I Cast Fist !!

Chapter 7: Fist 7

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I Cast Fist

Chapter 7

By: BigToFu


Sebastian Wild

Whistling to myself as I checked over and logged all of the loot my shadow clones picked up over the last few days. I couldn't help but chuckle as I looked up at a wall and watched the image of Klaue freak the fuck out over a clone pulling a Booty Warrior on him. Behind the image, a few shadow clones were still at it in the laboratory and I had to admit that their idea had merit and I wasn't going to stop them. Not with all of the interesting powers they were able to get samples of and bring back. Then again, maybe I should be a little worried since a throne room sprang up over the last few days along with what they had placed in the throne room. Talk about giving off Trazyn the infinite vibes and I refused to admit that lounging on a throne while overlooking copies of everything underneath my gaze wasnt amazing.

No way in hell was I going to admit that it was so fucking cool to have a miniature Wolverine copy fighting against a Sabertooth copy for my amusement. I made sure to crush the miniature copy of Xavier and Richards though, while also making sure the Kitty copy was fully under control. Hell, I even had a to-scale copy of Wakanda including the great mound that held all of the vibranium.

Damn shadow clones creating all these issues for me, but even though that was a pretty solid idea. It was their suggestion of creating Elasta-Girl that really got my attention and seal of approval. It also helped we got plenty of genetic material to work with when that damn kleptomaniac went about looting the current red room.

Now wasn't that a shit sandwich I did not want to feed Natasha. Even if she can't kill me it doesn't mean she isn't cataloging all the possibilities she would like to at least try out. Anyway, those thoughts aside, along with my crazy busted magic, I hit the teleport button for the reception area and allowed the system to teleport me down. Looking around the bowling alley finding things exactly how they should be, I pulled out my Avengers Card and gave Tony a call.

The card vibrated twice from where it was hovering before Tony answered the call. "Hey, Magic Man!"

"Sup, Tony," I answered smoothly. "Was calling to see if everyone had gathered at your place yet?"

Tony rolled his eyes, "Ohh yea, murder thighs, and Legolas just appeared out of nowhere a while ago and Capsicle is fighting with the tv remote."

"You mind opening a portal so I can come through?" I replied with a chuckle and noticed his eyes light up.

Tony did something on the other end of the video call as he flourished his Avengers card. Then I heard him intone with a grand voice, "Open sesame!"

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A portal connected to his Avenger's card opened with the video call being the connector allowing me to walk with a chuckle.

"Really Tony, Ali Baba, and the Forty Thieves?" I asked as I waited for him to close the portal. Before I could say anymore Happy showed carrying a big specialized tool case for Tony. I knew that from the red and gold all over the damn thing along with the Iron Man logo. Also, it was easy to see when Happy placed it down and the thing auto-opened to show tools.

"Hey Boss, Magic-Man," Happy greeted, then dropped the case off in a corner of the room.

"Thanks, Hap," Tony called out but then made a stopping motion at Happy, "Hey, Magic-Man, you mind if Hap comes with?"

"Sure, but ahh, why isn't he wearing one of the amps suits?" I ask, but my question brought both Happy and Tony up short, "The Amp suit Tony, like the ones I gave Fury to make his super secret boy band stronger, faster, and all around more badass."

Tony looked confused for a second before speaking up, "Jarvis, have I had any strange deliveries lately?"

"None more than usual, Sir."

I palmed my face, "Check the inventory storage on the Avenger's card Tony."

Tony pulled out his Avenger's card as Happy walked over to see what Tony was looking at.

Happy's face twisted into a cringe, "What is that spandex, no no, I don't do spandex."

I shook my head from side to side, "It's smart matter actually with a hyper-adaptive fluid system that works in conjunction with the wearer's nervous system." Then I made a hand-wavy motion at Tony. "Happy can customize it later, just flick your Avengers card at him Tony with the intent to have him wear the suit."

Happy started to back away, "No, no, no, Damnit!"

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