I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 5: 5. Snapshotting

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"Let's see?" Susan asked as she moved to stand beside me.

I angled my camera so she could see the little screen on the back, where my latest picture was being displayed. I'd snapped a candid shot of Amber, she'd been fiddling with some settings on Melissa's camera and got a bit flustered, then Melissa made a joke and the small succubus started giggling.

It was a cute silly moment with a big grin on her face and she looked totally adorable and innocent and happy. And I captured it perfectly.

Sue smiled, "Cute."

Amber gave the two of us a suspicious look, "What are you two plotting?"

"Nothing," I replied with an innocent smile.

Our small brunette girlfriend stuck her tongue out at me and Susan, then snapped a picture of the two of us as we were both still looking at my camera display.

Melissa teased, "If we were just going to take pictures of each other we could have done that at home you know?"

Amber suggested with a straight face, "We can do that tonight if you like? We'll set up your lights in the guest room then we can take turns doing boudoir shots of each other."

Grace had been quiet, and maybe pretending she wasn't listening in on the four of us. Her cheeks went bright red though, and I knew she'd been paying attention. And thanks to my intuition thing I knew she was almost curious enough to try it, while also feeling scared that Amber might actually be serious.

I also knew that my three succubus girlfriends were having an effect on the human girl again, but Grace hadn't figured out the connection yet. As of last week she knew Melissa and Susan and Amber were succubi, but she hadn't realized it was their supernatural beauty or whatever that kept leading to all the fantasies she had about them.

"Anyways, where are we heading next?" Susan finally asked.

Grace responded, "Do you mind if we go check out the marina?"

We were all on board with that idea, so the five of us left the small park and walked across the parking lot then onto the bit where the land went out into the lake.

I was pretty sure it was man-made, like I didn't think the land was naturally in that shape or whatever. It was like a shelter for the marina, it went past a restaurant and another parking lot, then another parking lot that was for boats instead of cars. Finally we ended up on a narrow bit of land with the lake on our right and the marina on our left. And further left past the marina was the mainland and the bluffs.

At the very end of the land in front of us was a gap of water, so boats could get in and out between the marina and the lake. It was about a hundred meters wide, and on the other side was another long narrow strip of land.

As we walked we were all taking pictures and talking and stuff. Well, all but Susan since she didn't bring a camera and wasn't into the photography stuff. But I was glad she came with us, and I hoped she was enjoying herself.

"I guess to get over there," Amber gestured at the strip of land opposite us, "We have to go all the way around the whole marina?"

Melissa nodded, "Looks like it. I'd also like to go there too."

The tall blonde pointed to our left, where there was another man-made chunk of land in the middle of the marina with more boats all around it.

Grace nodded, "Yeah me too. If you all don't mind a bunch of walking?"

None of us minded. I smiled and teased, "I bet you're happy you didn't bring that twenty-pound camera bag this time?"

The fashionable blonde grimaced slightly, "Yeah, I am. When we went to the zoo I figured I should bring an assortment of lenses just in case? But I only actually used one the whole day, the rest were just dead weight."

She was still carrying her big heavy pro DSLR with a heavy telephoto zoom lens, but instead of the camera bag she just had her purse over her shoulder. The camera and lens probably weighed a couple pounds, but that was like a tenth of what she was hauling around at the zoo last month.

I was travelling light same as before, with my consumer DSLR and the lightweight kit lens that came with it. Melissa had her little mirrorless again, but today she brought a telephoto zoom lens. She also had the little wide-angle lens in her purse, just in case. And Amber was carrying Melissa's DSLR which was the same make and model as mine, but Amber was using a telephoto zoom lens. Actually everyone was using telephoto zooms except me, now that I thought about it.

We had loads of subjects to choose from too. It was a bright sunny Sunday afternoon, the weather was great with a gentle but constant breeze coming in off the lake. The marina was busy, with boats coming and going regularly. And there were dozens of boats out on the lake, while the sunlight sparkled on the waves. And there were lots of other people walking around, some with cameras, some with fishing rods, or walking dogs, all that kind of stuff.

None of us came out and said what we were taking pictures of, but I was kind of guessing based on what I saw when the others stopped to shoot.

Like at the zoo, Melissa was taking pictures of people again. She was also getting shots of boats, though mostly she was shooting towards the marina rather than boats out on the lake. Grace's attention seemed divided between boats on the lake and landscape shots of the bluffs and the park and stuff. Amber looked like she was interested in pictures of boats and pictures of us. And as usual, I was taking pictures of whatever caught my eye at the moment, though I was trying to get pictures of the bluffs too.

We'd had a bit of a late start, we didn't leave the house till about one in the afternoon. Melissa drove, but we had to wait till Grace could join us which meant waiting till after she was free from church and other family obligations.

The five of us turned around and walked back along that narrow strip of land then past the restaurant and stuff again, as we slowly made our way around the marina and onto the funky-shaped chunk of land in the middle.

What was less than a hundred meters across water turned out to be more like a kilometer or so going the long way around. And it took us more than a half hour because we were taking our time and stopping to shoot pictures, or just talking and enjoying the warm summer day and each other's company.

The funky chunk of land turned out to be more marinas, like what I thought at first was one big thing was actually three or four separate things all kind of connected in one spot. Sailing club, yacht club, marina, maybe another yacht club, all right there. They also had a couple boat launching ramps and stuff, and another parking lot full of boats on land.

