I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 26: 26. Complicated

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It didn't take very long at all for that whole thing with three of us trying to share one body to become a problem.

Packing up and heading home from the cottage was ok, and honestly it would have been worse if there'd been another person with us because Melissa's car was kind of cramped just with the four of us and all our stuff. Once we got home though, that's when it started to be an issue.

I had a bunch of homework to catch up on, then Monday we were all back at college and everything. Plus the DLP was planning a big halloween party and that was coming up at the end of the month. I was really excited about that and wanted to be part of the planning and helping get everything set up and stuff.

In the meantime Lily was trying to deal with her own stuff, plus she wanted to get like new ID and stuff made for Mira so she'd have a full identity and everything when she took over this body or whatever other bodies Lily came up with in the future. Otherwise she'd have to pretend to be me and that would suck for both of us.

At the same time Lily was also hard at work trying to figure out if my idea was possible, so the three of us could share two bodies. And finally, Mira didn't take very long at all to get bored being stuck inside our head. Apparently she didn't find The Mara Show anywhere near as entertaining as Lily did.

Or maybe my demon mom didn't actually find my life that captivating, maybe she was just kind of lazy and liked to sleep all day, and maybe she used 'watching over me' as an excuse so none of us would know the truth. Not that Mira would ever figure out Lily's secret then tell me all about it or anything. She's a very good demonic daughter and would never embarrass her mom like that.

On the other hand it's not like Mira was much better. When she did take over our body she usually just planted herself on the sectional in our living-room and watched TV all night. But like, she had way more channels than Lily did plus there was that streaming service and stuff.

She claimed it was research though, like she needed to get herself caught up on modern culture and stuff. And to be fair she didn't only watch TV, she also got her own phone and started surfing the web a lot too. It's amazing how much stuff you miss out on when you're dead for two thousand years.

Mira also met all my girlfriends, and she seemed to get on ok with them but I noticed there was something a little off. Like she seemed just a little bit tense or uneasy when she was around them. I tried asking about it, but she claimed there was nothing wrong.

Rather than spend much time socializing with the DLP, she mostly just took over the body when everyone was asleep. Then she spent her time watching TV or searching the web, or she manifested wings and went out to fly around. Whatever she did though, she tended to do it alone.

Meanwhile I got used to sleeping alone in the bed in Mira's villa on Thera. The one in our head that is, the real one was still gone and it didn't look like my demonic twin would be able to get it back.

Not that I didn't get to sleep with my girlfriends, but I didn't get to do that every night. I still got to be with them, but as soon as I actually fell asleep Mira would take over and I'd end up in the bed in her villa.

So Lily kept working on my idea, I kept doing my regular life stuff, and Mira did her own thing but it felt like she was already growing apart from me even though we were all stuck in the same body and brain for the time being.

Now it was Friday, a full week had passed since the ritual and stuff, and for some reason I was feeling kind of out of it when I got up in the morning. I'd felt pretty good since dying again or whatever, like in terms of physical health, but it was like overnight all my energy got sapped out or something. Or maybe I wasn't sleeping as well in Mira's bed as I thought.

It also crossed my mind to ask Lily about it, like maybe this was how demons felt when they needed to feed or whatever. But she'd been asleep all morning and I didn't want to wake her. I figured we could talk when she finally woke up on her own.

Melissa led me into the cafeteria after our morning classes, and I stumbled along behind her almost on auto-pilot. She got herself a sandwich and a cola, while I grabbed some juice. Then I followed her into the dining area and slumped down in a chair next to her.

That was another thing. Being a demon now, human food didn't do much for me. I could still eat it, but I never got hungry for it. I hadn't quite got to the point where I missed it, but it was kind of a bummer. I didn't even really need the juice, but I wanted something while I sat in the cafeteria with her.

A few moments later Amber sat down across from me, and a minute after that Grace joined us as well.

"You look like crap Mara," the fashionable blonde commented as she had a sip of her water.

Amber grimaced, "I wouldn't put it quite like that, but she's got a point."

Melissa gave me a worried look, "I was planning to talk to you about it after class, but since Grace brought it up..."

"I know," I sighed and had a gulp of my juice. "I'm fine, it's ok. I'm just a little more tired than usual today. Maybe I'm having more trouble adjusting to stuff than I thought I would?"

"Adjusting?" Grace asked. "To what?"

We hadn't had a chance to tell Grace all the details of what happened at the cottage last week. She knew we were successful and Armaros was defeated and stuff, and she knew there'd been some setbacks, but she didn't know yet about me becoming a full demon or Mira being in our head or that I was possibly dead again and all that stuff.

I tried not to sigh too loudly, "It's uh, complicated. Too complicated to talk about at lunch anyways."

Melissa suggested, "Why don't you come back to our place after class today Grace? It's Friday, the five of us can catch up on things. We haven't had a chance to really talk since before Thanksgiving right? You can fill us in on your trip to Ottawa and your visit with Felicity, and we'll tell you about our dinner with Mara's mom and what happened at the cottage."

"Sure," Grace agreed. "Assuming Mara can stay awake that long."

I grumbled as I slumped lower in my chair and had another gulp of juice.

