I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 35: 35. Celebrated

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"Mira?" mom asked as my demonic twin returned to where we were waiting. "Is everything ok? Who were those girls you were talking to?"

She smiled, "Everything's fine. They're a couple locals, they saw everyone standing around and got curious what was happening. I told them it was a private function and asked them to move along."

We were at a fancy hotel resort spa place, about an hour north of mom and Carol's house. It was a nice location, the place was at the bottom of a big hill in a little valley, surrounded by farms and trees and stuff. They had skiing in the winter and a golf course in the summer, plus there were trails for hiking and biking and all that sort of thing. They also did banquets and parties and stuff like that, which was the reason we were there.

We all took Friday off from school or work or whatever and came up yesterday. Mom and Carol spent the afternoon driving around sight-seeing while the DLP visited the nearby town. Then we all met up at the hotel in the evening for dinner.

Apparently my other half's explanation sounded just a bit too casual or whatever, which led to mom giving her a suspicious look.

"Is that all?" she asked after a second or two. "I feel like there's more to it hon."

"Ok," Mira shrugged. "It was a local witch and her girlfriend, snooping around looking for supernatural trouble. I told them my human mom was getting married and if they messed with the wedding they'd be dealing with four unhappy succubi, three angry demons, and two pissed-off human brides. They apologized for the interruption and promised not to interfere. Then they wished you and Carol all the best, before they took off."

"Wait seriously?" I asked with a grin. "Like for real? I thought that was just cosplay or whatever."

Meanwhile mom let out a weary sigh and muttered, "I'm sorry I asked."

Then she fixed a firm gaze on me and Mira and stated, "I don't want to know about witches. And I don't want to hear anything about demons or succubi either, ok girls? Not today. No offence to you and your mater and your girlfriends, but all the other guests are human and half of them are church-goers. It took a few months for Carol's family to get used to the idea that she's marrying a woman. The last thing we need is for them to find out there's anything even the slightest bit demonic about our family."

"We know mom," I replied as I rolled my eyes. "You've told us that like ten times already."

Mira added with a smirk, "Ten times today. Probably a hundred times this week."

Mom just sighed again.

She reached up to rub her forehead or something but I stopped her, "Mom don't! You'll smear your make-up or mess up your hair!"

"Right," she grimaced. "Thanks Mara."

Mira asked, "Is there anything else we need to do?"

I added, "It's almost time, right?"

Mom nodded, "It should be any moment now. Once the music starts, that's our cue."

The three of us were basically lurking in a little alcove kind of area off to one side of a building. We could hear everyone just around the corner from us, they were all waiting too but at least they had chairs. And Carol was probably in a similar spot on the other side of the building, with her dad and her niece and nephew.

Mom was in a really pretty white wedding dress, and she had her hair and make-up done in the resort spa this morning. Carol was the same, she was in her own fancy wedding dress and she got the big spa treatment this morning as well.

Me and Mira were in matching dark green dresses. My horns and tail were invisible, but I didn't bother making them go away completely. We were mom's maids of honour, and we were both going to walk her down the aisle. And Carol had her twelve-year-old niece as a maid of honour, her ten-year-old nephew was her best man, and her dad would walk her down the aisle.

"I thought you two wanted a small wedding?" Mira commented as she peeked around the corner again. "Or at least, you said you didn't want a big one. There's like fifty people out there."

"I know," mom replied with a grimace. "But by the time we both came up with lists of who we needed to invite there was almost forty people. Add a few plus-ones and suddenly we've got fifty guests here."

She lowered her voice slightly as she continued, "Then Carol's parents got involved. It was all we could do to convince them we didn't want to get married in a church. And the only reason we didn't get stuck with a religious ceremony regardless was their minister wouldn't officiate a same-sex wedding."

I frowned, "They're not going to make a fuss or anything, are they?"

"No Mara," mom stated. "They've accepted that their daughter and I are in love, and they've accepted that we're going to get married. It's just the details of where and how it happened that we had to argue about."

The music started before we could ask anything else, so me and Mira quickly got into position. I was on mom's left, my twin was on the right, and the three of us emerged from our hiding spot together. The guests were all sitting in rows of folding chairs that were set up under a big open-sided tent thing, but they all stood up and turned to look as the three of us approached.

Mom's guests were all on the left side and Carol's were on the right, and I didn't actually know most of them. My girlfriends were sitting in some prime seats at the front on our side, and I recognized a couple more faces on that side of the tent.

There were some of mom's friends from the restaurant where she used to work, and one or two friends mom had from where we used to live. And it seemed kind of weird to me that I only really knew them because I remembered they were at my funeral two years ago.

One thing I found kind of funny was our side was like ninety-percent women. We didn't have any family apart from the three of us. I counted the DLP as family but I wasn't sure mom did, and anyways it meant most of her guests were friends. And almost all mom's friends were girls. I was pretty sure the only men mom invited were two guys she worked with at the restaurant. The other five guys on our side were people's dates or whatever.

