I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 6: 6. Reviewed

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=::= Grace's PoV =::=

It was almost overwhelming.

Actually no, there was nothing almost about it. I was overwhelmed.

Everything I'd been told, everything I'd learned in the past hour or so, it all bubbled over and I was left struggling to process even the small mundane things.

Truthfully it started last weekend when I discovered Mara's invisible tail. Being able to touch and feel something real and solid, something that shouldn't exist on a human being, that was bad enough. But seeing with my own eyes, or rather not seeing with my own eyes because it was actually invisible, that was the first significant crack in the foundation of my reality.

Up till that moment I thought the biggest, most Earth-shattering revelation in my life had been realizing I was attracted to other girls. After a lifetime of listening to my parents tell me queer people were evil and were all going to hell, accepting that aspect of myself was a scary, difficult, painful process.

But that was nothing compared to the discovery that the girl I'd become infatuated with was actually part demon, that she had horns and a tail and access to real magic. And that magic itself was a real tangible thing.

Finding out her girlfriends were all part-succubus had been another mind-breaking revelation.

Then after our photography excursion today, the five of us came back to their house and talked some more over drinks. I tried to pace myself but still ended up drinking two glasses of wine in under an hour.

None of them would share all the details of their contracts, but they answered some of my other questions. The biggest was what sorts of things did they want badly enough to make a deal with a demon.

I almost felt ashamed after hearing their answers. I felt like a spoiled brat, my own problems seemed so petty and minor by comparison. Melissa and Amber needed Lily's help to transition, Susan wanted to be part of a family that would never abandon or leave her.

All I wanted was some help escaping my parents, because I wasn't brave enough to try and do it on my own.

I even mentioned that, how silly I felt to be even contemplating this sort of supernatural solution to what was really a short-term mundane problem. Like if I could just stick it out for a few more years, finish my education and get a good job then maybe I wouldn't need my parents anymore.

They all understood that too. Melissa even said it - all three of them had other options, but all three of them took the easier way. And none of them would look down on me for doing the same.

And at that point all that was left was for me to meet the demoness herself. Which was another wild experience.

Mara led me down into their basement. I sat on the sofa, she sat across from me on a recliner. Then she told me to wait a minute or so while she went and fetched her demon friend.

I was expecting red skin, hoofed feet, wings, that sort of thing. Horns and a tail too of course, but Mara already had those on full display.

Instead the girl I'd been crushing on for the past six or seven months shifted her posture slightly then addressed me with a different tone of voice. Her body language changed too, she had different mannerisms.

She was the same cute dusky-skinned brunette with the same voice, and if I hadn't been told to expect someone else I'd have let it pass thinking Mara's mood had shifted. Knowing that she'd actually been possessed, that another entity had taken over her body was yet another reality-shaking experience.

Despite my unease, and despite everything I'd been taught about demons my whole life, Lily was polite and patient. She seemed to be compassionate and understanding, and she definitely seemed protective of Mara and the other girls.

She acknowledged that there were mundane solutions to my problem, and even discussed them with me. As with most problems in life, it came down to money. If I had enough to cover my tuition for the last two years of college, as well as money for rent and living expenses for a couple years, I'd be able to walk away from my parents. That would be enough to get me through school, enough to cover things while I got a job and got established.

To a girl who'd never had a real job and relied on her parents for everything, it seemed like a lot of money. But in reality it wasn't that much. Lily posed the question, was it worth entering into a life-changing contract with a demon?

It actually sounded like she was trying to talk me out of it, like she wanted to spare me or save me from making a decision I might regret later in life. And ironically, that just served to make me trust her, to make me more inclined to form a contract with her.

So we talked about the actual terms, and I finally found out why Melissa and Susan and Amber had become part succubus. I found out what it was Lily wanted in return, and what I'd be expected to do for her, to repay her for helping me.

She explained the requirements and limitations, how I'd have to sleep with different humans on a regular basis, how I'd have to transfer the energy I gathered from them back to her.

That was the first setback. Considering it took me a month to work up the courage to spend a night with Mara, I had a hard time imagining how I'd survive as a part-succubus.

The second setback was the realization that if I did this, I might be expected to sleep with guys as well as girls. I'd already figured myself out and I knew I wasn't straight or even bi. I was a lesbian, I wasn't attracted to men and didn't want to have sex with them. Half the reason I wanted to get away from my parents was they kept pressuring me to find a boyfriend, preferably the son of someone in my dad's congregation. There wasn't much point to taking Lily's offer if I'd just end up having to sleep with guys regardless.

And the final setback was when it hit me that I'd basically be a supernatural prostitute. I'd be having sex for money, the only unusual part was it would be Lily paying me to have sex with strangers, rather than the strangers themselves paying for the experience. And despite the things my parents taught me, I already knew there wasn't anything inherently wrong with sex work. It was still work, even if our laws and society tried to treat it differently. But it wasn't work I'd have ever considered doing for myself.

So there I was, literally in the demon's den, face to face with her as she finished describing what I'd have to do to repay her. We both sat quietly for another minute or so after she was done. She was probably waiting for me to respond, while I thought again about those three big setbacks.

