I Found A Doll In The Old World And I Brought It With Me But It Turns Out She’s A Rare One

Chapter 17: Chapter 17 Kyla

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Large tunnels stretching over a thousand miles in every direction beneath the earth's surface a city is built underground before the nuclear war as preparation for the worst-case scenario capable of housing over 100 thousand refugees and small factories of daily necessities for humans a city for the rich who sit atop while the poor stays below under the tunnels where more tunnels are being  dug for expansion 

"You sure that someone had acquired working ancient dolls at Enterchant colony?" 

A person speaks Infront of a large circular table that has 5 people sitting on the chairs 

" Right according to the witness and spies we send they have confirmed that there is an ancient doll capable of raiding an old factory of soldier dolls" 

"We have already placed a kill order to the suspected host as they say the host is the most dangerous than the dolls its commanding"

All 5 people sitting on the chairs nod their heads in a response

"So we follow codex 45 we should eliminate potential threats to our city, any questions people" 

All 4 agreed while 1 raise their hand for some questions

" Yes miss Kyla" 

"I would like to confirm the identity of the host and the dolls commanding"

Kyla stands up and removes some sort of clothing she wears revealing a mature-like figure with white long hair and black eyes with a not-so-large bust

"All the information is classified until all the people here sign a contract that will authorize a kill order" 

Kyla points her finger toward the person speaking and threatens him 

"I don't want to fucking sign anything that has almost no information or details to what I am about to sign"

The speaker simply cross his arm behind his back and spoke

"You know how this organization work and you know the consequence when failing to follow certain protocols"

"Well I'll leave this organization and this city you fools are nothing more a puppets to someone else"

As soon Kyla said those words she walks out of the room, static noise coming from the information terminal of the speaker spoke

"Send some people to silence her she knows too much information about us" 

"Affirmative sending some mercs to the target"

Kyla walks out of the building where the meeting is held and heads towards a dark alley beside the building suddenly 5 fully armed humans appeared from the shadows 

"About time you show up"

Kyla commented to the armed humans

"Kill her!!" 

As soon the armed humans raised their guns toward Kyla she immediately disappear from the line of sight of the humans and then appear behind the group of humans with a pistol at her hands pointed at the head of a human 


A gunshot is heard bullets tearing to human flesh and the brains sending bits of the brains all over the floor 

" Shoot!" 

1 of the remaining 4 who is alive shouts and starts to fire their guns sending bullets toward Kyla's position 

" Die! Die! Die!" 

"Typical goons" 

You are reading story I Found A Doll In The Old World And I Brought It With Me But It Turns Out She’s A Rare One at novel35.com

Kyla again disappear from their sight and appeared again behind their backs this time Kyla immediately pulled down the trigger and switched to the heads of the armed humans sending a bullet that will kill them on the spot 

1 by 1 the armed humans dropped like lack and the whole dark alley is filled with blood and bits of brains all over the floor and blood splashed on the walls 

Kyla eject an empty magazine and loaded it with a new one and pulled out something in her pockets and called someone 

"I know this call won't connect but I will send a voice message to them hi Kyle this is your elder sister! You rascal how the heck did you manage to find a special doll it may be something similar to our family heirloom and a certain organization targeting you and I think as soon as you receive this message I may have been captured or the worst I may be already dead as your elder sister it's my job to protect my little brother " 

Kyla clicked some buttons in the information terminal and the voice mail was sent to the contact number Kyle 

"Now my last massage is on its way now thank you for the wait"

Upon Kyla finished speaking dozen soldier dolls appeared in front of Kyla holding high caliber guns and already pointing their guns at Kyla

As the soldier dolls pull the trigger some sort of wire where shot at the heads of the soldier dolls piercing all soldier heads microchips inside their heads and shutting all the soldier dolls' insights down 

"Your late I was about to be killed fool"

A woman walks toward Kyla's position wearing an old world armor with the same hair as Kyla and color of eyes and almost the same mature figure and almost the same face as Kyla 

"What kind of doll I am if I let my host be killed"

"I got the information about your sister's whereabouts my little brother became a doll host and currently commanding a special type or ancient type of doll we can't say until we see for ourselves if he has your sisters" 

"Now we have a lead should we wait for them here or meet them at Enterchant?" 

The doll that Kyla commanded asked 

"I know your excited EULA but our safety comes first" 


The two escaped towards the dark alley leaving corpses of humans and damaged dolls 

Meanwhile somewhere in the Enterchant colony 

"Kyle I receive some message from an unknown number" 

Aila who is holding Kyle's information terminal walk to Kyle trying to show the messages 

"It's blank nothing to read here maybe it's encrypted bring it to Lisa she might help with that" 

Kyle seeing the empty message asks Aila to see her older sister Lisa who is sitting somewhere in the scrapyard 

"Let see let see ahhh this massage is encrypted but not some basic encryption it may be the work of some specialist dolls"

"What makes you say that Lisa?" 

Aila asked with a curious face 

"The way it's been encrypted is the same way our old host encrypt confidential information so maybe the one who encrypt this may be a doll from the old world but it's no ordinary doll it may be some kind of special type or ancient doll"

"There are only 3 ancient dolls and almost 100 special dolls that were made to be a replacement when we shut down" 

The sisters continue to talk. about the history, Kyle on the other hand is holding a pill that was salvaged from the old factory 

"Hey, Lea what is this pill?" 

"That pill I don't know what it is programmed to do but I know that it contains a lot I mean a lot of nanomachine for human use"

Upon hearing what Lea said Kyle immediately give the pill to Lea 

"Don't worry Kyle it won't be a threat as long as you don't swallow it and if we have the proper equipment we can program the nanomachine to help seal wounds or stop bleeding" 

Lea place the pill inside a bix where it contains more than 100 pills with different colors 

"Hey, Kyle you dint tell me you had a sister!" 

Aila came running towards Kyle as she holds out the terminal that is currently displaying the voice message that Kyla has send upon finishing hearing what Kyla said Kyle immediately issue commands to the dolls 

"Prepare your equipment we will go now at this very moment to rescue my sister before it's too late"

The group of Kyle consisting of 2 ancient dolls and 1 hybrid of ancient and special dolls starts to pack everything that they will need in the journey 

"Wait we need transportation"

Kyle asked the group and Aila commented 

"We have the white van that I pull from the street with the repair that Lea did we can use it as our transportation"

Lea went to ready the van as the group Carey their stuff and place it in the van 

"Alright, guys we go to the city of sewers where almost all living humans gather before the nuclear war everyone ready?" 

All the same the 3 dolls' response

"Copy that, Roger that, yeah" 

The van engine starts and starts to move toward the direction of the city of sewers 

"Head straight north to the coldest region of this land" 

You can find story with these keywords: I Found A Doll In The Old World And I Brought It With Me But It Turns Out She’s A Rare One, Read I Found A Doll In The Old World And I Brought It With Me But It Turns Out She’s A Rare One, I Found A Doll In The Old World And I Brought It With Me But It Turns Out She’s A Rare One novel, I Found A Doll In The Old World And I Brought It With Me But It Turns Out She’s A Rare One book, I Found A Doll In The Old World And I Brought It With Me But It Turns Out She’s A Rare One story, I Found A Doll In The Old World And I Brought It With Me But It Turns Out She’s A Rare One full, I Found A Doll In The Old World And I Brought It With Me But It Turns Out She’s A Rare One Latest Chapter

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