We probably spent another half hour exploring that stuff, before the five of us moved back to the mainland then continued our way around. Past all the marinas and stuff there was a decent sized beach, with sand and water and loads of people. It was kind of pretty, with the bluffs at the left then trees and stuff, then a wide sand beach and finally the lake on the right.

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At that point the five of us split up for a little while. Melissa and Susan and Amber wanted to explore around the beach, while me and Grace went inland to get a closer look at the bluffs.

Before we left the path she paused to swap lenses on her camera. Her big telephoto went into her purse and she replaced it with a normal zoom that gave her the same sort of flexibility I had with my kit lens.

She wasn't exactly dressed for hiking, not that I was either, but my casual style at least wasn't too out of place. Like usual I was in leggings and a tunic top and sneakers, while Grace wore a white sundress with a floral pattern, and a pair of proper shoes. Fashionable as always, but I figured her shoes had to be comfortable since she'd have known to expect a lot of walking today.

We headed inland from the path, and soon we were picking our way through weeds and bushes, then between trees and stuff. The ground was kind of rough and rugged, and a moment later we emerged from the trees at the base of the bluffs. I was pretty sure I saw some notices back at the path warning about falling rocks and stuff, so I was a little wary of getting too close to the very bottom.

It wasn't like a sheer vertical cliff or anything, but it was way too steep to think about climbing and it was impressively high. Like seventy or eighty meters I figured. I wasn't sure how to describe the rocky terrain, but I knew there were probably complicated geology words for all the stuff me and Grace were looking at.

"This is kind of pretty in a rugged sort of way," she commented. "It's almost hard to believe places like this exist so close to home."

"Yeah you're right," I smiled. "It's like, normal suburbs with houses and strip malls and schools and stuff, then suddenly pow! Massive cliffs and lake!"

She smiled at my enthusiasm, then after another half minute or so we both started figuring out what sort of angles we wanted for taking pictures. Once we had some shots in mind, the two of us wandered around together as we looked for ideal spots to take our pictures. Whenever one or the other found something we both stopped and took some time to frame our shots just right.

Or at least, that's what Grace did. I did that too, but I also messed around a bit and had fun. Some of my profs would call it snapshotting, just shooting pictures without much thought, while others would describe it as being more 'free and abstract'. Either way I was having fun, which I figured was just as important as getting good pictures. And usually I did both, so it worked out perfectly anyways.

We'd been away from the others for about fifteen or twenty minutes, we'd just stopped to take some pictures of a cool circular chunk like someone took a bite out of the cliffs, when Grace spoke up.

"I've been thinking a lot about everything you and your girlfriends told me last weekend," she said in a quiet but serious voice.

I glanced around but we appeared to be completely alone, I couldn't see or hear anyone else nearby.

"Oh yeah?" I asked. "Nothing bad I hope?"

She shook her head, "No I don't think so. Actually it's something Amber said, that's been on my mind a lot lately."

"I guess you want to talk about it?" I asked.

"Yeah," she responded. After a deep breath she said, "According to Amber, the three of them signed contracts with your demon friend. She said they all received something they really wanted? And in return they had to do something for the demon. And she said that somehow involved the three of them being changed into... You know."

I watched her but stayed quiet, all I did was nodd for her to continue.

Grace took another deep breath then sort of braced herself and asked, "Could your friend help me? And what would she want in return?"

That was it, I figured that was the thing Lily said I had to wait for. None of us offered or suggested Lily could help, though Amber probably came really close when she told Grace that stuff last week. And now Grace was asking, and I got the feeling it took some effort for her to work up the courage to do so.

I kept my voice down as I replied, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure she can help you. This isn't something we should discuss in public though, ok? When we're done taking pictures we'll head back to the house and order in dinner or something. Then you can talk with Lily in private, and she'll explain everything."

The fashionable blonde's eyes widened, "I'll actually meet her? The demon?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "You can talk with me and the others first, and we'll talk again after. But none of us can say for sure what kind of deal Lily will offer you? And anything they tell you about their contracts might just mislead you or whatever, since we can't know what yours might be like. So yeah, it's better for you to discuss those details with Lily first."

Grace looked uncertain for a few moments, then finally agreed "Ok Mara. I get it, and I guess I'd have to meet with her sooner or later if I was going to ask for her help."

After a moment she smirked as her cheeks went pink. She slowly shook her head as she commented, "You know I used to think half the stuff my dad spewed in his sermons was bullshit, except it seems like at least some of it just came true? I became friends with a queer girl, then last week I slept with her. And now a week after sleeping with another girl I'm thinking about signing a contract with a demon."

That made me grin at first, but after a few seconds my expression shifted to a grimace.

"I feel like I need to make some kind of disclaimer or something?" I said with a blush.

Then in a sort of mock-serious voice I stated, "Mara and her girlfriends are not typical and do not necessarily represent the queer community as a whole. Most lesbians and trans people have no particular demonic affiliations. Your queer experience may vary. This has been a public service announcement."

Grace giggled quietly as she shook her head and rolled her eyes.

I grinned at her, "Anyways c'mon! Let's do some more shooting, then we'll meet up with the others."

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