I Guess, Another World Is Really Different

Chapter 28: Ch 28. Confession?(2)

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Arthur quickly dashed towards the carriage. As he reached, all of them looked at him because of his sudden appearance.

"What happened, Arthur-san?"

A senior merchant, Tris accompanying Count Carlton on this trip came to him.

"Tris-san. Please gather everyone quickly. And make sure that to keep all of them together.

Arthur with his sheath quickly drew a big circle all around the carriages.

Count who was in his rest also heard the ruckus and quickly came to him.

"Arthur-san. What happened?"

"Count Carlton. It's a very serious matter. A huge numbers of demons are coming towards us. Please, quickly tell everyone to come inside this perimeter."

There is no way Arthur can tell them the existence of devils!

'They will definitely panic!'

Count being a reasonable person and a merchant was well aware of sudden dangers during travel.

Even though, he was way higher in terms of status, he understood that he should listen to Arthur.

He nodded to Arthur and quickly informed others with the additional knights he bought with himself.

'He is quite reasonable. Is all nobles of Earlshide Kingdom are like this? Then it's not wrong for them to be most powerful nation in this world.'

Arthur was indeed a bit impressed with the Count Carlton. In Bluesphere Empire, where he only met with nobles having nothing like noble, he never had any good impressions of them.

But Count Carlton surprised him. He could see he really didn't loathe him being a commoner and more than that he was willing to follow his orders.

Nothing like the nobles having arrogance like of gods.


As soon all of them got inside, he quickly casted a big mana barrier all over them. And he quickly casted different enchantments on it.

<Immune Physical Damage>

<Immune Magical Damage>

<Enhance Barrier>

'This!! He casted so many enchantments like nothing! And even top of a mana barrier!!'

Count Carlton, as a noble had vast knowledge about the powers in the society. And he never saw a person casting enchantments like nothing!

But what more surprised him was the method Arthur casted enchantments over the mana barrier!

He was shocked to see Arthur enchanting a magic!

Normally, it's not wrong to do that. But most people enchant items. They never of think of enchanting an existing magic. So, what Arthur did was one of a kind!

'I can't what those enchantments meant but from the reaction of the mana barrier...'

Count just tapped the barrier and was shocked to feel how different it was. Then he looked at Arthur who was in his rhythm.

'So, he is strongest demon hunter! It's not an exaggeration! Rather then that, all are underestimating his worth!'


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"Oh! You're here, Violet!"

Arthur was relieved to see Violet. He was short of hands and surely he couldn't ask the private knights of the Count to aid him.

For some reason, those knights seem to hate him.

'Why they are like that?'

He didn't knew that all knights behave like this in front of magicians.

"Violet. Listen...!"

'Is it okay, to ask her?'

Arthur hesitated to ask her to guard this barrier. 

The army of devils is in a vast number. With his magic he can indeed obliviate all of them.

But one or two will slip from him. And they will come to attack the barrier. And he didn't want Violet to kill humans.

After all, Devils are also former humans.


"Oh! It's nothing. You go inside, Violet. I will close of the barrier entry."

Violet Evergarden has a very good eyes. And how could she ignore the hesitation in Arthur?

"Arthur-sama. I can do whatever you order me."

"Violet. It's really nothing to worry. Just go inside."

"Arthur-sama. Do you see me as a baggage? Am I nothing use of you?"

*Drip* *Drip*

Arthur saw Violet crying in front him. And he just remembered the oath he made years ago.

He saw her eyes with tears looking at him. And for the first time, Arthur finally understood what he was to Violet.

He could feel that Violet everytime only thought of him.

'So, I was that dense. Really...'

He laughed at himself and then quickly hugged her. Violet's eyes widened because of the sudden hug.

'So warm...'

He released her and then looked her eye to eye.

"Then I can order anything to you, Violet?"

"Yes. Arthur-sama."

'If I can be use of Arthur-sama, then it's all for me.'

"Then... follow me for rest of my life."

Violet's eyes widened but then happiness came all over her. 


This time once again tears dropped from her face. But the difference was these tears were of happiness.

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