I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 34: 34. Prospects

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"Too! Damn! Cold!" I announced as we all hurried back into the house. "I can't feel my fingers!"

Melissa smirked, "Just your fingers? What about your horns and tail, are they ok?"

"My tail's fine. I kept it wrapped around my leg under my wool skirt the whole time," I replied. Then with a wide grin I added, "And my horns are great, this hat is amazing!"

My new hat was actually a knitted wool toque, it was dark red with black accents and it had two knitted horns on top that were the right size and in the right spot, so when I put it on my actual horns slipped right in.

It was sort of like those hats they made with like cat ears or whatever on top, and most people would just think it was cute and silly. Especially when my horns were invisible, so I'd take off the hat and look normal. But when I had it on, my horns were all warm and happy.

Amber smiled, "Make sure you let your mom know that. She'll be pleased to hear it."

"I will!" I said as we all started getting out of our winter coats and boots and stuff.

Grace commented, "I can't believe your mom actually made you a horn-friendly hat."

Melissa stated, "Emma's amazing. She's the kind of mom everybody deserves."

I couldn't argue with that. Mom gave me the hat as an xmas gift when we were all there on Friday. Mira got one as well, except instead of horns her hat had cute little black and red demon-wings sticking out over her ears. Mom and Carol had stuff like that for everyone, like they put some extra thought into everything they gave out for xmas.

After I was out of my coat and boots and gloves and stuff I also pulled off the long wool skirt I was wearing. That left me in leggings and a loose top, which was my usual comfy casual combo.

Once we were all out of our winter clothes and stuff, the four of us picked up our purses or bags or whatever and headed through to the living-room. Susan and Mira were in there, they were cuddling on the sofa next to a big roaring fire. They were watching all of us, but waited till we joined them before saying anything.

"You lot look pretty cold," Sue commented with a smile. "How'd it go?"

Amber made a face as she sat crosslegged on a pillow on the floor near the fireplace. "It was frigid. I'm positive that can't be good for our camera gear, being out in the cold like that."

Grace joined Sue and Mira on the sofa, while me and Melissa sat down on the love-seat. All four of us were messing around with our cameras again, looking at the pictures we got on our expedition out into the frozen arctic wasteland. Or the local Toronto suburbs in winter, as it was also known.

My other self offered, "I could make hot chocolate? It's safe for demons, there's not much caffein in it."

"Ooo!" Amber's eyes lit up. "Do we have marshmallows? Hot chocolate and marshmallows would be awesome!"

A few of us giggled as Mira got to her feet, "I'll see what I can do. Anyone else?"

It turned out everyone wanted hot cocoa, so Sue went to help Mira get the drinks ready. Ten or twelve minutes later they came back with a bunch of mugs and handed them all out.

Unfortunately we didn't have marshmallows, but there was whipped cream which was almost as good. Melissa Grace and Susan all had a shot of Irish cream in their hot chocolate, while me and Mira and Amber skipped on the booze and got an extra helping of whipped cream instead.

With the beverages all handed out, Sue and Mira sat down with Grace again on the sofa. And Amber got up off the floor and squeezed in between me and Melissa on the love-seat.

As we all relaxed and enjoyed our hot cocoa Susan commented, "So only two days till new years. And only about a week till school starts back up again."

I grimaced, "I know. That's why we were out doing that photography assignment today? Get it out of the way now, so we can party and stuff later."

Sue rolled her eyes and continued, "I was just thinking about the future. Wondering what next year's going to bring? We're graduating in June, what's everyone going to do after that?"

"Not everyone's graduating in June," Mira reminded the curvaceous redhead. "I got held back a year on account of not existing until last summer, or some such nonsense."

Grace added, "And I'm taking a third year. So Mira and I will be at college again for another year, but I guess the rest of you will have moved on."

Melissa suggested, "Why don't you start Sue? Since you brought it up. Where do you see yourself in seven or eight months?"

Our redheaded girlfriend looked thoughtful as she sipped her hot chocolate, "My last semester includes some on-the-job experience. I don't know yet if it'll be at a private clinic or a doctor's office or hospital, but I'm hoping it'll let me start making connections and do some networking? Leading up to and after graduation I'll be putting out resumes and trying to get a job. Maybe at a physiotherapy place, or a rehab clinic? We'll see."

She had another sip of cocoa then asked "What about you Melissa?"

The tall busty blonde smiled, "I've already started checking out local photographers and photography studios. I'll be putting out resumes and my CV. And while I'm looking for work I'll keep going out and taking pictures of course. Try and build up a portfolio, right?"

"Don't bother applying at my uncle's studio," Grace commented with a scowl. "For obvious reasons."

Melissa nodded, "Understood. And yeah, I know who to avoid."

Amber went next, "I've already talked to my manager. As soon as I'm done college I'll go full-time at the store. Christine also hinted that there might be an assistant manager position waiting for me. But..."

The smol succubus shrugged as she continued, "I don't want to work for someone else forever. That's why I'm taking some business management and marketing classes this year? And next semester I'm also taking a class in accounting."

"You want to open your own store?" Susan asked. She sounded impressed, "That's ambitious, but it's also a fantastic idea!"

That resulted in one of Amber's cute blushy grins. She shrugged again, "It's not a big deal, it just makes sense right? Like I don't work for Lily anymore, why would I want to work for some humans at a head office I've never even met?"