Carol had a much bigger family. She had her parents and a brother, and he was married with a wife and two kids. Then there was an aunt and uncle and a couple cousins plus their families too. So where mom had twin daughters and their four girlfriends, Carol had like seventeen people in her extended family. Then there were family friends, friends from her work at the university, and friends from when she went to college or whatever.

So there was like fifty people all there staring at mom and Mira and me as the three of us slowly walked down the aisle. There was also the photographer, he was kind of floating around taking pictures as we walked along with mom.

One big distraction was my demonic intuition thing. I'd been trying all day to ignore it but with so many humans all staring and stuff it was almost impossible to tune them all out.

Fortunately most of it was positive, like people thinking how happy mom looked or how nice it was that her twin daughters were escorting her down the aisle. A few stuck out as being negative or whatever. Like some folks still had a problem with a same-sex wedding, not that it stopped them from coming to drink the free booze and eat the free food at the reception or whatever.

And there were a couple on mom's side that were trying to figure out how she had twin daughters. Like people who were at my funeral, first they thought it was weird mom suddenly had a daughter who came out of nowhere. Now at the wedding that one daughter suddenly became two.

When we got to the end of the aisle I did my best to push all that stuff out of my head. We took our places on the left side of the podium and turned around to watch Carol.

She had her dad on one side and her niece on the other, while her nephew followed behind. Charlotte was a cute girl in a really pretty purple dress and Stephen looked adorable in his little suit and tie. Mr. Ingram was a serious-looking guy in a fancy tux. Carol looked really happy, but she also looked like she might burst into tears at any moment.

The photographer took more pictures, then when Carol and her team got to the front with us we all kind of shuffled around a bit. Mom and Carol were in the middle, Mira was next to mom, and I was next to Mira. And on the other side, Charlotte stood beside Carol and Stephen was next to his sister. Meanwhile Mr. Ingram moved to sit down next to his wife.

The front row on Carol's side was basically her parents and her brother and his wife. And on our side it was Melissa, Amber, Susan, and Grace. Even though Grace wasn't in the DLP we all still counted her as one of us. And she was girlfriends with Susan and Mira and me, and friends with Melissa and Amber.

With everyone in position the minister called everything to order, so we all turned around to face her instead of looking back at the guests.

She was an older woman who was like two parts grandmother and one part school principal. Like the vibes I got off her was she'd fix you tea and offer you cookies, but if you didn't take your shoes off before walking into her living-room she'd give you detention and make you write lines.

And I could never remember her name, so as far as I was concerned she was just called Ma'am. Plus whenever she started talking my brain turned off. She had that kind of voice that put me to sleep, and sure enough it happened again.

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Minister Ma'am got as far as "Welcome friends to..." and I zoned right out.

Next thing I knew Mira was elbowing me in the side and I quickly scrambled to pull the ring out of a little pocket in my dress's waistband. I handed it to Mira, she gave it to mom, and mom slipped it on Carol's finger.

I figured they'd do something similar on Carol's side, then I realized mom already had a new ring on. The photographer was still there taking pictures though, so I'd find out what I missed when we looked at the pictures.

Then minister Ma'am said something else, mom and Carol kissed, and we all cheered and clapped or whatever. I noticed there was more cheering and squealing on our side of the tent, while Carol's side was more restrained clapping. Almost everyone was smiling though, which was the most important thing.

After that was some mingling, like everybody wanted to congratulate mom and Carol and give them hugs and stuff. Me and Mira moved back out of the way then gave each other a hug and kiss. It was maybe a bit too passionate considering there were like forty-five people next to us who thought we were normal human twins, but whatever.

A half hour later the photographer dragged a bunch of us away to a nearby garden so he could take a million posed pictures of mom and Carol and me and Mira and Carol's parents and brother and whatever. And I may have made a joke about how strange it was modelling with clothes on for a change, but luckily Carol's folks were hard of hearing or something, and probably nobody really heard me anyways.

All that took about a hundred years, then we had a couple hours to go back to our rooms in the resort to get changed or freshen up or have a quick bit of fun with our girlfriends. Or all of the above.

The reception was at one of the banquet rooms and it was all done up nice. Except me and Mira had to sit up at the front table with mom and Carol and Carol's parents. There were some speeches and toasts and stuff, though me and Mira didn't have to do that. Or we weren't allowed or whatever. Melissa did a speech and a toast though, so it wasn't all on Carol's side.

There was posh fancy food and posh fancy wine, then more fancy food for dessert. Mom and mom had to go and cut the official wedding cake and the photographer was back to get more pictures of that. Eventually the dance floor was opened up and a DJ started playing music and stuff, but before the party really got going there were a bunch of staged slow dances. And the photographer was there taking pictures of all of them.