My girlfriends gave me a slightly worried glance, but they all gradually went back to eating their lunch.

It was only about a minute or two later when a fifth person showed up at the table, carrying a bottle of water.

"There you are," Mira said with some forced enthusiasm. "May I join you and your friends for lunch?"

I didn't have to look twice to know she felt about as run-down as I did, she was just doing a better job of hiding it.

"Pull up a chair," I replied with a shrug.

"Thank you Mara," she replied as she placed her bottle on the table. She dragged a chair over from a nearby table and sat down at the end, between Melissa and Grace.

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She looked and sounded absolutely identical to me in every way, right down to the clothes she was wearing. She didn't have horns and a tail, but mine were currently invisible so we even looked the same in that regard too.

It took me another ten or fifteen seconds to notice the way Melissa, Amber, and Grace were all staring slack-jawed at my demonic twin. And it was maybe five or ten seconds after that when I finally clued-in to the fact that Mira was actually physically here at college with me and my friends.

"Hang on!" I stated as I suddenly sat bolt upright in my chair. "How did you get here?!"

My identical twin stifled a yawn then replied, "Our mater arranged my enrolment as a transfer student. I'm taking a health sciences program, so unfortunately we won't be sharing any classes together. But I'm sure we'll run into one another around the campus, and we can always meet up for lunch and other extracurricular activities."

The rest of us just stared at her, nobody knew how to respond to her yet.

Mira had a sip of her water then apologized, "I suspect I'm the reason you're feeling so tired today Mara. I'm sorry about that. It took our mater a lot more energy than expected to get me here. She'll probably want to recharge some of that tonight."

There was another long quiet pause, but Grace was actually the first one to recover from the shock. Probably because she didn't know who Mira really was.

"You're Mara's twin sister?" the attractive blonde asked. "I didn't even know she had a sister."

My twin smiled, "You must be Grace? I'm Mira Carter. And yeah, I'm Mara's long lost twin sister."

I groaned and slumped back down in my chair again as I grumbled, "I'm really not looking forward to explaining this to my mom."

"Hi Mira," our small succubus girlfriend spoke up next. "It's nice to finally see you and Mara together in one place."

Melissa nodded, "Yeah... It's a surprise, but it's nice to have you here Mira."

"Thanks Amber, Melissa. I'm glad to be here as well," Mira responded, though to be honest she didn't sound that glad to me.

She was still trying to hide her weariness, and I could tell there was still something off about how she interacted with my girlfriends. Like something made her feel uptight. Nobody else seemed to notice it though, and the others all gradually got back to eating their lunch. Mira sipped her water, and I drank some more juice.

Grace commented, "I have a feeling this is part of that complicated stuff we're going to be catching up on tonight?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Mira? Are you staying with us? Like I mean, are you living with us or whatever? Or where are you going to stay?"

My demonic sister replied, "Yeah, for now at least? You did offer the guest room after all. And I imagine it will take me some time to get used to all of this? Life here is quite different from what I'm accustomed to."

Grace munched on a forkful of salad and watched Mira for a few minutes. Eventually she asked, "You said you're a transfer student. Where'd you transfer from?"

"The iron age," Mira replied in a half-mumble.

"Ok..." Grace frowned as she stared for a few more seconds. "So that's definitely something we're going to talk about later."

My twin just smiled slightly and had another sip of her water.

I stayed quiet and watched, but the others talked. Grace had more questions for Mira, but for now both of them stuck to the safe questions that didn't involve anything supernatural. So mostly they talked about what Mira was taking here at college.

Apparently her program was a basic version of the nursing stuff Susan was doing at university. Which honestly sounded exactly like the kind of thing I'd expect, based on what I knew about Mira. I wasn't sure if she still had the same demonic talents she did before, but if she could feed on people's negative emotions and stuff then that would probably help her a lot as a nurse or whatever.

After lunch me and Grace and Melissa headed off to our afternoon classes together, while Mira and Amber went their separate ways. The five of us all agreed to meet up afterwards though, and Grace would come back home with the rest of us.

And I knew we'd have to go through some of this stuff again with Susan when she got home from university. With any luck Lily would be awake by then too, so I could find out if anything else happened last night or if there were any details Mira forgot to mention.

I was tired enough I mostly just sleep-walked through the last of my classes. After that, Melissa drove me and Amber home while Mira rode with Grace. When we got to the house the five of us got comfortable, with me and Melissa and Amber on the sectional while Mira and Grace sat on the love-seat together.

Everyone else got vodka coolers but I didn't bother. I'd already figured out alcohol didn't work on me anymore, and I was too tired to enjoy the taste so it'd just be wasted on me anyways.

Grace was full of questions, for that matter so were the rest of us, but we all agreed to wait till Sue got home. That happened about a half hour later, our sexy redheaded girlfriend came in and joined us all in the living-room.

"Hi Mara, Melissa, Amber. Hi Grace, hi Mara."

I could almost hear the record-scratch sound from Sue's brain as she stopped in her tracks and looked to the left at me, then to the right at the other me.

"Hi Susan," my twin responded. "I'm Mira."

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