I Found A Doll In The Old World And I Brought It With Me But It Turns Out She’s A Rare One

Chapter 20: Chapter 19 clones

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As Kyle and the gang escape the underground prison-like building, they are confronted by a doll that looks identical to Aila but with black hair.

"Is that your clone or your twin, Aila?" 

Kyle asked as he scratched his head due to the confusion.

"You fool, that woman has black hair; obviously that's not Aila."

Said by Lea, who's behind everyone watching the flank for the exit.

"We meet again, Kyle."

The unknown woman looked at Kyle's body and physique as she touched her hips and stared intently at him.

"Do I know you?" 

Kyle asked 

"You may not recognize me, but I very much recognize you, even though you were still a child when I met you." 

As soon as the mysterious woman said that Aila should immediately raise her rifle and aim down at the woman,

"Calm down, fake." "You know you can't beat me." 

The woman switched his focus from Kyle to Lea.

"I'm going to get what rightfully belongs to me." 

The woman points her index finger towards Lea, and soon the crimson blade that Lea found back in the doll factory starts to separate from Lea's body and comes out in a somewhat liquid state, and all of a sudden it forms into the crimson blade.

"Still sharp as ever." 

The formed blade turned into liquid form again and moved toward the woman's feet, absorbing it and going into the body of the mysterious woman.

"Nano machine, eh?" 

Lisa spoke as she watched the whole process.

"Nice structure you have if you had one like this fake one here; even her ancient structure won't last when this blade enters you." 

Lea immediately rushed toward the woman, trying to reclaim the blade, and threw a punch straight to the woman's face.

The woman just stood and looked at Lea. As soon as the punch was centimeters from her face, her red eyes started to glow, and Lea suddenly collapsed to the ground.

"High-end structure but trash microchips." "You guys need some upgrading to be honest." 

Aila fired her woman, but the woman processed the situation at a faster rate than Lea, managing to partially slow her time perspective, allowing her to dodge the incoming bullet.

"And you fake, you may have high-end weapons, structures, and microchips, but I am still superior to you." 

The woman dropped a piece of metal with a carving of some kind of code on it and left without a trace.

The whole gang gathers up and tries to find a vehicle to get far away.

Alisa picks up the metal sheet that the woman dropped and places it in her pockets.

"Come to her before they catch up." 

The gang gathers itself and tries to get into the truck that the armored soldier used to get to the underground prison.

As soon as the truck engine starts, countless armored soldiers rush outside and try to shoot at the truck, hoping to stop Kyle's gang from escaping.

"Hey, Ima, check the things on this truck so don't disturb me." 

Alisa said as she started to scatter things on the truck, trying to find things on it.

"Hey Aila, don't you think that the woman we just met is you?" 

Alisa asked as Aila drove the truck, and upon hearing what Alisa said, Aila immediately disagreed.

"What? "There's no clone of me or my copies." 

Aila, with a confused look, asked Lea a question.

"Lea, when you were with the army back in the day, did you see a copy of me or any ancient doll?" 

"Idiot, no one can replicate an ancient doll or even make copies of you." 

Hearing what Lea said, Aila got a sigh of relief and continued to drive the truck. 


The woman is atop a ruin building far from where the underground prison is and is watching Kyle's group on a truck with high-end binoculars.

"Should I take the shot?" 

An armored soldier spotted the woman and tried to communicate with his superiors through the use of radios, but the mysterious woman picked up the communication and immediately disappeared on sight.

"It disappear!" 

The armored soldier spoke to his radio and started to look for the mysterious woman from a distant building.

"Don't fight it." It's the doll of destruction. "We don't want to pick a fight with a doll that can literally rain destruction into our base." 

"Roger that" 

A sound of a switch is heard from the armored soldier turning off the radio.

Meanwhile, Alisa is searching through the things at the back of the truck where the gang is riding.

"Oh my! I thought I'd never see this again.

Alisa is holding a cartridge with a red tip, and the same cartridges can be found near Alisa's feet.

"Hey Lisa, shouldn't this bullet already be gone?" 

Alisa asked Lea, who is busy scanning the scrap metal she picked up from where the mysterious woman had dropped 

Lea took the bullet and loaded it in a pistol near her, then fired the gun at her own arm. Soon, a loud gunshot was heard, and Aila immediately pulled out her gun while driving the truck, and Kyle got cautious.

"Seriously, Lea, why fire a gun at yourself?" "Are you having some bugs on your microchip?" 

Alisa shouted as she took the pistol and threw it away. The bullet that was fired managed to inflict a dent on Lea's arm but not puncture it.

"Just as the suspicious woman said, you indeed have a high-end structure and a trash microchip."

Hearing what Alisa said, Lea got irritated and pushed Alisa away.

"Hey, stop that, you just wasted armor-piercing ammo." 

Aila spoke as she drove the truck through the wastelands of Enterchant City.

"Is that cartridge full of the same ammunition you just fired, Lea?" 

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asked Kyle, then he gathered all the bullets and loaded a round onto Aila's rifle. Seeing how the bullet fit Aila's weapon, he immediately pulled out his information terminal and looked at the sales on their bullet-making machine.

"Hey Aila, where are the rich?"