I finally sighed and shook my head, "I appreciate the offer, but I really don't think I can do any of that? I'm sorry for wasting your time..."

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Lily obviously caught the disappointment in my voice. I'd almost convinced myself I wanted this, until she told me what I'd have to do. And I couldn't lie to myself any longer about how much I wanted out from under my parents' control, how much I wanted my independence.

"Perhaps we could make some other arrangements then?" she asked. "Or find some way to make things work for you? I hope it doesn't sound like I'm trying to coerce you Grace, but I can tell you're disappointed."

After a moment she asked, "Was there anything specific that bothers you, about working for me this way?"

I blushed slightly as I replied, "I guess two things... First off I don't want to have to sleep with guys. Ever. And um, I don't know that I have the confidence to sleep with strangers like that even if they were the sort of people I was attracted to?"

The demoness looked thoughtful as she contemplated my answer.

"Hmm. There's nothing specific that says you'd have to sleep with men. Melissa and Susan both do so because they find it easier to locate willing participants that way, but there are other options. As for the lack of confidence, we have some options there too. For one thing, you might find becoming part-succubus is in itself a confidence boost. Beyond that though, if you wanted to feel more confident we could work that into the contract? A little magic can work wonders on low self-esteem."

I frowned, "How? I mean, how does that work? Like how can magic help with a lack of confidence?"

Lily smiled, "The easiest way is to simply change it. I'm sure countless self-help authors would disagree, but with magic I can make you more confident or help you to believe in yourself."

That left me with several more questions, things I was sure my philosophy teacher would love to discuss. Would I still be me if my confidence was artificially inflated? What would that feel like? How would that impact the rest of my life?

If I had more confidence to begin with I might not be here talking with Lily at all, I might have already moved out of my parents house and tried to make it on my own. Or conversely, maybe I'd have already signed a deal with Lily because I was confident enough to know I could handle it.

After another minute or two I bit my lip then took a deep breath and asked, "Is it possible to see an actual contract? Like so I could see the actual terms and conditions in writing? I'm not saying I'm looking to sign something, but I think I need to see the details and the fine print before I can really consider the situation."

"Of course," Lily replied. She held out her hand and a neat little stack of paper appeared, as if she had a secretary type the whole thing up and hand it to her on the spot.

Lily reached over and held it out, I leaned forward and took it from her. The stack of pages was stapled in the top left corner, they were all laser-printed and it looked incredibly bland and mundane considering it represented a supernatural contract with a demon.

"Take your time," she told me as I settled back on the sofa with my eyes on the document. "Read it thoroughly, and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions."

I spent the next ten or twelve minutes doing just that. Despite looking like a typical legal contract there was actually very little legalese in it. The wording was straightforward, there wasn't page after page of fine print, and it clearly outlined what she was offering me and what I'd have to do in return.

The surreal thing was in a way it was sort of like a bank loan, except with better and friendlier terms than I'd get from an actual bank.

Lily was going to give me enough money to get me established. The amount she indicated would easily cover rent, living expenses, tuition, and more for at least five years. In addition to the money, I'd also receive a magical boost to my confidence and self-esteem. And both the money and the magic were mine to keep, I wouldn't have to repay the funds or give up the enhancements when the contract was over.

I'd also become part-succubus, but that was temporary and would end when the contract expired. And that term was listed as being no longer than sixty months, with a provision that Lily could end it early if she wished. That is, she could decide to let me go at any time with no repercussions to me. But at worst, it would be over in five years regardless. During that time, I'd be expected to provide her a steady supply of energy I harvested through sex with humans.

Finally there were a handful of other terms and provisions. Most of them made sense, such as an NDA section which ensured I couldn't tell people about Lily or her magic or my contract. There were also some points describing how Lily would look after me and keep me safe and healthy, and that as a part-succubus I'd be immune from sickness and disease. That was a nice surprise, and it reminded me of something Mara said at one point about being perpetually young and healthy and attractive.

One clause that caught my eye stated that there was a possibility my part-succubus nature could become permanent, and that nature could expand all the way to becoming a full succubus. That would depend on Lily making the offer, but it would be my choice whether or not to accept, and I'd be under no additional obligation either way.

In the end I read through the document a couple times, but I couldn't bring myself to make a decision.

"Sorry Lily," I shook my head. "I just don't know."

Lily gave me a compassionate smile, "I understand Grace. It's all right, I don't want you to feel pressured into anything. Not even into giving me an answer. If you want to sleep on it, or take a few days to think it over, that's fine. You can always visit again and talk to me another time."

"Thanks," I grimaced. "Actually I might do that? Sleep on it I mean."

She nodded, "Of course. Were there any more questions, or shall I rouse Mara and let her take over?"

I couldn't think of anything else, so that was the end of our meeting. She took the unsigned contract back, I wasn't allowed to keep it. The stack of papers vanished and she closed her eyes.

A moment later her eyes opened and she smiled. Her posture relaxed and in a casual tone she asked, "Hey Grace, it's Mara again. How'd it go with Lily?"

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