Mom and Carol got the first dance together and that was kind of cute and romantic and stuff. Then I got to do a dance with Carol, while mom and Mira were both dancing with some of Carol's relatives.

As we danced my newest mom smiled and said, "Thank you Mara."

I gave her a confused look and asked, "What for?"

"For being you," she replied. "Without you and Lily, your mom and I never would have met. And despite the unusual and supernatural surprises, your mother and I both know how much all our lives have improved thanks to you and your demon friends."

That made me smile, "Thanks Carol. I'm glad you and mom are happy, and I'm glad me and my friends are able to help."

After a few seconds she added with a grimace, "I'm also grateful you haven't blurted out or accidentally revealed anything demonic or magical today. So thank you for that too Mara."

"Hey," I pouted. Then I smirked and added, "The day's not over yet, so there's till time right?"

Fortunately she knew I was teasing, so she just laughed.

Next Mira danced with Carol while I had to dance with one of her relatives which was like maximum awkward, but I survived. And after that I got to dance with my mom, which was both awkward and nice.

We were quiet at first, till about halfway through the dance when she thanked me for keeping out of trouble. Which made me pout again, and I gave her the same tease that I said to Carol.

Mom just rolled her eyes, then asked "At least wait till Carol's parents have left before you stir things up."

"I can do that," I grinned. My expression shifted to a hopeful smile as I asked, "So how long before I get a baby brother or sister?"

Mom actually gave me a serious answer, "Carol and I talked briefly about children, and whether we'd look into adoption or try and find a donor so one of us could have a child of our own. Neither of us felt strongly enough about either option though."

"Aww," I pouted.

A moment later my grin was back as I half-whispered, "You know we have access to magic right? If you and Carol wanted a kid without worrying about donors or adoptions or whatever, Lily could definitely fix you up. All you'd have to do is decide which one wants to be the daddy."

Then the grin became a smirk as I added, "You don't even have to do a complete change either. Like just add that one bit down there? Sue does it with her shapeshifting all the time, and it's totally hot and loads of fun! And don't worry about it being permanent, Lily can just -"

"Not now Mara," mom stated as her cheeks went bright red.

I giggled as the two of us finished our dance.

There was one last set of staged dances, where Mira was with mom and I was with another of Carol's relatives. Then at last we were all free and the photographer packed up while the DJ started playing some fun music. There was more booze and some snacks on a few tables against the wall, and everyone got into the party spirit.

I ended up in Mira's arms for the next dance or two. That drew some attention from the other guests, but we kept it mostly clean and stuff. And over the next hour or so the two of us danced with the rest of our girlfriends as well.

Mom and Carol spent the rest of the night either dancing together or cuddling together at one of the tables, drinking wine and talking with friends and stuff. They looked super cute and happy, and me and my girlfriends spent a bit of time hanging out with them before we went off to dance more or whatever.

Over the course of the night me and Mira had some of mom's friends come to talk with us too. They were curious how mom suddenly had twins or whatever. And the answers we gave them depended on the vibes we got through our intuition.

Like for some folks, Mira gave them a plausible-sounding story that kind of made sense. For other folks, I told them a limited version of the truth, like without the demonic stuff. Basically that me and Mira were the same person but magically split into two bodies or whatever. Though folks automatically assumed I was just joking around when I told them that.

The best part was Mira didn't give the same answer twice, so after a couple hours there were like ten different stories circulating about the two of us. And that had all six of us giggling, like me and Mira and our girlfriends were all in on it or whatever.

Apart from that, we actually did stay out of trouble. And I went the whole day and night without revealing any demonic stuff, which I thought was a noteworthy achievement.

Some time around ten o'clock we spotted those two local girls snooping about again. They didn't exactly blend in since the blonde was wearing an enormous witch-hat, which seemed about as subtle as me with my horns and tail. And I still thought they looked like harmless teens, but Mira went to shoo them away again incase they were thinking of causing trouble.

All in all though it was a good party, and a really good day. The only thing missing was Lily, I hadn't heard a peep from her all day. In fact she'd been keeping to herself for some time, and both Mira and I were getting worried about her.

I knew this wasn't the time or place, but sooner or later my demon twin and I were going to have to sit down and have a talk with our demon mom. I had a feeling something was bothering her again, and as usual she was hiding and keeping it to herself.

As for the party, mom and Carol hung around dancing and drinking and socializing till about half past eleven. Other folks left early, while some stayed late. It didn't actually wrap up till about two in the morning when the DJ started packing up. By that point there were only a dozen or so left, including the DLP.

The six of us had a couple rooms in the resort, but that night we all packed into one of them and wrapped up the evening exactly how you'd expect for a pair of sex demons and their four succubi girlfriends.

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