I Got Transmigrated Into Another World, But Why Was It This One?

Chapter 2: Two Gleaming Stars

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I had stopped my descent into the unknown. I felt my chest seize and air again began to flow into my lungs. 


‘Wait, lungs? I can breathe?’


I must open my eyes, but my eyelids are oh so heavy. I’m tired even though I was just resting in that void. I want to sleep again. I want to dream again. 


I attempted to move my body.


‘I thought I was dead, so why is everything so painful?’


I attempted to move my body and—


“Ah, so you’re still alive. How…disappointing.”


I heard a mysterious masculine voice, the words uttered by this person were malicious and cold. I tried to open my eyes, this time succeeding in my efforts. 


The sight I was met with was horrendous. My body was covered in bloody bandages with only my eyes, mouth, and nose touching the daylight.


‘Daylight? But why is it so blinding? Where am I? I can’t see, the light is too bright.’


After what seemed like an eternity of blindness, my vision adjusted to the world around me. I appeared to be in a dilapidated room with a single window. The source of the blinding light came from the two suns lazily gliding through the mystical blue green sky. 


‘Two gleaming stars amidst an ocean of sea foam.’


How odd. This isn’t right. I must be dreaming. It’s nice to dream but, this pain is definitely real. Something’s off. Why does the sky look like that?


“I can barely look at your pitiful self. How can you call yourself a noble when you’re bound to be covered in such ugly scars? No, you won’t even be useful as a marriage tool if those scars stay.”


‘Who is this person to speak to me with such disdain in their words?’


I turned towards the voice only to be met with a shrill yell. 


“Ugh! This beastly child dares to even look at me. How atrocious. How can she be so shameless as to look at me after living through such an ordeal. I wish you would have died when your sister pushed you off of that moving carriage. Now we are stuck with an ugly deformed little beast. Disgusting, truly why didn’t you just die?”


My hazy mind began to clear, I was left with nothing but questions. I needed to know what was happening to me, right now. Who is this man beside me? 


Again I turned to look at him, this time without the original violent reaction. 


The man who was speaking to me was a good looking man, perhaps in his 40s. He had green hair and hazel eyes with a well shaven and clean goatee. He also had a mustache that you might have seen on a certain pirate with a hook as a hand. He was dashing in the way a middle aged man would be, but he was showing his age with wrinkles sprinkled about his face. He also had gray specks that appeared as frost amidst his grassy green hair. 


The man suddenly clapped his hands together and said:


“Vizel Everly Laurel O’Ryan, your use to this family is waning. I hope your face heals well as that is your only redeeming quality. Perhaps we can still marry you off after all.”


That was what I heard before everything went black. 



Three days had passed since that incident. I was able to walk around again just fine. My wounds, or should I say this body’s wounds had mostly been skin deep. There were occasional gashes that bled to an excessive degree. I’m assuming most of my injuries were sustained when my supposed sister threw me out of a moving carriage. I landed in some brush off to one side of the road. From the retelling of what happened; I can assume that the brush I fell into was especially thorny hence the cuts and gashes that were formed throughout my body. 


I have learned a lot in these three days, the main thing being that I have transmigrated into someone else’s body. The original owner’s name was Vizel Everly Laurel O’Ryan. Yeah, that name is a fucking mouthful. I was too confused to think much when I first awakened. I wasted precious time being confused. 


As it turns out, the world I’ve transmigrated into was that of a novel I read a couple weeks prior to my death. It was called “How to Court a Noblewoman” and the story was incredibly redundant. It was a story of love that smothered the heroine wherever she went. Her name was Penelope Bonite Harringwood if I recall correctly. She was a minor baron’s daughter who had risen to nobility through wealth. 


Penelope was your run of the mill good girl character who attended to everyone’s needs without a single complaint. She originally led a hard life until her father got lucky in one of his investments. Now she lives quite luxuriously, but she seems to have discomfort with all of the people attending to her and insists on doing things herself. This just makes her more alluring to the male leads. Really, that bunch was strange. 


The plot was a meh from me and the heroine was just too nice. All she did was bend over backwards for no reason. The male leads took full advantage of this whenever they tried to gain her favor because they knew that she would never refuse them. They forced their love onto her, but at least she wasn’t hated. Everyone loved her because she was naïve and stupid, but also kind.


Basically, she was nice to an angelic degree. 


What was my place in this novel? I am the shunned daughter of the O’Ryans’ and also a minor villainess. My original role followed the classic trope of jealousy. Vizel hated the heroine because everyone loved and doted on her. My character often bullied Penelope which made the male leads turn on her. Because of this, Vizel was eventually so unfavored by the nobility that they plotted an assassination attempt against her. It didn’t go as planned and she managed to escape, but she was crippled for the rest of her life. 


