I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Chapter 3: Ch.03 Ryan’s first encounter with Ellianna

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The bed is surprisingly comfortable from how it looks. It looks super stiff because it's mostly constructed out of stone with whatever blanket material that's on the top of it, like some type of red silk and satin mix. Whatever I'll take the little wins while I can. So as I get comfortable I notice striking poses on his side of the room. I know everyone's weird in some way but he's on a whole nother level and I just need to ignore him as much as possible for the time being. I shift my focus to my own orb necklace to see if there's anything useful about it or stumble upon something about this item. But unfortunately I'm having a hell of a time seeing the necklace because it's a freaking choker style. So my best option is having my fingers trace over this thing in a desperate attempt to see if this thing comes off. I will say though, whatever this thing is, it feels like it has a pulse of some sort. Which is just all kind of creepy.

After a while of inspecting the orb necklace I started to hear footsteps from beyond the door to are room. I got up from the bed not sure if I should try to hide or just be obedient and not do anything to provoke the Dark Elves, because at this point trying to pick a fight with them is pointless at this time. So I just hold my breath hoping whoever it is just keep walking past and out of our room.

As I wait, I hear the door open as the Dark Elves walk into are room. There were five of them, one Priestess and four Man Guard in light elven armor. That armor looked so thin I feel like I could dent it just by breathing on it, but I'm sure logic doesn't work the same as it does in my old world. And I also noticed that two of the guards were carrying trays, looking like it was time to feed the inmates. While I was observing our captors, Hiro in his immense wisdom decided this was his moment to shine. As he yelled "Your biggest mistake is when you dare try to imprison me you SCUM! Now feel the might of my Justice! Hi-YAH!"

So there goes Hiro running stare into a 5 vs 1 match right in front of my eyes. Am I surprised by this, no. Am I disappointed in him still, yes. It's almost impossible to reason with someone who has Main Character syndrome and I’m probably going to get pulled into his bullshit, too.

I just let out a sigh as I prepare myself for what's coming. The first guard in the front of the line moves towards Hiro and picks him up by the neck. At that point the Priestess raise both hands and began to chant. Suddenly the two runes that are on the other opposite ends of the room started to glow and than are orbs started to glow as well. Then I started feeling that same power coming from my orb like to first time I was brought to this world. So I was going to get immobilize, great. When the Priestess finished chant that's when I started to float a little off the ground and was get pulled like a magnet to ruin with the same color as my orb, luckily it wasn't as painful as last time. So there I am trapped over my spot in the room looking over at the five Elves with the guard still holding Hiro's by the neck. As the rest of Hiro's body stretching to where the red ruin was on the other side of the room. It looked really painful as Hiro screamed at the guard, "Aaarrrgghhh! YoU'lL ..... N-NevEr ...... G_Get aWAy witH-h ....... THiSSS!!!!"

"Well this is the second time." The guard said with a grin then let go of Hiro's neck as his body finally shot over to the other side of the room to the other ruin. It's like he was shot out of a sling shot as he comes crashing to a halt when he gets to his ruin. He then turns around and walks back towards his fellow guards laughing as he passes them by.

"Seriously this is his second time attacking them? Christ Hiro. How the hell did he manage to survive living in society back on Earth?" I say to myself. "At some point Darwinism is going to catch you, Hiro."

"SHUT UP RYAN" Hiro yelled back.

"ENOUGH!" said the Priestess.

I became silent not wanting to try their wrath. As I was staring at her waiting to see what comes next. All she was doing was waiting for us to calm down. When things finally calmed down she spoke again.

"My name is Elianna, left hand of the Dark Elf tribe here in Sorellia. We have come to give you your daily meal. Savor and nourish it, for you will be doing trials to see if you are the chosen one. Steel yourself If you wish to complete the task given to you, so you may live to be fed another day. Hopefully you won't disappoint are Lord. Understood?" She asked looking over to her four comrades. She nodded to the two guards holding the trays as they walked to the table at the center of the room. They placed the trays on the table and started to distribute the food.

"We will leave you to eat now." Elianna said walking out of the room leaving with the guards in tow. "Oh?" Elianna stops by the doorway and turns to us, "If you decide to keep repeating your semantics, we'll have to rearrange your living arrangements to a less comfortable arrangement. I hope you two understand?..... May the Dark surround Us." she said with a pleasant smile on her elegant face. But there was nothing pleasant behind her words. Once the last guard left and closed the door, magical bindings released us. Which jolted my legs when I landed on the ground with surprise. We were floating about 6 inches in the air, so it wasn't too bad of a fall. As I gathered my balance back I hurried to the table, not knowing what type of stunt Hiro might do to are food. Plus I was starving. So once I got to the table I saw a bowl of water filled with a black liquid and a bunch of leaves that looked like cabbage. The Dark Elves also left us with a bag of dried meat that was covered in ash. Well I guess beggars can't be choosers. I hoped it tasted better than it looked. It took me a while to work up the courage to take the first bite but surprisingly it wasn't half as bad as it looks. Again I'll take any small victory when I can.

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After we finish eating I look over at Hiro. He was staring at me with that same angry expression on his face. Like he was trying to figure out how to kill me without getting caught. I just sighed and shook my head.

"I'm sorry Hiro. I didn't know how else to deal with that situation."

"You should have aided me," he said with a grunt.

"But what would happen if I helped you?" I said while taking a sip of black liquid. "I would have been stopped just the same as you."

Then I took a bite out of dried meat that was covered in ash. "There's a time and place to take action and right now I don't know enough about these Dark Elves. Plus their creed is kind of creepy... May the Dark surround Us."

Hiro sighs in frustration. "I hate being helpless."

"Me too. But we need to be smart about this, Hiro."

"I know."

"No you don't! That was your second attempt. It probably was just as good as the first." I took a bite of the leaf that looked like cabbage. 'Aach bitter' I continued, "listen if you go for a third attempt I will break both of your goddamn kneecaps. Got it!" as I point at him.

Hiro grunts in frustration. "Fine! Just be warned Ryan, you are making a powerful enemy once I pass these trails and become the one."

I just shake my head now I know where Hiro got this "Chosen One" crap from. Plus why would the Dark Elves want a human as their Chosen One. Really it's probably for the best not the be the Chosen One. Who knows what they would do to you? Most likely sacrifice you to the Darkness entity or whatever it is. Yeah Hiro, the title of Chosen One is all your friend. With the end of are meal I decide to turn in for the night. This has been the longest day of my life. And I think it's only continue. "Got to bide my time, and escape from here. You got this Ryan." I say this to myself before I finally drift to sleep.

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