Before anyone could question or comment she threw it over at me, "How about you Mara? Do you have any plans for after college?"

Grace teased, "I notice you didn't ask her what her plans were, but if she even had any."

The rest of my girlfriends giggled, and I pouted. For a second or two before my lips curled into a smile.

"Nah," I shrugged. "You all know me pretty good, I haven't thought that far ahead."

I had a gulp of my cocoa and added, "Actually I was thinking of staying at school? Like Mira's got another year, and Grace is staying another year too right? I might sign up for that third year advanced photography program? Then the three of us can keep hanging out together at school."

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Melissa grinned, "Plus that means you can put off thinking about a job for another whole year."

"Exactly!" I smiled back at her.

The busty blonde looked at Grace and asked, "I know we're talking about another year and a half, but I'm sure you've already got some plans for what you'll do after you're finished college?"

Our fashionable girlfriend nodded, "Plans might change of course, but I expect to be doing the same things you mentioned Melissa. I'll put out resumes and my CV, and I'll keep working on my portfolio. My goal hasn't changed, I want to get into the fashion industry."

Susan finally looked to her left and gave Mira a hug, "That just leaves you cutie. Do you want to share your long-term plans?"

My demonic twin smiled and shrugged, "My plans aren't as well-defined as some of yours... They're a lot more focused than Mara's though."

That got another round of giggling out of the others, and another brief pout from me.

Mira continued, "Basically I just want to do something in health care, I want to help folks. I'm not going to become a nurse or whatever, my course isn't as comprehensive as yours is Sue. But we'll see. It's eighteen months away, I'm sure as I get closer to graduation I'll have a better idea what I'm going to do with myself."

By that point we'd all finished our drinks, and my fingers had finished warming up so I felt much better. Having a cute cuddly Amber squeezed up against my side didn't hurt either.

"Anyone want more hot chocolate?" Mira offered.

We all took her up on that, but this time I gave her a hand in the kitchen while Sue stayed on the sofa with Grace.

As the two of us made another round of hot drinks Mira asked me, "I don't suppose you've checked your email today while you were out?"

"Nah," I shook my head. "My fingers were too numb to play with my phone. I was barely able to work my camera. Why?"

She moved a little closer and wrapped an arm around my shoulders as she whispered, "Mom wrote us. She and Carol picked a date. Saturday May twenty-second."

My eyes went wide, same with my smile. I might have even squealed. Me and Mira ended up in a tight hug as I gave her a happy kiss and exclaimed, "Oh my gosh I have to call them! Have you talked to them, did you already call?"

She giggled, "Nah I was waiting for you. I figured we should do it together."

"Yes!" I grinned. "Thanks for waiting! Did she say anything else about it? Like did they pick where? Big wedding or small? What about their honeymoon?"

Mira giggled again, "You could just look at your phone you know? She emailed the both of us."

"Aaaah!" I squealed again as I ran to find my phone.

Mira followed me, and she filled the others in while I read the email, then when she was done I took over and shared the rest of the details.

"So the wedding is going to be at some fancy hotel retreat place a little ways north of them? They're only spending the weekend there, like ceremony on the Saturday afternoon then reception Saturday night. Monday it's back to work for Carol and back to school for mom. They're saving the honeymoon till the summer, they're going to spend six weeks travelling through Europe together."

Mira added, "Neither of them wanted a huge fancy church thing, it'll be more like fancy-casual. And not huge? Like probably only a couple dozen guests. Like on our side of the family is just us three plus all of you. And mom's friends and stuff. And Carol will be inviting her family and friends and stuff too."

At that point me and my demon twin had to rush back into the kitchen to take care of the hot chocolate, then we came back and handed out all the drinks and stuff. And finally we sat back down with our girlfriends again.

"So that's exciting," Melissa said with a smile. "And it kind of fits with our earlier conversation right, like about the future, what's going on next year."

Sue agreed, "Thinking of the short-term future, we've got our new years party in two days. We'll have some work to do tomorrow and during the day Thursday to get everything ready."

"It'll be crowded in here," Amber commented. "All six of us, plus Matt, Kenzie, Sam, Troy, Willow and Vicky, and I'm positive my sister and her girlfriend will drop by as well."

"No Logan or Erin?" I asked Susan.

She shook her head, "I asked but they said they have other plans? Though to be honest I get the feeling they were a little too weirded out at our halloween party."

"Aww," Mira frowned.

Sue shrugged, "It'll be plenty crowded anyways, so I'm not upset about it."

Melissa finished her second cocoa then smiled, "So we've talked about next year and after graduation, and we've talked about our new years party. Looking to the immediate future, what are we doing tonight?"

"I want sushi," Amber announced. "Let's order in?"

Melissa smiled, "Works for me."

Grace Mira and Susan all nodded as well.

"Get one or two of our usual cooked dishes as well and I'm in," I stated.

Sue grinned, "It's a deal!"

A few minutes later me and Mira had all the empty mugs rounded up and the vodka coolers and wine out. Amber got some music going on the sound system, and Melissa put another big log on the fire. Grace decided she'd stay with us tonight, so she was free to indulge without worrying about driving home later. And Susan placed our usual order through the app on her phone.

It was a quiet little succubus demon-girl evening. The weather outside was bitterly cold, but I was confident we'd have no trouble keeping each other warm tonight.

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