I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 3: 3. Accepted

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"So um," Grace said softly as we continued cuddling, "I probably should have asked this last night, but did you enchant me or charm me or do some other kind of magical thing to make me fall for you?"

I shook my head "Not at all! I don't even know any magic to do that sort of thing, and even if I did I wouldn't do it. I promise."

"Ok Mara," she smiled. "I wasn't accusing you, I just figured I should ask. For what it's worth, you never struck me as the kind of person who'd do something like that."

After another minute or so of cuddling she asked, "So what kind of magic do you know?"

"Not that much really," I replied with a shrug. "Like you saw, I can make my horns and tail invisible. I can also make them disappear completely, and I probably should have done that last night so you wouldn't notice them at all. But I don't like doing that, I get um, dysphoric or dysmorphia or something, I forget what it's called. Other than that um, I can turn my whole body invisible? And once I conjured up some old coins, but I'm not allowed to do that anymore."

"Wow," she commented quietly. Then she laughed and shook her head, "I honestly can't believe how bizarre this is, you know? I just spent the night in bed with another girl, who's actually half-demon, who has actual horns and a tail. And we're talking about what magic she can do, as calmly as if we were discussing some detail about cameras or lenses we'd learned in class."

I smiled, "Tell me about it! I can't believe I spent the night in bed with the smart gorgeous fashionable girl who spent the entire first year of college hating me."

She blushed but grimaced, "I'm sorry about that."

I leaned forward and gave her a kiss, "It's ok Grace. I'm sorry I spent the year avoiding you, but I'm glad I tried talking to you on the last day. I'm glad I didn't wait till September."

"Me too," she agreed. Her expression became thoughtful again and she asked, "What about your girlfriends?"

"They don't mind," I explained. "If you haven't noticed, we all have a pretty open relationship? And they all like you, if they didn't I wouldn't have gotten as close to you."

She blushed, "That's not what I meant, but thanks for clarifying about the relationship stuff. I was asking, are they all part-demon too?"

That made me hesitate a moment. I wouldn't try to lie, but I didn't want to tell her the truth either since it wasn't my place to talk about them. In the end I came up with an answer that sort of worked.

"They're not like me, they're not part-demon."

Unfortunately my little hesitation was a bit of a give-away, and Grace asked "They're something else though right? I mean, they're not normal everyday humans right?"

I sighed, "Sorry Grace, I can't answer that."

She nodded, "Of course. Sorry, I guess that's like outing someone. I shouldn't have asked."

We were both quiet again for a bit, till I commented "I'm pretty sure I can smell coffee, so someone must be up already. Do you want to get up and join them?"

"Yeah ok," she nodded.

The two of us slipped out of bed, then we headed for the door and out of the guest room.

"Good morning," Melissa greeted us as me and Grace came down the stairs.

Susan gestured towards the kitchen, "There's fresh coffee ready Grace, help yourself."

Amber had a sip of her root beer then commented "Mara your horns and tail are visible. I take it you've explained the situation to Grace?"

Melissa and Susan did a double-take, they were both so used to seeing my demon bits they hadn't clued-in yet that they ought to be hidden while Grace was here.

"Not really," I shook my head as me and Grace headed for the kitchen. "She knows I'm part-demon, that's about it."

Grace poured herself a mug of coffee while I got myself some juice, and while we were at the far end of the house from my girlfriends she asked quietly "So there's more to the story? There's a whole 'situation' going on?"

"Yeah," I sighed. "And I guess if you want to know about it, the five of us can talk about it now."

Lily had been quiet since before the party started yesterday afternoon but she suddenly spoke up as me and Grace headed back to the living-room.

"Mara," my demon mom stated in a firm voice, "Do not tell Grace about her past life, and especially don't tell her that she worked for me in the past. And I'd prefer you not offer her the opportunity to join us. If she asks, then we'll discuss it. But only if she asks."

I nodded, "Ok Lily."

"Huh?" Grace asked as we sat together on the love-seat. "Lily?"

Melissa Susan and Amber were across from us on the sectional, and like us the three of them were just wearing nightshirts too.

I grimaced, "Part of that 'situation' stuff. So I guess brace yourself, because here comes the info-dump."

She gave me a funny look then had a sip of her coffee, while I took a deep breath then dove in.

"So last summer I was run over and killed by an SUV. I was saved by a really nice demoness named Lily, who brought me back to life with this new body. I was originally completely human, but Lily and I share this body. Sort of like, I can hear her talking in my head kind of thing, and sometimes she takes over and I'm a voice in her head. Anyways, she's a demoness and I was human, but there was a sort of magic accident and that made me part demon. Now I've got horns and a tail and I can do a couple spells. And Lily's still in my head, we still share this body. And she just said something earlier, which is why you heard me talking to her."

When I was done I had a gulp of juice, while my girlfriends all just watched quietly.

Grace stared at me quietly for a minute or two, then had another sip of her coffee. She finally responded, "My first reaction was to think your story sounded crazy. But considering you really have horns and a tail, and considering I actually witnessed the invisibility spell you did to them, I guess I can't dismiss that story as nonsense."

I just nodded as I had another gulp of juice.

