I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 27: 27. Committed

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"You're sure you don't want anything?" Sue asked. "Maybe some food will help wake you up?"

My girlfriends had ordered from our usual place again, Sue and Amber and Grace were enjoying sushi while Melissa had some of the stuff I used to enjoy. But neither Mira or I were interested, and by that point it was obvious to everyone that my twin was feeling as run-down as I was.

I didn't even know if Mira needed to eat but didn't feel like it, or if human food wasn't useful to her either. She hadn't really gone into any of those details yet. The past two hours we'd all done a lot of talking and a lot of questions had been answered, except for any of mine.

Grace filled us in on her trip to Ottawa and her visit and thanksgiving with her older sister. Then we told her about our visit with mom and Carol, including the big news that my mom and her girlfriend were engaged. My girlfriends also told Grace how I messed up and ended up having to tell mom about being Lily's daughter in a past life and all that, but it worked out ok.

Then we told her about our trip to the cottage and how that turned out, and Grace looked relieved she wasn't there. Like it all worked out ok obviously, but the fact that Armaros came pretty close to escaping and killing everyone was a whole lot more scary when we all stopped to think about it.

And finally Mira told Grace who she really was, and that she'd been dead for the last two thousand years which is why she had a lot to catch up on and new stuff to get used to.

There were things I wanted to know but Mira didn't mention, and it felt too personal for me to ask in front of everyone else. Like I wanted to know if she was still a demon, or if she was only part-demon. The one thing I knew for sure was that she wasn't human. My demonic intuition didn't work on her, and if she was human it would have.

I also wanted to know if her being in a separate body meant she and Lily gave up on my idea, or if Lily figured out my idea wouldn't work or something. I didn't mind that, like if all three of us couldn't stay together then I was happy sticking with Lily while Mira was free and alive again. But I wanted to know for sure.

Fortunately I didn't have to wait much longer, it was only about another ten minutes before I finally felt Lily wake up. I didn't bother saying anything, I just let my eyes blur as I pulled back inside.

"Lily!" I said as I gave her a big hug. "I wish you'd warned me you were going to do that last night! I've been worried about you, Mira hasn't been very talkative about what happened, and me and Mira are both super exhausted today."

She smiled as she hugged me back, "I'm sorry Mara. It was a last-minute decision and it didn't seem important enough to wake you up to let you know what we were doing. I didn't realize it would affect all of us the way it did. I didn't think it'd affect either you or her at all, and I expected I'd be up and about in the morning to fill you in."

"So Mira's got her own separate body now," I said as I kept my arms around her. "Does that mean my idea didn't work?"

Lily smiled, "Not at all Mara. I realized it would be easier to put your idea into practice if we had the second body ready ahead of time. There's some other business I'd like to take care of first though. Would you mind if I took over for now?"

I shook my head, "I don't mind, but does that mean my idea might still work?"

"Yes," she nodded. "But we'll get to that a little later ok?"

"Ok Lily," I smiled. I finally let go of her and sat on her sofa, while she moved to the window then stepped out into our body. I was still tired, but I felt a bit better knowing she was ok. And there was some excitement knowing my idea would work after all.

We still had clothes on, but thanks to some of Lily's magic my outfit vanished as we stood up and took a step away from the sofa. Everyone but Mira was surprised by that, and a second later Grace's eyes nearly bulged out of her head as our body shifted to Lily's full demonic form.

"Holy crap!" the fashionable blonde yelped as she stared wide-eyed.

The big blue demon smiled, "Hello Grace, and sorry for surprising you like that. I'm Lily."

Then she added to the others, "Excuse me a moment, I'll be right back."

I didn't know what Lily was up to, but she was heading for our bedroom. As we went upstairs I could hear Melissa and Susan telling Grace not to be scared, that Lily was safe and friendly and stuff.

We ducked through the door into the master bedroom, and stopped next to the bed. Lily opened the bed-side table then carefully picked up the velvet box that contained Verothilas' amulet. As I watched out the window, she opened the box and placed one hand on the silver metal.

"Lily?" I asked. "What are you doing?"

"Feeding," she replied.

Then she said some quiet words in demonic, and there was a flare of purple light under her hand. It was like the new moon ritual except she just did it with a couple words. No moon, no ritual, no salt circle, and no chanting.

"Woah!" I gasped. "How'd you do that?!"

Lily chuckled as she put the amulet away and closed the drawer, "I'm free and back in my true demonic body Mara. My power is more than a hundredfold greater than anything you saw before."

"Huh," I commented.

She sounded a lot more awake and energetic and stuff, but I still felt kind of beat. I figured that's because I was inside and didn't get that rush of energy or whatever, but I assumed it would filter through to me eventually. Or maybe once I was back out in the body I'd feel it.

I asked, "So what are you going to do next?"

We were already heading out of the bedroom again as she replied, "It's time to talk with your girlfriends."

Lily's body was too big to comfortably sit on the sofa or the love-seat, so we ended up just sitting crosslegged on the floor sort of in the middle of the living-room. The coffee table was in front of us, Sue Melissa and Amber were on our left while Grace and Mira were on the right. And the fireplace was across from us.

