

This instead makes more people curious about this unknown powerhouse.

There are more people who have been to the Crimson God Realm and talked about this battle.

On this day, many people heard a loud roar.

"Xinyu, come out and die!"

"Suffer to death!"

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The voice reverberated, and the terrifying power contained in it did not affect the ordinary people at all. Even the cultivator just felt a palpitation, but it had no effect.

But those who transcended the state felt the ultimate death threat.

Someone couldn't help but jump out.

"Friends of Daoist, you are looking for Xiu Yu, you just go to him, why come to my Ziwei Domain..."

"I don't know where he is. You are my first star field here. Maybe you know? Tell me the address and I won't bother you!" Qin Yi chuckled lightly.

"So courageous!"

The man's face was extremely ugly.

No one has ever dared to be so presumptuous in the Ziwei star field!

It's impossible to go beyond the realm, let alone a chaotic realm?

Qin Yi shook his head.

"Since those people came to my Crimson God Realm, they wanted to **** this planet that has nurtured countless people, and they didn't even look at the people there as adults. I have completely understood what the law of darkness is, the weak and the strong!"

He looked at the blue-faced middle-aged man and said word by word: "I'll ask you again, I'm looking for him, do you know the place? If you don't know, don't get in my way!"

"court death!"

The middle-aged man was completely angry.

Of course he knew who this young man was.

But it's just killing a golden bone, it really is the universe, is he in charge?

I don't know how high...


Qin Yi coldly watched the middle-aged man rush towards him.

Many people below looked up at the excitement, as if waiting for the middle-aged man to teach himself a lesson.

He shook his head.

"A good word is hard to persuade the **** ghost!"

Cut it down!

That vast unmatched power completely changed the color of the middle-aged man who had just come into contact with Qin Yi's blade.

One arm just fell off, and then turned into powder in midair.

"Teach you a little lesson. Although you are in my way, the crime is not dying! But I won't be so lucky next time. I'll give you another chance. Do you know where Xiu Yu is?"

The middle-aged man's face is pale.

Qin Yi just took the knife and cut it lightly. There is no mystery. It was such a simple knife that he couldn't stop it!

How strong is he?

"No, I don't know!" The middle-aged man panicked and shook his head quickly, "I don't know either!"

Qin Yi looked at him blankly.

He rolled down in a cold sweat, and hurriedly thought about it, searched his stomach, his eyes lit up suddenly: "I, I don't know about him, but I know someone, maybe I know about Xiuyu!"

Qin Yi nodded and looked at him.

The middle-aged man swallowed his saliva, without any transcendent majesty and tolerance, and said shiveringly: "Flying forward from here, 18 million miles away, there is a whole golden planet, where is the Golden Crow Star. In the domain, there is a Jinyu Supreme, who is said to be distant relatives with Xiongyu. I heard that they are illegitimate half-brothers. You can go there and ask!"

After that, he looked at Qin Yi carefully, mainly looking at the long knife in Qin Yi's hand. At this moment, the tip of the knife was facing him, making him very scared.

"Me, can I go now?"

Qin Yi glanced at him and stretched out his hand.

The middle-aged man was taken aback.

"Do, what?"


Qin Yi said lightly.

The middle-aged man was dumbfounded, looked at Qin Yi, and asked, "What compensation?"

"You shot me and caused unimaginable harm to me. Without compensation, do you still want to leave?"

The middle-aged man almost jumped up out of breath.

However, he glanced at the shimmering tip of the knife, as a human spirit who had lived for such a long time, he could only do it with his heart.

If he were a strong and unyielding person, he would have been reborn many times now, how could he live to become the supreme now?

"Yes, yes, it should be!" He laughed with him, taking out the storage ring with a painful expression, and wanted to find something in it for compensation.

Qin Yi took the storage ring away.

"This style is good, I took it away, you should have no opinion?"

He squinted the middle-aged man.

"No, no opinion! It's an honor for you to see this, you are free, as long as you like it!"

Qin Yi said indifferently: "You don't hold a grudge in your heart? Are you scolding me in your heart? You said I offended you so cruelly, do you want to kill the roots?"

"No, no! I don't!" The middle-aged man turned pale and hurriedly waved his hand to deny, "I absolutely don't, how could I think so! Don't get me wrong, I really don't!"

He denied it eagerly.

If he is misunderstood, he will really be killed!

He hasn't lived enough yet!

"Really?" Qin Yi squinted at him, "better not, otherwise..."

