I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 2: 2. Revealed

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Erin and Logan were the first to leave, they called it a night at about eleven. Then Willow and Jenna bid everyone a good night and headed for home at midnight.

That left Matt, Grace, Tracey and Annie as our remaining guests. And most of us had already figured out Matt was staying the night. It was pretty obvious from the way he and Amber had been exchanging glances smiles and whispers that he'd be spending the night with the tiny succubus cutie again.

As for Grace, I was confident she'd be spending the night as well. She was still drinking, and neither me or my girlfriends would let her drive home after however many glasses of wine she'd had. If she really wanted to go we'd get her a ride-share or something, but I was sure she planned to stay.

The only thing I wasn't sure of yet was if she'd be spending the night alone in the guest room, or if she'd want company this time. From the vibes I was getting off her, I put the odds at fifty-fifty.

Tracey asked permission for her and Annie to crash in our den. And they promised not to leave a mess behind, so none of us had a problem with that. The two teens disappeared down there a little after midnight.

After that we let the outdoor fireplace burn itself out, and Susan had already turned off the outdoor speakers. The six of us talked quietly for another half hour or so, till the fire finally died out by about one o'clock. Then we all got up and quietly made our way into the house.

Amber and Matt exchanged a little glance, then the small brunette said "I think we're going to call it a night. Goodnight everyone, see you all in the morning."

"G'night gang," Matt said with a grin, then he followed Amber up to her room.

Susan gave me and Grace a look, then she put an arm around Melissa and suggested "I think we'll turn in now too."

"Yeah," the tall busty blonde agreed. "Goodnight Grace. Maybe we can talk more tomorrow about those photography plans."

"That would be great," Grace replied. Then she added an awkward "Goodnight..."

Sue and Melissa were both smiling as they headed up the stairs and into the master bedroom. That just left me and Grace standing together in the living-room in the dark.

"So um," I hesitated a moment. "I guess the party's over for now."

Grace nodded "Yeah. I suppose we should head to bed too?"

A moment later she blushed "I mean... I didn't mean... You know what I mean."

I giggled, "Yeah I know. C'mon."

I led Grace up the half staircase then into the guest room and gestured, "You know your way around right? It's all the same as it was two weeks ago.

She nodded, "Yes, thank you."

"Ok," I smiled as I turned to exit. "Have a good night Grace."

"Mara?" she spoke up before I could leave to go join Susan and Melissa.

I turned back to face her again, "Yeah?"

Even with the lights off I could clearly see the blush on her cheeks and the uncertainty in her eyes. And I didn't need my demonic intuition to know what was on her mind. She wanted me to stay, but she was embarrassed and shy and nervous.

She hesitated, and I figured she was having trouble working up the courage to ask. So I decided to volunteer.

I asked quietly, "Would you like me to stay and keep you company?"

Her eyes widened and she gulped, but she nodded. She whispered, "Yes please."

"Do you mind if I get undressed?" I asked. I gestured towards the closet, "There's nightshirts in there, I can put one of those on."

Grace shook her head. Her eyes were still wide and her voice a whisper as she responded, "Whatever you like... Whatever's comfortable."

I smiled and opened the closet. I pulled out two of the nightshirts in there then offered her one, "Did you want to get changed too?"

She gulped but accepted it quietly. Then mumbled a nervous "Excuse me," and disappeared out the door and into the washroom.

I just grinned as I stripped off my clothes then slipped on the loose black top. I coiled my tail around my right leg to keep it out of the way for now. It and my horns were all still invisible, so I just had to make sure they stayed out of the way so Grace wouldn't notice them.

When she emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later I was in my nightshirt standing by the bed waiting for her. She'd got changed too, and she probably assumed I couldn't see any better than she could in the dark. With my demonic night vision her beautiful shapely bare legs were on full display, and when she bent over to put her clothes down next to her shoes and purse I got a very good look at her cute behind.

Grace finally straightened up and stood a pace or two away from me. She was nervous, hesitant, maybe even a little reluctant, but she was also excited. I was positive her heart was racing, and my intuition thing told me she was looking forward to this.