My demon mom announced, "Melissa, Susan, Amber, and Grace? I have something here for you."

We held out our hand and four large manilla envelopes appeared. Each one was mostly-plain, except for a name written in black ink.

The four succubi each accepted the envelope with their name on it, and Melissa took a look inside hers.

"This is my contract," the busty blonde said as her eyebrows shot up. "The one I signed with you last summer."

Lily gestured towards the fireplace where there were a couple logs resting on the grate. We were probably going to get a fire going after dinner, but Susan hadn't had time to mess around with kindling and stuff. Except apparently she didn't have to, as the logs burst into flame. That got some surprised gasps from the others, before they all looked back at us again.

My mater stated, "Melissa, Susan, Amber, and Grace. Those are your contracts, and I'm releasing you all from them. Place them in the fire, and when they've been fully consumed you will be free."

Everyone was silent for a few moments, and I saw a bunch of different expressions over my girlfriends' faces.

Sue spoke up first, "What will happen to us when we're free? What will change?"

Lily replied, "You will no longer be compelled to work for me every week. You will no longer be compelled to transfer energy to me through Mara each month. None of you will become human again, that bridge has already been burned for all four of you. You won't lose any of your supernatural abilities or talents. You will remain succubi or part-succubi as you are right now, but your debts to me will be absolved. Whatever energy you gain with your talents in the future will be yours to keep. I will have no more influence over you."

I spoke up, "Lily, remind Susan and everyone that we're all still the DLP. The contract doesn't impact that."

She relayed that for me, and added "I know you joined us specifically for the contract Susan, so that you would be bound to Mara and Melissa through me. I'm freeing you from that contract, but you could always form a new one directly with your girlfriends. Although I think perhaps you've already got one, that's stronger than anything you could achieve with ink or paper."

"Part of our contract involved you keeping us safe," Amber pointed out. "I assume this means we won't be able to rely on your magic for protection?"

Lily hesitated, "I suppose not? To be honest I hadn't thought about that, I expected you'd all be pleased to be free."

Melissa was staring at her envelope as she pointed out, "Your contract also guarantees we'll stay young and healthy and free of disease. It's a pretty good health-care plan, you know?"

My demon mom responded, "Yes... But your succubus nature also provides those benefits, to a certain extent? And as a shapeshifter, you can make yourself whatever age you want."

So far nobody had tossed their contract in the fire, and Lily finally looked at Grace. "I suppose you have misgivings about being released from your obligations too?"

"Actually I do," she replied. "It's only been two and a half months since I signed this. I was prepared to spend the next five years repaying you. I feel guilty accepting all your help then getting let off the hook just as I was getting started."

There was a long awkward pause, then Melissa finally asked "Lily can we think about this for a bit? Like if we choose to stay on with you right now, can we change our minds later? Or is this like a one-time offer?"

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My demon mom sighed, "It's not a one-time offer Melissa. If you do not wish to burn your contract tonight, then hand it back and I'll keep it safe. You can ask me for it at any time and I'll return it to you."

She held out her hand, and one by one all four contracts were handed back to her. All four of them vanished as Lily poofed them away to wherever she kept that sort of thing. Then she announced, "That was all the business I had for the four of you this evening. Now I need to talk with Mara, so I'll be stepping inside again."

"That was unexpected," I said as soon as Lily was back inside with me. "All four of them wanted to keep working for you?"

She rolled her eyes as she sat down next to me on the leather sofa, "They're going to think it over. I'm sure they'll change their minds before long. They were simply caught by surprise this evening."

"Maybe," I frowned. "So what do you want to discuss with me?"

"It's about your idea Mara," she explained. "I can do it. You and Mira and myself will need to form a three-way pact. It will bind all of us together and tie the three of us to both bodies. The body you and I are in now will remain the primary one, while the one Mira occupies will be the peripheral or satellite body."

She continued, "I will remain with this body, but either you or Mira can inhabit the other one. Though I suspect in practice she will spend most of her time embodied there, while you and I will remain together here. Whichever body either of you are in, both of you will be able to return here so the three of us can spend time together."

"Finally," she stated, "There will be provisions in the new pact Mara that prohibit you from feeding on humans the way I did, the way demons usually do. You'll be able to enjoy human food and drink again, but when it comes to fuelling our demonic magic I will handle that myself. Like I told you in the spring, and as I've said since then, I will not allow you to feed on humans."

After a pause she added, "I can't restore your humanity, but with a little creativity we can fake it through our new pact."

"But will I be able to get wings?" I asked. "Like if we're sharing a demonic body and we have your shapeshifting ability, I should be able to have wings right?"

Lily smiled, "Yes Mara. I'll teach you how to grow wings, and I'll teach you how to fly."

"YEAH!" I let out a happy shout. That was the best news so far, and it almost made me forget how tired I was. "What about Mira? Can she fly too?"