"What about you three?" Grace asked as she looked at my girlfriends. "There's something going on with all of you as well, right?"

The three of them all exchanged some looks, a few shrugs, and a couple nodds. Then Melissa responded, "We're part-succubus."

"I'm not," Amber spoke up. "I'm all succubus, I'm not part anything."

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Susan added, "We're trusting you to keep all of this secret, Grace. Obviously this isn't the sort of thing we want to become public knowledge."

My guest grimaced, then had a gulp of her coffee. She finally replied "I'm not going to repeat this to anyone. For one thing nobody would believe me? But beyond that, I wouldn't betray your trust, so don't worry about that."

After another sip of coffee she added, "It's a lot to take in though. So how did you all become succubi? Did you die and get brought back too?"

Amber answered, "It's a long story. The short version is, we signed contracts with Lily. She gave each of us something we really wanted, and in return there's something we do for her. Part of that arrangement involved changing us to what we are now."

"Before you ask," I spoke up, "Nobody's giving Lily their soul. That's not how contracts with her work."

Grace had a thoughtful look on her face as she had another sip of her coffee. Once again I didn't need my demonic intuition to guess what was on her mind. She was wondering if Lily could help her get out from under her parents' thumb.

I wasn't going to say anything else about it though. As much as I wanted to, Lily said not to offer so I didn't.

At that point Melissa and Susan both got to their feet and headed into the kitchen to refill their mugs. It was a good distraction, so while they were doing that I looked at Amber and asked "Did you and Matt have a good night?"

The small succubus grinned, "It was ok. Matt had a great night, but he's probably not going to get out of bed till mid-afternoon."

"Oh my God!" Grace gasped. "Did you... You drained his life or something? Is he going to be ok?"

Amber had the last of her soda then smiled, "Don't worry, he'll be fine. He'll sleep in late today, and probably have a good long sleep again tonight."

I asked, "I thought you said you weren't going to make a habit of doing that?"

"I wasn't, but he was really persuasive?" she responded. "He really wanted to try it again. It's probably the last time though. Next time I'll steer him towards Melissa or Susan."

"Steer who?" Melissa asked as she and Sue sat back down with Amber. "You mean Matt?"

Grace and I just watched and listened quietly as my three succubi girlfriends had a little conversation about which one of them would end up sleeping with Matt after our next party.

Eventually I got up and went into the kitchen and started making breakfast. I kept it simple, I did a big pile of scrambled eggs, about a pound of bacon, and a stack of toast. Unlike last month the smell of breakfast wasn't enough to get Matt out of bed, but it did rouse the two teens out of the den.

Tracey and Annie looked tired as they emerged from the basement. They both had messy hair, but they were dressed.

Amber's little sister got herself some coffee and Annie got some juice, though she kept several paces away from me and kept a nervous eye on me as she navigated around the kitchen. Finally the two teens went into the living-room to join the others.

Grace looked awkward as she noted neither of the girls said a word about my horns and tail. She probably realized from the earlier conversation that Matt had to know about all the supernatural stuff too.

"Breakfast's ready," I called as I set all the food out on the counter. "Come help yourselves."

A few minutes later we were all back in the living-room again, with plates balanced on our laps or whatever. Except Amber, but I already knew she wouldn't be hungry. She barely ate anyways, but after her meal last night I knew it'd be at least a couple days before she was even interested.

"Thanks for breakfast Mara," Tracey said as she munched on some bacon. "And thanks everyone for letting me and my girlfriend come to your party."

"Yeah," Annie agreed quietly. "Thank you."

I smiled, "You're welcome."

Amber added to her sister, "You're welcome to our parties as long as you behave, Tracey."

There wasn't too much conversation as we all ate, then after breakfast me and Melissa did the dishes before rejoining the others.

"So what's the plan for today?" Amber asked.

Susan replied, "We should tidy up the backyard."

"I should get dressed and think about heading home," Grace sighed, but it was clear from her tone she really didn't want to do that.

"You figure your folks will give you a hard time?" I asked.

She nodded, "I know it. I got a big lecture for skipping church two weeks ago. And yesterday dad was pretty clear he wanted me home early last night so I'd have no excuse to miss it today."

Melissa frowned, "Are you going to be ok? I mean, apart from getting another lecture or something? Your parents won't do anything drastic will they?"

Grace shrugged, "I doubt it? Maybe they'll try and ground me or something, but they can't really do much. I'm not looking forward to the lecture, but I'll be fine."

She finished her second coffee, then finally headed up to the guest room then the bathroom, to get freshened up and dressed and everything.

It was about noon when she finally headed for home. We exchanged a hug, everyone said goodbye, and she promised again not to tell anyone all the secrets she learned. Then she headed out, when the rest of us went out into the backyard to clean up.

Even Tracey and Annie helped with that, and with six of us at it the whole thing was done in like ten minutes flat. We dumped all the water out of the big plastic coolers, garbage was gathered up and put out, empties were rounded up and put in the recycling, the plastic furniture was put away, and the rest of the booze went into the fridge.

Then the two teens bid everyone a good day and they headed out as well. That just left me and my girlfriends, plus Matt who was still passed out in Amber's bed.

"So that went well," Melissa said with a smile.

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