I Guess, Another World Is Really Different

Chapter 27: Ch 27. Confession?

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'Yuri Carlton... For some reason she gives me a very familiar feeling.... The kind of feeling I get from Violet.'

Arthur who was ahead on a horse thought about the Yuri Carlton. To him for some reason, a very familiar feeling came to him like when he first met Violet.

'Yes. The feeling of an anime character. Just like Violet. But since she is living in this world from the time she is born, then isn't it is just my suspicion? Or is it... Sigh. As usual I am over thinking. Thinking now won't get me anywhere.'

With a normal rhythm, the horses pulled the carriages and Arthur and Violet both of them were at the front and end of the carriage looking out for any enemy.

Since it's been more than 12 hours, the Count told them to take a bit rest before travelling again.

Despite this long journey, the horses were still fit and were in good condition. Arthur was indeed curious and looked at the jewel on the top of its head.

"Oh! It's enchanted."

For a master enchanter like him, it's easy to identify and find what enchantment was in the gem.

"An enchantment to relieve the fatigue. Not bad."

"Are you impressed? This Guru-sama's product. She is so amazing to able to make it."

From his back, the orange haired girl came in a surprise.

"So, are you a fan of Guru?"

"It's Guru-sama, right? And I like enchantments. So, I like Guru-sama who is the best enchanter."

Yuri with her clumsy bubbly personality said with a finger pointed at him.


Arthur looked at her anime like response and laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing. It's just you are really cute."

Yuri blushed at his words. Though she acts in a free manner, she isn't too dense. After she is a maiden.

While a garden of flowers was sprouting between both of them, Violet noticed and somehow felt if something was snatched from her.

She instinctively came running to them.

"Oh! Violet, what happened?"

"I-its just... What to say--"

Violet didn't knew what to say since she just came here because she felt it. Seeing her so flustered, Arthur stroked her head.

"Sorry but can you leave me with her for minute?"

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Yuri nodded and returned to the carriage herself leave both of them alone.

"So, tell me Violet. What's the problem?"


Though Violet wasn't born with emotions, she isn't the same person she was before. In this span of 10 years, she encountered different type of people and have learned how a human is.

The most kindest and at the same time the most cruelest.

She has faced so many emotions with Arthur on her side. And the feeling now she felt was something very obvious.


At this moment, Violet knew that she loves him. She wants to stay with him forever. Many people don't know, but Arthur is not strong as he looks.

He is so fragile that with a breeze he might just break. Seeing him like that all time, Violet always wanted to be with him.

As a partner. As a companion. And as a lover. If needs she don't even hesitate to become a tool for him. That's how deep her love is for him.

'Tell him Violet. You have never hesitated to say something. And now you are nervous just to say love him?'

'What if Arthur-sama rejects me?'

'Then you just don't have to give up. Aren't you Violet Evergarden? Aren't you are the person most persistent of all? You never give up even if someone urges you. Then what are you afraid for? If you don't say today you might regret it forever.'

Listening her inner encouragement, Violet determined herself.



Arthur for some reason felt a nervous. Though he always talk with Violet, for some reason she looked a more like woman to him for the moment.

"I lov---"

"Wait! Let's talk later. Something is coming towards us."

'So many enemies! And all of them got demonic energy. What is going on?'

"Violet! You take care of the people. I will see the hell is happening."

Arthur who never have seen so many demons getting together in such a vast number was very worried and quickly returned to the carriage.

For the first time in Violet's life, a very violet emotion was brewing inside her.


Nobody could ever expect, even Arthur could never believe that Violet, the most kind, soft, lovable girl could ever get angry.

And this is the day, Violet Evergarden gets her alias - 'Slaughter Queen.'

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