I could also tell she was hoping I'd make the first moves. Partially because she was inexperienced, and partially because she was too shy and nervous. I wasn't actually good at that, I was more of a go-with-the-flow kind of girl. And I didn't want to take advantage, I needed to be positive of what she actually wanted rather than just assume I knew because of my intuition.

"Grace?" I asked softly.

She almost startled slightly, and asked "Yes Mara?"

"Would you like me to kiss you?"

"Yes," she nodded. There wasn't any hesitation, she definitely wanted this but she was too nervous to ask.

I stepped forward and closed the gap between us, then gently wrapped my arms around her shoulders. She was an inch or two taller than me, but not enough to make a big difference. My chest pressed against hers through the soft thin fabric of our nightshirts, and I heard and felt her gasp slightly. I could even feel her heartbeat, and it was racing.

Our eyes were locked on each other's, and I gave her a reassuring smile. Then I finally leaned in and my lips pressed against hers, as I gave her what I was positive was her first kiss.

Her heart beat even faster and it felt like she was almost holding her breath as we held the kiss for a few seconds.

Grace tentatively wrapped her arms around my waist, and when our lips finally parted the two of us continued holding each other, pressing our bodies against each other.

She took a couple deep breaths, then licked her lips and smiled "That was really nice Mara."

I smiled back, "If you enjoyed it, we can do it again? And we can do more. We can do as much as you want."

"Yes please," she nodded. Then she leaned forward and kissed me.

I let my hands glide over her back and shoulders, gently caressing her through the soft fabric. Grace followed my lead and I felt her fingers slip down till her hands were on my behind. I smiled as she gave my butt a gentle squeeze, and ran my hands down her back till they were at her backside, and I returned the squeeze.

Our lips were still pressed together, and I gently pushed my tongue forward. Her mouth opened and allowed me in. I pushed further into her mouth, while her hands shifted their grip on my backside.

Grace's eyes drifted closed and I could feel her heart pounding as her breathing sped up. She was clearly enjoying the experience, and I kept up the kiss. Eventually we both needed to come up for air, but instead of parting completely I just pulled back far enough that I could gently nibble on her lower lip.

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Her hands shifted again, and I felt one of them wrap around the base of my tail. My heart skipped a beat as it suddenly occurred to me that maybe making my demon bits invisible wasn't quite enough to keep them hidden from someone I was getting intimate with.

Meanwhile Grace's fingers were sort of examining my tail and where it attached to my lower back. For just a second or so she remained focused on the kiss. Then it's like she finally noticed what her hands were telling her.

Her eyes shot wide open as she grabbed my tail with both hands and gasped, "What the hell is this?!"

"Um..." I hesitated as my mind went blank. As usual I had no idea what to do or say when I was put on the spot like that.

Grace kept one hand on my tail as she moved around behind me. She crouched and I felt her using both hands to feel her way down along my tail. It was still invisible, but it was there and she could feel it. She ended up on one knee behind me as she got to the end where it was wrapped around my ankle.

"It's a tail," she sounded equal parts amazed and stunned. "And it's invisible..."

She stood up then slumped back down to sit on the edge of the bed. There was a confused, stunned frown on her face as she stated "You actually have a tail, and it's invisible. That's impossible."

I grimaced, "Um... Which part?"

Grace gave me a funny look then shook her head, "Both? I don't know Mara. How do you have a tail? And how is it invisible?"

The fact that she hadn't screamed and fled seemed like a good sign, but I wasn't going to push my luck just yet so I kept my demon bits invisible.

I sat down beside her on the bed and shrugged, "It's like I told you when we went to the pizza buffet last month? I'm part demon. I have horns and a tail, but I keep them invisible when I'm out or when I'm with people who don't know about them."

"You're... That's..." she stared at me for a few seconds then sighed and slowly shook her head. "I thought you were joking. I thought you were kidding around with that stuff."

"Yeah I know," I sighed as well. "I suck at coming up with lies, so I just smile and tell the truth and it comes across like a joke."

She was quiet for the next minute or so, as she ended up staring at the floor. Eventually she looked at me again and asked, "Can you make them visible? Can I see them?"

I nodded, "Yes, but only if you promise you won't scream or whatever. I don't want to disturb anyone else, ok?"

"If you do start to freak out I can leave," I added. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable. But I don't want you to drive home, since you were drinking tonight. All right?"

