I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 45: Extras #3 – Matinee Performance

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"I can give you want you want, what you need," I offered in a very confident, almost playful voice. That was underlined by the little smirk on my face as I paused briefly to watch my prey.

She was doing her best to stay focused on me, but her eyes were constantly drifting to my right. I had my tail out, it was sticking up above the table that separated us to ensure it was fully visible. And I was swaying it back and forth in a relaxed, lazy pattern that perhaps seemed almost hypnotic.

After a suitably dramatic pause I finished, "All I ask in return is your soul."

Lucy's gasp was echoed by several dozen members of the audience. Everyone knew it was coming, but they all acted surprised to hear it.

My smirk shifted to a wry smile while my tail continued its alluring motions, the spade-shaped tip was slowly tracing a figure-eight in the air next to my head. I kept my eyes fixed firmly on my prey, while she struggled to remain focused on me and not my tail.

"Come on," I almost taunted her. "It's such a small thing. You can't feel it, you can't see it or touch it or taste it. How do you know it's even there? And if you don't know it's there, then you'll never miss it when it's gone. Trust me honey, you wont even feel a thing."

She hesitated as her eyes drifted yet again to my tail. And despite the whole thing being a play, despite the fact that me and Lucy had acted this scene out countless times in rehearsal and twice before in front of an audience, I couldn't help feel like there was maybe a chance that this time she'd actually agree.

In a way it almost felt like we weren't really acting. Like she wasn't Lucy Macintosh, twenty-one year old college student in her second year of drama. She was Phoebe, the desperate and vulnerable young woman on the verge of making a deal with a demon.

And I wasn't Mara Carter the perpetually nineteen-year-old college student with a reputation for being a disruptive goofball who was currently pretending her very real horns and tail were just props and costume accessories. I was the unnamed demon, doing my very best to get the girl seated across from me to willingly give me her soul.

Basically it almost felt like the situation was real, with real stakes. It wasn't our third and final performance, it was real life and I was so close to actually getting my hands on someone's eternal soul I could almost taste it.

Not that I had any idea what I'd do with it if I got it. Like maybe put it on a shelf or something? Dress it up in a little costume? I had no idea what souls looked like. Maybe they really were intangible like my lines claimed. Then again, if it was I could probably still find a way to make it solid. Or like, stuff it inside something. A box or a jar maybe? Or a doll even, then we're back to dressing it up in costumes. Weren't creepy dolls a thing? I wouldn't want it to be creepy though. Maybe a plush toy instead?

Then I realized my mind had completely wandered off and I was being silly or creepy or whatever. I gave myself a mental nudge, because we were in the middle of my big scene and this was serious and for a few moments I'd got lost in my character which was supposed to be the goal of a great actor, according to our drama teacher.

Fortunately the next lines were Lucy's so I didn't have to worry about missing my cue. I quickly focused on what she was saying, and when she was done I responded with my next set of lines.

And despite my character's best efforts, neither Lucy or her character gave up their souls. The scene ended exactly the same way it did the previous two performances, and almost every rehearsal. She wanted more time to think, she wanted to sleep on it. I sat back and watched as she got up and stumbled out of the seedy bar set.

As I watched her go, I couldn't help thinking I got a lot closer this time than the two previous showings. Maybe if we were doing this all week I'd eventually win. But today's matinee was the last show, and I only had a brief appearance in the final scene.

Then the curtains closed for our scene change, and I had no more time for reflection. Or plotting or whatever. It was all rushing to change the set, then I had to hide my horns and tail again when nobody was looking.

Despite Gregory's complaints and everyone's questions on Friday, it turned out my 'costume change' was a huge hit. So I did it again Saturday night. And today I really leaned hard into it. Rather than my tail just hanging out so the audience could see it, I had it moving around and stuff. Like it was convincingly realistic, and my demonic intuition told me a lot of people were super curious how it worked.

I knew there'd be even more questions I couldn't answer after the show was over, but that would be later. For now the final scene was already under way, and when the moment came I was out on stage again, to make my last bid at getting Lucy's soul. And just like every time before, she turned me down.

Except she wasn't standing so proud and tall this time, and she didn't sound quite as certain as before. There was definitely some regret in her voice and her expression, like she'd clearly been tempted. And she was maybe still thinking about it, like taking the easy way definitely had its appeal.

The play ended the same as always, with the boring hetero romance stuff, but I couldn't help feel like both Lucy and the audience were left wondering about the other option. Road not taken or whatever. Which was another thing our drama teacher said was a big deal, like the point of creative works was to make people think and stuff. Visual arts, writing, music, acting, it was all about getting people to think, apparently. And maybe we did that with our little play, which made me happy.

Then it was over and we were rushing to get our park scenery out of the way so the next group could begin their final performance. And after that we were backstage, where all the questions started again same as the previous two nights. Where'd the horns and tail come from, where do I have them hidden, how'd I update my costume so fast.

Today there were some new questions too, like how did I get the tail to move, was it some advanced prosthetics, did I have an accomplice controlling it remotely, and could they all get a closer look at it now that the show was over.

On top of all that, Gregory was still being bitchy about me doing the tail and horns thing without clearing it with him first. Even though I was positive it helped elevate our little play above the other three. In fact after today's performance I had a feeling we'd all be getting top marks from our prof.

Same as before, I did my best to avoiding answering anything. At most I told people I got help from a friend but had to promise to keep it secret. A few folks even thought the 'fake tail' was so well done that whoever was responsible could go pro in the entertainment business. And a few other folks quietly grumbled that my secret friend was probably already in the industry.