Yeah, they didn’t like her so the next best thing was to kill Vizel. Excellent reasoning skills! How smart!


‘Fucking bastards.’


I was determined to not let that fate befall me, I’ll even run away if I have to!


‘Minor problem though, I didn’t finish the story.’


In fact, this story was so infuriating that I didn’t even make it half way through. I didn’t have much of a future sight advantage like all of those other transmigration stories. I was like, completely fucked. I only knew my attempted assassination date which was somewhere in early autumn. It was late spring now. 


‘Focus me, find the facts first and plan later.’




This body’s father is a count who has three children. I am his third child. He loves and dotes on his other two children and they are also five and seven years older than me respectively. He hated me because I am the reason his beloved wife died.


‘Yup, blame the kid who had no choice but to be birthed into this shipwreck of a family.’ 


He hates me in particular because I inherited my mother’s golden brown hair. 


In conclusion, this family hates me because my mother died giving birth to me. 


‘So it’s not even my fucking fault! How brain dead are these people!’


‘Shit I have to snap out of my thoughts, the nurse will be coming soon to check on me.’


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I hobbled away from the desk I was sitting at and made my way back to the bed. My room was quite nice even for someone who was hated by those around her. It didn’t have much decoration and it was considerably smaller than my other sibling’s rooms. It was also in a different wing of the O’Ryan mansion altogether, just so they didn’t have to see me. What consideration on their part. 


Just as I was thinking that, the nurse walked in. 


“How are you feeling today young miss, have you recovered any memories yet?” 


Right, I told them I had amnesia to avoid any stupid questions. 


“No, not yet. I’m not sure they will come back at this point.” 


I replied with this because I have to look very pitiful. Most of the personnel at this mansion pity the young miss Vizel and I have to use that to my advantage in this unfamiliar world. 


“Ah, that is unfortunate. Well, I have some better news for you young miss! Most of the cuts you sustained will not scar because we put the healing salve in right away!”


Oh yeah, some of them were quite deep though. Really, how hard did that bitch of a sister push me?


“Good I’m glad. Will I be able to get these bandages off soon then?”


I really hate wearing these. They’ve been changed a few times already, but they itch like hell. 


“Yes miss, you will also be able to leave the room within the week if you continue healing at this rate.”


Great, more interaction with those damn family members. Hooray. 


“Thank you for letting me know. I look forward to the day I am no longer trapped in this room, haha!”


The nurse smiled at me as she began unwrapping the bandages on my body. When she got to my face however, she suddenly stopped and stared like a deer in headlights. 


“What’s the matter nurse?”


“N-Nothing the Miss should worry about!”


What’s with that reaction? Is my face that ugly?


I couldn’t resist the urge to ask so I just said it. 


‘Rip the Bandaid off I guess.’


“Is my face really that bad?”


Her pupils shook for a moment before she formed a nervous smile. 


“N-No Miss, it’s just…This wound here, I think it may scar. I’m sorry I couldn’t put on the salve sooner.”


She looked like she saw a ghost with how terrified she was. 


“May I have a mirror?”


Come to think of it, I haven’t seen my reflection since I got here. I was always covered in bandages. 


“Y-yes Miss. Right away.”


She walked over to my desk and opened a drawer that contained a small hand mirror. 


“Here Miss.”


She gave me the mirror with shaking hands. I looked at my reflection and saw a small cut no more than an inch long crossing through my left eyebrow. 


‘Is this tiny thing so concerning? It’s noticeable, but it isn’t going to kill me.’


As I looked further I realized how this body was actually quite gorgeous. I had long brown hair that appeared golden in the two sun’s rays. My eyes were a brilliant green rimmed with brown around the pupil. Not quite hazel like my father, in fact, I really look nothing like him aside from the vague resemblance with our eyes.


I glanced up at the nurse and said, “This is nothing don’t worry about it. Even if it scars it will not kill me.”


The nurse visibly relaxed after that and said, “I understand Miss, I won’t bring it up again.”


Well that was a bit extreme, but I guess that’s fine too. 


I nodded in acknowledgment and gave the mirror back to her. She quickly put it away and finished treating my wounds with healing salve and wrapping me in bandages. 


Before she left she told me to rest as it was getting quite late. 


‘It’s already evening?’


I’ll never get used to this world’s sunsets. They are so beautiful with the rainbow colours released throughout the sky. How magnificent this world is. 


Soon after the nurse left, a maid came into my room and served me some food. I ate dinner in silence and thanked the maid as she left with my dishes. 


‘It’s a nice place, I hope I can get used to being here.’


It was then that I remembered the family and friends I had left behind. 


‘Right, I really am dead. I wonder how they’re doing without me?’


With that numbing thought I went to sleep. The real world expunged from my mind. Now I can wander as I please for another night. 


My dreams end with the awakening of two gleaming stars shining down on me. 

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