Grace stared at me for another couple seconds, then finally smiled. "You know, my dad spouts a lot of stuff about evil and demons and hell and all that, but I never believed any of it. Now I've found out that at least one thing is true, demons are real, but instead of attacking me or trying to corrupt me or something, you're just worried about my comfort and you don't want me to drive drunk."

I shrugged, "You're my friend Grace, I like you, so of course I want you to be comfortable and safe."

She frowned, then nodded "Ok Mara. I promise I won't freak out or try to run away. I'll try and stay calm, but I'd like to see them."

I watched her for another few seconds but she seemed to be ok so I dismissed the spell and let my demon bits show. I kept my eyes on Grace though, ready to try and calm her down or whatever.

Her eyes widened as she looked up at my horns first, and her mouth opened slightly in surprise. Then she looked down at my tail. It was still wound around my right leg, but I slowly unwrapped it then raised it up and coiled it on my lap. I left the spade-shaped tip hanging off the side of the coil, next to Grace.

"Holy fuck," she finally murmured. "May I touch?"

"Ok," I nodded. "Gently please."

She tentatively reached out her hand and lightly placed it atop the end of my tail, just above the spade part.

"Wow," she whispered. "It's soft, and warm."

I smiled. I figured if she could handle touching it without freaking out, everything was going to work out ok.

"So I guess it's been a night of firsts?" I asked in a quiet, playful tone. "First time kissing a girl? First time putting your hands on another girl's butt? First time touching another girl's tail?"

Grace stared at me with wide eyes again, then clamped a hand over her mouth as she tried to stop herself from giggling too loudly.

"Oh my God Mara," she shook her head. "How about first time touching another girl's horns?"

Before I could react she reached up and grabbed one of them. I stifled a gasp as my back arched. The unexpected contact sent a shock of arousal through my body, and left me with my thighs pressed tight together as I took a few deep breaths.

She still had her hand on my horn but she obviously noticed how I'd responded to the touch. Her lips curled into a smile as she reacted, "Oh! Your horns are more sensitive than your tail?"

"Uh-huh," I half-whispered. "Very sensitive. So uh, please be gentle with them?"

Grace suddenly seemed to realize what kind of effect her touch was having, and she quickly pulled her hand back as her face went bright red.

She grimaced "Sorry! I didn't realize!"

I relaxed a bit when she let go, then it was a struggle not to giggle at how she'd reacted. In fact the whole thing had gone from kind of hot and serious to silly and unbelievable. Grace seemed to realize that too as she fidgeted with the hem of her nightshirt. She was still blushing, but her face shifted through a few very different expressions as she tried to figure out what to say.

"So um," she finally said. She was still blushing, and her eyes were fixed on a spot on the floor in the middle of the room rather than looking at me. "I was kind of hoping we'd end up sleeping together tonight. I thought I was ready for that, and I was hoping you'd want that too? But um, the whole tail and horns thing kind of broke my brain and now I have no idea what I want or what to do or even what to think."

I gave her a compassionate smile, "It's ok Grace. I get it. If you need time to think it over, or if you'd be more comfortable if I left that's fine. I won't be upset, I get it's a lot to take in. Uh, the only thing I have to ask though is you keep this secret? Especially from your folks..."

Her eyes widened, then she grimaced "Oh my God if I breathed a word of any of this to my dad he'd try and ship me off to a convent or something! Assuming he didn't try calling an exorcist first. Seriously Mara, my parents are the absolute last people on Earth I'd tell any of this stuff to!"

After a moment she sighed and looked at me. "I'm freaking out a little bit, but I don't want you to go. I'm still... Could we maybe just cuddle for now?"

"Sure," I nodded. "That sounds really nice actually."

We both climbed into the bed together, and ended up laying next to each other under the sheets. We were facing each other and I kept my tail behind me so it wouldn't get in the way or freak her out or whatever.

"Thanks Mara," she smiled. "Um... Maybe we could try kissing again too?"

I smiled back then leaned closer and our lips met. And within a minute or two, we'd picked up where we left off earlier. My arms were around her shoulders, hers were around my waist. Her hands wandered down to squeeze my behind while my tongue slipped into her mouth

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