I Cast Fist !!

Chapter 8: Fist 8

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I Cast Fist

Chapter 8

By: BigToFu

Clint looked at Nat and sighed, "Did they really just leave us behind in a magic wizard's tower?"

Natasha's brow scrunched up with a small frown on her face. "Yeah…"

"So want to merge our locker rooms?" Clint asked with a smirk towards Natasha.

Sure" she answered with a shrug of the shoulders. As they both turned to walk off, Clint noticed Banner heading for his lab while Steve looked a little lost. He would need to talk with Sébastien later about that. He was the self-proclaimed leader of the Avengers.

It was better he dealt with a lost Captain America issue than Clint. No way was he gonna stick his hand in that by a mile. Pulling out his Avengers card, Clint brought up his location map and looked over the controls to his locker room slash personal space. Finding what he was looking for, Clint sent a merge request to Natasha and then watched as the map changed itself as the merge took place after Nat accepted the request.

Before he put his card away, Clint had noticed that there were more levels to the place. The levels went both up and down, it even had a basement included for what it was worth. But what really pulled his attention was the Danger room listed underneath the training rooms.

Ohh, they would have to try that later.

Walking to the table in the room, Clint ran his hand over it to appreciate the rubbered texture.

Natasha nudged him in the side, "So what do you want to take a look at first?"


"You mean 'play' with, because come on Nat, honest to God wizard decided he wanted to make tricked-out toys for us," Clint replied, already in motion towards a locker that had a bow symbol on its front.

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With a wide smile on his face, Clint hit the open and watched as multiple bows slid out on a gravity-defying rack for his perusal. A bow made out of hard light fields, a bow made out of water, clouds, magma, lightning, there was even a bow with an angry eye glaring at him, the choices just went on and on.

Then he went over to the arrow selection and a little shiver went down Clint's spine as he looked over the options. There were arrows to slay demons, angels, vampires, a sheep arrow, antigrav, sleep arrows and more as the list of options just kept growing. Hitting the tab for demon-slaying arrows, Clint saw crossroad nails, along with cold iron and a consecration arrow, and salt for zombies, what in the hell?

Shaking his head and closing the selection tab, he grabbed the sheep, antigrav, and the freezer. No way he was going to test an arrow called the melter. Best not to burn down the wizard's tower on the first day. He even took the boxing glove arrow with him on the way back to the work table where he found Nat already there waiting on him with two suits.

Placing his things on the workstation, Clint made a hand motion towards the suits, "What are those?" He watched as Nat held one up for him to see as she stretched it like spandex, Clint made sure to walk to the other side of the table, "I'm not wearing that."

She gave him a small smirk before putting the obvious spandex on the table and Clint had to blink as it transformed back into regular looking one piece jumper type clothing. Then she handed over a piece of paper to him, "It's called the Raid suit, comes with all the abilities of the Amp suit but with a lot more features.

Looking down at the paper, Clint raised a brow as he read it over and almost chuckled at the sight of the suit's activation phrase.' I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good.' Clint liked that alot, a nice little nod that magic man had a sense of humor. Looking down at the note, it spoke about the suit's transformation ability and reading the warnings about sex in the suit and turning into animals.

Changing into things you have to be aware of not only animal traits and nature's but also the change in depth and sensory perception. Any change will shift your mass into what is known as Null space but for the magically inclined, it's also known as the red dimension or the animal dimension which is responsible for the meaty biological and primal nature of the universe.

All transformations must not last longer than 24 hours due to the risk of soul bleed. This is due to the fact that your soul works as the reality anchor of your being and consciousness. While transforming from men into women you can't get pregnant nor can a woman to men get someone pregnant.

Beware, animal transformations come with a rush of animalistic knowledge and should be tested in facilities before being tried on missions. Lions are apex predators and will fight for body control while the mouse is a prey species and come with an overwhelming fear response. Then there was a note at the end about not being able to turn into inanimate objects because of what it could do to the human mind.

Please use the suit responsibly, then it ends with a little phrase of mischief managed. With a chuckle, Clint read over that the suits used a person's bio-energy and a few other things but he had already read the more important parts. With a shake of his head, they both went over the rest of the gear before gathering it all up and walking over to the elevator that would take them down to the training rooms located down on the basement levels.

The trip down was a fast one before the doors to the elevator opened up into a massive expanse of a room. No, that wasn't right, the room was both large and small with a lot of equipment easy to understand along with use. A hologram sign hovered with easy-to-read instructions along with a color-coded road map to follow. The danger room or, well, one of the danger rooms, was on the purple-marked road and that was the one they followed. One step, two steps and they were on the other end of the gymnasium, of course, more magic would be involved.

With a shake of his head, Clint walked over to where Natasha was typing away at the computer panel. Peaking over her shoulder, he noticed the scenario she was searching for. It was something to do with pirate ships, no that wasn't a spaceship, those were pirate ships. She turned and gave him a smile as the door slid open. Clint walked through first, his bow at the ready and when he turned back to check the door behind him.

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