I mostly ignored that stuff though, and when the last short play was over the curtain came down for the last time.

Then all four troupes got together along with the stage hands and everyone else for the wrap party, which sounded more impressive than it really was. There was food and snacks and drinks and stuff, but it was mostly like pizza and sandwiches, soda and spring water. And being a Sunday afternoon rather than night time, the whole thing felt more like a high school get-together than a serious party for college students.

It didn't take long for me to decide I'd had enough of it. Plus folks from the other three groups were starting to bug me about the tail and horns, so I slipped away as soon as I could. I made my way out and headed for the exit as I looked for a convenient spot to make myself invisible and sprout some demonic wings. All my girlfriends and my other half were back at home, and I was eager to join them.

A half minute later I stepped out into the parking lot, but as I was about to stretch out my wings I spotted my newest friend and another young woman I figured was her girlfriend. It looked like maybe they were waiting for a ride or something, they were standing together by the corner of the building.

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Kate looked more or less like she did on Friday, except her make-up was done up a little nicer and she was wearing fancier clothes. Like she'd left the cute innocent look behind and gone for sexy today.

And Hannah, assuming that's who it was, looked pretty good too. The brunette was a couple inches taller than Kate, with an attractive face and an average build. Her hair was done in a short pixie-cut, and she wore a pair of fashionable glasses. Her make-up was similar to Kate's, and she was wearing a cute skirt and blouse combo.

I disappeared my wings then cancelled the invisibility spell as I headed over to them. I waved, "Hi Kate! I'm glad you made it! And hello, are you Hannah? I'm Mara, we met once at a halloween party a few years ago."

They were both surprised to see me, but Kate didn't seem anxious about talking to me this time. On the other hand Hannah seemed kind of uneasy which surprised me. As far as I knew she didn't really know me, and I doubted Kate would have told her any details.

"So did you two catch the play?" I asked as I joined them. "Was it ok? Did you like it?"

They were both still staring at me, but Hannah was the first to reply. She sounded a little awkward as she asked, "Is there a reason you're wearing the demon props again?"

I grimaced as I suddenly realized why they were staring and why Hannah was uneasy. I'd cancelled the spell hiding my demon bits when I made my whole body invisible so I could fly home. But when I dispelled the invisibility and got rid of my wings, I forgot to re-hide my demon bits.

"Uh, no reason?" I finally shrugged, as I decided to play it off like it was no big deal. I just hoped Lily wasn't paying attention, so I could avoid the lecture later. "So anyways, what did you two think of the play?"

Kate nodded, "It was good. You were um, very convincing. I was almost positive that girl was going to give you her soul."

"I know, right?" I grinned. "Too bad this was the last showing. I bet if we did three or four more performances I'd be able to change her mind. Then again if I wrote the play I'd get both the girl and her soul every time. There's already more than enough hetero stuff in media, right? We need more queer demonic representation."

"Uh, yeah," Kate nodded slightly. "Definitely more queer representation anyways."

Hannah meanwhile was mostly staring at my tail, which was swishing back and forth behind me. She slowly moved around to the side as she stared, then asked "How does it work? Battery pack and motors? How do you control it? And for that matter, how's it attached? And the horns too, I don't see any strap or a headband or anything."

I blushed, those were the sort of questions that made me sneak away from the wrap party. Well that and the generally boring atmosphere and the gaggle of girlfriends waiting for me at home. And like usual I didn't have any good answers ready, so I did the same thing I always did in that situation. I told the truth but played it off as a joke.

"Actually they're not props or part of a costume," I replied with a grin. "I'm a real demon, these are my real horns and tail."

I figured Hannah would laugh or roll her eyes, or maybe she'd make some derisive comment and tell me it was a serious question. So I was really unprepared when she took my answer seriously.

Her eyes widened and she gulped, "That explains so much."

"It does?" I asked, but this time I was feeling a little anxious. The fact that she wasn't laughing at my 'joke' seemed like a bad sign.

Hannah nodded slowly, "I thought your tail moved way too realistically to be a prop or animatronic. And you look like you haven't aged at all since I met you at that halloween party? That was four years ago, but you're exactly the same. I mean, except for the wings and your skin was more red back then. And I remembered thinking at the time that your wings and tail looked too realistic. So um, how come a real demon's attending college?"

By that point both me and Kate were cringing slightly. Except apart from seeming wary and surprised, Hannah wasn't really freaking out or anything. Like she hadn't run off screaming or whatever. So I figured she was probably kind of cool with me being a demon.

"I'm here to get a drama diploma," I explained. "I already got one in photography. And I'm thinking of maybe trying for one in drawing next time? Or maybe I'll try creative writing, I'm not sure yet. That's why I'm at college."

She looked like she had more questions about that, but before she could ask I continued "Anyways I need to get back home and see my girlfriends, but if you want to talk more you two are totally invited to our Canada Day party! There'll be drinks, music, BBQ, fireworks, the usual. And you won't be the only humans there so don't worry about that."

Hannah looked to her girlfriend, and Kate shrugged.

Then the cute blonde musician looked to me and nodded, "We'll be there. Um, Lily emailed me yesterday and said it was ok. I mean, ok for me to talk with you, and ok for me to come to the party."

"Cool!" I grinned. "I'll let the others know you're coming! Monday July first obviously, party starts around four-ish and goes till whenever! Now I have to fly, my girlfriends are waiting."

I had my wings re-appear, which startled both Kate and Hannah. Then I turned and took a few fast steps before launching myself into the air with a powerful beat of my big bat-like wings. I even remembered to make myself invisible before too many people noticed.

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