My mater's smile remained as she nodded, "Yes she can. Once we've all formed this pact, our energy will be shared between both bodies. That will ensure you're both able to shape-shift to adapt your bodies however you desire, be that horns, tails, wings, or whatever else you two come up with."

That earned her a big hug, as I asked "So where do I sign?"

Lily laughed, "If you're ready then step back out into the body. Mira and I have already discussed these details last night, so she knows what to expect."

"Ok Lily," I said as I hugged her again. Then I was out into the body a moment later.

Our body shifted to take my form once I was in it, and a moment later a new contract appeared on the coffee table in front of me. Next to that was the knifey-pen thing. I still felt nearly exhausted though, being back out in the body didn't fix that. I decided I'd talk to Lily about it after we got the new pact out of the way.

"Mara?" Melissa asked. "What's with the contract, who's that for?"

Of course all my girlfriends recognized the pen and Lily's professionally-prepared paperwork. I picked it up and started reading it carefully as I replied, "It's a new pact. I'll tell you about it afterwards but this is for me and Mira and Lily."

They all seemed surprised about that, except for Mira. Nobody asked though, and I read through the whole thing carefully without any more interruptions. Then I read it again, and finally a third time.

The last page had places for our three signatures. It was just like my demon mom said, it would anchor all three of us together, it would let us share the two bodies, and we'd be able to share demonic magic and energy between us.

It would also ensure both me and Mira stayed here, like as in alive. Since we still didn't know how both our souls or whatever were present, Lily was worried we could get unstuck and just like, disappear or die or something unexpectedly. So the pact would ensure we didn't go anywhere, which I knew would make my mom and girlfriends happy.

The other thing on the last page was the duration. It had no expiry, this pact was forever. Except either me or Mira could opt out at any time. Neither of us were prisoners or whatever, we were both only there as long as we wanted to be there.

After my third read-through I was satisfied. I poked my thumb with the pen then signed my name in blood. Then I offered the pen to my demonic twin.

She accepted it, and she took the time to read through the paperwork as well before she added her signature right next to my own. A moment later Lily's squiggle appeared burned onto the paper as well. And finally the contract vanished into what I assumed was a magical filing cabinet Lily kept hidden somewhere.

Before I could ask what next, there was a warm sensation on my right ankle while at the same time I suddenly felt a huge energy boost, like that weariness and stuff I'd had all day was suddenly just gone. I went from feeling half asleep to feeling fantastic, and I grinned as I looked down at my ankle.

We had a new tattoo there, and it looked pretty damn cool.

Three interlocking circles about an inch across each contained a different demonic name squiggle. I recognized the one in the top circle as Lily's. The other two weren't as complicated, and they were very similar to each other. Somehow I knew the one on the left belonged to Mira while the one on the right was mine. And in the middle was a grounding rune, binding all three of us together.

There was a wide grin on my face as I looked over at Mira, but she was staring down at her own ankle with a thoughtful frown on her face. Her body had the same exact tattoo in the same place, and I knew that meant both our bodies were tied together as well.

She finally looked up at me and gave me a brief smile, and I realized she looked as awake and alert now as I felt. Like somehow tying all three of us together through that new pact fixed whatever was wrong with the both of us.

"Yay!" I exclaimed with a wide grin. "I'm going to step inside for a second, then I'll be ready for a drink! Succubus demon girl party time!"

My girlfriends laughed, Susan put on some music, and Melissa got everyone another round of drinks while I went inside to see Lily once more.

"Oh wow!" I commented as soon as I saw it. That big window was still there in front of the sofa, but now there was a second, slightly smaller window just to the right. And even though both windows were on the same wall of the apartment, they showed two different views.

A moment later Mira appeared, standing in front of the other window.

"Neat!" I grinned. "Two bodies, two windows! This is awesome Lily!"

Our demon mom smiled, "That's right Mara. Two bodies, two windows, and all three of us are joined together."

Her expression shifted slightly to concern as she addressed my twin, "What's troubling you Mira? Is something wrong?"

My demonic twin shook her head, "Not wrong, just odd. Your glyph appears correct on our new tattoo, but mine is... That's not my true name glyph."

"I noticed that," Lily replied. "I'm not sure why, or what it means. It probably has to do with whatever circumstances brought you back? Or perhaps it's because of the nature of the pact the three of us now share."

I frowned, "It's ok though right? Like it's not a problem, it's not going to hurt Mira is it?"

My twin shook her head, "It's not a problem Mara. I was just surprised, that's all. There's nothing wrong with me or the pact."

"Yay!" I exclaimed with another grin, then I pulled both of them into a group hug.

After a few seconds Lily nudged the two of us towards the windows and said "I'm glad you're both happy, and I'm glad you're both feeling better. Now why don't you two get back out there and enjoy yourselves?"

And we did.

It was Friday night, we were four succubi partying with a pair of hot demonic twins, and I couldn't remember ever feeling so good. Plus every now and then I glanced down at that new fancy tattoo on my ankle and it kept making me happy.

The only thing that wasn't perfect was I could tell something was still bothering Mira. And she was still a little uneasy around my girlfriends.

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