I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 44: Extras #2 – Break A Leg

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"By that point I knew I couldn't consume her," Lily mumbled. "And releasing her soul to move on to whatever comes next felt wrong too. I suppose I didn't want her death on my conscience? I told myself it was because she'd learned some valuable lessons, and I didn't want those lessons to be lost."

She was obviously embarrassed, or maybe even ashamed. There was definitely some guilt in her expression and her voice as she continued, "So I decided to restore her, to give her a second chance. Except after a full week her body was gone and buried, so I needed to find her a new one. Kathrine Conway was seventeen years old and had just been killed by a drunk driver. She was taken to hospital where machines were keeping her alive until her parents could arrive to say goodbye, but her soul had already moved on. I healed the fatal injuries, then placed her soul within. She got a second chance at life, the Conways got a second chance with their daughter. Everyone was happy and I thought that was the end of it."

"I hoped I could forget all about her and what I did to her," our mater added with a sigh. "Instead she started emailing me. She kept me updated on her recovery, her experiences with therapy, and her family and social life as she did her best to step into Katherine's life. And somewhere along the way, she became my penpal, and I suppose, my friend."

Lily went quiet after that, and after a minute or so I realized she'd finished her story.

I had no idea what to say or how to react though, so all I could come up with was "Wow."

"Yeah," Mira agreed. "I can see why you didn't want anyone to know about that."

Our demon mom sighed again as she leaned back on the leather sofa between the two of us. She still had that sad, guilty expression on her face as she stared quietly at the floor.

"It's ok mater," my twin added as she hugged our demon mom's right side.

At the same time I hugged her from the left and agreed, "Yeah. It was years ago right, you've never done it again since then. And Kate's ok right? Like she's doing good?"

Lily sighed again, "She's alright now. Or as alright as a human can be, after what I did to her and what I put her through."

"She's doing her music stuff," I pointed out. "Apart from being scared of me, she seemed happy and stuff?"

Mira nodded, "It's hard to know for sure because of how she's scared of us, but from what I could see she's doing ok."

Our mater still looked awkward, so I tried to turn the conversation away from Kate. I didn't think it through though so the direction I took it wasn't actually any better.

"So was that the last time you tried to feed on a human soul?" I asked. "Or wait no, that happened in April twenty-twenty, but I remember you said the last one was in May that year."

Lily shook her head, "There were two more. After what I did with Kate I'd all but lost my stomach for it, but I needed to feed that night. And the drunk driver who killed the original Katherine was available, so I took him in her place."

"Needless to say I didn't play with that meal," she added quietly. "I made it as quick and painless and pleasant for him as I could."

After another pause she continued, "I swore off any human souls after that. I had Verothilas' brooch to sustain me, plus the energy that was coming in from your girlfriends, plus I could still feed the way I used to in the beginning? I can feed exactly the same way as my succubi do, by absorbing energy during sex. And just like them, I don't need to kill to do it."

Mira prompted, "There was one more in May though? What happened there?"

"Mara happened," our mater stated, which made me cringe.

She hugged me, "I'm sorry Mara, I didn't mean to sound so accusing. You accidentally conjured two dozen gold and silver coins, that drained all my energy and I had no choice. I had to go out and consume a soul that night. Once again I made it quick, painless, and pleasurable. And that was the very last one."

"Sorry Lily," I hugged her back. "I was so clueless, I didn't realize you'd stopped doing that. And I didn't know the thing with the coins hurt you."

She shook her head, "It's not your fault. You know me, always so secretive and mysterious. It's my fault you didn't know."

"We know now," Mira stated. "And we're proud of you mater. You made a mistake with Kate, but you learned from it. And it's made both you and her into better people. I'm sure of that."

"Thank you Mira," our mater smiled weakly.

The three of us shared a long three-way hug as I added, "I'm glad you and Kate became friends. I think it's important."

"Agreed," my other half stated. "I bet it's been good for both of you."

Our demon mom looked uncertain, but she didn't argue. I got the feeling there was even more to that part of the story that we hadn't heard yet, and if I had time I would have insisted on learning those details too. Unfortunately there was somewhere I needed to be.

I sighed, "I hate to break this up but I actually need to get going? Gregory will get all whiney if I'm not in costume and ready to go fifteen minutes before my first bit."

Mira nodded, "I should go too. People will get cross with me if they think I'm sleeping through the performances."

Lily rolled her eyes, "You two insisted on doing this now. We could have waited till tonight. Or next week. Or never."

"Now or never," I grinned. "You know me, I'd 'make a mental note to do it later' and never think of it again."

Mira giggled but said, "Go on Mara, before you get in trouble. I'll see you again after the show's over. Break a leg!"

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We both got to our feet then turned and gave our mater stereo kisses on the cheeks. Then I went out the one window and my twin went through the other, as we returned to our respective bodies. And yes, we took a moment to make double sure we were going out into the right bodies.