The middle-aged man couldn't stop swallowing. Before he heard the following, he suddenly found that Qin Yi was missing.

He didn't dare to relax at all, still standing respectfully in the sky, for fear that Qin Yi would kill the carbine.

After waiting for a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief and confirmed that the terrifying young man who made him feel that he could not stop the three tricks had really left.

"Mother, it's so scary! Is this really the Chaos Realm? How does it feel better than Transcendence! Is there a realm I don't know about Transcendence?"

He wetted his clothes in cold sweat, and staggered back to his residence.

Five days later, he heard a news that made him dumbfounded, and at the same time he was terrified, but also very grateful.

"Fortunately I was counseled, otherwise it would be cold!"

Qin Yi, single-handedly, single-handedly, single-handedly, with a knife, smashed through the entire Golden Crow Star Territory, and cut off the heads of Jin Yu Supreme and the other three Supremes who went there to drink, and got the news of Lin Yu from their mouths. , Galloping all the way, traversing most of the starry sky of the universe, from a desolate planet, pulling out Lin Yu, forcibly leaning on a pair of fists, beat it for a day and a night, and then punched it completely. , The blood mist formed a blood rain and landed on that deserted and silent planet.

Because of this blood rain, old trees on this planet sprouted and new life appeared.

Then perhaps it was to look at this planet pleasing to the eye, that Killing Star dragged a huge and incomparable planet all the way through the door of the star field where there was transcendence, even if it was a detour, it would deliberately pass, arrogant and arrogant.

However, at this time, no one dared to stroke the tiger's whiskers and jumped out to find death.

They all know that there has been a murderous **** in the universe, and he cannot afford to offend him!

After all, this is a prestigious name built with six transcendent blood!

The transcendence of the entire universe was killed by him alone for nearly a third!

Do this twice again, transcendence will die!

They haven't lived enough yet!

Can't afford it!

In just one month, the name and portrait of Qin Yi spread throughout the universe.

Don't mess with this person!

There are even people who use Qin Yi's portraits as door gods, which can scare away ghosts!

Three months later, Qin Yi made a circle in the entire universe and returned to the Crimson God Realm with the planet that had already been revitalized.

It was still quiet here, and the formation he arranged showed no signs of being aroused.

It seems very peaceful.

Put the planet he brought back ten thousand li in front of the Crimson God Realm as a boundary monument to remind others that this is already the border of the Crimson God Realm, and it stops!

"It's time to go back!"

He smiled, and then rushed into the crack in the Crimson God Realm.

There was also peace in Crimson God Realm at this time.

Those Orcs and Sea Races had long been beaten to the ground by the Heavenly Emperor of Human Race.

After all, they still have Guan Sheng in the Chaos Realm.

Qin Yi stood on the wind layer that was enough to destroy any Heavenly Emperor Realm, and looked down with a faint smile.

Master, other masters, masters, masters, masters, Qin Yuan, cousin, Hu Lai, Lao Mu, Jin Mingyue, Wangcai, Proud, Cheng Wang, Huo Yun Che, Bu Yunzhen, etc., calendar Changge, Fan Jiang, Wang Dahui, Chen Shiwan, and Lu Qingwei...

Many people he knew stood below, looking at Qin Yi with a smile.

"I am back!"

Qin Yi took a deep breath. The power of transcendence standing at the top of the food chain in the universe with the incomparable domineering abuse before disappeared, only the sunny, handsome, gentle and jade-like image of the young man.

"Just come back!"

My cousin's eyes were red.

Qin Yuan looked at his uncle, scratched his head and grinned.

Hu Lai narrowed his mouth and wanted to pounce on it, but he sensibly endured it.

Brother, back!

Wangcai barked at the side, grinning happily.

The master, master and wife, and several uncles also looked at Qin Yi with a smile.

Aoao curled his mouth, seemingly disdainful, but he was relieved in his heart, the corners of his mouth could not be restrained from rising. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Lao Mu and Jin Mingyue covered their mouths and smiled, but the crystals in their eyes rolled uncontrollably.

"Welcome back!"

The others also smiled and said, "Welcome back!"

Qin Yi laughed happily, raised his hands and embraced the whole world.

"From now on, Crimson God Realm, we have the final say, Human Race has the final say!"

His voice spread throughout the Crimson God Realm, and everyone, even the Orcs and Sea Races, heard this voice.

Terran froze for a moment, and suddenly cheered.

"Tonight, don't get drunk or return!"


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