I Got Transmigrated Into Another World, But Why Was It This One?

Chapter 1: Dreamless Sleep

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I woke up with a start, looking around in confusion. Everything around me was fuzzy and bright but also sharp and dull at the same time. Right, I was dead. The presence communicated that; although it was more of a jumble of feelings than words. It didn't change the fact that I had died, but still. What an interesting concept. A language without words, signs, or symbols. Just communication in its purest form. What a mind fucking experience. 

I should try to gain my bearings. 

'OK me, let's recall what the fuck just happened.'

I tried to recollect pieces of myself and I realized it was all still there if I focused. Kind of like how you can remember a dream if you try hard enough, but this was too real and agonizing to be a dream. 

'Ah, Ah, I think I remember now.'

Right I was that...


Thoughts came through my head in a torrent of chaos. Why was I the dead one? What about my family? Friends? They will be devastated! 

'My future is...gone.'

I start to feel the tell tale signs of an oncoming anxiety attack. I needed to regain my bearings before I went haywire. 

'OK,' I thought, mentally slapping my face cheeks.

'I need to concentrate on the things I can control. Observe your surroundings me, I know you can do it!'

Alright, everything around me looks like a cloudy sky. I don't appear to have a physical body I'm more of a presence that just simply exists here in this dreamless sleep.

'I have to find a way out of here, I'll go mad if I dive back into my thoughts right now.'

I had a few mental health issues in my...previous life. Depression and anxiety were no joke back then. I was on medication for it that managed to take the brunt of my issues. It granted me a little more happiness. Yeah, happy pills. 

'I guess the mental issues were just a  part of my soul? How does that work? I thought they were a result of my brain being unable to produce certain chemicals.'

Does a brain act as a container for a soul? 

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'Ah whatever this isn't important right now. I have more pressing issues.'

I needed to get out of this space. It appeared serene, but it couldn't stop my inner turmoil.  

'Oh, what's that?'

I just barely made out the image of what appeared to be an orb in the distance. Maybe it was another lost soul like me? 

I cautiously approached by willing my consciousness to move closer. I drew closer but the figure appeared to have barely moved at all. 

'God, how far away is this thing? It's my only lead right now so I guess I'll just follow it until it reveals itself to me.'

I willed myself to move towards it at a quicker pace, but sometimes this abyss would undulate around my soul and transport me into a slightly different area. At first I was confused, but now I'm frustrated.

'Damned space, how am I supposed to see this mysterious thing, huh?!'

It was like this place was reading my intentions, because the moment I thought that something truly extraordinary happened. The orb I had been chasing wiggled a little. Yes, the annoying chump had the audacity to wiggle at me.

'That little shit! I've been chasing you for so long that I--'

I was cut off by the world around me starting to rumble as if such a tiny thing could impact the space this much. Then, I fell. Through the hazy clouds I plummeted for hours, days, weeks, years even? I wasn't sure. Time was irrelevant here. It moved however you didn't perceive it.

That is to say:

"It's incredibly obnoxious."

'Wait, did I hear a voice just now? I haven't been able to speak since I entered this place though...'

Suddenly the wispy mist congealed around me and blocked my vision. Everything went black, but through it all I only thought one thing. 

'I am no longer falling.'

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