Kyle got hyped seeing those 8 digits on the sales chart and immediately asked Aila what to do.

"No wonder their gun hits like a truck." 

"Hold her, Kyle, and take over the wheels or we'll crash!" 

Lisa shouted as Aila lost consciousness. Kyle took hold of the steering wheel and managed to take control of the truck.

"She's blacking out; her microchip is shutting down." 

Lisa yelled as Lea and Alisa tried to pull Aila out of the driving seat.

"Holes search for bullet holes; it must have the bullet that did the damage." 

Lea and Alisa search Aila's body, removing her armor and stripping her of her clothing, revealing a beautiful skin tone and her revealing bust size. The two searched everywhere on her stomach and on her back and found a bullet hole just behind her heart, which is the nuclear reactor.

"Ahh shit" 

Lea commented

"I see a bullet made out of nanomites; obviously, it's going to attack anything it comes in contact with." 

Alisa proudly explains

"You just want Kyle for yourself, you sadistic bitch." 

Lea replies to what Alisa just said.

Alisa took out a pen-like machine that floats around inside the truck, pointing its end at the holes of the bullet, and starts to shoot out green lasers.

"I may not be able to save your reactor, but I can still save your body." 

Lisa made a difficult decision to extract Aila's reactor, shutting her down temporarily as Lisa made a larger hole in her back. Soon the laser pen stopped, and Lisa carefully extracted Aila's reactor and gave it to Lee, who was sitting beside her.

"You know the rules of disposal."

Lisa asked, and Lea replied with a sad tone.

"Destruction right" 

"Yea, this reactor will self-destruct, so no machine or human can replicate it."

Alisa places an extra battery pack inside Aila to keep her microchips operating and avoid chip shutdown, which can ultimately kill a doll.

Lea placed an explosive charge in the damage reactor that could explode at any moment. Knowing it could explode at any given time, the gang stayed calm and proceeded to do what was necessary.

Kyle stopped the truck in the middle of a field filled with random debris, sand, and concrete. Lea jumped out of the car and ran far away from the truck, and when she was around a mile from the truck, she buried the reactor and ran back to the truck.

"What you're about to see is what makes Aila so dangerous." 

Alisa said 

After a few hours, Lea arrived and got back inside the truck. She kneeled down to Aila and held her, and as sad emotions rushed her microchip—dolls can cry, but they also feel emotions like sadness and happiness.

"Hey, you know you're a doll." "You can't shed tears for her." 

Kyle, sitting on the driver's seat, looks at the position where Lea is kneeling down as tears are dropping from his eyes.

"Stop with that crying." She's just not moving like she's sleeping, but with a small chance of personality change when she wakes up again.

Seeing how the two people are sad, Alisa comforts them.

"Come on, the fireworks are about to start." 

Lisa spoke with a smile as she faced the direction where the reactor is located.

Several seconds later, a loud explosion and a bright light can be seen, along with a strong shock wave and a strong earth quake, and soon a mushroom cloud can be seen far away, visible to the naked eye, for the gang on the truck.

"Nuclear power is amazing, right!" "Don't worry about the radiation or the nuclear fallout; they're all just going to gather into a small corner of the world."

A small figure can be heard standing at the top of the truck, watching the mushroom cloud, with a small hooded cloak covering her small structure and a rifle behind her back.

"Not bad; I mean, she got the good reactor and structure, but with a broken microchip on the other side." I got the worst possible structure and reactor, but with the best microchip at the time.

The girl laughed, noticing the loud laughter from Kyle and the gang. They pulled out their weapons and pointed them towards the hooded girl.

"Another rouge doll or contract doll?" 

Lea commented 

"Me?" "You know who I am and what I am!" 

The hooded girl removed her cloak, revealing a perfect match face of Aila with the same hair color and facial features but a much younger version of her.


Alisa shouted as she saw little Aila.

"Indeed, I am Aila, but since you got a version of your own Aila, we both have the same memories from before the war, except for when the original Aila got frozen inside that giant capsule, thanks to you, sister!" 

Small Aila look Alisa, with a fierce look, pulled out a small information terminal from her pockets.

"Here is my information."

Lisa took the information terminal and scanned it.

"She's the real deal," said Lisa.

The small Aila and Lisa spoke, and when they were done talking, the small Aila hopped inside the truck and saw Kyle.

"You look like the elder sister, but nevermind, you're a human, not a doll, so hurry up, I'm driving." 

Seeing the small Aila Kyle refuse to follow her orders and not move, the small Aila got pissed.

"I don't care who you are; you're not my host, and if you're not following my orders, you're going to get hurt." 

As the small Aila was shouting and having an argument about who was driving, the small Aila opened her mouth. Kyle immediately stole a kiss on the small Aila and started to exchange his saliva with her tongue, signaling the formation of a host and servant contract.

Seeing the intimate moment between the two Lees, Alisa and Lisa pulled out their weapons and pointed them towards Kyle. They looked at him with a disgusted face.

"I don't know my host is a pedo." 

In sync, the three speak at the same time while Aila and Kyle are seen kissing each other.

The contract is sealed when the saliva of Kyle enters little Aila's mouth, making her a doll with a host and limiting her firepower to 50% of its original power.

"You mother fucker!" 

Said by small Aila

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