Mira was already out in the audience, sitting with the rest of the DLP. And I was hiding in a stall in the washroom near the make-up and costume rooms. If we'd got that backwards I'd have ended up in the audience while she'd have found herself back stage.

It didn't take long for me to get changed into my bustier and ruffled skirt outfit. I slipped on the heels, then did my own make-up and touched up my hair for the play.

When I was ready I went to hang out in the wings, where I found the rest of the troupe I was with. Lucy was there, along with Cam and Mark and Becca, and those two quiet girls who's names I never ever got. None of us said anything, since there was a performance already under way out on the stage. Me and the others exchanged quiet nodds and waves or whatever though.

Then we spent the next while just watching and staying out of the way while the other play went through its scenes. The stage crew was on top of things, they were doing set changes in like thirty seconds flat. Though the sets were all kind of simplified, specifically to make it easy for the guys to change stuff up.

When the other group were done our troupe joined in the applause as the curtains closed, then it was a big rush of activity between their lot getting clear of the stage and hauling their sets off with them, while the crew helped them leave and got our stuff ready all at the same time. Lucy was out there to take her place for the opening scene, along with Cam and Becca. Me and Mark and the unnamed duo were all walk-ons for this bit.

And Gregory was there too, he was in the wings to direct us from the sidelines. Though by that point we didn't exactly need him, we all knew our lines and our marks and everything else.

The first scene went fine, everybody hit their cues and nailed their lines. I did my sexy mysterious strut across the stage at the right moment to catch Lucy's character when she faltered, and between my make-up and costume the audience all knew I was supposed to be evil. Then I sauntered off while the others played out the rest of the scene.

It wasn't till the curtain closed for the speedy scene-change when I made my move. I whispered "Back in two seconds, tiny costume update."

"What?" Gregory hissed. "There's no costume change! Mara get back here, damnit!"

I was too quick though, and I did my best not to giggle as I ducked behind some scenery long enough to un-hide my horns and tail. I was playing a demon, I was going to give them a demon. Best damn demon costume in town, except maybe for Lily.

"Oh my God Mara," the director groaned when I stepped back out into view. "Fake horns and a tail? It's trash, they look ridiculous. Take them off."

My tail twitched in frustration, because like how could they look fake when they were the real thing? I couldn't say that obviously, but I sure wanted to. Instead I just giggled quietly, "No time, the curtain's going up!"

I darted out onto the stage and got into position, seated at the table for my 'seedy bar' scene. Cam and Mark were already in position as a couple background extras, and one of those nameless girls was the bartender for this bit while the other one was a waitress. Becca would do a walk-on partway through, but me and Lucy were the only ones with lines. And she only had a few, this was my scene, my big moment.

My position had me seated with my side to the audience, and I made sure every last one of them had a good view of my tail as well as my horns. Right about then Lily facepalmed so hard I felt it, but I didn't let her distract me. I was going to nail this part. After all, it was written for me. Literally.

Then Lucy walked in from the other side of the set, and faltered as she saw me sitting there waiting. That was actually in the script, but I was pretty sure she didn't act that bit. Like she didn't expect to see me with horns and a tail any more than the audience did.

She's a good actress though, and didn't miss a beat. She nervously approached my table then took a seat. I gestured and the waitress brought a drink over, and the two of us started talking.

I delivered my big spiel and Lucy responded with her lines, and in the end she promised to think about selling me her soul but she needed to sleep on it.

The scene ended and the curtains closed, then it was all hustle and bustle to switch the set for the final bit in the park.

Gregory tried to grab me but I twisted past and disappeared out of sight long enough that nobody saw me magically hide my demon bits, then came back out again and grinned "Another successful costume change!"

"Mara you can't drop shit like this on us in the middle of a performance!" the director hissed at me. "We're going to have a serious talk after this is over!"

I rolled my eyes, "Let's see what the audience thinks first ok? Anyways hush, curtain's up!"

When my cue came I stalked out and did my bit, while Lucy's character stood up tall and proud and denied me her soul. Then her and Mark's character kissed and the music played and I was defeated by their heteronormative love or whatever nonsense that was supposed to be.

I couldn't take the blame for that though. My part was written for me, but the rest of the play was written for straight people. If I'd written it the demon would have won and the ending would have been a thousand percent gayer.

Actually that got me thinking, maybe I should take some writing classes next time around. Then maybe I could learn to write the kind of queer-focused demon-centric plays the college was lacking.

Those ideas were shelved for the moment as I got distracted by the applause. It seemed like everyone liked our little play, and we all lined up and bowed as the curtains closed. Then we were scrambling to help clear our set so the next group could take the stage.

And as we all headed off backstage I had Gregory complaining at me again about pulling stunts during performances, Lucy bitching about me upstaging her in my own scene, and the rest of our group all wanting to know how I got the horns and tail to look so realistic.

And where I hid them, how I arranged all that, how I added and removed them from my costume so quickly, and all those other questions I hadn't actually prepared believable answers for.

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